00:04 work less earn more enjoy life that's my
00:07 motto that's my value proposition if you
00:10 were to go to my website and success is
00:14 counterintuitive and that motto has
00:17 brought me the most growth in my life by
00:20 living by that motto because working
00:22 less and forcing myself to try to work
00:26 less and build Solutions so that I can
00:30 work less rather than just being like oh
00:31 you can't work 2 to 4 hours a day you
00:34 can only work 8 hours a day it's like no
00:36 I can work as much as I [Â __Â ] want to
00:37 if I build the systems that allow me to
00:39 do that and it's just obvious working
00:43 less leads to higher quality rest or
00:46 more rest which leads to higher quality
00:48 work and so myself and others that are
00:51 on this whole 4-Hour workday kick are
00:54 usually producing better work than most
00:57 of the people that are working 12 to 16
00:59 hours a day just being the hustle and
01:01 grind entrepreneur that is a bit too
01:04 promoted on social media so it's
01:06 workless but earn more earning more is
01:10 subjective it's up to the individual
01:12 right I would say that most people want
01:14 to earn more but they want to do it
01:17 doing what they enjoy so that's another
01:19 thing that I live by another rule where
01:21 I have to build I have to create a way
01:24 for myself to do that and not just
01:26 expect it to fall into my lap so earning
01:30 but over time I truly do believe that
01:32 anyone that has the dedication or at
01:35 least the will or want and consistency
01:39 to do what they enjoy for the rest of
01:42 their life and make a good income doing
01:44 it they can do that why wouldn't they be
01:46 able to and then the last part of the
01:48 motto is enjoy life and that is usually
01:51 a byproduct of both of working less
01:54 resting more earning more and just
01:56 having the time and location freedom to
02:00 what you choose to do with your life
02:02 that's what I'm all about and it's so
02:04 weird when I see people in the comments
02:06 or other things like challenging this
02:07 notion it's like dude like do you just
02:10 believe that you have no [Â __Â ] control
02:13 over your life like yeah you're not
02:14 going to have it right now it takes some
02:16 time I could go on about this all day
02:17 but like dude like just believe in
02:21 yourself as simple as that sounds just
02:23 like work towards a better future for
02:26 yourself but the thing is I also fell
02:28 into the Trap of one wanting to live the
02:30 life of other people beach front views
02:33 and the sand in my toes and a tan like
02:36 David Hasselhoff and sipping Coconuts on
02:38 the Beach while working from my laptop
02:41 and that was until I experienced that
02:44 life I'm not here to kind of [Â __Â ] on the
02:46 digital Nomad culture I think it's great
02:49 I really do think it's great but like
02:51 who wants to do that it kind it gets old
02:53 very quick where you're trying to work
02:55 on the beach and you can't even see your
02:57 screen because the glare from the sun
03:00 and it gets too hot and you have to
03:01 reapply sunscreen and you're like I'm
03:03 [Â __Â ] thirsty I'd rather just be
03:05 inside working and so I don't know that
03:08 kind of stuff it's like yeah you have to
03:09 go through trial and error to understand
03:11 what you want you have to figure out
03:13 what you don't want in order to figure
03:14 out what you want but you have to
03:16 understand that the the Glamour and the
03:18 different Lifestyles that people promote
03:20 it's for it's dopamine right you're
03:22 you're seeing something that you want
03:23 and then once you achieve it if you
03:25 don't appreciate it and make it a part
03:27 of your life then that is going to fade
03:30 very quickly the Wi-Fi connection in
03:32 those areas gets old the partying and
03:35 the language barrier and doing the
03:36 things that you see on social media as a
03:38 highlight reel they really do get old
03:40 and so the purpose of this video I want
03:43 to talk about moderation and
03:46 sustainability because we just talked
03:48 about how some of those things or at
03:49 least the Glamorous things are not truly
03:52 sustainable so I want to present a
03:54 business model that allows you to create
03:57 your ideal lifestyle through practice
03:59 experimentation and iteration it's a way
04:02 to make a creative income source with
04:04 your skills interests and expertise but
04:08 it's not limited to people that already
04:10 have those things business in the modern
04:13 day with social media and the internet
04:15 and it being so accessible and low
04:17 startup cost you don't have to pay money
04:20 to post something online and ask for
04:23 money in exchange for a valuable service
04:25 like a freelance service or Consulting
04:27 service or even just a coaching call or
04:30 something that is very beginner level
04:32 that you can then build up and increase
04:33 from there as you gain experience and so
04:36 it's kind of A New Path it's a new
04:38 business model because of all the
04:40 technological advancements but the thing
04:42 is is that people still consider it
04:44 taboo because they aren't in the game it
04:45 hasn't been around for that long but
04:47 it's here to stay you're going if you
04:49 decide to pursue this way of like social
04:52 media and digital products and Digital
04:55 Services and all these things that are
04:57 growing and growing over time there's
04:58 some statistics about the education
05:00 industry increasing by XYZ and you
05:04 understand that I am an educator whether
05:06 I like to label myself as that or not uh
05:09 every single person on YouTube that is a
05:12 value Creator rather than an
05:13 entertainment Creator is an educator
05:15 they are teachers this is a new method
05:19 of Education that college and formal
05:21 institutions cannot keep up with because
05:24 their curriculum cannot be updated to
05:26 match something that isn't going to put
05:29 into a job because the school system and
05:32 just corporate government stuff is all
05:35 tied together they're training into one
05:37 another and so the internet it threatens
05:39 that because it gives the individual the
05:42 power to make a creative income on their
05:44 own and so the education around that
05:46 from individuals on social media and
05:49 course platforms and other things you
05:51 know where they are the school system
05:53 just can't keep up with that so that's
05:55 the main thing is it is completely in
05:57 your hands and if you do not like that
05:58 if you do not value self-reliance or
06:00 personal responsibility or just taking
06:02 control of your own life then this isn't
06:04 for you yet until you come to the
06:06 realization that if you want true
06:08 happiness those are going to have to
06:09 become values of yours so if you're
06:12 watching this or listening to this I'm
06:14 assuming that you are between 18 and 35
06:17 years old that's what it shows on my
06:18 analytics I have your age I have your
06:20 demographics I'm going to steal them all
06:23 and sell it to private third party
06:25 software I'm just kidding I don't do
06:27 anything with it aside from look at this
06:28 but 18 35 years old and some outliers I
06:32 see you if you're like 40 50 you're
06:34 trying to get into this space when
06:35 you're older that's [Â __Â ] awesome
06:37 props to you but 18 to 35 now the
06:41 problem is that most people don't see
06:45 those 18 to 35 years as past experience
06:48 that they can leverage to help other
06:51 people you haven't self-reflected enough
06:53 to see your own value and the problems
06:55 you've overcome and that you are
06:57 genuinely equipped with with information
07:00 that can help other people that you can
07:01 educate them on and just help them so
07:04 the first thing is that you don't think
07:05 you have enough experience the second
07:07 thing is that you think you're too
07:08 boring you think your life's too boring
07:11 when this is the cause of social media
07:13 and what we were talking about earlier
07:15 with the Glamorous Lifestyles you don't
07:16 need a glamorous lifestyle to do this
07:18 stuff you need to be interested enough
07:20 to make your interest interesting to
07:23 other people I always recommend starting
07:26 with writing like Twitter newsletter
07:28 blog even YouTube I'm reading my
07:31 newsletter from this but that's the
07:33 thing you don't need to even put your
07:35 face on the account you don't have to do
07:37 any of that stop letting the limiting
07:38 beliefs what I'm saying is the very
07:40 thing first thing I said at the start of
07:42 this video is that if you want to
07:44 accomplish something then you need to
07:45 build a solution in order to accomplish
07:47 it if you want to start a business
07:49 without having to show your body then
07:50 build a [Â __Â ] business without having
07:52 to show your body like it's that simple
07:54 stop convincing yourself otherwise that
07:56 you can't do something because you're
07:59 not not doing it like everyone else and
08:01 from my experience the highest paid
08:03 individuals aren't the ones with the
08:05 looks and glamour those people are
08:06 banking on sponsorships and other things
08:08 and they're not making very much money I
08:10 know that the the people that make the
08:12 most money are the generalists they
08:14 aren't onedimensional they're
08:17 multi-dimensional because they're the
08:18 generalists that hire The Specialist
08:21 everyone tells you to become a
08:22 specialist when that's the worst thing
08:23 you can do why because Specialists mean
08:26 that you do XYZ you go ABC you do a
08:30 specific thing you do a specific thing
08:32 and that is just primed for automation
08:35 it's being automated out left and right
08:37 right you are not a robot you are not I
08:40 perform this specific task with this
08:42 specific skill because that's where
08:44 that's where you get automated right
08:46 that you're able to be trained into that
08:47 you need to be a generalist and be able
08:49 to move artfully and gracefully within a
08:52 specific domain of interest that you
08:53 have so I guess general rule of thumb is
08:56 that if you work like a robot then you
08:59 are a robot and you will be outsourced
09:01 two robots and your job will be replaced
09:04 a human being should be able to change a
09:05 diaper plan an invasion butcher a hog
09:08 con a ship design a building write a
09:10 Sonet balance accounts build a wall set
09:12 a bone Comfort the dying take orders
09:15 give orders cooperate act alone solve
09:18 equations analyze a new problem pitch
09:20 manure program a computer cook a tasty
09:23 meal fight efficiently die Gallant
09:26 specialization is for insects that is a
09:29 quote from Robert a hline so even more
09:33 of a problem than not seeing your own
09:35 personal experience as valuable is
09:38 ineffective communication because that's
09:40 all people on social media are doing is
09:42 just effective and persuasive
09:43 communication to make their own interest
09:45 valuable and interesting or at least
09:48 perceived as valuable and interesting to
09:50 other people that is the skill that you
09:52 have to master is writing effective
09:56 communication and also Effective
09:58 Thinking because writing is how you
09:59 clarify your thoughts the one person
10:01 business model has always appealed to me
10:04 employees a simple website as a
10:06 storefront a digital product stack with
10:08 high profit margins 4-Hour Work dayss
10:10 and potential $1 million years control
10:13 over what you work on and who you work
10:15 with hard to beat the one person
10:17 business in my eyes is for those that
10:19 value self-reliance time freedom and
10:23 location Freedom sovereignty autonomy
10:26 just being able to do what you want and
10:28 having enough money to do so while
10:30 impacting the world and having a purpose
10:31 behind your life so one person
10:33 businesses they use social media for
10:36 building an audience building a
10:38 community and attracting people of like
10:40 Minds right so they have so they have
10:42 leverage for the future by building an
10:44 audience because you see a freelancer
10:46 and they just send cold DMS all day well
10:48 it's like I build an audience and I can
10:52 like sell different offers whenever I
10:54 want as long as they're helpful to my
10:55 audience and they want to purchase them
10:57 willingly and so they use social media
10:59 as traffic and then in order to host
11:01 their products or their content or even
11:04 their newsletter we use no code tools
11:07 right which is just software so a
11:09 website builder maybe a social media
11:11 scheduler things like that where those
11:14 do specialized tasks that other people
11:18 got replaced from doing like social
11:19 media managers as a whole are going to
11:21 be outsourced to just software that can
11:24 do those repetitive tasks at a much much
11:27 much cheaper price and so that is
