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"Unlocking Wealth from the Courts of Heaven" by Apostle Robert Henderson

Robert Winters2016-12-28
Prepare the Way#Rob Winters#Robert Henderson#The Courts of Heaven#Unlocking Wealth
263K views|7 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video discusses unlocking wealth from the courts of Heaven, emphasizing financial independence to fulfill God's purpose. It references biblical examples of wealth transfer and encourages prophetic insights for wise financial decisions. The importance of wealth for influence, reformation, and cultural change is highlighted, with a focus on stewarding wealth correctly for the kingdom's advancement. The video also addresses breaking covenants with demonic powers to access God's blessings, emphasizing the need for faith, right thinking, and proactive behavior in achieving wealth and success. Prayer for wealth transfer and restoration of generational wealth is encouraged through faith and the blood of Jesus.

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Unlocking wealth from the courts of Heaven.
Emphasis on transferring wealth to fulfill God's purpose on Earth.
Highlighting the power of financial independence using Donald Trump's election as an example.
Encouragement to aspire to financial freedom to finance God's plans.
Reference to scripture to support blessing others through financial abundance.
Apostle Paul emphasizes God's ability to provide abundantly for good works in 2 Corinthians.
He discusses societal reformation linked to eradicating systemic poverty and the importance of generosity.
Paul highlights the joy of giving and God's desire for believers to unlock wealth.
Ecclesiastes and Proverbs scriptures show God's provision for the righteous and the transference of wealth to the good.
The message encourages liberal giving and trusting in God's abundance.
Importance of Prophetic Understanding in Wealth Transfer
References are made to biblical examples of wealth transfer including the nation of Israel leaving Egypt with gold and silver, Jacob's experience with Laban, and believers selling possessions in Acts.
Emphasizes the need for a prophetic understanding of economic trends to make wise financial decisions.
Encourages the church to be proactive rather than reactive in financial matters, drawing parallels to historical events like the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
Overall message encourages listeners to be discerning and strategic with their finances based on prophetic insights.
Prophetic understanding of economic situation and wealth transfer.
Importance of having a prophetic year and hearing God's word for prosperity.
Church entering a season of prosperity and wealth transfer prophesied for decades.
Development of a kingdom mindset in the church to handle wealth appropriately for God's purposes.
Importance of Legal Action in Releasing Blessings from God.
Legal cases are being used by the enemy to block blessings from God, stressing the need for legal action to unlock these blessings in the spiritual realm.
Understanding the Purpose of Wealth.
Wealth should be used to meet essential needs and prevent oppressive lack, with the Kingdom's minimal standard being having enough to cover all necessities and some surplus.
Faith in Abundance for Financial Freedom.
Encouragement to have faith in abundance to live without financial constraints.
Importance of Wealth in Christianity.
Wealth enables believers to serve God freely and make a positive impact on the world.
The Bible highlights the significance of wealth in providing influence and facilitating reformation.
Financial blessings from God can empower individuals to bring about positive change in society.
Wealth is viewed as a tool for promoting good and serving God effectively.
Importance of Finances in Driving Reformation and Cultural Change.
Dennis Peacocke is quoted, emphasizing the role of finances in establishing God's purposes on earth.
Reference to Deuteronomy 8:18 is made, highlighting the power to gain wealth for God's purposes.
Trustworthy individuals are needed to use wealth to shift culture towards a Christian mentality.
Wealth is viewed as a tool for producing reformation and fulfilling God's plans, emphasizing its significance in societal transformation.
Embracing Wealth as a Blessing from God.
The speaker emphasizes that wealth is a blessing from God and should be enjoyed without guilt.
Personal anecdote shared about receiving blessings and prosperity while doing God's work.
Encouragement to embrace wealth as a gift from God to be enjoyed, not to be ashamed of.
Breaking Covenants with Demonic Powers for Wealth and Prosperity.
Covenants with demonic powers in bloodlines can prevent wealth transfer and prosperity, granting the enemy legal rights.
