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How to Drive Younger Women WILD with your Flirting!! (without being weird or creepy)

1K views|6 months ago
💫 Short Summary

This video provides crucial tips on how to flirt with younger, attractive women, including using teasing, maintaining a playful attitude, and creating sexual tension through eye contact and body language. The key is to make the woman feel comfortable and interested without being overly excited or disinterested. Asking less questions and making more statements can also help to create a challenge and build tension in the conversation.

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📊 Transcript
Jesse shares five tips for flirting with a girl, including teasing and play fighting to create interactional tension.
Teasing involves play fighting, stating accusatory assumptions, and pushing the girl away before pulling her back in.
Teasing makes the girl feel more comfortable and is more effective than just giving compliments and seeking rapport.
Joining Jesse's coaching program can help increase results with women and overcome procrastination.
The program aims to enhance results in getting a girlfriend and having more success with women.
Procrastination and making excuses are seen as feminine behavior that needs to be overcome.
The program promises to work with individuals until they achieve the desired results.
Flirting tip: Use good body language and eye contact to make a girl feel comfortable and build sexual tension.
Sexual gazing and slow voice rhythm can make a woman feel more relaxed and comfortable.
Start with small bursts of sexual gazing to test the waters and build sexual tension gradually.
Flirting with good body language and eye contact can make a woman feel excited and intrigued.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. How can you flirt with a girl without being weird or creepy?

You can flirt with a girl without being weird or creepy by using teasing, not taking yourself too seriously, having good body language and eye contact, and making accusatory statements instead of asking too many questions.

2. What is the key to making a girl feel more comfortable and excited while flirting?

The key to making a girl feel more comfortable and excited while flirting is to use teasing, not take yourself too seriously, have good body language and eye contact, and make accusatory statements to create a challenge for her.

3. How can a guy flirt with a girl in a bar in a playful manner?

A guy can flirt with a girl in a bar in a playful manner by not taking himself too seriously, having a relaxed and confident attitude, and using good body language and eye contact to show interest without appearing too excited.

4. What is the best way to flirt with a girl without coming across as creepy or weird?

The best way to flirt with a girl without coming across as creepy or weird is to be confident, playful, and engaging, to use body language and eye contact effectively, and to focus on making statements rather than asking too many questions.

5. How can a guy create a challenge for a girl while flirting?

A guy can create a challenge for a girl while flirting by making accusatory statements instead of asking too many questions, and by maintaining a relaxed and confident attitude with good body language and eye contact.