11:29 opening up room for individuals for
11:32 solopreneurs for one person businesses
11:34 to have every aspect of their business
11:36 managed without them having to do
11:38 anything aside from oversee the software
11:41 and add their mind or their creative
11:43 ability to those softwares together in
11:46 order to create a successful business
11:47 and so another important aspect of the
11:49 onep person business is lifestyle design
11:51 because if you work for someone else you
11:54 have a manager they manage you but when
11:56 you work for yourself you can sleep
11:59 1 p.m. but are you going to get your
12:01 work done if you can get your work done
12:04 how are you going to systemize that how
12:05 are you going to structure your days for
12:08 both maximum productivity and maximum
12:10 creativity how are you going to design
12:12 the life that you want to live through
12:14 trial error experimentation and just
12:16 self-reflection and understanding the
12:18 problems that are blocking your quality
12:21 of life so you have to understand as
12:23 well that there is no saturation in a
12:25 oneperson business because if it is a
12:27 oneperson business it means it evolves
12:29 with you I used to sell digital products
12:32 and I no longer sell them because I
12:34 evolved I changed I pivoted a bit and I
12:37 changed what I offer I started a
12:38 different business whatever it may be
12:41 but that's the thing is I desaturated
12:43 that market because I can only take on
12:45 so much right this is the one person
12:47 business model is everyone taking their
12:49 piece of the pie by doing what they
12:50 truly enjoy and if everyone did that you
12:53 would have to understand that every
12:55 single interest every single person is
12:57 going to study different interests
12:58 they're going to explore the the crevice
13:01 of reality that they are the most
13:03 curious about and distill their
13:05 learnings to the people that want to
13:07 learn about those things and so if every
13:10 if every single person was authentic and
13:12 honest with what they wanted to pursue
13:14 and their ability to monetize that so
13:16 let's say I want to start carving out
13:19 like Woodworking and selling cutting
13:21 boards right and so I study woodworking
13:24 I study uh like design kitchen wear
13:27 design or something like that right you
13:31 that like your interests are not the
13:33 only one that exists because that's the
13:35 Trap that a lot of us fall into is well
13:37 like well everyone's doing
13:38 self-improvement everyone's studying
13:40 self-improvement everyone's a programmer
13:42 it's like no dude it's because you're
13:44 interested in those things and you're
13:45 following the 5 to 700 people that talk
13:48 about those things only so that's all
13:50 that's in your brain you haven't broken
13:51 out of that bubble or and that's fine
13:53 because you're supposed to be exploring
13:55 that and you're supposed to be creating
13:56 your own unique perspective to further
14:00 understanding in those areas to educate
14:02 people in a better way than schools can
14:04 do so there are two paths to starting a
14:07 oneperson business with zero experience
14:10 and first I want you to stop thinking of
14:12 business as some like billion dooll
14:14 company or something like that business
14:17 is what you do business is your life's
14:19 work business is the vessel to create
14:23 your ideal lifestyle while impacting The
14:26 World At Large so money is a modern
14:30 byproduct of living with purpose and
14:33 passing down your teachings it's
14:35 self-actualization and self
14:37 Transcendence it is a vessel for that I
14:40 like to think of it there's like
14:41 mindfulness techniques and spirituality
14:44 there's Zen techniques for achieving
14:47 this actualization or Enlightenment for
14:49 me because you're not supposed to become
14:52 ideological or dogmatic about one method
14:54 to achieving one specific outcome that's
14:57 not how it works business to me is that
15:00 method of doing it it's a way of
15:01 exposing myself to the world practicing
15:04 mindfulness clarifying my thoughts with
15:06 writing and putting out a meaningful
15:08 message and now we're going to bring up
15:09 the experience thing or impostor
15:11 syndrome here again I just want to make
15:13 it very clear that if you could go to
15:15 your friend right now and you could
15:17 teach him about something that you are
15:18 studying on social media or in school or
15:21 whatever it may be you're more than
15:22 experience you're already doing this
15:24 [Â __Â ] you just need to do it in public so
15:26 the first path is skill-based this is
15:28 the one that most people take where the
15:30 common advice is learn a skill sell a
15:33 skill teach a skill or however within
15:36 that many however you would organize
15:38 those from 1 to three and this is great
15:40 but as I said you don't want to end up
15:42 onedimensional you don't want to sell
15:43 only one skill so that way you're
15:45 automated it's a great starting point
15:47 but you have to be working to get past
15:49 that or else you're just going to be
15:50 that that freelancer that's making the
15:52 same income built themselves into a new
15:54 9 to5 consistently on the verge of
15:57 losing every single client
15:59 and just not having a backup or some
16:01 form of Leverage built like an audience
16:04 to Pivot and do whatever they want and
16:07 are able to pursue their genuine
16:09 Curiosities that are going to change and
16:11 evolve over time so path two the one
16:13 that I like is development based so the
16:16 development base is based around the
16:18 four Eternal markets the Eternal markets
16:20 are where most people are trying to
16:22 achieve lofty goals but there are many
16:25 problems in the way of those goals then
16:27 that's where the most money is made
16:28 those are the profitable burning
16:30 problems that people have the four
16:32 Eternal markets are health wealth
16:34 relationships and happiness so path one
16:37 by choosing a marketable skill usually
16:38 only pays attention to wealth but with
16:41 path two it's just built for the
16:45 business of you the one person business
16:48 because you quite literally pursue your
16:50 own goals which is your brand which
16:52 we'll talk about you solve your own
16:54 problems as you are pursuing those goals
16:56 by uh researching your curi iio ities
16:59 that allow you to achieve those goals
17:01 faster which is the content the
17:02 information and the value that you
17:04 passing down and you create a system to
17:06 help others do the same so you
17:08 self-reflect and you look back how would
17:10 I have done this better how can I how
17:12 did I do this and what results did I
17:14 have now how can I help other people
17:16 step by step in a faster way get to
17:19 those results so you're advancing human
17:21 evolution you're helping people evolve
17:23 and trans or actualize and transcend
17:25 much faster and that's why I said
17:27 business to me is this vessel for
17:29 self-actualization and even spirituality
17:31 and self Transcendence and so that
17:33 system that step-by-step system is your
17:35 offer or your product and so that is how
17:38 you be yourself improve yourself and
17:40 profit off of yourself you may be
17:41 wondering like but but Dan I'm I'm just
17:44 starting out and it's like you don't
17:46 have to write posts or create a product
17:49 where it's like how to make a million
17:50 dollars in 3 days you don't have to do
17:52 that you have to pay attention to where
17:53 you are now where you're going and how
17:56 you're going to get there right so where
17:58 you are now you may have made $0 and so
18:00 how do you position your content or your
18:03 product how do you position or what
18:05 perspective are you giving about
18:07 yourself so how do people perceive you
18:09 right you can you don't write a post on
18:10 how to make a million dollars in 3 days
18:12 you write here's how I'm going to make a
18:14 million dollars in 5
18:16 years I mean it you know and then you
18:19 give out your plan and then people
18:20 follow along because you are a leader
18:22 then and people follow leaders you are
18:24 positioning yourself as a leader you're
18:27 are helping people achieve the goals
18:29 that you were trying to achieve and
18:30 you're kind of leaving bread crumbs
18:31 along the way and then path three is
18:34 both both skill and development based
18:36 and this is kind of a given because when
18:38 you start and you haven't learned any
18:40 skills yet this is how you learn fast if
18:43 you're going to start on social media as
18:45 your way of generating traffic then
18:47 you're going to have to learn how to
18:49 design a good profile picture how to
18:50 design a good Banner how to write a
18:52 compelling compelling bio you're going
18:54 to have to learn how to write social
18:55 media posts so you could become a
18:58 Twitter ghost writer you could become an
19:00 Instagram post Creator how whatever you
19:04 call that you could become a video
19:05 editor you could be you can design uh
19:08 banners for people you're building
19:10 skills as you grow your business and
19:13 that means you can help other people
19:15 grow their business and offer a
19:16 freelance service so you can start
19:18 monetizing pretty close to from the
19:20 start and you're doing it in such a way
19:23 that you're you're actually getting
19:25 results for yourself if you get results
19:27 for yourself in a real world setting
19:29 rather than just building out portfolio
19:32 pieces and never getting paid what you
19:33 deserve because you don't know how to
19:35 apply your skills to someone's actual
19:37 business then you practice your skills
19:39 on your own business you build your own
19:41 website you build your own landing page
19:43 maybe you build a landing page from a
19:45 for an affiliate product to see how good
19:48 you are at copywriting because then you
19:50 don't even have to create the product
19:51 you just build an affiliate product
19:53 build your own landing page see how good
19:55 you are at that and then you can offer
19:56 selling landing pages for $1 to $2,000
19:59 to other creators you see what I'm
20:01 saying here all you have to do is just
20:03 [Â __Â ] start so now let's go over the
20:04 four pillars of the one person business
20:06 so for those that want to do what they
20:08 want and help the people that they can
20:10 help the most traditional branding
20:13 marketing content and offer advice is
20:15 not going to fit very well because in
20:17 the case of this one person business
20:19 that I'm talking about in the next video
20:21 we'll go over what a value Creator is
20:23 it's a style of one person business and
20:25 I'm breaking these down because it takes
20:26 more than just one video to to do but in
20:29 this case the experience model that I'm
20:32 talking about you are your customer
20:34 Avatar you are your brand you are your
20:36 Niche you are your content you are your
20:38 offer you are everything and
20:40 self-awareness and self-reliance is
20:41 going to be the greatest skill that you
20:43 have and those are the people that
20:44 thrive the most in this onep person
20:46 business model is those that take
20:48 responsibility for their future and help
20:50 others get to where they're going so to
20:53 break down the onep person business very
20:55 quickly your goals are your brand so
20:57 what what do you want out of life and
21:00 what are you leading people towards now
21:03 the problems that are standing in the
21:05 way of your goals turn into the content
21:07 so what roadblocks will your followers
21:11 encounter and how are you going to help
21:13 them overcome it and now there's a lot
21:15 more that goes into content than that
21:17 but that's a great starting point right
21:19 and so systems or how you solve the
21:21 problem turns into a product so how can
21:23 they solve their problems faster because
21:25 that's what people want and now the
21:28 how has this entire Journey impacted
21:31 your life that turns into your marketing
21:33 so why should they care about your
21:35 message right why do I write every day
21:38 and how can I turn that into a
21:39 persuasive argument anyone who studi
21:41 marketing understands that benefits Rich
21:43 language is extremely powerful and
21:45 persuasive so if I wake up and I write
21:48 not only to earn an income think much
21:51 more clearly systemize all of my other
21:54 content I could go on day like all day
21:57 long but you can go and look at those
21:58 benefits and how exactly I'm doing this
22:01 on any of my landing pages so what you
22:03 do as I mentioned in a previous video on
22:05 how to solve your own problems or how to
22:07 find Purpose By solving your own
22:08 problems is that that's exactly what you
22:10 do you pursue a goal you solve your own
22:12 problems you teach others how you did it
22:14 and that's your business right and then
