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WHY God answers prayers! Things you NEED to know to get your prayers answered

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26K views|3 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video emphasizes the importance of submission to God in prayer, highlighting Jesus as an example of submission. It discusses the power and authority that comes from praying in the name of Jesus, granting believers direct access to God. Forgiveness is emphasized as crucial for effective prayer, as unforgiveness can hinder prayers. The video also touches on the significance of being led by the Holy Spirit in prayer and the benefits of praying in tongues to align with God's will. Overall, the message underscores the importance of faith, submission, forgiveness, and spiritual connection in prayer and relationship with God.

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The importance of being submitted to God for answered prayers, demonstrated through Jesus's prayers with loud cries and tears.
Crying out in prayer is compared to a baby crying for attention, catching God's notice.
God collects and responds to our tears, even when we are unsure how to pray.
Persistence in prayer is emphasized, as God hears and responds to our cries.
Importance of submission to God in prayer.
Jesus exemplified submission by praying with tears and submitting to God's will in the face of challenges.
Living a life submitted to God is crucial for having prayers answered.
Jesus' example of submitting to God's will, even in difficult times, is a model for believers to follow.
Importance of submitting to God's will for a better life.
Giving up personal desires in favor of God's plan leads to greater blessings.
Trusting in God's plan, which is superior to our own visions.
Emphasizing that God's plan is always better, even if it may seem less appealing at first.
Importance of Following God's Will and Having Faith.
Not about gaining followers or likes, but reaching people with the gospel.
Belief that God rewards those who earnestly seek Him and sacrifices made for Him will be rewarded.
Encouragement for dedication and effort in encountering God, emphasizing the value of seeking Him.
Urging listeners to prioritize spiritual growth and connection with God over worldly recognition or validation.
Importance of Faith and Prayer in Communication with God.
Faith is acquired through hearing the word of God and prayer is a vital two-way communication with God.
Listening to God during prayer is essential for strengthening faith.
God's words hold more importance in prayer than our own.
Following and understanding God's will, as outlined in scripture, is crucial for effective prayer and building a deeper relationship with God.
Importance of praying in the name of Jesus for answered prayers.
Believers access God's power and righteousness through Christ's sacrifice on the cross.
Righteousness grants believers direct access to God, overcoming the separation caused by sin.
Imputed righteousness means believers are in right standing with God because of Jesus' sacrifice.
It is akin to resolving a conflict with a friend through reconciliation.
The power and authority that comes from invoking the name of Jesus.
Believers have direct access and relationship with God by putting on the name of Jesus, similar to wearing a police uniform for authority.
By operating with Jesus' authority, believers can cause even demons to obey.
Acting in Jesus' name has various biblical references highlighting healing, casting out demons, and salvation.
Believers can confidently approach God's throne and exercise boldness and power through the name of Jesus, likened to a bride marrying into wealth and influence through her husband's name.
Power in the name of Jesus.
Believers have access to all that belongs to God through His name.
Approaching God boldly in prayer is important, as stated in Hebrews 4:16.
By having confidence and drawing near to God's throne of grace, one can receive mercy and find help in times of need.
Believers are praying to a sovereign God who can do anything they ask, highlighting the surpassing grace that leads to answered prayers.
Importance of Prayer in Building a Connection with God.
Prayer should be done in both times of need and prosperity to strengthen the bond with God.
Accessing the power of prayer through bold and confident approach to God.
Significance of having the right motives behind prayers, as God examines the heart and intentions.
Praying with correct motives is essential for effective communication with God and receiving answers to prayers.
Praying with the right motives:
Emphasizes seeking to bring glory to God rather than personal gain when praying.
Aligning prayers with God's will and purpose, such as praying for a spouse to serve God better together.
Significance of praying to honor and glorify God in all aspects of life, including work and relationships.
Ensuring prayers are focused on glorifying God and serving His purpose, rather than seeking selfish desires.
Forgiveness is essential for answered prayers and spiritual growth.
Jesus taught the importance of forgiving others to be forgiven by God.
Unforgiveness can prevent prayers from being answered.
Forgiveness is a decision, not just an emotion.
Forgiving others is compared to tearing up a debt owed to us, as God promises to forgive us in the same manner.
Importance of Forgiveness, Mutual Respect, and Being Led by the Holy Spirit in Prayer.
Harboring unforgiveness can hinder prayers from being answered.
Lack of mutual respect in marriage can also hinder prayers.
Being led by the Holy Spirit is crucial for leading a godly life in a sinful world, helping in weaknesses and guiding in prayer.
Regularly being led by the Spirit shows one's status as a child of God; Romans 8 emphasizes the importance of this for effective prayer and righteous living.
The importance of the Holy Spirit in interceding for believers in prayer.
The Holy Spirit helps believers in moments of weakness and guides them in prayer according to God's will.
All believers have access to praying in the spirit, allowing the Holy Spirit to inspire words in prayer.
Praying in the spirit is about building a relationship with God and can be received by all believers through baptism.
The gift of praying in the spirit is not limited to specific individuals but is available to all believers.
The significance of praying in tongues for connecting with the spirit and aligning with God's will.
Praying in tongues allows the Holy Spirit to pray through individuals, ensuring prayers are in line with God's plan.
Even while sleeping, the Spirit can pray through individuals, leading to powerful and continuous prayer.
Viewers are encouraged to give permission for the Spirit to pray through them during sleep.
Sharing experiences of waking up to praying in tongues serves as evidence of the Spirit's continuous prayer.
The importance of understanding the concept that while our flesh needs rest, spirits do not sleep.
The Holy Ghost is always awake and willing to pray through individuals for transformative experiences.
Recognizing this reality can result in a stronger connection with the spirit of God.