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10K To 30K A Month Cleaning Business l Episode #1 with Brandon Orr

7K views|1 years ago
💫 Short Summary

Brandon Orr, owner of Cure Cleaning and founder of 10K Cleaning Academy, shares his journey of leaving a corporate sales job to pursue his cleaning business full-time, emphasizing the perseverance and sacrifices required for entrepreneurial success. He advises aspiring entrepreneurs with side hustles to create a budget, make strategic decisions, and be prepared to make sacrifices in order to achieve long-term goals. In the interview, entrepreneur AJ Simmons discusses leaving his job to pursue entrepreneurship, emphasizing the need for pressure and discomfort to drive success. He also shares challenges faced while running a cleaning business and his wife's daycare business, including financial crises and personal sacrifices. Despite the difficulties, they persevered and found ways to overcome the obstacles. Entrepreneur discusses leaving Corporate America to start a cleaning business, sleeping in his car to make it work, and eventually moving to Texas for a fresh start. Emphasizes the importance of mental toughness and the impact of environment on personal and business growth. Cedric and Cordell, founders of Cure Cleaning, discuss their journey of resilience and perseverance in building their cleaning business, inspired by the fun and inclusive culture they experienced at another company. They emphasize the importance of adaptability, teamwork, and understanding the needs of their staff for business success. Entrepreneur discusses building company culture, challenges of managing a spread-out team, and learning from experiences such as dealing with theft in his cleaning business. Emphasizes the importance of systems and efficiency in operations. Two entrepreneurs discuss their cleaning business, emphasizing the importance of integrity, credibility, and networking for success. They share their journey of overcoming challenges and setting a goal to reach one million dollars in revenue. They also talk about the 10K Cleaning Academy, which focuses on continuous learning and improvement in the cleaning industry. 10K Cleaning Academy founder discusses the importance of surrounding yourself with successful people and the launch of his coaching program to help aspiring cleaning business entrepreneurs grow and scale their businesses. He emphasizes learning from those who have achieved success and the value of prioritizing time with family and pursuing meaningful goals. Brandon, the founder of 10K Cleaning Academy, discusses how his program helps cleaning business owners save time, avoid costly mistakes, and transition from working in the business to working on the business in order to scale and grow. The program also emphasizes the importance of sales and relationship building, drawing from Brandon's sales background in corporate America. The 10K Cleaning Academy has already been launched and can be found on Brandon's Instagram and YouTube channel.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
The guest, Brandon Orr, shares his journey from corporate sales to starting his own cleaning business.
Brandon left his corporate sales job in 2017 to focus on his cleaning business.
He and his wife, who is also an entrepreneur, started cure cleaning together.
Brandon's decision to leave his job was influenced by the birth of his first daughter and his desire to be wealthy before having children.
He hustled by driving for Uber and selling life insurance to support his family while growing the cleaning business.
Brandon's cleaning business started to grow when he devoted his full attention to it after leaving his nine-to-five job.
He put in his resignation and focused on picking up more residential cleanings.
The business started to grow once he devoted all his attention to it.
Brandon advises people with a full-time job and a side hustle to be strategic and calculate their approach.
Create a budget to manage income and expenses.
Understand the difference between revenue and profit.
Invest whatever you can back into your business.
Be prepared to make sacrifices and forego short-term gratification for long-term goals.
Create an escape plan if you're unhappy in your job.
It's important to have an evacuation plan for leaving a job and venturing into entrepreneurship.
Create an emergency evacuation plan for leaving your job and start working towards it.
Leaving your job on a set date, even if the plan isn't fully realized, can ignite a sense of urgency and motivation.
Many people rely on their job for comfort and security, but true success lies outside of the comfort zone.
Some individuals need accountability and pressure to get them moving towards their goals.
Leaving his job to become an entrepreneur was a scary but necessary decision for the speaker.
He needed something to ignite and scare him into taking action.
The more scared he was, the harder he worked to succeed.
The discomfort put him in a sink or swim mentality, driving him to give it his all.
The speaker's scariest and best decision was quitting his job to become an entrepreneur.
The pressure of having financial responsibilities and the need to provide for his family motivated him to reach his goals.
He had a chip on his shoulder and was determined to make it work despite the fear.
Leaving his job pushed him to give it everything he had.
The speaker's wife was running a successful home daycare, which inspired him to pursue his own business.
He was in the corporate world when they met, but he was always doing something on the side.
The success of the daycare gave them the confidence to live off its income if he left his job.
They faced unexpected challenges when running two businesses, especially during a financial crisis.
The speaker and his wife faced a life-changing crisis when their income dropped significantly due to challenges with their daycare business.
They had to live with family and experienced typical family challenges during this tough time.
The speaker had to drive long distances for his cleaning business, leading him to sleep in his car at times to save time for work.
Despite the challenges, they weathered the storm and stuck together as a family.
The entrepreneur discusses the challenges he faced while running his cleaning business, including sleeping in his car to be closer to accounts and grinding through residential work.
Left Corporate America to pursue his cleaning business.
Was willing to do whatever was necessary to make the business succeed, even if it meant sleeping in his car.
Emphasizes the mental toughness required to succeed as an entrepreneur.
Moved to Texas after feeling the need for a change in environment for the sake of his mental well-being.
The decision to move to Dallas was motivated by the negative impact of their current environment on their mental well-being and the need for a fresh start.
Felt the environment was taking a toll on their mental health.
