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Pentecost - Living Divine Mercy TV Show (EWTN) Ep.89 with Fr. Chris Alar

Divine Mercy2023-05-25
Pentecost#Holy Spirit#Paraclete#The descent of the Holy Spirit#speaking in tongues#Holy Spirit and the Apostles#Spirit of the father and the son#Upper room#national Shrine of Divine Mercy#resurrection#Living Divine Mercy#Fr. Chris Alar#Chris Alar#Divine Mercy#Marians of the Immaculate Conception#EWTN
44K views|1 years ago
💫 Short Summary

Fr. Chris Alar discusses the preparation for the Messiah through the Holy Spirit and Mary's role at Pentecost. Ali Ghaffari shares his journey from a difficult upbringing to founding Divine Mercy Academy. Ali's conversion to Catholicism led to the establishment of the school, emphasizing classical education intertwined with religious teachings. The academy aims to create virtuous individuals who know, love, and serve God. The importance of listening to one's conscience and the inspirations of the Holy Spirit are highlighted in personal experiences of spiritual renewal and guidance.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Fr. Chris Alar discusses the preparation for the Messiah and Mary's role at Pentecost.
The Upper Room is a significant location for key sacraments such as the Eucharist, Confession, and Confirmation.
Pentecost marks the sealing of the Apostles with the Holy Spirit, empowering them for evangelization.
The Holy Spirit reveals Christ to us and remains active in the world today.
The Divine Mercy Image symbolizes the Church's birth through the Holy Spirit, and the Novena tradition reflects the nine days of prayer before Pentecost.
Ali Ghaffari's journey from a difficult upbringing to founding Divine Mercy Academy in Maryland.
The school's focus on making saints and instilling virtues in students.
Ali's mother's recovery through faith and Twelve-Step Program, bringing stability to his life.
The importance of using the gifts of the Holy Spirit to lead a virtuous life after Confirmation.
Emphasis on bearing fruit in the world through virtue.
Ali's journey from military service to embracing Catholicism and founding Divine Mercy Academy.
Ali explored different career paths before finding his way to the Catholic faith.
Discussions and debates with a mentor helped Ali embrace Catholicism and believe in God.
Ali's desire to start a school focused on classical education and religious teachings faced doubts and challenges.
Encounters with supportive individuals and Ali's determination led to the successful establishment of Divine Mercy Academy.
Overview of Divine Mercy Academy and its mission to provide classical education focusing on virtue and faith.
The academy started small in a Lutheran church basement and has grown to one-hundred-twenty students with plans for expansion.
Classical education aims to cultivate virtue and encourage students to explore big questions about leading a good life.
Divine Mercy Academy integrates God into all aspects of learning, with the goal of forming students who are saints that know, love, and serve God.
The segment shares the inspiring story of Deacon Jason Lewis, a convert to the church who answered a strong call to priesthood despite past struggles and feelings of inadequacy.
The speaker shares his journey meeting Father Javorski in Fatima and joining the Marian community in Greensboro.
Despite initial skepticism, the speaker found himself at Franciscan University and connected with Father Kaz during confession.
Father Kaz's guidance and the Diary of St. Faustina inspired the speaker to embrace the Marians of the Immaculate Conception.
The speaker emphasizes the importance of listening to one's conscience and the inspirations of the Holy Spirit.
Personal experiences of feeling the presence of the Holy Trinity and renewing vows are highlighted.