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a16z Podcast | VR, AR, and Beyond: The New Medium of Human Experience

133 views|5 years ago
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The video discusses the impact of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) on storytelling and human experience, including the challenges and potential of these technologies. It highlights the evolution of VR as a cinematic medium and its future in narrative forms, game-like experiences, live events, and Hollywood content. The discussion emphasizes the social aspect of VR, envisioning a future where individuals can interact and collaborate in virtual environments. The democratization of human experience through VR is compared to the internet's democratization of information, emphasizing the need for inclusivity and compelling experiences. Overall, VR and AR are seen as unique forms of storytelling with the potential for immersive and interactive experiences.

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Discussion on virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) and their impact on storytelling and human experience.
The conversation explores the challenges and potential of VR and AR technologies.
VR offers true telepresence and allows users to experience different worlds, while AR provides superpowers and a unique perspective on the world.
The decision to enter the VR ecosystem was influenced by the availability of high-quality consumer VR headsets and advancements in hardware and software development.
Hollywood studios are investing in VR content for monetization, shifting away from marketing budgets.
Fox's Martian VR experience is being sold for $19.95, showcasing the trend towards high-quality VR content.
Despite market limitations, studios are focused on creating original and immersive VR experiences.
Virtual reality lacks a back catalog like Netflix, necessitating new content creation from scratch.
Companies like Electro are developing advanced cameras for cinematic VR storytelling, shaping the future of VR as a cinematic medium.
The future of VR is diverse and includes narrative forms, game-like experiences, live events, and Hollywood content.
Companies are experimenting with VR and iterating to find successful strategies.
Hollywood's assets like Star Wars and Harry Potter will lead to great VR experiences.
Self-expression in VR may involve sharing photos and videos in 360 content.
Capturing and sharing 360 content needs to be made easier for widespread adoption.
The potential of VR to enhance social interaction.
VR allows people to share experiences in virtual environments with friends.
The speaker envisions a future where individuals can interact and collaborate in immersive digital spaces.
VR technology offers unique opportunities for social connection and engagement compared to traditional media consumption practices.
Despite concerns about isolation and escapism, VR is presented as a promising platform for social interaction and storytelling.
BigScreen virtual world allows socializing with friends and accessing apps, showcasing Microsoft Research's room scanning technology for holographic experiences.
Augmented reality (AR) is discussed as having advantages over virtual reality (VR) due to its emphasis on human experience in development.
Lessons learned from VR can inform AR design, emphasizing the importance of fresh perspectives in leveraging these technologies for different use cases.
Virtual reality democratizes human experience similar to how the internet democratized information.
The tech industry is moving towards mixed reality, combining virtual and augmented experiences.
The future of virtual reality may include purely synthetic worlds or integrated digital profiles in everyday life.
Current focus is on developing infrastructure and initial experiences in VR and AR.
Virtual reality is evolving beyond gaming, with film contributing content for diverse experiences.
Importance of building virtual reality and augmented reality without compromise for inclusivity and compelling experiences.
VR and AR are evolving beyond cinema and video games to create unique storytelling experiences.
VR allows for fluid and constantly changing stories and experiences, unlike traditional media formats.
Increased immersion and interactivity are key driving factors for VR improvements.
Advancements in virtual reality technology.
'Henry' by Oculus is highlighted as an example of immersive storytelling in VR.
Personal experiences with VR films are shared, emphasizing the potential of VR for engaging storytelling.
The app 'Destinations' on HTC Vive is recommended for exploring entire environments in VR.
Virtual and augmented reality are seen as becoming more accessible to the general public in the future.
The future of museums and education through photogrammetry technology.
Immersive and engaging learning experiences through virtual reality.
Utilizing limitations to create beautiful and human narratives.
Advancements in VR technology leading to new possibilities in storytelling and content creation.
Speaker discovers unseen footage of difficult breakup with girlfriend.
Speaker experiences powerful emotions and transformation while watching the footage.
Impact of virtual reality in capturing and replaying memories is acknowledged.
VR experience is described as more powerful than movies, voicemails, or photographs.
Audience is thanked for sharing in the anecdote and encouraged to explore immersive experiences.