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Building a Culture of Innovation with Design Thinking - Design Sprint Conference 2017

Google Design2018-04-13
material#design#google#designers#form#design sprint#design thinking#interview#design sprint conference#innovation#GDS: Yes;
31K views|6 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The Sprint Conference at Google in November 2017 focused on design thinking and innovation adoption in organizations. Key points included the nonlinear adoption process, fostering a culture of innovation, and prioritizing results over design speak. Workshops aimed to educate companies on implementing design thinking methods by involving various people in problem-solving. Speakers emphasized visualizing problems to streamline the design process and achieve real sustainability, ultimately aiming for design thinking to be ingrained at all levels of government.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Highlights from the Sprint Conference at Google in November 2017.
The conference focused on design thinking and innovation methods.
Emphasis was placed on the nonlinear adoption process of design thinking.
Importance was stressed on actively pursuing a culture of innovation in organizations.
Workshops were conducted to educate companies on implementing design thinking methods, involving different people in problem-solving sessions.
Importance of visualizing problems for clients in design process.
Design philosophy focuses on designing themselves out of their position for real sustainability.
Success is achieved when design thinking is ingrained at all levels of government.
Goal of ultimate success reflected in approach to design work.