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What do we really mean when we say college isn’t for everyone? | Alex Bernadotte | TEDxBYU

TEDx Talks2018-05-01
TEDxTalks#English#Education#Classroom#Education reform#Higher education#Innovation#Poverty#Social Change#Social Entrepreneurship
79K views|6 years ago
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Alex Bernadotte founded Beyond 12 to help students graduate from college, emphasizing the benefits of a college degree and sharing her personal journey from Haiti to inner-city Boston. Despite challenges, colleges must be more accessible and relevant to prepare students for the workforce. Supporting all students in their college journey is crucial for maintaining diverse voices in society.

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Benefits of a college degree discussed by Alex Bernadotte, founder of Beyond 12.
College degree linked to higher earnings, better health, and increased professional mobility.
Questioning the belief that college isn't worth it, citing examples of successful dropouts like Bill Gates.
Importance of education emphasized by Bernadotte, driven by her parents' belief in the value of a college degree.
Personal journey from Haiti to inner-city Boston shared, highlighting education's role in breaking the cycle of poverty.
Overcoming challenges and achieving success in college.
Despite struggling during freshman year at Dartmouth, the speaker graduated with the support of family and mentors.
Their achievement paved the way for family and community members to pursue higher education.
The speaker founded an organization that created job opportunities and supported first-generation college-goers.
Emphasized the importance of college in shaping worldview and becoming an activist for social justice, while highlighting challenges in the current higher education system.
Enhancing Higher Education for a Competitive Global Economy.
Colleges and universities need to prioritize accessibility, inclusivity, affordability, and relevance to adequately prepare students for the global job market.
Despite challenges, a college degree remains essential for validation in the job market.
There is a discrepancy between public support for apprenticeships and the preference for a traditional four-year college degree.
Efforts should be made to align K-12, higher education, and workforce standards, improve student support services, address rising education costs, incentivize degree completion, and adopt new education models to better equip students for success in today's job market.
Importance of Supporting Students in College for Diverse Voices in Society.
Without support, there is a risk of losing valuable perspectives in various aspects of society.
Student voices are crucial for enriching the fabric of the country.
Gratitude expressed for the significance of student voices.
Emphasis on the necessity of supporting student voices.