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David Byrne: Visitor Experience & Immersive UX

Google Design2018-03-26
David Byrne#UX#Immersive Experience#Culture#Karen Wong
1K views|6 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video explores various immersive experiences, including art installations, virtual reality workouts in museums, and live-action role-playing. It discusses the impact of immersive storytelling, the merging of physical and digital worlds, and the challenges artists face in this field. The segment highlights the growing popularity of shared experiences over material possessions, emphasizing the need for financial support for artists. Overall, it encourages audience participation, experiential learning, and the creation of environments that respect and support immersive art forms.

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📊 Transcript
Discussion on immersion and its components in virtual reality.
The discussion covers embodied presence, active presence, emotional presence, social presence, and mental presence.
David Burns shares his immersive experience with Walter de Maria's Lightning Fields project.
The Lightning Fields project involves a field of lightning rods that light up during a rainstorm, creating a stunning visual display.
Visitors to the Lightning Fields site are immersed in the beauty of the steel poles against the backdrop of mountains.
Workout led by choreographers Monica Bill Barnes and company at the Met Museum.
Participants engage in a workout set to 80s dance music, stopping in front of works of art.
The experience is described as fun, sweaty, and a different way to explore the museum.
A guide plays music on a laptop, creating a lively atmosphere during the workout.
This unconventional approach offers a new perspective on art appreciation and physical activity.
Overview of LARPing and its popularity in Scandinavia and the US.
Players immerse themselves in character and settings, staying in character throughout the experience.
LARPing can involve a range of scenarios from historical reenactments to modern-day situations.
Participants are challenged to embody different roles and engage in collaborative storytelling.
Mention of artists Doug Wheeler and James Turrell who focus on perception in their work.
Artists exploring the space between architecture, neuroscience, and perception in their work.
Examples include a museum incorporating scents, VR rooms showcasing a modernist home, and an exhibition featuring teddy bear images.
Emphasis on the importance of commitment to art viewing.
Discussion on the concept of memory and how architecture evolves through public interaction.
The impact of artist Pippilotta Rist's infinity rooms on museum attendance and membership.
Rist's environmental installations from the 60s and 70s are currently displayed at the museum.
The immersive infinity rooms have led to a 2000% increase in membership and record-breaking attendance.
Rist's exhibition focused on creating spaces for community gathering and new connections.
Visitors were encouraged to lie on a bed and view screens attached to the ceiling on the fourth floor of the exhibition.
Immersive art installations highlighted in the segment.
'Rain Room' at MoMA offers a unique experience and sets the stage for a proposal.
'Famous Deaths' exhibit immerses visitors in historical events such as the Kennedy assassination.
George Martin backs the 'Meow Wolf' installation in Santa Fe, transforming a bowling alley into a maze-like art space.
Participants navigate unconventional pathways in the art space, supported by local artists, and the concept will expand to other cities.
The merging of physical and digital worlds through immersive experiences is discussed in the segment.
Growing popularity of live events like music festivals and concerts is highlighted.
Resurgence of physical immersion in theme parks and theatrical productions is mentioned.
The example of a restaged immersive show about Imelda Marcos in a fake disco setting is used to illustrate audience fascination with controversial figures.
The segment emphasizes the appeal and impact of immersive storytelling and live performances.
Secret Cinema: Immersive experiences of popular movies.
Participants are transported into the world of the movie through immersive environments and themed spaces.
Despite streaming services, the experience is highly valued for its unique and interactive nature.
A Russian film series consisting of 13 films and TV shows set in a specially built city is being developed.
Actors in the Russian film series fully immerse themselves in the set, resembling a reality TV show.
Immersive experiences in neurosociety projects.
Motion capture suits and virtual reality are used to create unique scenarios for participants to become avatars and interact with different characters in a virtual world.
The project aims to push boundaries by exploring neuroscience experiments and creating engaging experiences for audiences.
The focus is on immersive technology and virtual environments to enhance the overall experience.
Immersive experiences in groups explore perception, cognition, and social interaction.
Participants interact with erratic individuals and face a simulated shooting in one simulation.
VR is used to mimic movements and perspectives, creating a sense of embodiment in a different body in another experience.
The 'Being Barbie' study involves participants seeing through a doll's live VR feed and feeling touches on both the participant's and doll's body simultaneously.
Experiments in Menlo Park aim to push the boundaries of immersive technology.
Influence of Appearance on Voting Decisions
Nearly 70% of participants accurately predicted political race winners based solely on appearance, indicating a potential bias in voting behavior.
The experiment also explored how context, such as moral dilemmas and economic games, can impact decision-making processes.
A Barbie experiment conducted in a cult-like setting highlighted the significant influence of visual perception on judgment.
Experiments with sound and perception and visual cues.
Use of slippers with microphones and headphones to manipulate footsteps sounds.
Movement changed instantly in response to altered sound perception.
Disappearing individuals in a disco-like setting by manipulating light and motion.
Change blindness demonstrated through CCTV surveillance, showing how distractions can lead to unnoticed significant changes in a scene.
Social experiment on managing a resource like fish in a sustainable way.
Participants use ping-pong balls to represent fish and must avoid overfishing to survive.
Concept similar to board games like Catan and Pandemic but condensed into a shorter timeframe.
Immersive experience aims to provide insights into social tendencies and cultural production.
Experiment takes place in Menlo Park with plans to expand to ten rooms.
The rise of immersive experiences in art, theater, and other venues due to increased access to digital content.
Shared experiences and collective engagement are valued over luxury goods.
Museums and theaters are shifting towards providing richer and more meaningful interactions.
Audience participation and questions are encouraged for experiential learning and engagement.
Challenges of generating income in immersive and video art.
Economic model for artists in this field is unclear, with questions about funding and financial barriers.
Museums and nonprofits do not typically pay participation fees, relying on philanthropists and galleries for funding.
Emphasis on the need for UX designers and industry professionals to create environments that support artists in immersive art forms.
Emphasis on paying for experiences over physical objects in art consumption.
Pace gallery's immersive art experience with team lab is highlighted as an example.
Importance of avoiding creative pigeonholing and allowing room for experimentation in music and other art forms.
Gratitude expressed for diverse opportunities and collaborations with choreographers, theater directors, and film directors.
Balancing income and financial sustainability as an emerging artist.
Critique of the capitalistic value system prioritizing popularity over artistic value.
Adapting theater productions for different venues while maintaining performance integrity.
Importance of active engagement and immersive experiences in art.
Invitation to join future events with gratitude to participants.
Conclusion of the video segment.
The speaker suggests enjoying wine and hors d'oeuvres while addressing any additional questions.
Gratitude is expressed towards the audience.
The speaker thanks the audience again before ending the segment.