22:16 when it comes to building out a product
22:18 or a service that you can sell in
22:19 relation to that then it just works out
22:21 and this is of course oversimplified
22:23 there's many many nuances here but if
22:25 you take these foundational principles
22:28 and apply them and figure out and test
22:30 and experiment and do exactly what I'm
22:33 telling you to do by figuring it out for
22:35 yourself so you actually have unique and
22:37 genuine knowledge on how to do it it's
22:39 going to take time but that time is
22:41 going to pay back tfold aside from you
22:43 hiring someone to build your brand for
22:45 you because then you're just
22:47 relinquishing all potential leverage and
22:50 just power all right so branding is is
22:52 fairly understandable that's where you
22:55 work towards a goal and that is your
22:57 brand message that's what you're helping
22:58 people do if your goal is to make a
23:00 million dollars then your mission or
23:02 your message that you can start with and
23:04 iterate from is helping a thousand
23:08 people make a million dollars by 2025
23:12 right who wouldn't want to follow that
23:14 so the next pillar content is where
23:16 people have the most problems it's like
23:18 Dan what do I write about so let me
23:20 introduce you to a topic that I talk
23:22 about in digital economics called the
23:25 domain of Mastery so what you do is you
23:27 pick three interests one that makes
23:29 money which is almost any of them that's
23:31 just your priority interest interest two
23:33 excites you and interest three is
23:35 development based so like psychology
23:37 self-improvement self-development
23:39 metaphysics philosophy something that
23:41 helps you understand just the
23:43 progression pattern of every single
23:46 thing anyone could ever do so you can
23:49 have a unique perspective on those
23:51 things by applying spirituality
23:53 principles philosophy psychology that
23:55 kind of stuff and then when you look at
23:57 this Gra you can break them down into
23:59 the principles so what are the
24:01 fundamentals or the principles of each
24:03 interest and getting results with those
24:05 in relation to your goal and then from
24:07 that you can break them down into other
24:09 topics you can break them down into
24:11 mentors for inspiration so the people
24:15 follow and get your advice from and then
24:18 the connections so the connections
24:20 between all of them and real world
24:22 problems and those are all the starting
24:24 places that you can start writing or
24:27 creating content content around in a way
24:29 that is very effective and educational
24:30 and valuable so pillar number three is
24:33 the offer or the product that you're
24:35 creating and no you don't have to wait
24:37 to start monetizing I hate that stupid
24:39 gatekeeper mindset where people are like
24:41 oh you need to be this experience to
24:44 start making an income or you need to
24:46 start doing this to start making an
24:48 income it's like no dude like you don't
24:50 you don't [Â __Â ] understand you're just
24:52 gatekeeping and you're trying to like
24:54 you're not thinking like think a bit
24:56 deeper right how do Freelancers start
24:58 making money they learn the found
25:00 fundamentals of a skill very very
25:03 quickly they start reaching out to
25:04 people immediately so they can go get
25:06 real world free real world feedback next
25:10 they either charge free or very low cost
25:13 because their skill isn't up to par to
25:16 $55,000 and then they gradually work
25:19 their way up step by step and the sooner
25:22 you start selling something not only the
25:24 sooner you can make money but the sooner
25:27 you can start failing and you can start
25:29 iterating the first product is always
25:31 going to be [Â __Â ] you just need to get it
25:33 out you need to get the [Â __Â ] out so that
25:36 you can make it better because you're
25:37 never ever ever going to have a great
25:39 product the first time around it's just
25:41 not going to [Â __Â ] happen put an offer
25:44 out there build a digital product sell a
25:46 physical product drop ship if you have
25:48 to start a freelance service start a
25:50 Consulting service whatever it may be
25:52 put out content and just start getting
25:54 the [Â __Â ] out of the faucet so clear
25:57 water can flow so it's like okay Dan but
25:59 what do I sell so let me introduce to
26:01 you what I call the minimum viable offer
26:03 there's minimum viable product but an
26:05 offer is like all-encompassing so the
26:07 minimum viable offer is either a single
26:09 a single freelance skill that you sell
26:11 for five $500 to $1,000 so that's web
26:14 design email marketing something like
26:16 that where a single skill you're not
26:18 it's not a crazy offer you're never
26:20 going to be able to charge $5,000 for
26:21 that but you have to start somewhere or
26:24 number two is a single interest
26:28 Consulting service where you sell a pack
26:30 of four calls for $500 to $1,000 so this
26:33 is what most people do and most people
26:34 get like get caught up in this it's like
26:37 there's some kind of stupid stigma
26:39 around freelancing where it's like yeah
26:41 I have to do the work I can't just teach
26:44 people about it and it's like as a
26:45 Creator me I hate paying for work I'd
26:48 rather pay you to get on a call with me
26:50 and consult me on how to do a specific
26:52 thing whether it's a skill or not if
26:53 it's health I want to be taught if
26:56 you're starting an education business
26:57 business like this then don't do a
27:00 freelance done for you service just
27:02 offer Consulting calls or a digital
27:05 product so Health coaching Fitness
27:08 coaching performance coaching mindset
27:09 coaching life coaching business coaching
27:11 of whatever domain or Niche you're in
27:14 those are very broad you can go a bit
27:15 more deep into the submarkets within
27:18 those like bodybuilding coaching or uh
27:24 neurohacking Consulting right it's what
27:27 interested in and you can only find what
27:29 it is that you want to teach by diving
27:31 into uh your domain of Mastery or the
27:34 crevice of reality that composes the
27:36 interest you want to explore in this
27:38 life but it's not like Consulting isn't
27:41 only limited to those I'm really
27:42 surprised that like digital tutoring
27:44 offers aren't more of a thing if I learn
27:47 web design and I want to teach a Creator
27:49 over four calls how to design a great
27:52 website for themselves I think that's a
27:53 great [Â __Â ] offer and if I was
27:55 starting out I would pay for that it's
27:57 the same thing thing I'll get on calls
27:59 for 4 weeks with you and teach you how
28:00 to write compelling emails I'll teach
28:02 you how to run Facebook ads it's a
28:04 Consulting offer and I think those are
28:07 uh much better much more scalable than a
28:10 freelance offer and so the thing why we
28:13 start with a minimum viable offer is
28:15 that you can start monetizing
28:16 immediately you can start reaching out
28:18 to people in the DMS you can write a
28:20 Twitter thread or a post and have others
28:21 retweet it and then plug your service so
28:23 you're getting a th to if it goes viral
28:27 a million views on your offer and you
28:30 start making money because it's traffic
28:32 and it's offers and so the other thing
28:33 is why you start with this is because
28:35 then you can start fleshing out a
28:37 digital product and already have results
28:39 for it you can teach other people you
28:40 can get them results and you can note
28:42 the commonalities between like what
28:44 you're talking about on each call and
28:46 you package it up into a course ebook a
28:48 cohort something of that nature that you
28:51 can then switch to and so you can stop
28:54 taking on so much client work as your
28:55 audience grows and you can switch to dig
28:57 product and have more free time and so
28:59 that was just a broad overview of all of
29:01 this onep person business stuff I'll go
29:03 a bit more in depth in the next video
29:06 but I want to get more people primed uh
29:08 to this whole idea because I feel like
29:10 it's it's not ground shaking or
29:12 revolutionary by any means but it is
29:18 important the internet enables 8 billion
29:22 monopolies that is a quote from Naval
29:25 our cliche a bit too simple but
29:28 extremely deep and I don't know why I am
29:31 still reading the same thread that he
29:34 wrote a year ago Overlord that he is he
29:37 is the Lord and savior of all of the
29:41 basic advice people but Naval hits a bit
29:43 different and he has experienced the
29:44 back it I absolutely love Naval but
29:47 we're here to talk about just that we're
29:48 here to talk about the one person
29:51 business model why because I feel like
29:54 way too many people have dreams of
29:56 starting like a billion dooll company or
29:59 being the next Jeff Bezos or being the
30:02 next Elon Musk because that's what we
30:04 see and the thing is is like the gap
30:07 between where you are now because I'm
30:09 assuming you haven't started a business
30:11 or else you wouldn't be dreaming of that
30:13 the gap between where you are and where
30:15 they are is causing so much overwhelm
30:17 because you don't have a way of getting
30:20 there right that is what Clarity is and
30:22 that's what the lack of clarity is what
30:24 causes overwhelm and anxiety and just
30:27 psychic entropy or mental disorder not a
30:30 mental disorder but disorder of the mind
30:32 in general now before we start you have
30:34 to understand one thing you have to
30:37 understand that humans are the only
30:39 being that can have an idea and make it
30:42 real now things like chimpanzees and
30:45 other things they they use tools they
30:47 use other things but what other being
30:49 has constructed this world that we live
30:52 in with our minds we have constructed
30:54 the the school system the government
30:56 religious beliefs we've constructed
30:59 language from nothing but images and
31:01 symbols does this not blow your mind we
31:03 we didn't have language at some point in
31:05 time right we had the ability we had
31:07 Consciousness attention focus and the
31:10 tools necessary to connect these ideas
31:12 and make them tangible and just be able
31:14 to communicate and form relationships
31:16 with other people and that's a
31:18 discussion for a whole other topic about
31:20 the traps and downsides of all of that
31:22 because it controls many people's lives
31:24 but I would argue that that is one key
31:28 to a high quality of life is just
31:30 leaning into your nature as a Creator as
31:33 a builder and actually building things
31:36 rather than watching other people build
31:38 things and just do absolutely nothing
31:40 about it you see self-reliance is
31:42 possibly the greatest value in my life
31:45 it has brought me the most value as
31:47 values should because when people would
31:51 tell me and this is in relation to a
31:54 oneperson business as a Creator I used
31:55 to be a freelancer I did coaching for a
31:58 bit I did Consulting I pretty much did
31:59 every oneperson business offer under the
32:02 sun I I've sold I I hate talking numbers
32:06 what for credibility and Authority
32:07 purposes I've sold $100,000 plus of
32:11 almost everything that I went into
32:13 freelancing coaching Consulting digital
32:15 products cohorts everything under the
32:18 sun and that's why I talk about this
32:19 stuff because one I have direct
32:21 experience with it two I know the steps
32:23 you should take and I know that people
32:25 over complicate it way too much so in
32:27 pertaining to business when people were
32:29 screaming at me to go or to just go and
32:32 do all this short form stuff like reals
32:34 which I do but go and do reals because
32:37 it's the future or or hop on this next
32:40 business model or do this and do that
32:41 and it's like I already have something
32:43 good going and I'm going to go in the
32:45 opposite direction because success is
32:46 counterintuitive and that is also a
32:48 value of mine is kind of
32:49 counterintuitiveness and being skeptical
32:52 and so what I did was the opposite when
32:54 people told me to go short form I
32:56 started writing long WR form newsletters
32:59 and that self-reliance me trying to
33:02 figure things out for myself has taught
33:04 me more than any other course any
33:06 college anything that's how you learn
33:08 that's true learning is by directly
33:10 experiencing something by not taking
33:12 people's advice as law testing it for
33:15 yourself and this is not only pertaining
33:16 to business this is pertaining to health
33:18 and any ideology or belief system in
33:21 general is like when someone comes up
33:23 and is like hey Raw Liver is the best
33:26 thing you can eat I got stuck in that
33:27 trap but it's not like you you have to
33:30 see multiple perspectives because that's
33:33 what life is is just a a conglomeration
33:35 of perspectives and goals that people
