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The Future of Longevity with Tony Robbins

13K views|7 months ago
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Tony Robbins discusses the transformative power of self-care, regenerative medicine, and the impact of maximizing health span. Stem cell treatments, advancements in health, and the importance of regulatory processes in healthcare innovation are discussed. The role of AI in drug development, the power of mindset in health outcomes, and societal shifts towards personal responsibility are highlighted. The importance of early diagnostics, hormone optimization, and preventive healthcare is emphasized. The segment concludes with discussions on job transitions, human needs, societal values, and the speaker's philanthropic efforts to address hunger.

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Importance of self-care in the era of exponential growth and opportunity.
Emphasis on regenerative medicine and healthy living for optimal well-being.
Tony Robbins' background, including a snowboarding accident that influenced his focus on health and biohacking.
Insights on intense events where Robbins engages thousands of people and burns a significant amount of calories.
Transformative power of self-care and maximizing health span.
Speaker shares experience with stem cell treatment for severe injuries.
Doctors initially recommended surgery for torn rotator cuff and nerve pain.
Speaker opted for stem cell treatment with four-day-old stem cells from Panama.
Treatment resulted in significant improvements, including relief from spinal stenosis and shoulder pain.
Three months later, MRI showed no issues, leading to an invitation from the Pope to discuss advancements in cellular medicines.
Breakthroughs in Health Event Highlights
Medical advancements have a slow pace, taking an average of 27 years for breakthroughs to reach clinicians.
Challenges in receiving innovative treatments in the US lead to medical tourism to countries like Panama.
Discussion on regenerative medicine, stem cell research, and the impact of aging on disease development.
The benefits and risks of using stem cells in athletes.
Stem cells have shown to improve physical abilities and speed up recovery times in athletes like Christiano Ronaldo and Jack Nicholas.
Misuse and dangerous practices with stem cells emphasize the importance of finding reputable treatment sources.
Fountain Life, co-founded with Dr. Bob Perer, aims to provide safe and effective stem cell treatments.
Recommendations for reliable stem cell treatment centers like RMI in Costa Rica and Panama are highlighted for optimal results.
Challenges and innovations in regulatory processes for improving patient outcomes.
FDA's response to the thalidomide crisis and the HIV epidemic are highlighted as significant instances.
Emphasis on balancing safety regulations and timely access to life-saving treatments.
Importance of reframing regulatory issues as a policy problem rather than a science problem.
Need for a nuanced approach to address complex healthcare challenges is emphasized.
The significance of demonstrating drug efficacy for FDA approval and insurance coverage is emphasized.
Payers play a crucial role in determining the value and accessibility of drugs.
Companies like in silico are utilizing AI to streamline drug development processes.
Precision medicine and personalized treatment based on genetic information are highlighted.
Technological advancements like CRISPR are enabling targeted gene editing.
Focus on the negative events by the media creates a distorted view of the world.
The next 12-13 years present significant opportunities for those who prioritize self-care.
The future is not fixed and will be shaped by individual actions and decisions.
There is a movement for change and progress, but facing resistance from forces that want to preserve the status quo.
Scientific practices have evolved towards pragmatic approaches with a focus on real-world impact over academic recognition.
Evolution of Science through History
Science originated from religion, transitioned to rationalism and Enlightenment, and evolved into a mainstream field.
From the 1700s to World War II, scientific innovation was mainly carried out by elites like Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.
Post World War II, science became institutionalized with research universities and federal funding, leading to major advancements like nuclear power and the internet.
Concerns are rising over a replication crisis in institutional science, with a significant number of studies failing to replicate, highlighting a breakdown in the system.
Limitations of traditional depression treatments.
Traditional treatments like drugs and therapy only show a 40-60% improvement rate for depression according to meta studies.
Johns Hopkins study showed effective treatment of depression using psilocybin and cognitive therapy.
Doctors witnessed significant improvements in clinically depressed patients using alternative approaches.
The case highlighted the potential benefits of alternative approaches for treating depression.
Study on depression treatment shows promising results.
100% of participants had zero symptoms of depression after six weeks.
177% showed no suicidal ideation.
Follow-up after 11 months revealed a 71% decrease in negative emotions and a 52% increase in positive emotions.
Traditional drug treatments for depression were found to be ineffective.
Challenges of being a CEO and the importance of mindset and psychology.
CEOs need to adapt to changing work dynamics and engage employees for increased fulfillment.
COVID-19 has impacted work satisfaction and there is a misconception around self-esteem, which comes from overcoming challenges.
Pushing oneself and taking pride in personal growth is valuable for CEOs.
Discussion on societal focus on material gain and the importance of finding meaning beyond personal comfort.
