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Becoming More Masculine Will Solve 99% of Your Problems

Chris Langton2023-12-24
52K views|8 months ago
💫 Short Summary

In the video "Why Masculinity is Ruining Your Life" the speaker discusses how having a poor relationship with masculinity can negatively impact men's lives, citing personal experiences and societal trends. He highlights the decrease in average male testosterone levels over the years and emphasizes the importance of understanding and embracing masculinity for personal and physiological well-being. The video also promises actionable steps to address these issues. In the video "How Modern Society Destroys Men - A Wake Up Call," the speaker discusses the physiological and mental effects of modern society on men, including the lack of masculine role models, the demonization of masculinity, and the challenges men face in defining and embodying masculinity. The speaker argues that the lack of positive relationship with masculinity contributes to men feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and unable to commit to work or relationships. Masculinity and Being a Man: The Prescription" discusses the importance of having a good relationship with masculinity and defines positive associations with being a man, such as being principled, calm, purposeful, and in control. The video emphasizes the need for men to have controlled aggression and emotional control, and highlights the significance of being principled as a masculine man. Chris from Good Looking Loser discusses the importance of being principled and embodying masculine virtues such as controlled aggression, emotional control, and being calm. He provides actionable steps for forming a healthier relationship with masculinity, including seeking more information through books and podcasts, unlearning biases, and practicing masculine virtues in everyday life. Masculinity: How to Have a Better Relationship With It" discusses the importance of taking accountability and embodying virtues like discipline and certainty in order to improve one's relationship with masculinity. The speaker emphasizes the need to identify positive male role models and change one's attitude towards masculinity, highlighting the impact it can have on personal growth and how others perceive you.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Rekindling the relationship with masculinity has positively transformed the speaker's life, leading to financial success and freedom.
The speaker went from being a university student partying and working a sales job to becoming a multi-6 figure business owner and a frequent traveler within a year.
They attribute this transformation to rekindling their relationship with masculinity.
The speaker shares a personal story to highlight the impact of masculinity on their life.
Two years ago, the speaker's voice was higher and their face looked different, possibly indicating lower testosterone levels.
During that time, they were living a hedonistic lifestyle, not fulfilling their purpose, and conforming to societal conditioning.
The speaker's current physical fitness and deeper voice suggest a positive change in their masculinity over time.
Male testosterone levels have been decreasing, with average levels dropping by about 1% every year since the 1980s.
From 2006 to 2019, there was an average decrease of more than 10% in testosterone levels across all age groups.
Anecdotal evidence and a study show that grip strength in men has decreased in line with testosterone levels, indicating a physical impact.
Testosterone plays a crucial role in mood regulation, memory function, sex drive, sperm production, bone and muscle strength.
The speaker discusses the physiological and mental impact of decreased testosterone levels on men.
Physiologically, decreased testosterone can lead to hindrances in men's lives.
Mentally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of examining one's relationship with masculinity.
Lack of male role models and societal attitudes towards masculinity can impact a man's development.
The speaker suggests that being surrounded by mostly female teachers can limit exposure to male role models.
Behaviors associated with masculinity, such as aggression, are often punished or discouraged.
Emotional stoicism in boys may be perceived negatively in social environments.
Terms like 'toxic masculinity' and 'mansplaining' further influence how men view their own masculinity.
The speaker explores the associations and definitions of masculinity that men are exposed to.
Words like aggressive, toxic, big, strong, and macho are commonly associated with masculinity.
Some men may also associate masculinity with being emotionally inept.
Negative associations with masculinity can make it difficult for men to define what it means to be a man.
Many men have not been actively trained in or encouraged to embrace positive masculinity.
Lack of male role models and training in masculinity is highlighted.
Even with no training in being a man, men cannot simply adopt feminine traits or roles.
This lack of positive masculinity can lead to feelings of being stuck, ineffective, and unable to commit to work or relationships.
The lack of a good relationship with masculinity is a contributing factor to feeling stuck in various aspects of life.
Examples of feeling stuck in a relationship where one is not respected or treated the way they want.
The speaker emphasizes the need to form new, positive associations with masculinity.
Associations with being a man include principles, calmness, being guided by truth, purposeful, immovable, certain, in control, directed, controlled aggression, protective, a provider, depth of presence, unshakable, and grounded.
Masculinity is not solely about being aggressive; it's about the ability to control aggression.
Controlled aggression is using minimal necessary force to protect oneself and loved ones.
Being calm is a trait of a masculine man, but it's important to differentiate between being calm by choice and being calm because nothing is threatening.
Emotional control distinguishes a man from an overgrown child.
In a confrontation, a man losing emotional control puts others in physical danger, while the same behavior from a woman is not perceived as dangerous.
Emotional control is a key trait of a masculine man in public situations.
A man is expected to be principled, while a woman having an emotional episode in public is not of huge consequence.
Chris attended a party with the goal of doing 1000 push-ups and not drinking any alcohol to demonstrate his principles.
Chris made a commitment to himself to do 1000 push-ups and not drink any alcohol at a party where everyone else was drinking.
He completed the 1000 push-ups and refused multiple offers of alcohol throughout the night, earning the respect of others for his principled behavior.
Principled behavior, emotional control, and the ability to stay calm in high-pressure situations are key aspects of masculinity.
Being principled and sticking to your commitments is respected by others.
Masculinity involves controlling aggression, mastering emotions, and staying calm, especially in stressful situations.
Forming a healthier relationship with masculinity requires seeking information, unlearning biases, and practicing masculine virtues.
Recommendations for forming a healthier relationship with masculinity include reading books, finding good role models, and practicing masculine virtues.
Recommended books include 'The Way of the Superior Man' by David Deida, 'Can't Hurt Me' by David Goggins, and 'Meditations' by Marcus Aurelius.
Seek out podcasts and videos featuring men who embody positive masculine traits.
Practice masculine virtues like stoicism and discipline in your daily life to experience the consequences and benefits.
Identify masculine virtues in other people and learn from their behavior.
Identifying and Embodying Masculine Virtues
Pay attention to men who embody the virtues you wish to possess.
Seek role models who are calm in stressful situations and disciplined.
Changes in attitude and how you're perceived can happen quickly when you start embodying these virtues.
Taking Accountability as a Man
Take complete accountability for your current situation, even if it's not entirely your fault.
No one else will come to unstick you - it's your responsibility.
Choose to live a different life by holding yourself accountable and not blaming others.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. How can rekindling a relationship with masculinity positively impact a man's life?