33:37 are trying to hit problems and benefits
33:39 and all of this other stuff that form a
33:40 singular perspective that makes someone
33:43 believe something and so accepting a
33:45 specific ideology as law is just closing
33:48 your mind off to any opportunity you can
33:50 have so back to the topic at hand we're
33:53 here to talk about the one person
33:54 business model which I believe is the
33:56 best best route for 95 plus% of people
34:00 that want to start a business because
34:03 one it follows a human progression
34:07 pattern you evolve with time right so a
34:10 lot of people that I know and myself
34:12 included they start out in one of two
34:14 ways that require zero experience one is
34:18 skill-based right so we're talking
34:20 marketable skills so design uh
34:23 photography email marketing copywriting
34:26 SEO web design all of that stuff you you
34:28 know those things and you've probably
34:30 learned some of those things but the
34:31 next thing because those are like you're
34:34 starting a freelancing business but what
34:35 about a coaching business that is where
34:38 self-development comes into play so it's
34:40 either skill-based or development based
34:42 right and so this is pertaining to
34:45 building an audience or just giving
34:48 value and educating people so they will
34:50 buy your product or service your
34:52 freelancing service your digital product
34:53 your Consulting service whatever it may
34:55 be right so they start with skill-based
34:58 and then they educate people on those
34:59 skills so if I am a writer which I am
35:02 then I will teach you how to write I
35:04 will give out little tips I will write
35:06 articles on writing if I am a mindset
35:09 guy through self-development then I'm
35:11 going to give out mindset tips I'm going
35:13 to give out education on strengthening
35:16 your mind etc etc This falls under the
35:18 health wealth relationships Eternal
35:21 markets health wealth relationships and
35:22 happiness and then the skill-based is
35:24 kind of like you use that to comp mement
35:27 your self-development so you can make
35:28 money a bit faster because a high ticket
35:31 service like a freelancing offer you can
35:33 sell for two to $3,000 once you get good
35:37 and then you can sell it through your
35:39 audience or just Reach Out directly to
35:41 people and try to land via cold Outreach
35:44 or something of that nature and you can
35:46 make money a lot quicker so those are
35:48 the two routes that people go and and
35:50 from my experience and from my failures
35:53 I always recommend people start posting
35:55 content why because a lot of people star
35:57 in freelancing or coaching and they get
36:01 stuck in this cycle of like you have to
36:03 do manual labor in order to get clients
36:05 you have to send cold emails you have to
36:06 send cold DMS and you're not you don't
36:09 have a brand that is educating people on
36:12 those things and building trust and
36:13 Authority without you having to do it in
36:15 the DMS manually every single time so
36:18 you build an audience along the way and
36:19 then once you get to a certain point
36:21 once you have a certain amount of
36:22 traffic and a certain amount of brand
36:24 loyalty and Authority clients start
36:26 coming to you and then once your
36:27 audience gets larger and larger you can
36:29 productize your service reduce your time
36:31 spent on that client work and sell
36:34 something like a digital product or if
36:36 you're in the self-development space
36:38 like mindset or health coaching or
36:41 something of that nature you can create
36:42 a physical product it doesn't always
36:44 have to be a digital product or a course
36:45 it can be something like as an example I
36:48 talk about self-development a lot I talk
36:51 about focus a lot I want to create a
36:54 coffee brand with coffee and alanine and
36:56 if I I talk about that more and show
36:58 myself doing that people are going to
37:00 buy it because it's something good and
37:03 something useful in people's lives and I
37:05 am the unique mechanism the personal
37:06 brand is the unique mechanism and is why
37:09 people will buy from me over someone
37:11 else is because I have built that
37:13 connection with you guys by trying to be
37:15 as honest and transparent about this as
37:18 possible so we're going to walk through
37:20 what I call the entrepreneurial method
37:22 which is just kind of like a spin-off of
37:24 the scientific method but we have to
37:26 understand stand here like how do we
37:28 apply this before we can actually get
37:31 into it so the way that we apply this is
37:33 for a oneperson business you need three
37:35 things you need a brand which is like
37:38 your audience in a sense or like your
37:40 storefront it's how you're you are
37:42 perceived right so you need a brand and
37:46 the way you brand is you brand a onep
37:49 person business based on yourself right
37:50 it's a personal brand it's a personal
37:53 business and it the brand revolves
37:55 around your vision for for the future
37:57 and your goals that is what you are
37:59 leading people towards because followers
38:02 follow leaders right so if you are not a
38:04 leader then don't try to start a
38:06 business so the next thing how do you
38:08 attract people to that brand how do you
38:10 build a following content and your
38:13 content is Created from your interests
38:15 so self-development or skills which are
38:18 the skill-based things that I talked
38:19 about and you educating people on that
38:22 while also throwing in your unique spin
38:24 here and there right talking about your
38:25 interest and educating people on your
38:27 interest and skills and throwing in your
38:30 own personal thoughts your own beliefs
38:32 maybe some mindset stuff maybe what
38:34 you're doing on a daily basis right you
38:35 entertain educate and Inspire with your
38:38 content and you learn how to write or
38:40 structure content in a way that catches
38:42 attention delivers value on that
38:44 attention and then converts the
38:46 attention to either a follow or a
38:49 purchase or an email subscriber and then
38:51 you slowly build leverage over time to
38:55 get to the point of what we talked about
38:56 earlier and now the last thing the way
38:58 you monetize because people screw this
39:00 up so much uh cuz it's like how do I
39:03 monetize from a platform where it's like
39:06 YouTube you can do AdSense and that's
39:08 great I do that and it's like other
39:11 people can do that but it's not in your
39:13 control right you can be taken down from
39:15 the platform at any time and if you
39:17 don't have an email list or your own
39:19 product or service that you create and
39:21 you control the price and both the
39:24 traffic going to it that is what
39:25 determines your income so if you want to
39:27 actually build an income online you need
39:30 to become valuable enough to sell a
39:32 product or service to a person that is
39:35 one to two steps behind you or just has
39:38 a use case in your life so it has a use
39:41 case in other people's lives if I like
39:43 coffee and I use it to focus then I'm
39:45 going to create an eleanine coffee brand
39:48 and sell it to my audience while talking
39:50 about productivity and focus it is that
39:52 simple given time and not quitting
39:55 because you didn't see results after 2
39:57 weeks all right now to the
39:59 entrepreneurial method because this is
40:01 something we do on a daily basis and
40:05 it's just like a universal principle
40:07 that people need to follow in order to
40:10 not only like increase their quality of
40:11 life and solve their own problems but
40:13 also profit off of that to profit off of
40:16 your own self-development and your own
40:19 skill acquisition because that's just
40:21 the thing if you are starting out from
40:23 zero it's no problem you talk you write
40:25 content about what were learning your
40:27 brand is your vision for the future so
40:28 if you're starting a freelance business
40:31 and you plan to take that to $10,000 a
40:33 month and that's your vision or your
40:34 goals for the future then that's your
40:36 brand hey follow me along as I build
40:38 this freelance business to $10,000 a
40:40 month now if you are already valuable if
40:43 you've already developed those skills
40:45 you've already developed yourself or
40:46 your mind then you have a bit more
40:48 Authority and you already know what you
40:50 should be talking about and the value
40:52 you should be creating online now one
40:54 thing I want to mention here with
40:57 that you're not trying to reinvent the
40:59 wheel like you have to be self-aware
41:02 here that's what self-reliance is in the
41:04 one person business is being self-aware
41:07 what kind of content do you like to
41:09 consume right is it too basic or is it
41:12 un unique to you right or are you
41:14 reading the same exact [Â __Â ] thing
41:16 week after week people need to be
41:19 reminded more than they need something
41:21 new that's all content is is you are
41:24 joining in and you're giving your own
41:26 take on the same thing that people are
41:28 saying that results in growth if you
41:30 aren't growing on social media it's
41:32 usually because your ego is in the way
41:34 and you are trying you are over
41:36 complicating things way too much and
41:37 you're trying to be too fancy or too
41:39 clever and you get mad because people
41:41 are because you think people aren't as
41:44 intelligent as you or just don't get it
41:46 and it's like yeah they don't get it so
41:48 listen to the feedback and change how
41:51 you talk about things so it's actually
41:53 interesting if people aren't interested
41:55 in your interest it's because you don't
41:57 know how to make your interest
41:59 interesting to that person so the
42:02 entrepreneurial method here it is you
42:04 find a problem you learn how to solve it
42:07 you document how you solved it online
42:09 you systemize your process and you share
42:12 your discoveries so in a nutshell you
42:14 find a problem in your life right that's
42:16 step number one is find a problem
42:18 because all stories marketing literally
42:21 everything the thing that drives human
42:23 behavior are problems right if I were to
42:26 read you a story and it started with
42:28 there was a cold spot on the side of the
42:31 bed that opens a curiosity Loop and
42:33 people want to learn more you want to
42:35 learn more once you become aware of your
42:37 own problems and that they are actually
42:39 a problem right once you identify a
42:42 problem let's say with your health then
42:45 you are going to self-educate in order
42:47 to get there right that leads into step
42:50 two is self-educate so let's say that
42:53 you find yourself lacking self-esteem
42:55 that is a health problem because one
42:57 maybe you don't have muscle mass or you
42:59 just don't like how you look and that is
43:02 a surface level problem right if you
43:03 want to understand this from the lens of
43:05 finding your purpose I have another
43:07 video um I would look that up it's like
43:10 how to find your purpose by solving your
43:12 own problems it's the same thing you
43:13 have to solve those shallow external
43:15 problems first and then bust through to
43:18 your inner core to get to the meaning
43:20 and purpose of everything because we've
43:22 shrouded over it with all of these
43:24 comparison self-comparison to other
43:25 people people and all these things that
43:27 are creating the shallow problems but
43:28 you can't just ignore those you have to
43:30 solve them because that's what most
43:32 people are struggling with and that's
43:33 how you can help them once you actually
43:35 solve it for yourself right you have to
43:37 develop yourself and your skill set so
43:40 if you have a health problem and maybe
43:42 you need to go and learn how to hit the
43:44 gym and then you become good at hitting
43:46 the gym or you find this unique take or
43:48 create your own system for becoming
43:50 jacked or whatever it may be then you
43:52 can teach people about that and of
43:54 course use your own head here use your
43:56 critical thinking and understand like
43:58 when it's Justified whether you can sell
44:00 a product or not the people that are
44:02 going to sell a product will sell a
44:03 product so that's on the individual and
44:06 I I just can't help you with that this
44:07 is a free video I'm not talking with you
44:09 oneon-one just have some common sense
44:11 and be smart about what you're selling
44:13 so another thing if you want to fix a
44:15 money problem let's say you're broke
44:16 college student and you understand that
44:18 college is going to give you some money
44:21 yeah it's going to give you some cash
44:22 flow but it's going to be a cap on your
44:23 income and you don't like that so you
44:25 start a freelancing business you start
44:26 learning a skill see how a problem leads
44:28 to self-education which is self step
