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Why volume CANNOT be king of muscle growth

5K views|3 months ago
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The video segments discuss the importance of motor unit recruitment deficit in muscle growth, emphasizing the need for adequate rest, optimal sets per muscle group, and targeting specific regions for hypertrophy. It highlights the role of mechanical tension and differentiates between trained and untrained individuals in determining the appropriate volume for muscle growth. The key takeaway is to focus on improving motor unit recruitment and regional hypertrophy, rather than solely increasing volume, to continue growing muscle effectively.

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The concept of motor unit recruitment deficit and muscle fiber activation during training.
Climbing up the high threshold motor unit pool leads to rapid muscle growth, especially in type one fibers.
Adequate rest is crucial in reducing fatigue interference during training.
Continuously recruiting the largest muscle fibers is essential for optimal muscle growth.
Importance of rest periods in maximizing gains during workouts.
Longer rest periods help cardiorespiratory mechanisms recover, reducing fatigue interference effects.
Mechanical tension is crucial for stimulating muscle building, not just volume.
Sets close to or at failure are the most important for muscle recruitment and contraction velocity.
Longer rest periods can lead to a plateau in muscle growth around six sets per muscle group per training session per week.
Optimal sets for muscle growth:
Around six sets per muscle group in a session or 10 total sets per week before reaching diminishing returns.
Training status impacts volume:
More advanced individuals require less volume due to recruiting larger motor units and fibers.
Differentiation in studies:
Trained and untrained individuals should be assessed separately for accurate adaptations.
Performance-enhancing substances:
Studies should not focus on individuals using steroids as they provide a separate growth stimulus.
Key highlights on muscle growth strategy.
Muscle growth requires focus on motor unit improvement and regional hypertrophy, not just increasing volume.
Well-trained individuals should target specific areas like loaded hip flexion for proximal muscle development.
Beginners and intermediates can make gains through basic exercises and progressive overload.
Advanced training involves activating unused muscle fibers and targeting specific regions for hypertrophy.