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Why corporate diversity programs fail -- and how small tweaks can have big impact | Joan C. Williams

TEDTalk#TEDTalks#TED Talk#TED Talks#Work#Race#Diversity#Business#Inclusion#TEDx
45K views|3 years ago
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In 2018, Starbucks' diversity training prompted criticism for addressing systemic racism. Following George Floyd's death, businesses lack effective strategies to improve diversity. Gender and racial biases hinder career success, with women and people of color facing stereotypes. Evidence-based strategies like bias interrupters have been effective in increasing diversity and inclusion in companies. Redesigning performance evaluations and continuous work towards DEI goals can create a more inclusive workplace for all groups.

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Challenges in Addressing Structural Bias in Businesses.
The Starbucks incident in 2018 sparked national diversity training that focused on understanding bias.
Criticism was received for only addressing systemic racism through conversations.
Traditional diversity tools like bias training and employee resource groups are seen as ineffective in tackling structural bias.
Businesses need to use evidence and metrics to address bias patterns and create lasting change.
Gender and racial biases impact career success for women and people of color.
Women often face stereotypes of being seen as abrasive or unqualified.
People of color are often written off as angry or untrustworthy.
The maternal wall bias assumes mothers lack commitment and competence.
Women of color face the most bias compared to other groups.
Evidence-based strategies for increasing diversity and inclusion in companies have been effective.
Redesigning performance evaluations and implementing bias interrupters have led to significant improvements in feedback and leadership opportunities for marginalized groups.
Designing systems based on evidence benefits every group within the organization, leading to positive outcomes in achieving diversity goals.
CEOs are encouraged to use standard business tools, gather metrics, and continuously work towards their DEI goals to create a more inclusive workplace.