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NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang Keynote at COMPUTEX 2024

computex#nvidia#nvidia blackwell#robotics#nvidia spectrum-x#ai
328K views|3 months ago
💫 Short Summary

The video discusses the evolution of computing over the past 60 years, emphasizing the shift towards accelerated computing to address data processing requirements. It highlights the impact of Nvidia's advancements in AI, generative AI, and the development of new platforms in telecom and quantum computing. The segment also explores the future of AI technology, including the creation of digital humans and physically based AI systems. Nvidia's innovative platforms like Blackwell aim to enhance AI capabilities and drive down costs for global adoption, with a focus on robotics and automation in various industries.

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The importance of taking risks and committing fully to one's goals.
Emphasizes the idea of going all in, risking everything, and persevering despite challenges.
Encourages resilience, determination, and unwavering belief in oneself to achieve success.
Conveys a sense of empowerment, motivation, and the mindset of never giving up.
Highlights the message of facing fear and uncertainty with determination and perseverance.
The segment emphasizes perseverance, strength, and resilience in the face of challenges.
The lyrics convey a message of determination and overcoming obstacles.
The theme of empowerment and self-belief is highlighted through phrases like 'I got the power' and 'spread my wings never coming down'.
The overall tone is motivational and uplifting, inspiring listeners to keep moving forward with confidence and positivity.
Importance of Taiwan in Nvidia's AI infrastructure.
Taiwan is home to Nvidia's partners and the origin of their AI infrastructure.
Generative AI is discussed and its impact on various industries is outlined.
Significance of accelerated computing and AI within the Omniverse is emphasized.
Reference to the IBM System 360's introduction in 1964 as a pivotal moment in computing history.
Evolution of Computing over the past 60 years.
Major technology shifts and impact of CPU performance scaling slowing down.
Introduction of accelerated Computing to address exponential growth in data processing requirements.
Offloading and accelerating tasks to specialized processors like GPUs to enhance performance and efficiency in processing-intensive applications.
Application of accelerated Computing in artificial intelligence and deep learning algorithms.
Benefits of accelerated computing in terms of performance, power efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.
GPUs can significantly improve performance in PCs and data centers.
Companies can save hundreds of millions of dollars by processing data faster with accelerated computing.
Implementing accelerated computing is challenging due to the need to rewrite software for parallel processing.
Advancements in deep learning libraries have made accelerated computing more accessible, enabling applications in AI, physics, and telecommunications.
The development of new platforms in telecom through computational lithography.
TSMC's use of K Litho to save energy and costs in chip manufacturing processes.
Introduction of C Quantum as an emulation system for designing quantum computers and algorithms.
Emphasis on domain-specific libraries like QDF for accelerating data processing and enabling accelerated computing.
Significance of these advancements in various industries.
Pandas in C collab on Google's cloud data platform accelerate data processing with CDF.
Cuda breaks traditional computing architecture cycles, attracting 5 million developers globally.
Reduction in computing costs leads to advancements in algorithms and new computer utilization methods.
Decreasing marginal computing costs enable training of large language models and drive artificial intelligence emergence.
The impact of making computing cheaper has led to increased demand and innovation in the field.
The creation of Cuda has resulted in advancements in AI, particularly generative AI.
The concept of Earth two, a digital twin of Earth, is being used for predicting climate change.
Nvidia's first contact with AI in 2012 has led to breakthroughs in deep learning and computer vision.
The video emphasizes the importance of continuous weather prediction and the energy efficiency of AI.
Nvidia's advancements in architecture post-2012 led to the creation of the world's first AI supercomputer delivered to OpenAI in 2016.
The company continued to develop larger supercomputers, resulting in the creation of GPT-3 in 2022.
GPT-3 quickly became popular, gaining a million users in just five days and a hundred million users after two months.
The success of GPT-3 was attributed to its ease of use and engaging interaction with users.
The speaker also shared personal memories of visiting a night market in their childhood, specifically mentioning the presence of a fruit lady.
The transformative impact of generative AI on the industry.
The creation of a new commodity with significant market opportunities.
The AI Factory's ability to generate tokens for various industries, heralding a new Industrial Revolution.
The substantial impact of generative AI on the IT industry, potentially tapping into a hundred trillion dollar market.
