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a16z Podcast | For Buzzfeed Sharing is the Metric that Matters

84 views|5 years ago
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BuzzFeed is a media company focused on social, mobile, and digital video consumption, benefiting from lower costs and reader engagement data. The shift challenges traditional media monopolies, requiring adaptability to digital formats. Embracing digital innovation, BuzzFeed prioritizes user-friendly content and native advertising. They utilize social platforms for audience reach and leverage data science for advertising and editorial content. The decline of banner ads on mobile devices prompts alternative revenue models like paywalls and crowdfunding. BuzzFeed's agile video production model in Los Angeles allows for rapid content creation and audience feedback. Understanding cross-network sharing is crucial for maximizing content reach and impact.

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BuzzFeed is a media company focusing on informing, inspiring, and entertaining people in the social mobile world.
The shift towards social, mobile, and digital video consumption has changed how media is consumed, benefiting BuzzFeed with lower cost structures and valuable data on reader engagement and sharing.
BuzzFeed emphasizes sharing as a key metric, driving content creation decisions based on immediate feedback.
This approach leads to a more direct relationship with readers and an informed content strategy.
Transition from Data to Action in Media Consumption.
Data can be misleading in the short term, but the goal is to understand what media people want to share and consume for a positive impact.
The internet has disrupted traditional media monopolies, giving equal footing to all online content creators.
This shift challenges the news industry's ability to build defensible businesses and generate profits, which some view as detrimental.
The historical advantage of early market dominance in traditional media is contrasted with the current landscape of digital media.
Importance of Technology and Competing with Monopolies.
Barriers to entry include site speed, mobile advertising, and data science teams.
Scalability of technology allows for preferential attachment and easier audience reach.
Building a defensible business in the digital age leads to rapid growth and profitability.
Online revenue generation offers the potential to reach a larger audience and build a successful business despite lower monetization rates.
Evolution of content creation for social networks.
Importance of adapting content based on distribution channels.
Significant changes brought by cable news and the internet.
Understanding different platforms for creating effective content.
Experience with native advertising on social platforms, mobile video consumption, and long-form content engagement.
Pinterest drives significant traffic to BuzzFeed, particularly for DIY and recipe content.
Lists and listicles are popular on BuzzFeed due to their social and mobile-friendly format, allowing for easy sharing and navigation.
BuzzFeed's flexibility in content formats, without being tied to traditional mediums, sets it apart from legacy media companies.
Online media companies often mimic print, but BuzzFeed embraces digital innovation and user-friendly formats for engaging content.
The speaker compares web-based media formats to traditional television and newspapers, emphasizing the freedom in creating diverse content online.
Web-based media faces criticism for its innovative approach, contrasting with the acceptance of similar content in traditional media.
The speaker discusses native advertising and shares experiences from working at Huffington Post and BuzzFeed in developing efficient platforms for distributing media content.
Utilizing advertising for entertainment and branded content.
Separate teams handle advertising and editorial to benefit from data science and innovation.
Google integrates advertising with editorial content while maintaining a church-state separation.
Importance of relevant and clearly marked Google ads not aimed at tricking users.
Critique on Silicon Valley's focus on scalable business models over content creation, leading to poor user experiences with intrusive banner ads.
Decline of banner ads on mobile devices leading to alternative revenue models like paywalls, crowdfunding, and native advertising.
Challenges of paywalls for news outlets highlighted, showing the conflict between public interest and monetization.
Shift towards unbundled content distributed through social networks emphasized as a key trend in the evolving media landscape.
BuzzFeed Motion Pictures revolutionizes video production with agile content creation.
The studio lot in Los Angeles features sets for different scenarios.
The team brainstorm, shoots, releases videos, and gathers audience feedback on platforms like Facebook and YouTube.
This agile approach allows for rapid content creation and continuous improvement.
By flipping the traditional Hollywood model, BuzzFeed minimizes variable costs and maximizes learning opportunities.
Convergence of social, mobile, and video trends leading to larger audience reach.
Importance of understanding how content spreads across networks for effective sharing.
Significance of cross-network sharing in content growth, particularly on Facebook.
Quality content should be evaluated based on reception across multiple platforms.
Assessing content quality and reach accurately through a multi-platform approach.
Importance of Social Media Data Analysis for Content Creation and Advertising Strategies.
Social media data analysis provides stronger quality signals for improved content creation and advertising strategies.
Understanding how content spreads across various networks is crucial for advertisers to optimize their campaigns.
Insights from social media analytics can benefit both content creators and advertisers in maximizing reach and impact.