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Sound Design and Sonic Brand (Google I/O'19)

Google Design2019-05-09
type: Conference Talk (Full production);#pr_pr: Google I/O#purpose: Educate
12K views|5 years ago
💫 Short Summary

Google's Head of Sound Design discusses the importance of sound design in product experiences, emphasizing the impact on user interaction, emotion, and behavior. The video covers material sound design guidelines for creating functional and aesthetic product sounds, highlighting the role of sound in enhancing user experience. It explores principles like informative, honest, and reassuring sound choices, the use of visualization to represent sound attributes, and the importance of consistency and coherence in sound design. The video also touches on the categorization and importance of different types of sounds in UI design, emphasizing the need for environmental factors and personalization options for sound experiences. Dynamic visualization, hero sounds, and brand sounds are discussed as ways to enhance user interactions, with a focus on creating unique sound elements and the use of motifs for communication. The video concludes with a discussion on sound envelopes, effects, hierarchical design of sounds, relational sounds for feedback, and sound mixing considerations, stressing the iterative nature of sound design and collaboration with audio engineers. The importance of audition, iteration, and quality experience in sound design is highlighted, along with the introduction of freely available sounds for product use and future developments in sound design at Google.

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📊 Transcript
Importance of sound design in product experiences.
Google released material sound design guidelines for creating functional and aesthetic product sounds.
The guidelines aim to enhance user interaction over time and add value to the overall product.
Rethinking sound design for products, Google provides techniques and best practices for anyone to use, not just sound designers.
Good sound design can evoke positive emotions and influence consumer behavior.
Importance of sound design in industries like aviation and healthcare.
Research shows that many medical equipment sounds can cause confusion and discomfort to patients.
Sound designers should consider factors like acoustics, psychoacoustics, pitch, and rhythm when creating sound for products.
Google has developed material sound design guidelines to help designers enhance user experience through effective sound considerations.
Principles of creating sound system for best quality.
Sound should be informative, honest, and reassuring, as exemplified by Google's choices.
Importance of silence in balancing overall soundscape.
Use of visualization to represent sound attributes for better understanding and communication.
Exploration of dynamic visualization methods like time-based waveforms to convey sound characteristics effectively.
Importance of Understanding Sound Attributes
Timbre distinguishes sounds like a violin from a piano.
Sound plays a crucial role in UX design by conveying information and brand identity effectively.
Using sound categories like sound, music, and voice creates a cohesive product soundscape.
Consistency and coherence in sound design are essential for a well-designed product ecosystem.
Types of Sounds in UI Design
Primary system sounds are frequent and convey information to the user.
Secondary UX sounds cover less common interactions.
Subtle variation in sounds is needed for a natural experience.
The goal is to create an aesthetic representation of the product soundscape without being intrusive.
Recommendations for sound design in product development.
Lower resolution secondary system sounds to save memory.
Use ambient sounds for emotional connections with products.
Attention-grabbing notifications like alerts and ringtones.
Consider environmental factors in sound design.
Personalization options for sound experiences are beneficial.
Choices for sound customization enhance product engagement.
Discussion of dynamic visualization for sounds and its impact on user experiences.
Showcase of early sketches and final product illustrating expanded sound options for users.
Emphasis on the concept of hero sounds in product experiences and their role in enhancing user interactions.
Mention of brand sounds as ownable assets, with examples like Google Files' hero sound.
Explanation of sound attributes such as tonal and atonal elements, along with Google's design of a simple piano sound for their logo.
Use of tone and sound in design for communication.
Motifs in design are short musical phrases under five notes conveying personality and emotion.
Common motifs include upward for positivity, downward for resolution, and repetition for progress.
Atonal sounds are non-musical and texture-based, while skeuomorphic sounds are derived from real-world examples.
Dynamics in sound involve volume changes for natural sonic behavior and to maintain interest.
Importance of sound envelopes in sound design.
ADSR (attack, decay, sustain, release) shapes impact the listening experience.
Effects like reverb and delay should be used with restraint and thoughtfulness.
Hierarchical design of sounds in product experience is essential.
Prioritizing and gaining buy-in for sound elements can create valuable assets across a brand ecosystem.
Importance of designing sounds for product ecosystems.
Relational sounds can educate users and enhance user experience by teaching concepts like placement, state changes, and urgency.
Sound mixing considerations include context, priority, and physical rendering.
Optimization and auditioning are crucial steps in sound design, emphasizing the iterative nature of the process.
Collaboration with audio engineers is necessary to ensure the final product aligns with the intended design.
Importance of audition, iteration, and re-audition in sound design.
Over 100 versions of the Pixel default ringtone were created to ensure quality experience.
Introduction of a group of freely available sounds for product use.
Sharing of tools and techniques in sound design at Google.
Excitement for future developments in sound design expressed.