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a16z Podcast | The Why Behind the Weird

63 views|5 years ago
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The video delves into historical practices and rituals, such as pest trials in Renaissance Italy and church interventions for pest control. It explores how beliefs were used as technology to achieve social outcomes, like the church's manipulation of superstitions to maintain power. The segment also discusses judicial ordeals and water trials to determine guilt or innocence, showcasing the reliance on belief systems for justice. Additionally, it touches on the use of superstitions to influence behaviors, like polygraph tests in modern law enforcement. Pirates in the 18th century used constitutions and democratic processes to govern themselves, highlighting unique approaches to governance.

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Weird historical practices and rituals are examined, showcasing how seemingly irrational behaviors have logical explanations based on economic constraints and incentives.
In Renaissance Italy, France, and Switzerland, insects and rodents were criminally prosecuted for damaging farmers' property, with agricultural communities resorting to a legal process similar to modern courts.
The use of beliefs as a form of technology is discussed, highlighting how they can be utilized to achieve better social outcomes.
Unusual historical pest control methods and trials.
Water that a cat had bathed in was used to deter rats, and the church was sought for intervention to drive away pests.
Trials involving pests like crickets and rats were conducted, complete with defense lawyers and legal proceedings mirroring those for humans accused of crimes.
The trials could last weeks or even months, with elaborate defenses presented for the critters, and absurd claims entertained by the court.
The persistence of these trials suggests a sense of humor among the people involved.
The Waldensians challenged the church's power by denying their ability to excommunicate and collect tithes.
Tithes were a major source of revenue for the church, and the Waldensians' message eroded faith in the church's power to condemn non-payers.
The church responded with animal trials, 'convicting' insects and rodents to reinforce belief in divine punishment for non-payment of tithes.
The church used divine damnation to drive pests away from crops.
Prolonging trials for pests ensured they would eventually depart, leading citizens to believe in the church's power.
Manipulation of beliefs and superstitions was used as a tool for the church to enforce compliance and collect money.
Beliefs were used as a technology for desired outcomes in various scenarios throughout the book.
Vermin trials were used to manipulate beliefs for specific results.
Judicial ordeals were used between the 9th and 13th centuries to determine guilt or innocence for crimes like theft and murder.
Ordeals were also used as a last resort to drive away pests from crops.
Legal systems during this period lacked modern evidence-gathering methods and relied on witness testimony.
Witness testimony was not always reliable due to the absence of basic amenities like street lights.
This historical practice highlights the challenges of justice in earlier times and the reliance on belief systems for producing outcomes.
Boiling water ordeals conducted by clergy were used to determine guilt or innocence based on the medieval superstition of judicium Dei.
People who underwent the ordeal and had their arms plunged into boiling water were overwhelmingly exonerated rather than harmed.
The effectiveness of the practice was questioned due to the high rate of exoneration.
The belief in this superstition influenced accused criminals' incentives to undergo the ordeal, impacting their willingness based on their guilt or innocence.
The concept of undergoing an ordeal to prove innocence is discussed in the segment.
Willingness to face the ordeal can indicate innocence, as believers in the superstition will not face harm.
Incentives for accepting guilt, especially for minor crimes, exist due to fear of severe punishment.
Skeptics face challenges in the ordeal process.
Priests play a role in determining innocence based on willingness to undergo the ordeal.
Water ordeals involved manipulation of water temperature by priests to determine innocence.
Priests were instructed to manipulate the water but may not have realized they were doing so.
Witchcraft Trials involved real stones and coercion for confessions, not determining guilt.
The focus of the trials was on extorting confessions, rather than finding the truth.
Unlike contemporary legal systems, the Witchcraft Trials did not prioritize truth-seeking.
Superstitions and their influence on beliefs and behaviors, using polygraph tests as an example.
Polygraph tests are not scientifically proven to detect lies, but law enforcement agencies like the CIA and FBI still use them.
Despite not being admissible in most American courts, polygraph tests impact people's incentives and can lead to confessions or plea deals.
The performative aspect of lie detector tests is highlighted, similar to medieval judicial ordeals.
Belief in the accuracy of polygraph tests can influence outcomes in the criminal justice system.
Pirate constitutions in the early 18th century resembled early constitutional democracy.
Each pirate ship had its own constitution and crew, forming new ones with every ship switch.
Pirate constitutions served as consensual social contracts, varying based on crew composition.
Despite different captains and crews, pirates faced similar problems, leading to similar constitution templates.
Key aspects included employment contracts with compensation schemes and radical social insurance for injuries.
Pirates enforced laws democratically, allowing the crew to vote out a captain for overstepping powers.
This system prevented abuses of power and ensured compliance with the crew's constitution.
Actions by the captain were closely monitored and interpreted by the crew, emphasizing accountability and consensus.
The governance of pirate ships showcased a unique approach to maintaining order and balance within the crew.