Rekindling a relationship with masculinity can lead to significant positive changes in a man's life, including personal growth, professional success, and the freedom to live life on his own terms. The speaker shares his personal journey of transforming from a university student with a poor relationship with masculinity to becoming a successful business owner and enjoying the freedom to travel.

2. What are the consequences of the decrease in average male testosterone levels?

The decrease in average male testosterone levels has led to various consequences, including a decline in physical strength and a negative impact on overall health and well-being. The speaker discusses the physiological and societal effects of lower testosterone levels in men, emphasizing the importance of understanding and addressing this issue.

3. Why is it crucial for men to pay attention to redefining masculinity in today's society?

Redefining masculinity is crucial for men in today's society due to the changing expectations and understanding of gender roles. The speaker highlights the importance of men embracing and redefining masculinity to navigate and thrive in a rapidly evolving world, emphasizing the benefits of personal growth and fulfillment.

4. What are the key factors contributing to the decline in average male testosterone levels?

The decline in average male testosterone levels can be attributed to a variety of factors, including lifestyle choices, environmental influences, and societal changes. The speaker discusses the multivariate nature of the problem and encourages men to gain awareness and understanding of testosterone's significance for their overall health and well-being.

5. How does the speaker emphasize the transformation from a university student to a successful business owner through rekindling masculinity?

