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AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional - SAP-C02 Exam Course Training - Practice Questions

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The video covers a wide range of AWS services and solutions, including storage classes, data access patterns, security services, database management, data transfer, load balancing, and more. It emphasizes the importance of choosing the right solutions based on performance, durability, and cost-effectiveness for various scenarios. The video also discusses strategies for managing traffic within the AWS network, cloud device security, customer support services, compliance, and data protection. Overall, it provides insights into optimizing AWS resources, enhancing security, and implementing effective solutions for different use cases.

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Overview of AWS storage classes and solutions.
Different storage classes like S3 Standard, S3 Intelligent-Tiering, S3 Infrequent Access, and S3 Glacier are discussed based on data access patterns and cost-effectiveness.
Storage solutions like Amazon EFS, EBS, S3, EC2 instance store, and FSx are explained with their features, limitations, and best use cases.
Emphasis on choosing the right storage solution for performance, durability, and cost, with examples of scenarios where each type of storage is most suitable.
Features of S3 Access Points and Amazon FSX for Windows File Server.
S3 access points allow control over shared data among different teams with varying security needs.
Amazon FSX for Windows file server offers high-performance file storage with Windows native support.
Cross-region S3 replication needs versioning and filters for replication scope.
Hosting a static website on S3 removes the need for application servers or EC2 instances.
AWS S3 Transfer Acceleration and Multi-part file upload optimize file transfers to S3.
Transfer Acceleration utilizes CloudFront's Edge locations for faster transfers.
Versioning in S3 starts existing objects with a null version.
AWS File Gateway allows access to S3 buckets over NFS.
Storage Gateway types include File Gateway for NFS/SMB, Volume Gateway for block storage, and Tape Gateway for virtual tape libraries.
Amazon Macie locates personally identifiable information in S3 files.
AWS Secrets Manager securely manages and rotates database credentials.
Safeguarding web applications with AWS security services.
AWS WAF is used for web application firewall protection.
AWS Shield provides defense against dos attacks.
CloudFront offers DDoS protection.
Shield Standard and Shield Advanced have different features and benefits.
Autoscaling groups and CloudFront help mitigate attacks.
AWS Shield is emphasized as the best solution for preventing web exploits and dos attacks.
AWS security services such as Amazon Inspector, Security Hub, Systems Manager Run Command, GuardDuty, and Access Analyzer provide comprehensive vulnerability management and threat monitoring for AWS accounts.
PowerUser Access Policy offers restricted management capabilities for users and groups compared to Administrator Access Policy.
Single Sign-On integration with on-premise Active Directory users enables seamless access to the AWS Management Console for enhanced security and user experience.
Techniques for controlling access to resources in AWS.
Use pre-signed URLs for PDF reports in S3 for paid users and avoid public access.
Utilize CloudFront signed cookies for static images to maintain access while securing URLs.
Restrict access to EC2-hosted applications by geographic location with AWS WAF or Route 53.
Connect VPCs using VPC peering with non-overlapping CIDR blocks and understand different network connectivity options in AWS.
Communication using IPC and the pairing of protocols VPca and VPcb is discussed in the video segment.
Limitations of communication between VPca and VPcc are highlighted due to lack of direct peering.
Gateway endpoints are explained for accessing S3 bucket or DynamoDB without internet, distinguishing them from Interface endpoints.
Nat instances and Nat Gateways are compared, emphasizing their differences and use cases.
The need for VPC interface endpoints for private connectivity to services like Kinesis data streams is addressed, focusing on network configuration and security measures.
Overview of Cross-Zone Load Balancing and Networking Features on AWS.
Traffic is evenly distributed across EC2 instances for optimal performance.
Shared services VPC allows multiple VPCs to securely access common resources.
Private hosted zones in Route 53 facilitate internal DNS resolution within a VPC.
VPN Cloud Hub connects remote branch offices to a central VPC, while direct connect provides high-speed connectivity to the AWS cloud.
Setting up private access to S3 bucket within VPC and database migration.
Creating a Gateway endpoint for S3 and implementing an S3 bucket policy is crucial for private access within a VPC.
Migrating MySQL to PostgreSQL can be done using AWS schema conversion tool or DMS.
Improving Dynamo DB read performance can be achieved through Dynamo DB Accelerator.
High availability and fault tolerance in RDS can be ensured through multi-AZ configuration and read replicas, highlighting the inefficiency of using Glue job or custom scripts for database migration.
AWS Database Options and Migration Services.
Dynamic capacity provisioning is recommended for adjusting read and write capacity units of Dynamo DB based on workload fluctuations.
Amazon Aurora Global database with read replicas is the best option for globally distributed applications requiring rapid read access to a relational database.