44:31 number two is learn how to solve it uh
44:34 then you self-educate you get results
44:37 and then you talk about those results
44:39 and then you docu that's you documenting
44:41 how you solve it online that leads into
44:43 step number three and that is also how
44:45 you learn more about yourself and about
44:49 the skill you're doing right because if
44:51 you the problem here is that people
44:53 always think they lack experience and
44:55 it's like like oh I like I like I I I
44:58 feel like an impostor when I'm posting
45:00 content online like I I know a lot about
45:04 web design and I'm trying to land my
45:05 first client but I can't post about it
45:07 online that's just weird it's like dude
45:09 if you're going to try and make money
45:12 off of someone by reaching out to them
45:14 with a freelance service then why the
45:17 [Â __Â ] are you scared to post free content
45:19 online it doesn't make sense the free
45:21 content online should come first and
45:23 should be a way of you distilling what
45:25 you learned and organizing your thoughts
45:27 so that other people can benefit from it
45:30 and you can build authority to the point
45:32 of Landing a client right so you have to
45:34 understand like people see me now and
45:36 you're watching this on YouTube so it's
45:38 a bit different it's not on Instagram or
45:40 it's not on Twitter which where I have a
45:41 much larger following and like people
45:44 see that Gap right they're like oh this
45:46 guy has 240,000 followers on Instagram
45:49 it's going to take forever to get there
45:51 which it is but that doesn't mean like
45:53 that I didn't see results along the way
45:56 there right again you're paying
45:58 attention to the Gap and that's what's
46:00 causing the overwhelm anxiety and
46:01 procrastination rather than the first
46:03 step in front of you which is just
46:04 starting and doing so what you don't see
46:06 is that I'm a regular ass dude maybe I
46:08 have some cool Lighting in the
46:09 background and maybe I I don't know like
46:14 what what do you perceive of me how do
46:15 you think of me which I guarantee you
46:18 it's not who I am but how do you
46:20 perceive me right is there a Gap there
46:22 do you see me as a bit authoritative
46:25 because I want to let you know that I'm
46:26 just a regular [Â __Â ] dude right I
46:28 identified a problem in my life I was a
46:30 young broke college student and as
46:33 exactly what I said earlier I didn't
46:36 want to get a job that limited my
46:37 potential future in terms of how much I
46:39 could make so I started learning every
46:41 single skill that I could Under the Sun
46:44 and then once I saw results with
46:45 freelancing I did it kind of backwards
46:47 of what I'm recommending then I started
46:49 posting online about my results with web
46:51 design and freelancing taught people
46:53 about web design talked about my
46:54 self-development journey talked about
46:56 mindset talked about skill acquisition
46:58 money and I grew an audience I
47:00 eventually created a digital product
47:01 showing how I uh went or how I started
47:06 my web design business and that iterated
47:08 over time right with the scientific
47:10 process or the entrepreneurial process
47:12 iteration is such a big part of
47:14 everything and that's what the one
47:16 person business does it evolves so if
47:18 you are afraid of saturation in this
47:20 stuff you have to understand that if you
47:22 are starting a Creator business or a
47:26 there is no saturation it's kind of
47:28 impossible because we evolve I evolved
47:31 from freelancing to Consulting so I
47:34 opened up a job in the freelance market
47:37 after I left it and then after I left
47:40 Consulting and started the cohort and
47:43 was doing digital products As I Grew an
47:44 audience then I desaturated that market
47:47 right that offer that made me a lot of
47:50 money I am not selling anymore so other
47:53 people can come in and sell something
47:55 similar and take that spot if they
47:57 wanted to right and now if I want to
48:00 transition eventually and just Bank on
48:02 like book sales or start a software
48:05 company then I desaturated the market
48:07 even more so you have to understand that
48:09 the internet enables 8 billion
48:11 monopolies it really does there is room
48:14 for everyone because one you're thinking
48:17 there's too much saturation because you
48:18 haven't started again it's a gap you're
48:20 guessing what's in between that Gap
48:22 rather than figuring it out for yourself
48:24 and so a side note is is that someone
48:26 asked me recently and they were like uh
48:30 I I'm thinking about growing an audience
48:32 and talking about my interests and
48:34 eventually making an income but how long
48:36 will it take and so like my question is
48:39 if you're going to see yourself doing
48:40 this for the rest of your life right if
48:42 this is the thing that you want to do
48:44 for the rest of your life then why does
48:46 it [Â __Â ] matter how long it will take
48:49 because if you're going to come back to
48:50 it anyways why not start now get the
48:53 failures that you have to have they're
48:56 necessary you have to have a certain
48:57 amount of failures to see success once
49:00 you get those out of the way as soon as
49:02 possible the sooner you're going to see
49:04 success and actually be able to do it
49:05 for the rest of your life and what
49:07 happens if you don't do that then you're
49:08 not going to be doing the thing you want
49:10 for the rest of your life so uh step
49:13 number four is to distill things into a
49:15 replicable process right that's what
49:17 people want they want step-by-step
49:19 advice on how to get a specific end
49:21 result that's what every single thing
49:23 does unless you create like a tool
49:26 or a product or something that is just
49:28 useful in people's lives or they want to
49:29 make but if you want to make money from
49:31 the start you need to just focus on
49:33 distilling a process or creating a
49:34 system right and so the way you do this
49:37 this ties in with learning and
49:39 self-education and self-reliance because
49:41 if you hire someone to do this All For
49:43 You Like if you if I hired someone or if
49:46 I paid someone for uh Fitness coaching
49:49 and I just followed their advice to a te
49:52 I didn't learn anything for myself you
49:54 have to experiment you have to try
49:56 different things you have to see what
49:58 works for you you have to find that
50:01 Discovery by figuring it out and
50:02 struggling and not taking the easy route
50:05 so that you can take that and teach it
50:08 from your own unique point of view so
50:10 for step number five is to share your
50:13 discoveries is to give your discoveries
50:16 or your process to someone that wants to
50:18 be helped now I want to wrap this video
50:22 up in Step number five by asking you if
50:25 very difficult question which is what is
50:29 the meaning of life so from my own
50:33 experimentation and self-education and
50:36 researching multiple different
50:37 perspectives you see what I'm doing here
50:39 and figuring things out I've noticed a
50:41 few patterns I've noticed kind of a
50:44 two-step system for the meaning of life
50:47 now we can't lump this entire question
50:49 into this but I just want to spark some
50:51 thought and awareness in you so the
50:53 first thing leaning into the meaning of
50:56 is raising your Consciousness and what
50:59 that means is actively exploring the
51:02 unknown aspects of reality which means
51:05 you're not straying away from challenge
51:08 or failure or the dark areas of the
51:11 human experience that are going to be
51:13 there whether you deny them or not so
51:17 you are actively exploring and feeling
51:19 into your problems learning how to solve
51:22 them and directly experiencing your
51:25 yourself solving them so that you get
51:28 that you get those results and you TR
51:30 truly learn and you raise your cons
51:32 Consciousness around that domain of
51:34 reality so you are making the Unknown
51:37 Known the unconscious conscious by
51:39 solving your own problems and becoming
51:41 aware of the unconscious and making it
51:44 conscious you making the unpredictable
51:46 predictable so the unpredictable nature
51:48 of solo preneurship you're making that
51:50 predictable and you're helping other
51:52 people get there so the second thing
51:54 after raising raising your own
51:56 Consciousness is raising the collective
51:58 Consciousness so what you're doing is
52:00 you are when you're raising your
52:02 Consciousness you're creating a map of
52:04 reality you're creating a map of the
52:06 unknown or what is unknown to other
52:08 people and then you teaching it to them
52:11 helps accelerate the level of the
52:14 collective Consciousness much faster if
52:16 you are teaching them and uh of course
52:19 basing your teaching and making it known
52:21 that they have to self-educate and they
52:23 have to figure it out for themselves as
52:24 well and raise their own Consciousness
52:26 then that is somewhat the meaning to
52:28 life and I can attest that it is an a
52:31 [Â __Â ] incredible feeling when you help
52:33 someone else get results and solve the
52:35 problems that they want to solve so you
52:37 raise the collective Consciousness by
52:40 giving out pieces of your map by writing
52:42 online or posting online right and so
52:45 attracting a following I that's what
52:47 social media is for and then your
52:49 products themselves are the map right
52:52 they are the map you are distilling and
52:55 like enclosing it into a little zip zip
52:57 file to upload in other people's brains
53:00 because then the next thing is like oh
53:02 Dan well like what if I like people are
53:05 already selling this thing and like it's
53:07 already for free online and you have to
53:09 understand like that only a specific
53:11 certain like a specific type of person
53:13 says that one the people that aren't in
53:15 the game of business two they aren't
53:17 just in the arena too like they don't
53:20 have the money to invest in those kinds
53:23 of products right because
53:25 what people pay for is aggregation speed
53:29 and convenience right that's just
53:31 everywhere around us like why do you go
53:33 and buy something that is terrible for
53:35 your health rather than just eating the
53:36 good food you have at home it's
53:38 convenience right so why would I
53:42 spend 20 hours filtering through just
53:46 like fragmented YouTube videos on the
53:48 internet rather than just a step-by-step
53:50 course on how to get an end result and
53:51 then get it now the thing with this is
53:53 is that you can't help people that don't
53:55 want want to be helped like if people
53:56 just twist your words there's there's
53:58 probably some people watching this the
53:59 the like two dislikes that you don't see
54:02 anymore I wish people could see them
54:03 because it's kind of like credibility
54:05 it's like if if everyone agreed with me
54:07 then I wouldn't be saying something that
54:09 is closer to truth but I don't know
54:12 there's weird stuff with that but the
54:14 the thing is that people don't
54:16 people that don't want to be helped you
54:19 can't help them right so you have to be
54:22 okay with the hate and the criticism
54:24 that comes along with this stuff if
54:26 people don't want to increase their
54:27 quality of life and they're stuck in
54:29 this ego trap then it's okay you can't
54:32 help them so I will end with this the
54:35 lips of wisdom are closed except to the
54:38 ears of understanding and that is a
54:40 quote from the cabalion and it just hits
54:44 so the ancient Masters are saying the
54:46 same thing you can't help people that
54:52 helped the state of work is changing
54:54 things are going digital we know that
54:56 employers are starting to hire based on
54:59 an individual's public resume that they
55:02 post online via content newsletters
55:06 YouTube videos or anything else that
55:08 helps display their credibility and
55:11 Authority without you having to try and
55:13 prove it to the employer and to add on
55:15 top of that people are and have been
55:18 losing trust in the traditional
55:20 education system and they are resorting
55:23 to internet creators for their future
55:26 success both personal and professional
55:29 because think about it when's the last
55:31 time that you've heard someone say like
55:33 oh I am so proud like I use everything
55:36 that I learned in my degree for my job
55:39 that's not how things are moving instead
55:42 I've learned what I know about the gym
55:44 from YouTubers that talk about Fitness
55:47 there are infinite perspectives that I
55:49 can study and become my own personal
55:52 trainer and my own personal expert
55:55 rather than I don't have to give that
55:57 advice to others I can if that's
55:58 something I want to do and I do for
56:01 business and spirituality and personal
56:02 development but when it comes to the gym
