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OCR A'Level Hexadecimal Representation

Computing#Computer Science#OCR#Hexadecimal#Hex
8K views|7 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video explains binary and hexadecimal number systems, showcasing the conversion of a decimal number to binary and then to hexadecimal. It emphasizes grouping binary digits and unique hexadecimal digits like A-F. Converting binary to hexadecimal involves grouping in blocks of 4 and calculating the value. For instance, 179 in base 10 binary is 10110011 in base 2 and B3 in base 16 hexadecimal.

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Overview of Binary and Hexadecimal Number Systems
Binary and hexadecimal are base 2 and base 16 number systems, respectively, in contrast to our base 10 system.
Converting a positive integer like 179 from decimal to binary and then to hexadecimal is demonstrated.
Hexadecimal uses unique digits A-F, with the process involving grouping binary digits and applying conversion rules.
The video emphasizes the importance of understanding binary and hexadecimal systems in addition to decimal for various applications.
Converting binary numbers to hexadecimal.
Group the binary number in blocks of 4, calculate the value, and read across.
Example: 179 in base 10 binary is 10110011 in base 2 binary and B3 in base 16 hexadecimal.