Felt a sense of responsibility as a man to support and take care of his family.
Made a plan to move to Dallas as a way to escape the negative environment.
Recognized the impact of surroundings on personal and business growth.
Moving to Dallas provided a fresh start but also brought new challenges, as they were in a foreign territory without the support of family.
Moving to Dallas allowed for a fresh start and provided space to think better.
The lack of family support in Dallas presented new challenges.
The difficult journey in Chicago helped build toughness and character.
Chicago experience humbled them and gave them the fire to prove themselves.
Facing and overcoming struggles can help build resilience and character.
Experiencing and overcoming struggles has helped the speaker become more resilient.
It has taught the speaker not to stress about the little things.
Struggles prepare us for the future, even if we don't see the bigger picture at the time.
Cure Cleaning is a company focused on creating a fun and serious business culture.
The vision for Cure Cleaning is to be a fun company from a cultural perspective.
The goal is for people to take the company seriously, but still have a voice and not feel insignificant.
The inspiration for the company's branding came from seeing a unique and cool cleaning company.
Ricky Regalado and the culture at Rosalotto cleaning inspired the fun and inclusive culture the speaker wants for Cure Cleaning.
Ricky Regalado's company, Rosalotto cleaning, has a fun and inspiring company culture.
The speaker was impressed by the fun and possible culture at Ricky's office.
Entrepreneurs and athletes often emulate and aspire to be like someone they admire.
There is enough market share for everyone, so collaboration is more beneficial than a competitive mindset.
Ricky invited the speaker to do subcontract work for Rosalotto, and it was a phenomenal learning experience.
Having the right people and knowing their roles is crucial for the success of a business.
Ricky does a great job of understanding and meeting the needs of his staff, even when subcontracting.
Feedback and communication are important for company culture
Feedback from clients and team members is crucial for understanding their needs and improving the business
Asking simple questions and checking in with people can help create a positive culture in the office
Learning from other teams and experiences can help improve your own business
The speaker learned from observing the team at Rosalotto during a project
He took what he learned and applied it to his own operation, resulting in improvement
Challenges in maintaining company culture with a spread-out team
The company operates in two different states, making it challenging to maintain a strong culture
Acknowledgment of the great work done by the team in Chicago
Challenges faced when systems were not set up properly after moving from Chicago
Dealing with challenges and learning from them is essential for business growth
Had to let go of people who were bringing the business down
Acknowledgment that unexpected things can happen in entrepreneurship
Learning to better handle challenges and unexpected situations
Building credibility and integrity is important for getting referrals in the cleaning business.
Having integrity and building credibility is important for receiving referrals in the cleaning industry.
There are opportunities for different types of cleaning jobs, so businesses don't have to limit themselves to a specific niche.
Collaborating and partnering with other cleaning companies can help in serving more clients and growing the business.
Partnering with other cleaning companies can help in getting referrals and serving a larger client base.
Networking and connecting with other business owners can lead to mutually beneficial opportunities.
The goal is to make an impact on other businesses and collaborate to do more together.
Scaling a cleaning business requires continuously mastering new challenges and learning at every level.
The goal is to reach a million in revenue, but each level of success comes with new challenges to master.
In the cleaning business, you have to wear many hats, especially when just starting out.
Persistence and the ability to overcome roadblocks are essential for success in running a cleaning business.
Setting goals, continuous learning, and seeking mentorship are important for the growth of the cleaning business.
Short-term goals for the company include tightening up processes and constantly learning and improving.
Mentorship and learning from those who have achieved success, like AJ Simmons, are valuable for personal and business growth.
The mindset of the business owner plays a crucial role in achieving financial goals.
The emphasis is on long-term thinking and mindset shift towards higher levels of success.
Entrepreneurship and Surrounding Yourself with Winners
Entrepreneurs like AJ and the Clean Biz Network have helped shift the mindset of the speaker.
Being in the right environment and surrounding yourself with successful people is important for personal growth and success.
It's essential to put yourself in rooms with people you want to be like, regardless of your current level.
10K Cleaning Academy
The 10K Cleaning Academy is a coaching program for cleaning business entrepreneurs to help them grow and scale.
It was created after the speaker received numerous inquiries and realized the need to systematize the coaching process.
The program aims to help entrepreneurs avoid the mistakes the speaker made and prioritize their time and family.
Brandon discusses the value of the 10K Cleaning Academy in helping cleaning businesses save time and money.
The program aims to save businesses hundreds of hours of watching YouTube videos and thousands of dollars in mistakes.
Brandon attributes the success of his cleaning business to having a documented process and systems in place.
The 10K Cleaning Academy helps solo cleaners and those starting out in the business to scale and grow by shifting from working in the business to working on the business.
The 10K Cleaning Academy focuses on empowering people with sales skills and mindset.
It helps them have the confidence to sell better and go after bigger deals.
Sales is emphasized as the blood of the business, and building relationships and operating with integrity are also important.
The program incorporates sales training from Brandon's corporate background to provide the tools needed to build a cleaning company.
Information about the 10K Cleaning Academy launch and where to find Brandon online.
The 10K Cleaning Academy has already launched, with a focus on empowering people with sales skills.
Brandon can be found on Instagram, where he is most active, and his link tree contains the 10K Cleaning Academy.
He also mentions having a YouTube channel for people to check out.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. How did Brandon Orr transition from a full-time job in sales to focusing on his cleaning business?