AWS application Discovery service collects information on on-premise servers and applications for migration to AWS, while AWS Migration Hub tracks application migration process.
Snowball Edge is recommended for transferring 50 terabytes of data quickly to AWS Cloud bypassing VPN bandwidth limitations.
AWS solutions for data transfer and synchronization between on-premise storage and AWS.
AWS DataSync and AWS Snowball Edge are recommended for efficient data transfer and synchronization between on-premise storage and AWS.
AWS DataSync over Direct Connect is recommended for moving 50 terabytes of data to AWS within a week.
AWS DataSync is suitable for synchronized backups when considering backup solutions for on-premise NFS server to Amazon EFS.
Rehosting is recommended for quickly moving on-premise applications to AWS with minimal changes.
Utilizing AWS services for improved performance and efficiency.
Using CloudFront for caching PDF reports can speed up downloads for users.
Lifecycle hooks in Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling aid in logging and investigating instances before termination.
API Gateway error code 413 indicates file size too large, recommending pre-signed URLs for direct S3 uploads.
AWS Data Lake with S3 storage is ideal for storing diverse data for analysis, accommodating structured and unstructured data.
Overview of Amazon Athena and Redshift Spectrum in data analysis using SQL.
Amazon Athena allows for interactive querying directly in S3, while Redshift Spectrum enables querying data in S3 without loading it into the Redshift cluster.
Effective querying in S3 involves partitioning data by date and storing it in Apache Parquet format for efficient performance.
Using AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) to replicate data from various RDBMS databases into Redshift can help consolidate data into a unified data warehouse cost-effectively.
Ensuring encrypted data at rest in Redshift can be achieved by enabling cross-region snapshots and creating snapshot copies with region-specific keys.
Efficient data retrieval with S3 Select and scan range parameter.
AWS Athena for SQL-based querying of S3 data, AWS Glue for ETL tasks.
Real-time message reception with Kinesis Data Streams, data delivery with Kinesis Firehose to OpenSearch.
Compressed export of DynamoDB data to S3 for reduced storage costs.
Avoid complex and unnecessary movement of DynamoDB data to Redshift, cost savings with reserved EC2 instances.
Types of AWS instance launch options are discussed.
The importance of choosing the right instance type based on workload consistency and uptime requirements is highlighted.
AWS Organizations can be used for centralized management and governance of multiple AWS accounts.
Control tower, service control policies, and service catalog are emphasized for managing AWS accounts effectively.
Service control policies are recommended for enforcing rules across organizational account hierarchies to ensure consistent compliance and control over EC2 instance launches.
Overview of AWS services for managing and optimizing traffic and API activity.
AWS CloudTrail logs API activity for security compliance within an AWS account.
AWS Global Accelerator and Route 53 route user traffic based on lowest latency, with Global Accelerator offering quicker failover routing.
Different types of load balancers available, such as Application Load Balancer for web applications and Network Load Balancer for TCP/UDP traffic.
API Gateway routes requests to APIs based on rules, supporting stateless secure HTTP and REST APIs.
Strategies for managing traffic within the AWS network include using network load balancers for fixed IP addresses and custom routing accelerators for directing users to specific destinations.
Setting up application load balancers and Route 53 can help direct requests to ECS clusters based on subdomains.
CloudFront with Lambda@Edge functions can be used to dynamically adjust login pages based on device type, enhancing content delivery and user experience.
It is important to avoid unnecessary complexity and higher costs in solution structures when managing traffic within the AWS network.
Using AWS Global Accelerator and blue-green deployment strategy for effective application transitions.
AWS Global Accelerator offers fixed anycast IP addresses to route traffic efficiently.
Blue-green deployment enables precise control over user traffic distribution between old and new versions of an application.
Route 53 for DNS-based routing may encounter challenges with DNS caching and propagation delays during transitions.
AWS Config and Systems Manager are recommended for tracking configuration changes and ensuring compliance over time.
AWS Control Tower automates setup for multi-account environments and centralized account management within AWS organizations.
AWS Config and Monitoring Services like CloudWatch, CloudTrail, and AWS X-Ray provide auditing, compliance, and performance monitoring solutions.
Per-client throttling limits in API Gateway prevent system overload from excessive API calls.
AWS Trusted Advisor offers actionable recommendations for optimizing cost, security, and performance.
AWS Systems Manager Session Manager enables secure, auditable, and remote shell access to EC2 instances without relying on SSH key pairs or access keys.
Overview of AWS X-Ray, VPC flow logs, AWS OpsWorks, and deployment strategies in AWS.
AWS X-Ray helps developers analyze request flow in applications to identify performance issues in distributed systems.
