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a16z Podcast | On Government as Software Builder, Not Just Buyer

51 views|5 years ago
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Mikey and Hailey discuss implementing a 'tour of duty' model to attract top talent to government for impactful projects. They emphasize the effectiveness of small, focused teams in achieving mission-critical goals. Bringing agile practices to government improves services for end users, like veterans and students. User research drives improvements in services, such as Case Flow for faster benefits processing. The need for a balance between wartime and peacetime leadership strategies in government is highlighted. There's a call to action for personnel to join the United States Digital Service and contribute to important missions. The importance of creating a tradition of public service in the tech industry is emphasized.

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Mikey and Hailey discuss the concept of a 'tour of duty' for top talent in government services.
Attracting talent to government over private companies like Google or Facebook is a challenge, with the key factor being the impactful mission offered by government work.
The success of the tour of duty model is attributed to the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of Americans, distinguishing government service from the private sector.
Importance of high urgency and important projects in a startup-like environment within a large entity.
Small, hyper-focused teams are effective in achieving mission-critical goals.
Bureaucracy exists in both government entities and large corporations.
Setting clear expectations and emphasizing the importance of tasks can streamline processes and drive impactful changes efficiently.
Implementing agile development practices in government to improve efficiency in organizing large groups.
Small, empowered teams are effective in both private and public sectors.
Contrasting customer relationships between big companies and government agencies.
Government operations are comparable in scale and complexity to Fortune 500 companies.
Focus on improving services for end users to drive stakeholder-centered outcomes across government.
Key Elements in Successful Project Management.
Having a single decision-maker and focusing on end user needs are crucial for project success.
Examples of work in veterans services and student loans show the importance of addressing overlooked constituencies.
The College Scorecard was created to provide earnings information for prospective college students.
Continuous feedback, iteration, user testing, and usability considerations are essential for successful design processes.
Importance of user experience in improving access to benefits and services for veterans.
Fieldwork conducted to understand veterans' needs, leading to the release of streamlined services for education and disability benefits.
Emphasis on collaboration with agency partners and avoiding assumptions to create an integrated experience for veterans seeking assistance.
Development of Case Flow service to improve efficiency for VA employees.
Case Flow streamlined disability claims process, reducing wait times for benefits.
Focus on optimizing services for citizens with best, fastest results at reasonable cost.
Collaboration with existing teams to apply best practices and improve communication within the organization.
Projects like Case Flow served as proxies for highlighting the importance of efficient processes in government services.
The impact of technology on organizations and the importance of conversations with stakeholders.
Technology can facilitate conversations but does not always solve underlying issues.
Government and big companies are prioritizing technology in their missions, emphasizing user testing and feedback.
Executives are adjusting their expectations and learning about new possibilities in technology.
Services like AWS are changing the cost and accessibility of technology, leading to a culture shift towards embracing new possibilities.
Challenges in government procurement processes include lengthy timelines and potential obsolescence of purchased items.
Streamlining efforts are underway, with a focus on improving the literacy of contracting officers in software procurement.
The concept of wartime and peacetime CEOs, influenced by The Godfather, is examined in the context of government operations.
Organizations may transition between wartime and peacetime phases, with the possibility of overlapping strategies.
Importance of Balance in Wartime and Peacetime Leadership Strategies.
Emphasizes the need for adapting to different contexts and utilizing urgent and long-term approaches.
Reflects on historical significance of organizational management theories from post-World War II era.
Call to action for additional personnel to join US Digital Service for important government missions.
Importance of taking sabbatical in various industries and working on passion projects.
Emphasizing the need for a tradition of public service in the tech industry.
Lack of such tradition in recent history and efforts to cultivate it.
Gratitude towards podcast hosts for discussing important topics.