56:04 and health I have the full ability to
56:07 tap into my desire for self-education
56:11 and I can become my own personal trainer
56:13 I can become my own relationship
56:15 therapist I can become my own
56:17 psychologist I can become anything that
56:19 I want to become because there is ample
56:21 education out there that I don't have to
56:24 shovel over $40,000 to acquire to become
56:28 an expert in that field and now client
56:30 work like freelancing when they want to
56:33 break out of this traditional system of
56:37 like either employment or other things
56:39 people usually go with the freelancing
56:41 option they learn a skill they sell a
56:44 skill and they get stuck in a new Rat
56:47 Race that they have created for
56:49 themselves in terms of I need to find
56:51 clients in order to survive and they're
56:53 going to pay me this much and and you're
56:55 a commodity because you're a specialized
56:57 robot that performs one specific task
56:59 that other tools are starting to
57:02 automate out because that's the thing is
57:04 one thing that a lot of people leave out
57:06 about freelancing or what they don't
57:08 tell you because I've experienced it and
57:10 some people are starting to talk about
57:12 this but I was a freelancer and I
57:14 pivoted out of it because I realized
57:17 that you need to truly become an expert
57:21 and that does not mean being a
57:22 specialist if you want to become a web
57:24 designer great that is an incredible
57:26 first option to go with to start making
57:29 some money but in order to charge three
57:31 four 5 $10,000 for a service to be able
57:35 to generate wealth and be able to take
57:38 on less clients so you have more time on
57:40 your hands you have to understand that
57:43 the the low ticket freelance jobs are
57:45 being automated out I can go and build
57:48 an absolutely [Â __Â ] beautiful website
57:51 for $10 with a specific software because
57:54 that's what web designers are doing
57:55 nowadays is they are using software and
57:58 they're using their mind and their
57:59 creative ability to apply that software
58:01 to someone else's business and because
58:04 that business usually doesn't have the
58:05 time to do so for themselves and now I'm
58:08 a big proponent of the onep person
58:10 business model and so if you're coming
58:12 into the Creator economy or even for
58:14 like influencers and you're trying to
58:16 sell to these people because it's the
58:18 future and that's what you should do and
58:20 it's an opportunity that you should hop
58:21 on I'm not saying this lightly please
58:23 note this down is that if you want to
58:25 Target other creators and become a
58:27 Creator yourself you're going to have to
58:29 go more towards the side of Education
58:32 right if you were to come to me I don't
58:34 want a website built for myself I want
58:36 to learn how to do it so you can either
58:38 teach me or I can go buy a software and
58:40 learn how to do it myself but in many
58:43 cases I don't want to spend that time to
58:47 learn how to do this one specific thing
58:49 just because it doesn't interest me so I
58:51 would rather pay you $1,000 to get on a
58:54 call with me and tell me exactly how to
58:55 build a website I don't need this don't
58:57 reach out to me for this I was a web
58:58 designer in my past I can do that
59:00 specifically fine but if you find a
59:02 problem in my business that I'm unaware
59:04 of and you make me aware of it and you
59:06 persuade me as to why it's going to help
59:08 my business for me to pay you $1,000 to
59:11 teach me that step-by-step system that
59:13 will save me x amount of time wasted
59:16 then I may buy from you and so the
59:20 Freelancers that do the work for you
59:23 they use their creative ability they use
59:26 their mind they don't rely on a software
59:29 with cool templates and other things to
59:32 be the main part of their service they
59:35 understand a mix a range of skills that
59:38 then they can come and build a solution
59:39 for your business so for example if I'm
59:43 having TR if a Coach is having trouble
59:45 generating leads then I'm going to come
59:47 in and I'm going to say okay you need a
59:49 landing page so I need to know web
59:51 design you need uh copywriting for that
59:54 Landing page so I need to understand
59:55 persuasion marketing and copyrighting
59:57 and then I need to understand their
59:59 business as a whole right because then
01:00:02 they opt in and they get put into an
01:00:04 email sequence that has follow-ups and
01:00:06 other things and that's a much better
01:00:08 well-rounded service that fits someone's
01:00:11 specific business in a way that will get
01:00:12 results and that is impossible to just
01:00:16 Outsource to one specific software to do
01:00:18 it all for you and so as humans this is
01:00:20 what we do we have the ability to think
01:00:23 and build we build tools and solutions
01:00:26 that make life easier for us this is
01:00:27 never going to stop we're going to
01:00:29 continue doing it so if you are not a
01:00:31 builder then you are going to be built
01:00:34 over or you are going to build for
01:00:36 someone else so that was kind of just an
01:00:38 introduction to lay the framework but in
01:00:39 the last video we talked about the onep
01:00:41 person business model how to productize
01:00:44 yourself and now I want to talk about
01:00:46 what I call a value Creator or in some
01:00:49 cases a synthesizer which we'll also
01:00:52 touch on but the value Creator is is a
01:00:55 way to go about the oneperson business
01:00:58 model because there are infinite numbers
01:00:59 of oneperson business models right it's
01:01:01 not limited to digital products
01:01:04 information products courses coaching
01:01:06 Consulting like turning yourself into a
01:01:08 business is what I'm talking about here
01:01:10 and being a value Creator is a way of
01:01:12 doing that so this is a new career path
01:01:15 that the internet has created I've
01:01:17 talked about how 60% of new jobs have
01:01:19 yet to be created they're going to be
01:01:21 created by the internet the value
01:01:23 Creator or the educator is going to be
01:01:25 one of them one that takes it on as
01:01:27 their responsibility to research a
01:01:30 specific crevice of reality that nobody
01:01:31 has explored or at least explored in
01:01:34 that combination right you can explore
01:01:36 many different interests and then you
01:01:38 synthesize those you connect those and
01:01:40 you educate other people you play your
01:01:43 role in the shift away from the
01:01:47 traditional education system that can't
01:01:49 keep up with how technology is evolved
01:01:52 so value creators are the people that
01:01:56 earn with their mind not their time so
01:01:58 they can stay as a onep person Business
01:02:00 Without limiting their income they
01:02:01 research their obsessions and distill
01:02:03 their learnings with writing video and
01:02:05 other internet content they become a
01:02:07 oneperson media company right they build
01:02:10 their name on social media with media so
01:02:14 videos writing graphics and then they
01:02:16 sell a product from that traffic right
01:02:19 because now you have traffic now you
01:02:20 need a way to monetize and send people
01:02:22 to and we talked about that in the last
01:02:24 video third thing they get paid for
01:02:26 aggregated knowledge and experience in
01:02:28 the form of digital products or physical
01:02:30 products if you want but everyone should
01:02:33 have some form of digital product so
01:02:35 that's how they get paid is they
01:02:36 research these things they leave out
01:02:38 breadcrumbs in the form of content and
01:02:40 media and then they aggregate that
01:02:42 information into a step-by-step system
01:02:43 and sell that via a digital product or
01:02:46 service and four they have a heavy focus
01:02:48 on educating Their audience instead of
01:02:51 posting memes starting drama
01:02:53 commentating on other things or other
01:02:54 things like that to me this is very
01:02:57 appealing I like the path of the value
01:03:00 online because I don't have to worry
01:03:03 about starting drama with other people I
01:03:05 get to focus on my me my message and
01:03:07 what I'm educating people on and it it
01:03:10 doesn't take flashy looks or other
01:03:12 things to actually build an audience it
01:03:14 takes this education of the certain
01:03:17 things that you were learning and
01:03:18 becoming an expert in so value creators
01:03:20 are those that dedicate themselves to
01:03:23 exploring the unknown aspects of life to
01:03:25 exploring their curiosity and they take
01:03:27 it on as their life work life's work to
01:03:31 dissect these crevices of reality that
01:03:33 they're exploring so whether it be
01:03:35 self-improvement marketing business
01:03:37 spirituality met metaphysics philosophy
01:03:41 uh email marketing whatever it may be
01:03:43 you just have to start and start
01:03:44 learning and making connections and
01:03:46 letting one thing lead to another by
01:03:48 curiosity now a lot of people get
01:03:50 confused here with curiosity and so do I
01:03:53 because it's not something tangible it's
01:03:55 not something concrete and for me I can
01:03:58 only explain it based off of experience
01:04:00 and feeling so with curiosity think of
01:04:02 the book that you actually wanted to
01:04:05 read think of the videos that you
01:04:06 actually wanted to watch the things that
01:04:09 were seamless where it's like man I'm
01:04:11 loving learning about this so for me
01:04:13 it's a select few books it's like The
01:04:15 Power of Now which I haven't read in a
01:04:17 bit awareness um way of the superior man
01:04:21 Flow by mihi Chet mihi uh Rest by Alex
01:04:26 Su Jang Kim pong and everything Alan
01:04:29 Watts right those really resonate with
01:04:32 me specifically they may not resonate
01:04:34 with you and that's a sign that's a sign
01:04:36 that you have to find the people and the
01:04:38 writing and the interest that really
01:04:39 really resonate with you and that makes
01:04:41 it effortless to actually study those
01:04:44 and makes you want to talk about them CU
01:04:46 if you're going to post something online
01:04:48 the easiest way I can say as to oh what
01:04:51 do I post post the things that are
01:04:52 interesting to you because they're going
01:04:54 to be interesting to someone else if
01:04:56 you're reading through a book and
01:04:57 something catches your attention and
01:04:59 you're like oh man that's really good
01:05:01 other people aren't going to think that
01:05:02 some other people so you take that and
01:05:05 you distill it for your audience you
01:05:07 synthesize it with your interest or what
01:05:10 you're trying to achieve in this life
01:05:11 watch the other video on the one person
01:05:14 business model and then that's going to
01:05:17 be interesting to them because they are
01:05:19 similar to you so it's not about
01:05:21 transitioning from consumer to cre it's
01:05:24 about transitioning from consumer to
01:05:27 researcher first because you have to
01:05:29 research and gather your own knowledge
01:05:32 before you can create with it right you
01:05:34 have to dissect other things via reading
01:05:38 and then order to reconstruct them into
01:05:40 your own creation or writing or video or
01:05:43 newsletter whatever it may be because a
01:05:45 a researcher to me it implies that you
01:05:48 are intentionally consuming information
01:05:50 you have a goal of how to use that
01:05:53 information and apply that that
01:05:54 information so if your brand or you as a
01:05:56 person are working towards a big goal in
01:05:58 your life and you're researching
01:06:00 specific things let's say you're working
01:06:02 towards Financial Freedom but you're
01:06:05 very interested in spirituality well how
01:06:07 is it helping you get there right that's
01:06:08 a very unique perspective and that's a
01:06:10 very unique connection that you can make
01:06:13 so here is a graphic of the value
01:06:14 Creator we start with genuine interests
01:06:16 and the skills you need for that are
01:06:18 research learning and note-taking those
01:06:20 are things you have to do on a daily
01:06:21 basis so what are you obsessed with
01:06:23 learning we talked about that the next
01:06:25 thing is creating your unique
01:06:27 perspective if you need help with this I
01:06:29 highly highly highly recommend you
01:06:31 download my free creative challenge it's
01:06:33 called 7 days to genius ideas it it it
01:06:36 will change everything I don't say that
01:06:39 in a platitude sense like oh it'll
01:06:40 change your life it will [Â __Â ] change
01:06:42 the way you see the world the world and
01:06:46 your content it'll Branch over into
01:06:48 content so for forming a unique
01:06:50 perspective you need critical thinking
01:06:51 open-mindedness and self-improvement
01:06:54 next thing is actually creating value
