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High Yield Family Medicine Review for Step 2 CK & Shelf Exam

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320K views|5 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video segment covers key points in family medicine, including screenings for various conditions and treatments for COPD, gout, and prenatal care. It also discusses medical procedures, child development milestones, and preventative healthcare measures. The importance of monitoring children for vision issues, breastfeeding, vaccinations, and proper treatment of gastroenteritis is emphasized. Additionally, it covers the treatment approach for hyperthyroidism, thyroid nodules, fetal heart rate tracings, and fluid resuscitation for hyponatremia. Other topics include heart failure classification, hypertension management, and different medical conditions and treatments. Ultimately, the segment provides comprehensive insights into various medical conditions and their respective treatments in family medicine.

✨ Highlights
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Key Points in Family Medicine Screenings and Guidelines.
Emphasis on following USPSTF guidelines for screenings at specific ages for abdominal aortic aneurysm, lung cancer, colon cancer, pap smears, mammograms, osteoporosis, and vaccines.
Discussion on COPD categorization based on FEV1 levels and its prognosis impact.
Importance of committing this information to memory for medical exams and practice.
Treatment approach for COPD based on FEV1 levels.
Albuterol recommended for over 80% of patients, long-acting beta agonist for 50-80%, and inhaled steroids for below 50%.
Criteria for initiating oxygen therapy based on oxygen saturation levels and Pao2.
Symptoms of gout include severe pain, joint swelling, and presence of uric acid crystals.
Treatment options for gout include NSAIDs, colchicine, or intra-articular steroid injections, with considerations for kidney disease.
Treatment options for gout and initial prenatal care are covered in the segment.
Probenecid and allopurinol are recommended based on uric acid levels in the urine for gout treatment.
Prenatal care involves tests such as CBC, urinalysis, and diabetes screening during the first visit at weeks 28 and 35-37.
Rhogam shot for Rh negative mothers is crucial to prevent antibodies from attacking fetal red blood cells.
Diagnosis criteria for gestational diabetes include glucose load testing at different time intervals.
Overview of Medical Procedures and Tests
Importance of regular pap smears every three years for women's health.
Coverage of pediatric milestones such as crawling, sitting up, and speaking.
Emphasis on early detection and intervention for conditions like strabismus.
Focus on prenatal care, child development, and preventative healthcare measures.
Importance of monitoring children for vision issues and receiving necessary vaccinations and treatments.
Breastfeeding exclusively until six months is recommended, followed by introducing solids.
Vaccinations such as flu shot and MMR vaccine are given at specific ages.
Stool analysis is needed for treatment of acute gastroenteritis with bloody diarrhea.
Rehydration is crucial for all types of gastroenteritis; antibiotics should be used only when necessary to avoid complications like hemolytic uremic syndrome.
Overview of gastrointestinal conditions and bone health disorders.
Clostridium difficile is a type of diarrhea often caused by broad-spectrum antibiotics, with symptoms including diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, and leukocytosis.
Norovirus and rotavirus are common causes of viral watery diarrhea, often linked to cruise ships or classrooms.
Osteoporosis is diagnosed through DEXA scan results, with t-scores below -2.5 indicating osteoporosis.
Bisphosphonates are the first-line treatment for osteoporosis, and X-rays may be necessary for ankle injuries following the Ottawa ankle rules.
Overview of hyperthyroidism treatment and side effects.
Importance of adjusting levothyroxine dosage during pregnancy and risks of hypothyroidism.
Next steps after detecting a thyroid nodule, including TSH level and ultrasound tests.
Different uptake patterns in radioactive iodine tests indicating conditions like Graves disease or toxic adenoma.
Treatment options such as methimazole and radioactive iodine therapy.
Importance of assessing nodules in the thyroid gland and recommending biopsy for nodules larger than one centimeter.
Fetal heart rate tracings and how abnormal rates can indicate different conditions in the mother or baby.
Significance of accelerations in fetal heart rate monitoring and overview of non-stress test and biophysical profile for assessing fetal well-being.
Hypercalcemia risks and first-line treatment with IV fluids.
