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Transform Self-Sabotage Into Your Super Power | Elizabeth De Moraes | TEDxFrisco

TEDx Talks2024-04-01
Body Image#Career#Change#Dance (performance)#English#Life#TEDxTalks#[TEDxEID:54684]
7K views|5 months ago
💫 Short Summary

Elizabeth shares her journey of overcoming self-sabotage by embracing self-awareness and self-acceptance. A dancer discovers their passion at a young age, leading to a successful career worldwide. Overcoming self-sabotaging behaviors and turning them into strengths is emphasized. Encouragement is given to visualize success, take small steps towards goals, and commit to growth despite fear of failure. Personal stories highlight the transformative power of action and embracing potential.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Overcoming self-sabotage and discovering core message.
Importance of self-awareness and self-acceptance in combating self-sabotage.
Common self-sabotaging behaviors like procrastination, perfectionism, and self-medicating.
Urging viewers to confront inner struggles and unlock true potential.
Speaker discovered passion for dance at four years old while watching Fantasia.
Dancing allowed the speaker to express themselves without words and connect with God spiritually.
Despite initial shyness, dance enabled the speaker to communicate and connect with others.
Pursued successful career as a dancer, choreographer, and teacher through hard work and dedication.
Performed at prestigious venues worldwide.
Overcoming Self-Sabotage
The speaker discusses past self-sabotaging behaviors such as overeating and blaming weight for career setbacks.
Despite facing criticism for her weight during a performance in Finland, she continued to achieve success in her dance career.
Recognizing and addressing self-sabotage is crucial to reaching one's full potential.
Viewers are encouraged to confront their own self-sabotaging behaviors, turn them into strengths, and visualize pushing past self-sabotage to unlock their true capabilities.
Overcoming self-sabotage and embracing empowerment
Encouragement to make empowering choices and visualize success.
Embrace mistakes as learning opportunities and take small courageous steps towards goals.
Personal story of overcoming shyness to pursue dreams.
Highlighting the transformative power of taking action and committing to growth.