01:06:56 from that so how will they help others
01:06:59 reach that goal how will your unique
01:07:01 interests and perspectives help other
01:07:03 people and for that the skills you need
01:07:05 are marketing and sales writing and
01:07:07 thinking education and teaching and then
01:07:10 now that you have value because you
01:07:12 understand how to structure a persuasive
01:07:14 message by studying those skills then
01:07:16 you need to distribute that value so the
01:07:19 next thing is value dist distribution
01:07:21 where can they find your value on the
01:07:24 internet so you need to understand
01:07:26 media digital tools and leverage
01:07:29 building and so if you have to
01:07:31 screenshot that graphic and start just
01:07:33 generally researching those skills get
01:07:35 the big picture of what they are and how
01:07:38 to do them well because here's one other
01:07:40 thing right I was watching an
01:07:42 actualized.org lecture the other day and
01:07:44 he mentioned how like real or like the
01:07:50 school system and government and other
01:07:51 things they're compartmentalized right
01:07:54 when you go to school to be learn one
01:07:56 thing let's say the biology department
01:07:58 or the chemistry department or the
01:08:01 business department right you're you're
01:08:03 limited you're studying those things
01:08:05 only when reality is not
01:08:06 compartmentalized
01:08:08 business it it's a part of life all of
01:08:11 your life plays into it and we need more
01:08:14 people we need more synthesizers to come
01:08:17 in and research their interest and use
01:08:20 that to create an entirely new category
01:08:23 because like life isn't
01:08:24 compartmentalized you need to be able to
01:08:27 understand the full picture and connect
01:08:28 the full picture together in order to
01:08:30 help people achieve their goals in life
01:08:33 we need more people that can do thatc
01:08:35 because it isn't easy it's incredibly
01:08:37 difficult and fun to research what you
01:08:40 want to research and embrace the unknown
01:08:43 or the unconventional and uncomfortable
01:08:45 path in life it is 10 times more
01:08:48 rewarding any platitude will tell you
01:08:50 that and those platitudes the cliche
01:08:52 quotes on like oh break out of your
01:08:55 comfort zone like they're they've lived
01:08:57 a long time because they are very very
01:08:59 very important no matter how many times
01:09:02 they've been conditioned into your head
01:09:03 to the point of you thinking that they
01:09:05 are boring and insignificant so this how
01:09:07 this all sounds great but how do you
01:09:09 start researching your interests
01:09:11 effectively and that is by exploring the
01:09:14 unknown aspects of reality through
01:09:16 Consciousness because reality is
01:09:18 infinitely complex connected and
01:09:21 perspective based you are a pers
01:09:23 perspective vessel the way that you
01:09:25 consume information is going to be
01:09:27 different from how others consume it you
01:09:29 are going to interpret it based on your
01:09:31 worldview and then if you create with
01:09:33 that worldview and you help put it out
01:09:36 there then it's going to be different
01:09:38 from other people's perspectives so how
01:09:40 do you explore this crevice of reality
01:09:43 or part of the unknown you deconstruct
01:09:46 holes into parts then you reconstruct
01:09:49 those parts back into a hole because the
01:09:52 universe or God or infinite intelligence
01:09:56 or whatever it may be it has divided
01:09:59 itself into Infinite different parts it
01:10:01 is a whole and it is a part and those
01:10:03 parts exist because of distinctions
01:10:06 right it's just infinite different
01:10:07 distinctions and I don't want to get all
01:10:09 philosophical here uh we'll dive into
01:10:11 that in another time but you have to
01:10:13 understand that the only thing the only
01:10:14 reason that people or things exist like
01:10:18 in the metaphorical in the philosophical
01:10:20 sense the only reason they exist is
01:10:22 because of relationship it's because of
01:10:23 Distinction it's because I am not this
01:10:26 so I am this right I am not that camera
01:10:29 so I am human being I am not like if
01:10:32 nothing ex if you're just floating in a
01:10:34 void you yourself would cease to exist
01:10:36 because you have nothing to compare it
01:10:38 to so let's make this a bit more
01:10:40 practical so the first step is choose in
01:10:42 Obsession and the with this don't try to
01:10:46 Outsource this you can't just be like
01:10:48 what's my obsession I don't know what is
01:10:49 your obsession have you tried anything
01:10:51 have you gotten pulled down a rabbit
01:10:52 hole before like you have to try a bunch
01:10:56 of different things if you don't know
01:10:58 try if you don't try you'll never know
01:11:00 so try literally everything that
01:11:03 potentially catches your interest
01:11:04 because your mind your ego will try to
01:11:06 distract you from this if you see
01:11:07 something like oh well that'd be cool to
01:11:09 study or learn on my own but that video
01:11:11 game that sounds really nice oh that
01:11:13 like going out with my friends that
01:11:15 sounds really nice I have nothing
01:11:16 against video games or going out with
01:11:17 your friends but if it's distracting you
01:11:19 from making progress then yeah there's a
01:11:21 problem there so if you need a start
01:11:23 starting point look at your browser
01:11:25 history on YouTube Google whatever it
01:11:27 may be look at the last videos you
01:11:29 watched and look at what you naturally
01:11:31 consume to learn not to distract
01:11:33 yourself what do you go on social media
01:11:35 to learn who are you following that are
01:11:37 actually educating others and how can
01:11:39 you emulate them how can you reverse
01:11:41 engineer how can you deconstruct that
01:11:43 hole into Parts how can you reverse
01:11:45 engineer their success and follow it and
01:11:48 another thing is to look at your life
01:11:50 and see what you do what have you
01:11:52 improved the most in your your life if
01:11:54 you're a gym junkie how has the gym
01:11:56 helped you if you're a runner how has
01:11:57 that helped you if you're an autodidact
01:11:59 or a polymath and you just love
01:12:01 researching everything how has that
01:12:02 helped you how can you help other people
01:12:04 become that and how has it benefited
01:12:05 your life so number two is to research
01:12:08 that Obsession from all angles so to do
01:12:11 this you have to follow people that you
01:12:13 disagree with that are talking about
01:12:15 your topic of interest you have to buy
01:12:17 let's say a best-selling book that goes
01:12:20 over the fundamentals of that Obsession
01:12:22 you need to get the big picture before
01:12:24 you can start understanding the tactics
01:12:26 and the little details right you have to
01:12:28 obsess over the big picture rather than
01:12:31 the technical details don't get trapped
01:12:33 in the technical details view everything
01:12:36 from The Meta perspective of the big
01:12:38 picture of that specific Obsession of
01:12:41 yours the thing that you are researching
01:12:43 and you have to come at it from I want
01:12:45 to understand this holistically I want
01:12:47 to understand all perspectives if you're
01:12:49 a health guy then study the benefits of
01:12:52 a vegan diet even if you absolutely hate
01:12:55 and you're tied to the ideology that
01:12:56 veganism is bad look at the benefits see
01:13:00 why people do it be able to be nuanced
01:13:03 and navigate your way through a
01:13:04 conversation on health and then go and
01:13:07 look at carnivore if you are so attached
01:13:10 to carnivore then force yourself to look
01:13:12 at the research that disproves carnivore
01:13:15 and vice versa for everything look at
01:13:17 both sides of the coin if you're
01:13:20 attached to the ancestral diet then
01:13:22 maybe try vegan ISM like break out of
01:13:25 your little bubble of comfort that you
01:13:27 put yourself in and continue growing by
01:13:29 trying new things and researching the
01:13:32 entire domain so the best thing you can
01:13:33 do is just learn about it every day
01:13:35 immerse yourself in that Obsession and
01:13:37 people that are teaching about it
01:13:38 unfollow every single social media
01:13:40 account aside from the ones that are
01:13:42 putting out good information that you
01:13:44 can study put books on your desk uh cue
01:13:47 a podcast for the next day literally
01:13:50 just immerse yourself in the information
01:13:53 and then the next thing that you do is
01:13:54 you note down Golden Nugget ideas or
01:13:57 your discoveries so as you're
01:13:59 researching your obsessions are really
01:14:01 anything it should be since you
01:14:03 genuinely curious about these things it
01:14:05 should be near impossible to not write
01:14:08 down your discoveries or to write down
01:14:11 the things that really stuck with you
01:14:12 the things that interested you meaning
01:14:15 they are going to interest someone else
01:14:16 so if you need help one keep a running
01:14:19 note in your phone and download my free
01:14:21 creative challenge so I give all of this
01:14:23 to you you but if you need help as
01:14:25 you're listening as you're reading
01:14:26 whatever it may be note down the ideas
01:14:30 anecdotes stories or even statistics
01:14:33 that really stuck out to you that you're
01:14:34 like wow like that changed my mind or
01:14:37 aha like that's it it's hard to put this
01:14:40 into like tangible words because you
01:14:43 can't but when you get that excitement
01:14:45 that's what you write down and so with
01:14:47 all of this when you go to write content
01:14:49 or you go to create a video or you go to
01:14:51 outline a podcast or something like that
01:14:54 all of these things that you've written
01:14:55 down they're building blocks you
01:14:57 literally just copy paste them over and
01:14:59 you structure an argument about B based
01:15:01 on what you want to talk about and these
01:15:03 will serve as foundational ideas for
01:15:06 your content like one thing that I do
01:15:08 for my YouTube videos is one I watch
01:15:11 Good YouTube videos and I know what
01:15:13 performs well in the algorithm and I
01:15:15 take the title of the video so let's say
01:15:17 one that's coming in the future that I'm
01:15:19 writing about in my newsletter right now
01:15:20 is called the power of being alone
01:15:22 that's a very Hot Topic a lot of people
01:15:24 like to talk about that so right now
01:15:27 what I'm doing is I'm listening to
01:15:29 videos on being alone I'm studying that
01:15:31 topic so I can come with a credible
01:15:33 argument because I have experience to
01:15:35 back it but I need a way of structuring
01:15:37 my argument and so that's the next thing
01:15:39 is that simplifying complex topics will
01:15:42 be the greatest skill of The Next
01:15:43 Century because we live in an in
01:15:45 Information Age right there's so many
01:15:47 ideas and people are overwhelmed with
01:15:50 what they need to do right there's so
01:15:52 many different options that you can take
01:15:54 for your career or your life and we need
01:15:57 people that can come and organize and
01:16:00 simplify this information that's being
01:16:02 put out there because people are making
01:16:03 new discoveries left and right people
01:16:05 are creating new knowledge left and
01:16:08 right and they are distilling it in the
01:16:10 form of Internet content and so the
01:16:11 biggest mistake you can do here because
01:16:14 you're researching your interest right
01:16:15 you're researching you're noting things
01:16:17 down but the worst thing you can do is
01:16:18 let knowledge outpace execution you have
01:16:21 to apply what you learn because you
01:16:24 don't learn to write by reading about
01:16:26 writing it's going to help it's a good
01:16:28 guide but you have to actually practice
01:16:30 it right you can't study a a a senior's
01:16:33 level English course if you're in first
01:16:36 grade right or you haven't written
01:16:38 anything in your life it just doesn't
01:16:39 make sense it's not going to apply and
01:16:41 you're going to be like oh crap and you
01:16:42 need to go back to the fundamentals you
01:16:44 need to go back to first grade English
01:16:46 and practice and then you go to need to
01:16:48 go to second grade English and then
01:16:50 practice and you need to go to third
01:16:51 grade English and practice and and if
01:16:53 you skip any of those steps you're not
01:16:55 going to learn to write effectively or
01:16:56 it's just going to take you 10 times
01:16:58 longer because you're going to try and
01:16:59 write like a a senior in college and
01:17:02 then you're going to have to go back to
01:17:03 fourth grade but there's also a trap
01:17:05 there because with value creation you
01:17:07 need to make your knowledge valuable
01:17:09 right there's only so many things that