Brief mention of hyponatremia classifications based on tonicity and volume status.
The segment covers fluid resuscitation for hyponatremia, focusing on normal saline for hypovolemic patients and hypertonic saline for severe cases.
Treatment of euvolemic or hypervolemic hyponatremia includes water restriction, especially for SIADH.
Hypokalemia and hyperkalemia are discussed, with weakness highlighted as a main symptom.
Oral potassium replacement is recommended for hypokalemia, while calcium gluconate is used for hyperkalemia to stabilize cardiac membranes.
Acute bronchitis is distinguished from other lung pathologies by symptoms such as a runny nose and no fever, with supportive care being the main treatment.
Management of Otitis Media with Effusion and Myocardial Infarction.
Otitis media with effusion is treated supportively with fluid in the middle ear.
For myocardial infarction, use ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, and aspirin indefinitely to prevent future events and left ventricular hypertrophy.
Stable angina presents with chest pain worsened by exertion and relieved by rest.
For acute coronary syndrome, perform an EKG with troponin. STEMI requires immediate cath lab intervention, while NSTEMI and unstable angina require serial troponin testing.
Key highlights on medical conditions and treatments.
Unstable angina is characterized by evolving chest pain, while NSTEMI and STEMI have different management strategies.
Patients with chronic kidney disease are more prone to cardiovascular-related deaths.
Vaginal yeast infections can be effectively treated with metronidazole.
Colonoscopy is necessary for diagnosing gastrointestinal bleeding and ruling out colon cancer.
Key differences between typical and atypical pneumonia are seen in chest x-ray findings.
Typical pneumonia is characterized by low bar consolidation, while atypical pneumonia shows interstitial infiltrates.
Common typical pneumonia causes include strep pneumo and flu, while mycoplasma and Legionella are common causes of atypical pneumonia.
Criteria for admitting a pneumonia patient include confusion, hypotension, tachypnea, and age over 65.
Treatment for depression involves SSRIs for at least 9 months, and breastfeeding benefits both the baby and mother by reducing infections, allergies, and certain cancers.
Classification of heart failure includes four categories based on symptoms and treatments.
Class 1 uses an ACE inhibitor, class 2 adds a beta blocker, class 3 includes diuretics like spironolactone, and class 4 involves drugs that increase contractility.
Key heart failure medications are ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, and spironolactone.
CHF is diagnosed through echocardiograms, with exacerbations treated with loop diuretics like furosemide.
African-Americans are advised against ACE inhibitors due to predisposition to angioedema.
Treatment of Hypertension and Gastrointestinal Disorders.
Adjust antihypertensives or add a second drug if blood pressure does not reach target goal.
Intussusception is caused by ileum telescoping into the cecum, leading to mucosal irritation, ischemia, and currant jelly stools.
Differentiate intussusception from midgut volvulus, which results from improper intestinal rotation and causes small bowel obstruction.
Diagnosis involves abdominal x-ray and upper GI series; pneumomediastinum requires gastrografin swallow for diagnosis.
Highlights on Henoch-Schonlein purpura, contraindication of rotavirus vaccine in kids with interception history, ruling out hypothyroidism or B12 deficiency before diagnosing dementia, lifestyle modifications as first-line treatment for weight loss, criteria for diagnosing migraine headaches, types of patients who require statin therapy, and details on niacin and fibrates for cholesterol management.
Henoch-Schonlein purpura, a condition causing inflammation of blood vessels, mainly affects children and is characterized by a rash, joint pain, abdominal pain, and kidney problems.
Children with a history of intussusception should not receive the rotavirus vaccine due to potential risks.
Before diagnosing dementia, it is important to rule out underlying conditions like hypothyroidism or B12 deficiency.
Lifestyle modifications such as diet and exercise should be the first-line treatment for weight loss before considering other interventions.
Criteria for diagnosing migraine headaches include recurrent moderate to severe headaches, pulsating pain, and sensitivity to light or sound.
Patients with certain risk factors such as high cholesterol levels, diabetes, or history of heart disease may require statin therapy for cholesterol management.