Criticism of current psychological education systems for not teaching effective methods like those presented by the speaker.
Conversation on merging different psychological approaches and the impact of historical inaccuracies in psychology.
Speaker's mission to reach a wide audience through seminars and the challenges faced during the pandemic.
Account of moving seminars to different locations to bypass restrictions and continue their work.
Success in hosting live events with high-tech features and expanding capacities globally.
Focus on impacting psychology, emotions, and health through innovative approaches.
Emphasis on problem-solving and practical results, collaborating with scientists and doctors.
Relationships with prominent figures in finance, seeking expertise and simplifying complex concepts.
Importance of Modeling and Iterating Processes for Success
Recognizing and utilizing patterns is key to achieving success in various endeavors.
Learning from past generations provides valuable knowledge to create a better future.
Challenging times can lead to the development of strong individuals and great accomplishments.
Understanding patterns in behavior and habits is crucial for facilitating positive change in oneself and others.
Discussion on societal victimhood perpetuation and the need for empowerment.
Leaders utilize demoralization campaigns to maintain power, negatively impacting personal psychology.
Nonprofits are criticized for perpetuating homelessness for financial gain instead of solving the issue.
Emphasis on shifting from a victim mentality to personal responsibility for true societal change.
The importance of taking control of one's destiny and challenging beliefs for personal growth.
Seminars are not safe spaces and are meant to challenge beliefs for personal development.
Extremism in silencing opposing views has led to violence and hypocrisy.
Both sides of the Middle East conflict suffer, highlighting the need for balanced perspectives.
The silent middle is starting to speak out against the negative impacts on society caused by extremism.
Speaker's experience during 9/11 attacks seminar in Hawaii.
Attendees reacted emotionally based on personal backgrounds.
Importance of processing tragic events together and taking positive action.
Encouragement for attendees to support each other and focus on helping others.
Group showed resilience and came together in face of adversity.
Importance of decisions in shaping experiences and quality of life.
People tend to focus on negative events over positive ones.
Mindset influences emotions like anger and guilt.
Anecdotes of individuals reflecting on emotions and making significant decisions.
Power of focus and mindset in influencing lives and relationships.
Transformation through Peace and Understanding.
A man who lost friends in the World Trade Center attacks and a Muslim man from Pakistan initially had conflict.
They underwent an integration process and began preaching peace together.
The Muslim man transformed himself through self-realization and shifting his psychology.
Emphasis was placed on personal responsibility for emotions and transforming beliefs to promote peace and understanding.
The influence of the mind on health outcomes is discussed, with a focus on placebo effects.
Research indicates that placebos can have similar effects to real drugs, showcasing the mind's role in healing.
Examples are provided, such as the impact of pill size on perceived effectiveness and the success of fake surgeries in improving health.
The importance of recognizing the mind-body connection in healthcare is emphasized.
There is potential for utilizing the mind's power for healing purposes.
The influence of mindset on physical health and aging.
Ellen Langer's study demonstrated improvements in blood pressure, immune systems, and heart rate in elderly participants living in a recreated environment.
Norman Cousins shared a story of people becoming sick from believing they drank contaminated soda.
Tony Robbins showcased the impact of mindset on aging by envisioning a fit 75-year-old man who defied conventional expectations.
These examples emphasize the role of mental perception in shaping physical well-being and age-related beliefs.
Importance of mind-body connection in overall health.
Placebo effect and its benefits in healthcare emphasized.
Complex interaction between brain and gut highlighted for integrated healthcare approach.
Comparison of fee-for-service model to hiring a plumber, advocating for value-based care.
Incentivizing solutions for prioritizing overall health outcomes over services suggested.
Importance of aligning incentives in the healthcare system for promoting healthier outcomes.
Companies that are both payers and providers have a vested interest in keeping individuals healthy, as healthier individuals cost less.
Shift in incentives leads to creative solutions and improved healthcare outcomes.
Advancements in AI are revolutionizing drug development and healthcare practices through empirical data-driven approaches.
Broader revolution in biology and medicine enables more precise measurements and experiments for better healthcare outcomes.
The impact of data, AI, and iterations on innovation in healthcare.
A supportive regulatory system is necessary to ensure safe acceleration of innovation in healthcare.
Reframing the drug approval process to prioritize saving lives through advancements.
AI is transforming the healthcare industry, especially in the detection and treatment of heart disease and cancer.
AI offers the potential to work faster, more efficiently, and with greater accuracy in healthcare.
Importance of advanced scanning technology in providing detailed information about the body's condition.
Personal anecdote shared about speaker's 80-year-old father-in-law undergoing a scan that revealed a healthy body despite initial concerns.