01:17:10 you can like practice tangibly right
01:17:13 there's ideas that you have to munch on
01:17:15 and contemplate and go in walks and let
01:17:18 your uh default mode Network let your
01:17:20 subconscious mind bring ideas to your
01:17:22 consci mind so you have Firepower to
01:17:25 write with you have to sit down and you
01:17:27 have to sit with a topic and just think
01:17:29 about it you have to contemplate you
01:17:31 have to go in you need to introspect and
01:17:33 self-reflect and understand like okay
01:17:35 what is the true value in this message
01:17:37 what has this helped me with in my life
01:17:40 and now the next step is absolutely
01:17:41 crucial you need to put your value on
01:17:44 the public market so you need to turn
01:17:46 the value that you've created into
01:17:48 internet content and you need to post it
01:17:51 because you need data you need to
01:17:54 understand if your ideas are truly
01:17:56 valuable or not or if they are perceived
01:17:58 as valuable because you can write like
01:18:00 Alan Watts you can write like a
01:18:01 philosopher but if you post it online
01:18:03 and you're not growing and you're not
01:18:05 getting any any engagement and because
01:18:07 of that you're not making any sales it's
01:18:09 not going to be sustainable then how how
01:18:11 are you going to do that for a fulltime
01:18:12 you need a balance of internal and
01:18:14 external you need to play the game the
01:18:16 external game from a place of I want to
01:18:20 give value okay so we understand how to
01:18:22 find and research our obsessions but how
01:18:24 do we package up that knowledge and turn
01:18:28 it into something of value that other
01:18:30 people will like engage and follow along
01:18:34 with so the first step is choosing a
01:18:36 media platform because you're going to
01:18:38 be Distributing your value via media
01:18:42 right you are going to be composing a
01:18:44 message from your knowledge from your
01:18:47 own unique perspective and distribute it
01:18:49 via media that's all the internet is
01:18:52 right that's how you reach anyone that's
01:18:54 how you build a readership that's how
01:18:55 you build an audience there is no way
01:18:57 around it you have to create content you
01:18:59 have to create media so I personally
01:19:01 prefer Twitter that's what I started
01:19:03 with that's what many people in my
01:19:05 network have started with they've grown
01:19:07 on there because it is underrated and
01:19:09 untapped and there are just so many
01:19:11 different benefits behind starting on
01:19:13 Twitter because I tried everything
01:19:16 before I tried a fitness YouTube channel
01:19:18 I tried a digital art page on Instagram
01:19:20 I tried paid ads SEO all of this other
01:19:23 stuff to try and grow my brand and now I
01:19:25 was missing crucial pieces but when I
01:19:28 got on Twitter everything just clicked
01:19:30 all of my knowledge clicked and I'm just
01:19:31 like okay I know how to make this work
01:19:33 now and it was easier because Twitter
01:19:36 you need a profile picture but you don't
01:19:39 need to post any images right it's it's
01:19:42 an idea platform it's a platform for
01:19:44 ideas and writing clear articulation and
01:19:48 communication that's what all of this is
01:19:50 that's the foundation of everything
01:19:51 there's a reason that people screenshot
01:19:53 their tweets and post them on other
01:19:55 platforms it's because the message is so
01:19:57 valuable and uh captivating compared to
01:20:00 like an Instagram model that's just in
01:20:03 like a bikini there's something of value
01:20:05 there and those tweets the screenshotted
01:20:07 tweets on any other platform usually get
01:20:09 more engagement if the Tweet is good
01:20:12 than any other kind of post you could
01:20:14 post right so it only makes sense to
01:20:17 start on Twitter because all you need is
01:20:18 the ability to type on a keyboard and
01:20:21 maybe some branding and marketing
01:20:22 knowledge on how to create a profile
01:20:24 that uh makes people want to follow you
01:20:27 right but that's not the only benefit of
01:20:28 starting on Twitter the other thing is
01:20:30 that the retweet button that's how you
01:20:32 share a post that's how you get eyes
01:20:35 that's how you get eyes on your content
01:20:37 which is how you grow you like I feel
01:20:40 like people are so confused with how to
01:20:41 grow it's like I'm posting content every
01:20:43 single day and it's like this isn't
01:20:46 YouTube where those are going to build
01:20:48 up and over time if the SEO is good then
01:20:51 you may gain a following this is you
01:20:54 need to write good content and you need
01:20:56 to put 100% of your effort 90% of your e
01:21:00 effort on getting it in front of other
01:21:03 people and so the retweet button is just
01:21:05 a click on any other social media
01:21:07 platform it's much higher friction to
01:21:09 share another post it's much higher
01:21:11 friction to get eyes on your posts
01:21:14 therefore getting them on your profile
01:21:16 therefore for having them follow you so
01:21:18 take that into account and the comments
01:21:21 right the comments are just better on
01:21:22 Twitter it's more of a forum and people
01:21:25 go to the comments more than they would
01:21:26 on say Instagram right so if you're
01:21:29 commenting on Instagram all you see is
01:21:31 like a username and then a line with
01:21:32 whatever they're commenting but if you
01:21:34 comment on Twitter they see your profile
01:21:35 picture so they can tell if you're a
01:21:37 Creator or not if your branding is good
01:21:39 they see your name and they see that you
01:21:41 added value to that tweet so there's
01:21:43 just much easier ways to grow on Twitter
01:21:47 and Twitter's just underrated and it it
01:21:49 is the foundation writing is the
01:21:50 foundation of everything if you can
01:21:52 write compelling tweets all of your
01:21:54 other social media content will get that
01:21:57 much better and that much more valuable
01:21:58 so the key with this is to start with
01:22:00 beginner level content 95% of the market
01:22:04 are beginners if you're watching this
01:22:07 feels weird to say this but you're a bit
01:22:08 higher intelligence like I try to not
01:22:11 make things super shallow so you're at
01:22:14 least looking for depth you are ahead of
01:22:16 people in some area whether it be from
01:22:18 what I taught you or from what someone
01:22:20 else on YouTube taught you you have
01:22:22 information that you can pass down to a
01:22:24 beginner level like very beginner level
01:22:27 right in the form of actionable advice
01:22:29 that's what every single person does to
01:22:30 grow at the start YouTubers for example
01:22:33 if you want to become a vlogger go look
01:22:35 at a vlogger past videos did they start
01:22:38 with just these random Vlogs where it's
01:22:40 like I bought a new car it's like no
01:22:43 they taught you something they educated
01:22:46 you and provided value relating to
01:22:48 something from a beginner level so if
01:22:50 they are a mainly a health guy then they
01:22:53 posted all of the F foundations and
01:22:55 fundamentals of what they do to maintain
01:22:59 their health or build muscle or lose fat
01:23:01 or whatever it may be the same is for
01:23:03 writing how do you get started writing
01:23:05 what's the benefits of writing what are
01:23:06 the foundational principles of writing
01:23:08 what about persuasive communication
01:23:09 right you need to dissect and understand
01:23:12 the certain interests that you are
01:23:13 pursuing and dish out actionable advice
01:23:16 in the form of the fundamentals in order
01:23:18 to grow at the start that is the content
01:23:20 that you are going to be producing on
01:23:22 Twitter and just be aware of this when
01:23:24 you're scrolling on Twitter or
01:23:27 Instagram don't just scroll and consume
01:23:29 the content that's the consumer mindset
01:23:31 the Creator he takes it he looks at it
01:23:34 he deconstructs it why did this do so
01:23:36 well why is this type of content
01:23:38 performing well and if this content is
01:23:40 performing well how am I going to take
01:23:43 whatever it is here the essence of this
01:23:44 post make it my own so I can also grow
01:23:47 and play the game so that's step number
01:23:50 one is choose a media platform and just
01:23:51 start posting in Step number two is to
01:23:54 learn to capture attention because that
01:23:57 is the name of the game in just this
01:23:59 information age this idea age where
01:24:02 there's too much information there's too
01:24:03 many ideas everyone's trying to catch
01:24:05 your attention but that's the thing is
01:24:07 you have to get good at catching
01:24:09 attention or else they're not going to
01:24:10 read any of your stuff if you can't stop
01:24:13 them to read your post how are they
01:24:16 going to like your post how are they
01:24:17 going to retweet it how are they going
01:24:18 to comment how are they going to click
01:24:20 on your profile to try and find out more
01:24:22 how are you going to catch their
01:24:23 attention on your profile how are you
01:24:24 going to lead that attention to your
01:24:26 lead magnet what about your emails what
01:24:28 about a product what about a service how
01:24:30 are you going to guide their attention
01:24:32 throughout all of this but the thing
01:24:34 here is you don't have to become a
01:24:36 sleazy used car salesmen to catch
01:24:39 attention it's like but wait there's
01:24:41 more no you don't have to do any of that
01:24:43 [Â __Â ] you just have to understand and
01:24:44 study psychology and I'll give you a few
01:24:47 examples of like how to capture
01:24:50 attention based on psychological
01:24:51 principles so the first is problems
01:24:54 right if you have studied marketing if
01:24:56 you studied copyrighting if you studied
01:24:58 branding everything revolves around
01:25:01 problems uh human behavior revolves
01:25:03 around problems stories start with
01:25:06 problems right if you start with a
01:25:07 problem it opens a curiosity Gap and
01:25:10 they want to figure out what the
01:25:11 solution is right so if you can start
01:25:14 with a problem that a relatable problem
01:25:16 that someone is facing like if you
01:25:18 struggle to grow your business that's
01:25:20 just an example but a problem
01:25:22 right it's The Duality and the like back
01:25:26 and forth and playing the game of
01:25:28 problems and benefits right so what's
01:25:31 the problem how do you overcome it what
01:25:32 are the benefits the problem is a good
01:25:35 way of capturing attention and this all
01:25:37 takes practice so another one is numbers
01:25:40 numbers like a statistic well that's the
01:25:43 next one I want to go over but uh
01:25:44 numbers where it's like I spent 4,500
01:25:47 hours studying this so you don't have to
01:25:50 here's what I learned right some
01:25:52 something like that numbers especially
01:25:54 on Twitter or even other platforms where
01:25:56 it's very text heavy or image heavy it's
01:25:59 just a different thing it's a pattern
01:26:00 interrupt that catches someone's
01:26:01 attention and then the next thing is
01:26:04 statistics so 99% of people say they
01:26:08 regretted something before they died how
01:26:10 do you avoid this right so you can see
01:26:12 how that kind of leads into something
01:26:15 else but you're you're better off
01:26:17 studying um copywriting for this like
01:26:20 sales copywriting or persuasive
01:26:22 copyrighting you can get my 2-hour
01:26:24 writer course I go over all of this in
01:26:25 so much more depth it's it's like it's
01:26:27 so hard to go over in this video that's
01:26:29 why I created a course but that will
01:26:31 give you everything you need to know if
01:26:33 you want something else to study for
01:26:34 free look up Ada Aida copyrighting
01:26:38 framework that will give you that's a
01:26:39 very basic one but it's very useful
01:26:41 especially for tweets um Pastor p a s t
01:26:45 o r that is also a copywriting framework
01:26:48 that is more long form that will help
01:26:50 you write like Instagram captions emails
01:26:53 sales Pages landing pages all of this
01:26:55 other stuff and give you like a
01:26:56 structure of the sales process that's
01:26:59 another thing you can research is a
01:27:01 sales process so we've chosen a media
01:27:03 platform we understand that we have to
01:27:05 learn how to capture attention the next
01:27:07 thing is to treat yourself as your ideal
01:27:10 reader if you watch the last video on
01:27:11 the one person business model you know
01:27:13 that I'm very big or trying to create
01:27:15 something out of this I'm trying to come
01:27:17 up with a term if you can think of a
01:27:19 term for this I've thought of like
01:27:21 mental monetization
01:27:22 the business of self one person business
01:27:25 is good but that's kind of broad there's