Niacin and fibrates are medications that can be used for managing cholesterol levels, but their use should be based on individual patient characteristics and risk factors.
Identifying signs of child abuse, such as bruises on thighs or buttocks, is crucial for intervention.
Posterior rib or metaphyseal fractures are red flags for child abuse.
Separating the child from parents and seeking medical evaluation is recommended in cases of suspected abuse.
Understanding and differentiating between hip conditions like Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis, Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, and septic arthritis is essential for proper treatment.
Distinguishing between neuroleptic malignant syndrome and serotonin syndrome based on medication history is crucial for appropriate care.
Various medical conditions increase the risk of aspiration pneumonia.
Treatment for aspiration pneumonia involves covering for anaerobes with antibiotics like piperacillin-tazobactam or clindamycin.
Deep venous thrombosis presents with a tender and swollen calf and requires immediate heparin and potentially warfarin or factor 10a blockers.
Surgical site infections should be treated by opening the wound, cleaning it, and administering antibiotics.
Respiratory syncytial virus affects children under two years old, causing wheezing and difficulty breathing, while epiglottitis, croup, and bacterial tracheitis are other respiratory conditions with specific treatments.
Medical conditions and treatments covered in the segment.
Leukocytosis and inflammatory bowel disease are discussed, along with the use of antibiotics for irritable bowel syndrome.
Celiac disease is contrasted with alternating constipation and diarrhea, with treatment involving avoiding gluten.
Management of cocaine toxicity is explained, as well as first-line drugs for alcohol and smoking cessation.
Ventricular tachycardia types and management are outlined, along with differences in treatment and prophylaxis for cat, dog, and human bites in relation to Hep B and HIV.
Highlights on Strokes and HIV Progression.
Ischemic strokes are the most common type, with hypertension being a major risk factor.
TPA should be administered within 4.5 hours of stroke onset.
Management of hemorrhagic strokes involves controlling blood pressure.
HIV progression to AIDS is indicated by a CD4 count below 200.
Overview of Medical Conditions and Treatments discussed in the video segment.
Explanation of the differences between direct and indirect hyperbilirubinemia and management strategies for GERD with proton pump inhibitors.
Highlighting the importance of recognizing alarm symptoms like dysphagia and weight loss in patients with GERD.
Discussion on the link between chronic proton pump inhibitor use and CF and osteoporosis, as well as the empirical treatment of neonatal infections with ampicillin and gentamicin.
Coverage of common causes of meningitis and the treatment approach for different age groups.
Key highlights in recognizing different diseases and conditions.
Measles and rubella have similar rash presentations but can be differentiated by specific symptoms.
Parvovirus can lead to hydrops fetalis in a fetus if the mother is infected during pregnancy.
Different diagnostic approaches for breast masses in women under and over 30 years old.
Characteristics and diagnostic criteria for PCOS and diabetes.
Differentiating between disc herniation and spinal stenosis symptoms and presentations.
Disc herniation worsens with certain movements like coughing, but improves with back extension, causing leg pain.
Spinal stenosis is better with flexion and worsens with extension.
Cauda equina syndrome symptoms include bowel and urinary incontinence, perianal paresthesias, and potential paralysis.
Treatment for herniated discs involves NSAIDs and Tylenol initially, with imaging if no improvement.
Treatment options for COPD and asthma include oxygen, IV/oral steroids, and bronchodilators.
Exacerbation of COPD requires antibiotics and coverage for Pseudomonas with fluoroquinolone.
Obstructive sleep apnea symptoms include snoring, daytime fatigue, headaches, and mood changes.
Diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea is confirmed with a sleep study and treated with CPAP to prevent complications like right-sided heart failure.
Osteoporosis is treated with bisphosphonates, with age being a significant risk factor.
Highlights of Colon Cancer Screening and Family Medicine Tips.
Polyps are removed during colon cancer screening, with follow-ups recommended every three years.
Villus polyps are the most dangerous type of polyps that can be found during screening.
Family medicine tips include providing reassurance to patients and ensuring proper follow-up procedures are in place for optimal patient care.