Accuracy of scan results emphasized by an insurance company reversing its decision based on the test.
Effectiveness of Hydro dissection in treating trapped nerves or tissues discussed, with personal experiences shared of quick healing after the procedure.
The importance of early cancer detection and the effectiveness of AI in medical screenings.
Examples of individuals benefiting from early detection through advanced medical tests are shared.
The potential of AI to revolutionize healthcare with faster, cheaper, and more accurate diagnoses is emphasized.
Encouraging self-education and empowerment in managing health, shifting towards individuals taking control of healthcare decisions.
Seeking the best medical expertise available is highlighted as a key aspect of healthcare.
Speaker's journey of discovering a tumor in his pituitary gland and choosing to avoid surgery.
Despite conflicting opinions from doctors, the speaker decided to educate himself on his options and opted out of brain surgery.
The tumor has diminished in size and led to increased growth hormone production, which the speaker views as a gift.
At 64 years old, the speaker remains active and energetic, refusing to let the tumor impact his life.
Importance of early diagnostics in detecting life-threatening diseases and improving overall health.
Mention of Cubio, a company in the speaker's portfolio, offering efficient MRI scanning and comprehensive blood tests.
Emphasis on overcoming nervousness around new diagnostics for potential life-saving benefits.
Encouragement to address health challenges proactively rather than waiting for issues to escalate.
Personal anecdotes shared to highlight the importance of facing challenges head-on.
Importance of Optimizing Hormone Levels for Vitality and Well-being.
Many men feel subpar below a testosterone level of 600-800.
Advances in medicine have increased life expectancy, with early detection through comprehensive testing being cost-effective and life-saving.
Businesses are investing in preventive healthcare for employees to reduce illness and improve overall quality of care.
Proactive healthcare approach can transform lives, save money, and contribute to a healthier society.
Future of Healthcare and Wellness
Shift towards disease prevention and personalized care is emphasized over the current healthcare system.
Predictions include advancements in healthcare technology such as wearable devices and data tracking.
Concerns raised about AI causing job disruption and the importance of finding meaning in work for mental health.
The importance of using the mind as a tool, being mindful of technology's influence, prioritizing service to others, and finding value beyond self-interest for personal fulfillment are highlighted.
Speaker's journey from feeding two families to providing millions of meals annually.
Importance of helping those in need, particularly with the reduction in food stamp programs.
Achievement of providing a billion meals in eight years.
Ongoing global issue of food insecurity and partnerships with organizations like the World Food Program.
Philanthropy event organized with a goal of providing 100 million meals annually for 10 years.
Emphasis on addressing hunger by educating people and taking action.
Speaker highlighted the power of making the seemingly impossible possible and leveraging expert knowledge in areas like health and finance for the benefit of others.
Discussion on concerns regarding AI and universal basic income, with a skeptical view on its potential impact on work and purpose.
Importance of retraining and resources for displaced workers due to automation.
Potential impact on truck drivers with the rise of autonomous vehicles.
Lack of preparation for job disruptions and the need for education for affected individuals.
Skepticism towards long-term payment for doing nothing.
Insights into human needs for certainty, comfort, variety, and significance in managing and working with people.
The importance of significance in driving people to seek uniqueness and importance, sometimes at the expense of tearing others down.
The essential role of connection and love, with some prioritizing connection over love due to fear.
The significance of growth, contribution, and embracing uncertainty for aliveness and stimulation.
Society's shift towards a desire for deeper authenticity and realness, as opposed to a focus on certainty and significance at any cost.
The impact of genuine connections and authenticity in attracting people and making a lasting impact.
The segment explores the idea of politicians creating a dependent voter base through handouts, likening it to the Patron-client relationship in ancient Rome.
It warns about the negative effects of free handouts on self-respect and pride, which can influence political behavior.
The speaker discusses their 'Time to Rise' virtual summit during COVID, aimed at promoting self-improvement regardless of external circumstances.
The summit covers sessions on body, mind, emotions, and relationships, emphasizing personal growth and empowerment.
Upcoming event on January 25th to 27th and promotion of new book 'The Holy Grail of Investing'.
Importance of investing in private equity and insights from interviews with successful investors who achieved high compounded returns.
Opportunity for individuals to own a piece of businesses and sports teams for potentially higher returns than traditional investments like bonds.
Book focuses on principles and tools for successful investing, set to be released on February 13th.
Invitation for viewers to join the event for free at timetorise.com.
Conclusion of video segment thanking viewers and giving special thanks to Tony.
Expressing gratitude and blessings to viewers for their support.
Special acknowledgment to Tony for his contribution to the segment.
Segment ends with music playing in the background.
A simple sign-off of "okay" concludes the video.