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How Thomas Frank Accidentally Started a $100k/Month Side Hustle

Ali Abdaal#Ali#Abdaal
114K views|7 months ago
💫 Short Summary

Thomas Frank, a successful YouTuber and entrepreneur, discusses how he transitioned from being a productivity YouTuber to starting a new channel focused on Notion content, which eventually became more profitable. He emphasizes the importance of finding a niche and being passionate about the content, and shares insights on managing a YouTube channel and dealing with the pressure of success. He also talks about his personal interests and experiences, and offers advice for new creators.

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📊 Transcript
Thomas Frank, a productivity YouTuber, started a new YouTube channel as a side project to focus on hyper-technical Notion videos.
Thomas Frank started a new YouTube channel as a side project to focus on hyper-technical Notion videos.
The side project became the main source of income, earning over 100K a month within a year and a half.
The success was attributed to the growing audience and excitement around Notion, Thomas's experience in teaching and producing good videos, and his knowledge of building and marketing free templates.
Thomas Frank attributes his success to the growing audience and his passion and skills in the Notion niche.
The coattail effect: Thomas leveraged the growing audience and excitement around Notion.
Thomas positioned himself at the intersection of a growing audience, his passion for Notion, and his skills in teaching and video production.
He focused on building and marketing free templates, which contributed to the success of his channel.
Thomas Frank acknowledges some concern about the Notion market's future growth but expresses confidence in his ability to adapt and teach other software if needed.
Acknowledges some concern about the future growth of the Notion market.
Expresses confidence in his ability to teach other software if the demand for Notion declines.
Emphasizes the importance of staying adaptable in business.
Thomas Frank's advice for newcomers in the creator space: Start by publishing content on a schedule, focus on consistency, and make content about something you care about.
Start by publishing content on a schedule and focus on consistency.
Make content about something you care about, not just what seems popular.
Newcomers should prioritize building skills and connections, as there will always be opportunities for those who do so.
Thomas Frank's day-to-day life includes working on his computer, with a focus on programming and building business-related tools.
Thomas wakes up at 7 AM, takes his dog out, goes to the coffee shop, and works on his computer.
He spends a lot of time programming and building business-related tools.
Thomas also mentions his interest in music, but it is his only non-monetary interest.
Being a YouTuber and running a team brings a different kind of anxiety for Thomas Frank, especially concerning the well-being of his team and the financial responsibilities.
Thomas feels the anxiety of ensuring the well-being of his team, especially with 11 people plus their families to support.
Financial concerns include the increased burn rate due to the startup project making no money yet.
Thomas acknowledges that his motivation is driven by discovery and the satisfaction of building things, rather than purely by money.
Thomas Frank and the interviewer discuss the anxiety of leaving money on the table and the potential for a YouTube career to suddenly disappear.
Thomas acknowledges the feeling that he could be making more money, which contributes to his anxiety.
He also mentions the common belief that a YouTube career could end suddenly, although he believes in always having opportunities if one navigates their career intelligently.
The interviewer, on the other hand, does not feel the same anxiety about making more money and is more motivated by discovery and building things.
Thomas Frank discusses his approach to managing his own psychology, including his relationship with metrics and the decision to go back to an upload schedule.
Thomas acknowledges that metrics give him anxiety, so he chooses not to look at them unless necessary.
He compares managing metrics to peeling open a rock to look at bugs, indicating that there is a time and place to delve into them.
Thomas plans to go back to an upload schedule as a way to manage his psychology and remove the pressure of perfectionism and metric-driven mindset.
💫 FAQs about This YouTube Video

1. What is the key to Thomas Frank's success in starting a new YouTube channel?

Thomas Frank's success in starting a new YouTube channel can be attributed to finding a growing niche around Notion, leveraging his experience in teaching and producing high-quality videos, and the ability to build a business around the new channel.

2. How did Thomas Frank's side project of creating Notion videos lead to the success of his new YouTube channel?

Thomas Frank's side project of creating Notion videos led to the success of his new YouTube channel by tapping into a growing niche, showcasing his expertise in teaching and producing high-quality videos, and successfully building a business around the new channel.

3. What factors contributed to the rapid growth of Thomas Frank's new YouTube channel focused on Notion?

The rapid growth of Thomas Frank's new YouTube channel focused on Notion can be attributed to the increasing interest in Notion, Thomas's expertise in teaching and creating quality videos, and the successful development of a business around the channel.

4. How did Thomas Frank's experience as a productivity YouTuber contribute to the success of his new YouTube channel about Notion?

Thomas Frank's experience as a productivity YouTuber contributed to the success of his new YouTube channel about Notion by showcasing his knowledge and expertise in the productivity niche, leveraging his skills in creating high-quality videos, and building a strong foundation for the new channel.

5. What was the initial intention behind Thomas Frank's side project of creating Notion videos?

The initial intention behind Thomas Frank's side project of creating Notion videos was to explore a growing niche, share in-depth knowledge about Notion, and provide technical content without overwhelming his main YouTube channel's audience.