Brandon Orr transitioned from a full-time job in sales to focusing on his cleaning business by making the decision to go all in on his cleaning business in 2017, alongside his wife, after the birth of their first child. He emphasized the importance of perseverance and making sacrifices to achieve long-term goals.

2. What advice did Brandon Orr give to those with a full-time job and a side hustle in the cleaning business?

Brandon Orr advised those with a full-time job and a side hustle in the cleaning business to create a budget, make sacrifices, and have an escape plan. He highlighted the importance of financial responsibility and the willingness to make sacrifices to achieve long-term entrepreneurial goals.

3. How does Brandon Orr emphasize the importance of perseverance in entrepreneurship?

Brandon Orr emphasizes the importance of perseverance in entrepreneurship by sharing his own journey of transitioning from a full-time job to focusing on his cleaning business. He describes the grit and determination required to overcome challenges and achieve success as an entrepreneur.

4. What inspired you to create an emergency evacuation plan?

The speaker emphasizes the importance of having an evacuation plan and setting a date to leave, even if the plan is not fully formed. This approach is meant to create a sense of urgency and motivation to move forward.

5. How did you find the motivation to leave your job and become an entrepreneur?

The speaker discusses the need for discomfort and pressure to ignite motivation, using the example of leaving a job to pursue entrepreneurship. They emphasize that the fear and pressure of the unknown can push individuals to work harder and achieve their goals.

6. What challenges did you face when starting your own business?

The speaker talks about the challenges faced when starting a cleaning business and the financial crisis that occurred while running two businesses. They also mention the personal sacrifices made, such as sleeping in their car to save time during a long commute.

7. Why did the speaker sleep in their car while building their cleaning business?

The speaker slept in their car while building their cleaning business to ensure the business would not fail and to make necessary sacrifices for its success.

8. What was the key factor in the speaker's decision to move to Texas to grow their cleaning business?

The speaker identified the negative impact of their environment on their mental well-being and the need for a more positive environment to perform better and support their family. This led to the decision to move to Texas to further their business.

9. How did moving to Dallas create new challenges for the speaker in growing their cleaning business?

Moving to Dallas created new challenges for the speaker, including being in a foreign territory without the support of family members, leading to a whole new level of challenges in building the business.

10. What role did the speaker's environment play in the growth of their cleaning business?

The speaker emphasized the significant role of environment in personal and business growth, highlighting the importance of a positive environment for better performance and the need to remove oneself from negative surroundings.

11. How did the speaker's experience in Chicago contribute to the development of their character and determination in building their cleaning business?

The speaker described their experience in Chicago as a humbling and character-building journey that ultimately gave them the fire and determination needed to succeed in building their cleaning business.

12. What is the name of the cleaning company mentioned in the video?

The name of the cleaning company mentioned in the video is Cure Cleaning.

13. How is the vision for the cleaning company described in the video?

The vision for the cleaning company is described as a fun company with a focus on creating a serious business and a positive work culture.

14. What is the significance of company culture discussed in the video?

The video discusses the significance of company culture in creating a positive work environment and the importance of knowing and understanding the staff's roles and needs.

15. What is the importance of creating a positive company culture?

Creating a positive company culture is important for employee satisfaction, retention, and overall business success. It can lead to increased productivity, better teamwork, and a more attractive workplace for potential employees.