These covenants may lead to a poverty mindset and hinder financial achievements.
Understanding and breaking these covenants is crucial for unlocking God's intended blessings and destiny.
Recognizing ancestral agreements with demonic forces can break spiritual bondage, paving the way for abundance and prosperity.
The speaker discusses the concept of making covenants with demonic powers in bloodlines.
Examples from different cultures such as Japan and Africa are used to illustrate this phenomenon.
Human sacrifices and blood sacrifices are made to demonic gods, resulting in ownership by demonic entities.
Repentance, seeking forgiveness through the blood of Jesus, and breaking generational curses are highlighted as crucial steps.
Breaking these curses is essential to prevent ongoing influence from demonic forces.
Importance of breaking demonic ties and receiving blessings from God.
Returning any advantages gained through demonic covenants is crucial to receive blessings from God.
Breaking ties with demonic powers is necessary for believers to achieve wealth and success.
Executing the verdict of the cross in the courts of Heaven helps overcome spiritual obstacles and ancestral influences.
Taking authority through the blood of Jesus is key to resisting the accuser and choosing to serve the Lord over demonic entities as highlighted in Joshua 24:15.
Emphasis on serving the Lord and avoiding distractions.
Discussion on misappropriation of wealth in history and consequences of mishandling finances.
Parallels drawn between current events and reign of Cyrus, highlighting a shift in wealth release.
Importance of stewarding wealth correctly and warning against using resources for personal gain.
Focus on building temples as a priority over personal gain.
Importance of Repenting for Misappropriated Wealth
Repenting for misappropriated wealth is crucial for accessing wealth from God.
Wrong thinking can hinder one's ability to receive wealth, as mentioned in Proverbs 23.
Hoarding wealth is discouraged, and using wealth for the kingdom's advancement is emphasized.
Audience is encouraged to shift mindset from saving wealth to using it for blessings and expanding the kingdom.
Importance of Faith and Confidence in God for Financial Success.
Trusting in God's guidance and recognizing opportunities to prosper is crucial for achieving wealth.
Making decisions based on faith and seizing opportunities can lead to success and prosperity.
Having a mindset focused on God's purposes and not being hindered by wrong thinking regarding finances is essential for financial growth.
Importance of seizing opportunities and avoiding a socialist mentality.
Reference to the parable of the talents in highlighting responsibility for wealth.
Emphasis on taking action and maximizing what one is given.
Aligning mindset with faith and proactive behavior to unlock potential for wealth creation.
Encouragement to make the most of opportunities sent by God.
The importance of using abilities to increase production and wealth.
Taking action with what you have leads to trust and more blessings from God.
Rejoicing in others' blessings instead of harboring envy is key for wealth transfer.
Incorrect thinking about God's goodness can hinder effective stewardship of wealth.
Aligning thinking with God's perspective is crucial for receiving and managing wealth properly.
Serving based on God's goodness leads to increased prosperity.
Trusting in God's provision is emphasized through personal experiences shared by the narrator.
Shifting into grace is highlighted as important for being entrusted with wealth.
The parable of the workers in the vineyard is used to illustrate earning beyond expectations through faith and dedication.
Serving with a mindset of grace and trust in God's goodness is key to experiencing abundance and success.
The speaker challenges judgmental attitudes towards wealthy individuals in the church and emphasizes the importance of understanding God's blessings.
He encourages a change of heart towards criticism of others' financial decisions.
The speaker suggests that God desires to bless people abundantly, even if it may cause discomfort to others.
He expresses readiness to be entrusted with wealth to help grow the kingdom of God.
Prayer for wealth transfer and restoration of generational wealth.
Invocation of God's power to revoke legal rights of the enemy.
Reference to spiritual shift and release of blessings in alignment with divine plans.
Claiming back wealth from previous generations and declaring a return of stolen blessings through faith and the blood of Jesus.
Expressing gratitude and seeking divine intervention for the restoration of wealth and abundance.