VPC flow logs track IP traffic within the VPC and can be sent to Amazon CloudWatch or S3 for analysis.
AWS OpsWorks simplifies resource management and automates application deployment with Chef or Puppet.
Canary deployment enables gradual feature rollout to a subset of users before full deployment, while Blue-Green deployment is a different rollout approach.
AWS video streaming and media content management services.
Elemental Media Convert for transcoding and Media Live for live video processing.
Amazon Recognition for image and video analysis.
Amazon Transcribe is not ideal for categorizing media files based on content.
AWS offers AI services for text-to-speech conversion, sentiment analysis, machine learning model training, and data extraction from documents.
AWS can be utilized for traffic optimization in smart city projects through sensor monitoring and real-time signal adjustments.
Overview of cloud device security and support through AWS IoT services.
Comparison of data synchronization and offline access options, with a recommendation for AWS AppSync.
Explanation of using WebSockets API Gateway for granular control over synchronization but lacking offline functionality.
Optimizing deployment and maintenance of shared modules across multiple Lambda functions using Lambda layers.
Key Highlights:
Increasing memory allocation for a Lambda function increases CPU power, but increasing timeout does not have the same effect.
Delayed visibility for messages in SQS can be achieved by setting up the delay seconds attribute.
Enhanced fan out feature in Kinesis allows multiple consumers to read data independently from the same Shard, avoiding contention.
Operations in AWS CLI can be validated using the dry run flag.
Organizing departments under AWS organization, enabling consolidated billing, and using cost allocation tags can help analyze expenses by department.
Building a cloud-based customer support service with Amazon Connect, Amazon Lex, and Amazon Comprehend.
Discusses fortifying the security of an e-commerce platform hosted on AWS by utilizing Amazon security services like AWS Shield Advanced, AWS Guard Duty, AWS Inspector, AWS CloudFront, AWS WAF, and AWS KMS.
Focus on mitigating common web vulnerabilities and securing sensitive customer data.
Optimal solution involves deploying AWS CloudFront with AWS WAF for content delivery and application-level protection.
Also involves using AWS KMS for encryption of customer payment information.
Best practices for healthcare application handling patient records on AWS.
Options A, B, and C do not meet compliance and data protection requirements.
Option D recommends using AWS Macy to identify and protect sensitive data and AWS Config for continuous compliance assessment.
For high-demand media streaming service, AWS Elemental MediaLive, AWS Elemental MediaPackage, and Amazon CloudFront are recommended for global content delivery.
These solutions effectively optimize global content delivery for the media streaming service on AWS.
Designing a network for a multinational gaming company hosting a real-time multiplayer game on AWS.
Focus on low latency and high throughput connections for global gamers.
Utilizing AWS Global Accelerator and AWS Transit Gateway peering for optimized global routing and efficient traffic management among gaming servers.
AWS Direct Connect and AWS VPN are less suitable options due to the scenario not involving data centers or company offices.
The best solution lies in using AWS Global Accelerator and AWS Transit Gateway peering for a robust network infrastructure.
Managing environments on AWS using security groups and network ACLs.
Deploying individual VPCs for each environment and establishing VPC peering connections ensures network segregation and secure communication.
Utilizing a single VPC with unique security groups across availability zones is less secure than separate VPCs.
Creating separate VPCs for each environment and establishing VPN connections with Transit Gateway adds complexity.
The best solution is using separate VPCs for each environment, VPC peering, and security groups for managing data infrastructure on AWS for a media streaming platform.
AWS storage options comparison for metadata, user profiles, and media files.
Dynamo DB and S3 are recommended for a ride-sharing app due to cost-effectiveness and scalability.
Redshift and EFS are not ideal for real-time analytics.
Kinesis data streams, firehose, and analytics are suggested for rapid data injection and analysis, with data stored in S3 for long-term analysis.
Athena is suitable for ad hoc queries but not real-time analytics.
Data migration options for 70 terabytes include AWS Data Sync, direct connect, Snowball Edge, and AWS Serverless Migration Service.
Snowball Edge is recommended due to its capacity for large data transfers.
A corporation planning to migrate 500 on-premise servers to AWS can collect VM details through scripting, exporting configuration details, or using AWS agentless Discovery Connector.
The AWS agentless Discovery Connector provides automated data gathering and exploration within AWS Migration Hub for efficient migration planning.
Challenges of maintaining a popular social media platform with image uploads while preventing inappropriate content sharing.
Solutions proposed include writing a custom script, using Amazon recognition for image analysis, batch processing images with Amazon Comprehend, and invoking Amazon Lex.
The focus is on efficiently flagging and deleting inappropriate images with minimal development effort.
Conclusion: Amazon recognition is the best solution due to its deep learning capabilities for image analysis.