16. How did the speaker's experience with office culture and project collaboration contribute to the growth of their cleaning business?

The speaker's experience with office culture and project collaboration provided valuable insights that were applied to the growth of their cleaning business. They emphasized the importance of learning from different work environments and adapting those learnings to enhance their own company's culture and operations.

17. What challenges did the speaker face in building and maintaining a positive company culture with a geographically dispersed team?

The speaker faced the challenge of maintaining a positive company culture with a geographically dispersed team due to operating in two different states. Despite the challenge, they recognized the importance of a great culture and expressed gratitude for their Chicago team's exceptional performance.

18. How did the speaker's experience with employee theft and the need for proper systems contribute to the development of their business operations?

The speaker's experience with employee theft highlighted the importance of having proper systems in place for business operations, such as implementing a deposit requirement for client appointments. They emphasized the value of learning from such experiences to enhance business efficiency and minimize potential risks.

19. What advice did the speaker provide for business owners in terms of implementing effective systems and managing different types of customers?

The speaker emphasized the importance of implementing effective systems for business operations and highlighted the need for tailored approaches in managing different types of customers, such as residential and commercial clients. They also advised business owners to prioritize efficiency and recommended having distinct systems for varied customer bases.

20. What is the key to success as an entrepreneur in the cleaning industry?

The key to success as an entrepreneur in the cleaning industry is having integrity, building credibility, and partnering with others strategically to create opportunities for growth and referrals.

21. What are the potential opportunities in the cleaning industry?

The cleaning industry offers a wide range of opportunities, including residential cleaning, commercial cleaning, post-construction cleaning, and partnership collaborations, allowing entrepreneurs to explore various niches and expand their services.

22. How important is continuous learning and mindset in achieving business goals?

Continuous learning and mindset play a crucial role in achieving business goals. It is essential for entrepreneurs to adapt to new challenges, master different aspects of the business, and cultivate a mindset aligned with the level of success they aim to reach.

23. What is emphasized as crucial for entrepreneurs in the cleaning industry to achieve success?

The importance of integrity, credibility, strategic partnerships, and a growth-oriented mindset is emphasized as crucial for entrepreneurs in the cleaning industry to achieve success.

24. What are the key factors for reaching success in the cleaning industry?

Integrity, credibility, strategic partnerships, continuous learning, and a growth-oriented mindset are the key factors for reaching success in the cleaning industry as discussed in the video.

25. What is the 10K Cleaning Academy?

The 10K Cleaning Academy is a coaching program to help cleaning business entrepreneurs grow and scale their businesses, leveraging the knowledge and experience of the founder who has achieved success in the cleaning industry.

26. How important is it to surround yourself with successful people in business?

It is crucial to surround yourself with successful people in business as it can have a positive impact, helping to learn from their experiences, gain motivation, and acquire valuable knowledge and habits for success.

27. What are the key benefits of being part of a business-focused community like the Clean Biz Network?

Being part of a business-focused community like the Clean Biz Network provides opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals, gain insights into the industry, and access valuable resources and support for business growth.

28. How can aspiring entrepreneurs benefit from coaching programs like the 10K Cleaning Academy?

Aspiring entrepreneurs can benefit from coaching programs like the 10K Cleaning Academy by receiving guidance, learning best practices, avoiding common mistakes, and gaining the knowledge and tools necessary to succeed in the cleaning business.

29. What motivated the founder to start the 10K Cleaning Academy?

The founder's motivation to start the 10K Cleaning Academy stemmed from a desire to give back to the community and help other cleaning business entrepreneurs grow and succeed, drawing from personal experiences and the challenges faced in the industry.

30. What is the 10K Cleaning Academy?

The 10K Cleaning Academy is a program designed to help cleaning business owners save time, avoid costly mistakes, and increase revenue through documented processes and sales training.

31. How can the 10K Cleaning Academy help cleaning business owners?

The 10K Cleaning Academy can help cleaning business owners save time, avoid costly mistakes, and increase revenue through its focus on documented processes and sales training, empowering owners to scale their businesses.

32. What is the focus of the 10K Cleaning Academy?

The 10K Cleaning Academy focuses on providing cleaning business owners with the tools to save time, avoid costly mistakes, and increase revenue through documented processes and sales training, ultimately enabling them to scale their businesses.

33. Who can benefit from the 10K Cleaning Academy?

The 10K Cleaning Academy is beneficial for cleaning business owners who are looking to save time, avoid costly mistakes, and increase revenue by implementing documented processes and sales training to scale their businesses.

34. What are the key features of the 10K Cleaning Academy?

The key features of the 10K Cleaning Academy include a focus on saving time, avoiding costly mistakes, and increasing revenue through documented processes and sales training, ultimately empowering cleaning business owners to scale their businesses.