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Unlocking Your Book // Courts of Heaven // Robert Henderson

CCi#Christ Church International#Dothan#Alabama#Worship#Praise#Revival#Jesus#God#Family#Community#Love#Healing#Supernatural#Sermons#Bible#teaching#Bible teaching#cci dothan#Robert Henderson#Courts of Heaven#Unlocking Your Book#Books of Heaven
62K views|4 months ago
💫 Short Summary

The video discusses the importance of approaching God in prayer as Father, Friend, and Judge, emphasizing the significance of understanding one's destiny and purpose through prophetic revelation. The concept of presenting cases in the courts of Heaven, accessing the Council of the Lord, and engaging in true worship to unlock divine insights is explored. Personal experiences and dreams are shared to highlight the transformative power of obedience, righteousness, and fulfilling God's plan. The segment underscores the necessity of petitioning for one's purpose to align with God's redemptive plan, urging honesty, integrity, and gratitude in spiritual matters to receive reserved blessings and fulfill divine destinies.

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📊 Transcript
Three dimensions of approaching God in prayer: as Father, as Friend, and as Judge.
Emphasis on approaching God as Father for deeper prayer experiences.
Accessing the 'secret place' in prayer through understanding God as Father for intimate communion.
Significance of appealing to God for needs when approaching Him as Father, showcasing the depth of relationship through prayer.
The role of an intercessor or mediator in approaching God for personal needs and interceding for others is discussed.
Believers are granted access to the Council of the Lord through the blood of Jesus.
Standing in the Council of the Lord as friends of God is emphasized, showing how individuals in the Old Testament interceded for nations and people.
Examples from the Old Testament demonstrate the power of intercession to alter destinies and influence nations.
Approaching God in different ways - as a father, a friend, and a judge in the court of Heaven.
Understanding the concept of a legal opponent who hinders prayers from being answered.
Importance of petitioning God as judge in the court of Heaven using the blood of Jesus to counter legal cases.
Effectively answering prayers and removing obstacles by approaching God in this manner.
Understanding the Court of Heaven for Breakthroughs in Prayer.
The Court of Heaven is not a method of praying, but a spiritual dimension accessed through faith.
By entering this dimension through the blood of Jesus, one can present their case to God.
The speaker references Daniel 7:9-10 to describe the court in a vision.
Engaging with the Court of Heaven is essential for effective prayer.
Understanding prayer as entering a judicial system in the Unseen World.
Visualizing oneself in a court setting before God and petitioning for breakthroughs.
Describing prayer as presenting a case before God and requesting judgments from the court of Heaven.
Highlighting the significance of the court being seated and the books being open as indicators that cases are ready to be heard.
Portraying the approach to God in prayer as approaching Him as judge for specific needs and breakthroughs.
Individuals have a book in heaven outlining their destiny, purpose, DNA, characteristics, and life plan.
Psalms 139:16 and Ephesians 2:10 are referenced to support the concept of heavenly books.
Each person is on Earth to fulfill what was pre-ordained for them in their heavenly book.
Fulfilling one's heavenly book leads to fulfillment and rewards in the afterlife.
Importance of prophetic revelation from the books of Heaven.
Closed books hinder the ability to understand destiny and purpose.
Open books are essential for prophetic discernment and presenting a case in Heaven's courts.
Access to open books allows individuals to perceive and fulfill their written destiny.
Closed books prevent individuals from accessing their prophetic destiny and presenting their case in Heaven's courts.
The importance of true worship in unlocking understanding and revelation.
Emphasis on worshiping from the heart rather than just with words to receive divine insights.
True worship leads to the opening of books, symbolizing the reception of prophecies.
Connection between worship and the release of prophetic revelations highlighted.
Encouragement to engage in worship in church and personal spaces to unlock spiritual understanding and confidently present cases in the 'courts of heaven'.
Importance of opening books in the courts of Heaven for understanding and presenting cases.
Connection between Jesus' sacrifice and John's intercession emphasized, revealing the necessity of intercessors for God's purpose in regions.
Intercessors opening books enables prophets to receive divine revelations.
Apostles can present cases for God's judgments based on the unlocking of books by intercessors.
Intercessors' tears play a crucial role in unlocking the books, leading to discernment and prophetic insights.
Importance of intercession and understanding the courts of Heaven in fulfilling destiny.
Each individual has a unique book of Destiny containing God's plans for the future.
Remembering and presenting what God has spoken over one's life in the courts of Heaven for divine alignment.
Speaker shares personal experiences of following God's calling to disciple nations and convene apostles.
Power of prophetic dreams in guiding one's path emphasized.
Importance of Acting on Dreams and Visions in Fulfilling God's Plans.
Henderson shares a meeting with 53 Apostles from around the world to stress the significance of faith and obedience.
He emphasizes the connection between righteousness and belief in God's word.
Listeners are encouraged to obey God's instructions to step into realms of righteousness.
Henderson highlights the clarity and direction provided when one is open to divine guidance.
Importance of presenting cases in the courts of Heaven and understanding one's purpose in fulfilling God's Redemptive plan.
Emphasis on each individual's role in God's plan as a crucial piece necessary for completion.
Need to petition the court for one's purpose to manifest in reality, connecting personal revelation to God's overarching plan.
Significance of receiving insight from Heaven and declaring it on Earth, with such revelations attributed to divine guidance.
Importance of honesty and giving credit in religious teachings.
Speaker shares personal experience of introducing revelation to others, stressing the significance of acknowledging those who paved the way.
Lack of honor in dissemination of spiritual knowledge is portrayed as a serious issue in the Christian community, with potential legal implications in the courts of Heaven.
Integrity and accountability are emphasized as essential virtues in divine matters, with individuals urged to operate with honesty and integrity to avoid negative consequences.
Emphasis on recognizing individual gifts and destiny set by God.
God determines length of life and purpose fulfillment.
Distinction between 'Kronos' routine moments and 'Chyros' life-changing moments.
Encounter with a Stranger in Pursuit of Healing Anointing.
The speaker had a dream about the healing anointing after God spoke to him, leading him to teach on the topic.
Miracles began occurring after he started teaching on healing, confirming God's message.
Despite feeling tired, he engaged in a conversation with a stranger at a meeting, which was pivotal in his journey towards the healing anointing.
Importance of seizing divine opportunities in life.
Speaker recounts how attending a meeting led to receiving life-changing information and favor.
Emphasis on not missing the day fashioned by God to fulfill one's ultimate purpose.
Highlight on the significance of obedience and avoiding distractions during divine appointments.
Prayer led by the speaker for divine moments not to be missed, emphasizing their pre-ordained nature.
Saul's journey from donkey-search to becoming the first king of Israel is highlighted as a God-orchestrated moment.
Faithfulness and commitment are emphasized, with a focus on God's ability to redeem and reorder lives for His divine will.
The speaker expresses gratitude for God's guidance and seeks forgiveness for past mistakes.
Clarity and discernment are sought in understanding God's purpose for one's life.
Special blessings are reserved by the Lord for individuals who may feel overlooked or left out.
These reserved blessings have specific divine purposes and will be granted at the right time.
Individuals are encouraged to maintain faith and embrace the unique treasures meant for them.
The adversary's claims are to be revoked, allowing access to the reserved portion of blessings.
Gratitude is expressed for the anticipated blessings and the removal of hindrances.