The speaker emphasizes the profound transformation from being a university student with a poor relationship with masculinity to becoming a successful business owner by rekindling his relationship with masculinity. He attributes his personal and professional growth, as well as the freedom to live life on his own terms, to this transformation.

6. What are the physiological and mental effects of decreased testosterone in men?

Physiologically, decreased testosterone can lead to physical problems. Mentally, it can impact a man's relationship with masculinity and his upbringing environment.

7. How does the lack of masculine role models and the concept of toxic masculinity contribute to a man's struggle in defining masculinity?

The lack of masculine role models and the negative associations related to toxic masculinity can lead to difficulties in defining masculinity for men, impacting their self-perception and relationship with their own masculinity.

8. What are the consequences of not being trained in the aspects of traditional masculinity while still identifying as a man?

The consequences include feeling stuck, being unable to fully commit to work or relationships, and struggling to make a positive impact, ultimately leading to a lack of fulfillment in life.

9. What are some examples of being stuck in a relationship due to a lack of respect and treatment?

Feeling stuck in a relationship due to a partner's lack of respect and treatment can be seen as a result of not having a good relationship with masculinity. This can manifest in various ways such as feeling unfulfilled, disrespected, or not being treated the way one desires.

10. How can one form a better opinion of masculinity?

Forming a better opinion of masculinity involves understanding and associating positive traits with being a man. This can include being principled, calm, in control, and protective, among other qualities. It's important to recognize that masculinity is not about being aggressive or domineering, but about embodying positive attributes.

11. What is the importance of emotional control in defining masculinity?

Emotional control plays a crucial role in defining masculinity as it showcases the ability to handle and regulate emotions in a mature and composed manner. This is a key aspect of being a man and is essential in demonstrating strength and stability in various situations.

12. What does the video emphasize about maintaining principles in social situations?

The video emphasizes the importance of maintaining principles in social situations, using the example of refusing to drink alcohol at a party and completing a physical challenge to demonstrate the value of being principled.

13. How does the video discuss the concept of controlled aggression?

The video discusses the concept of controlled aggression in the context of a street fight, highlighting the importance of being able to control aggression and use minimal necessary force.

14. What are the key traits of masculinity and how does the video suggest forming a healthier relationship with masculinity?

The video explores key traits of masculinity such as emotional control, calmness, and the ability to be principled. It also provides suggestions for forming a healthier relationship with masculinity, including seeking out role models and practicing masculine virtues in daily life.

15. What are the key virtues that this video focuses on in developing a healthy relationship with masculinity?

The video focuses on the key virtues of calmness, discipline, and taking complete accountability as essential in developing a healthy relationship with masculinity.

16. How does the video suggest men can form a better and healthier relationship with masculinity?

The video suggests that men can form a better and healthier relationship with masculinity by identifying and emulating role models who embody virtues such as calmness, discipline, and accountability. It also emphasizes the importance of taking complete accountability for one's life.

17. What is the importance of calmness, discipline, and accountability in developing a healthy relationship with masculinity, as mentioned in the video?

Calmness, discipline, and accountability are highlighted as crucial aspects in developing a healthy relationship with masculinity, contributing to personal growth and positive self-perception. The video emphasizes the role of these virtues in shaping a better and healthier expression of masculinity.

18. How does the video suggest men can bring about changes in their lives by embracing the virtues discussed?

The video suggests that men can bring about changes in their lives by embracing virtues such as calmness, discipline, and accountability. By embodying these virtues, men may experience shifts in the way they are perceived by others and in how they feel about themselves, ultimately leading to personal growth and a healthier expression of masculinity.

19. What is the significance of taking complete accountability for one's life in the context of masculinity, according to the video?

In the context of masculinity, the video emphasizes the significant role of taking complete accountability for one's life. It underscores the importance of men acknowledging and addressing their circumstances, leading to personal empowerment and the development of a more positive and healthy masculinity.