The evolution from accelerated computing to AI to generative AI, showcasing the significant technological progression.
Shift from CPUs to GPU accelerated computing in the evolution of computing.
Future computers will generate data instead of retrieving it, consuming less energy and being more contextually relevant.
This shift will result in computers generating skills and performing tasks rather than just being tools.
AI models and computing stacks are becoming more complex, with large parameters requiring distribution across multiple GPUs for faster processing.
Data center throughput utilization is now crucial, impacting financial performance and leading to the creation of AI containers with various software components.
Advancements in AI technology with focus on Nim software.
Nim enables chat-like communication with AI through common and standard APIs.
Pre-trained models in various domains like physics, language, vision, and healthcare are integrated into Nim.
Emphasis on AI augmenting capabilities of customer service agents in different industries.
Nim consists of reasoning agents for tasks like information retrieval and problem-solving.
The future of applications involves assembling teams of experts known as Nims to work collaboratively without detailed instructions.
Digital humans, created using AI technology, have the potential to revolutionize industries like customer service, advertising, and healthcare.
These digital humans can assist with interior design suggestions, customer service tasks, healthcare monitoring, and marketing strategies.
The development of digital humans involves advanced AI models that can understand and interact with humans in a natural and empathetic way.
This technology bridges the gap between technology and human-like interactions.
Nvidia Ace utilizes generative AI for realistic 3D models with lifelike skin appearance.
Ace Nims are digital human technologies that developers can easily integrate.
Nvidia is shipping AI GPUs with tensor core processing to create an AI platform for PCs.
The future of PCs will involve constant AI assistance in applications like photo editing and writing tools.
Transformers enable unsupervised learning on large datasets to allow AI to independently find patterns and relationships.
Advancements in AI require physically based AIS to understand physics.
Methods include learning from video, synthetic data simulation, and using computers to learn.
The development of AIS through self-play and reinforcement learning is compared to AlphaZero.
The introduction of Blackwell, a second generation GPU designed for AI, features technologies like secure AI, MV link for connecting multiple GPUs, and a reliability and availability engine for testing chip reliability.
Enhancements in reliability and data processing speeds are crucial for supercomputers running models over long periods.
Blackwell's high-performance computer has incredible computational capabilities and energy efficiency.
The computational power has greatly increased, now only requiring 3 gwatt hours compared to the previous 1,000 gwatt hours.
The advancement has led to a drastic reduction in energy consumption during token generation.
Energy needed for generating tokens has significantly decreased, allowing for faster token creation with minimal energy consumption.
Introduction of DGX Blackwell system with advanced cooling mechanisms and x86 support.
Introduction of MGX modular system for liquid cooling and improved performance.
Highlight of MV link switch technology connecting multiple GPUs for a powerful 72 GPU Blackwell system.
Emphasis on MV link chip for large language models due to high bandwidth and deep learning capabilities.
Discussion on advanced GPU technology and MV link spine innovation.
MV link spine utilizes 5,000 wires connecting 702 GPUs for high-speed networking, saving 20 kilowatts per rack in Copper.
Integration of InfiniBand capabilities into Ethernet architecture for AI factories, addressing challenges in managing InfiniBand switches.
Emphasis on network-level RDMA for Ethernet, congestion control, and telemetry for efficient data communication in GPU-centric environments.
Importance of adaptive routing in Ethernet for preventing congestion and optimizing data transmission.
Noise isolation in data centers is crucial to avoid jitter and delays in training models.
Network utilization cost impacts training time and efficiency significantly.
Introduction of Spectrum X technology and upcoming models like x800 Ultra and x1600 designed for different GPU capacities.
Future trend towards larger GPU data centers driven by the need for generative AI in cloud computing, enabling constant interactions with AI-generated content.
Nvidia introduces Blackwell platform for generative AI era.
Blackwell aims to enhance performance, drive down costs, and scale AI capabilities for global adoption.
The platform integrates CPU, GPU, MV link, Nic, and switch for seamless connectivity.
Nvidia's strategy involves building and offering entire platforms as AI factories to foster innovation and customization for different data centers and customers.
Blackwell's success story follows the company's philosophy of one-year rhythm, focusing on pushing technological limits in process, packaging, memory, and optics.
The rise of physical AI and its impact on the future of robotics.
Robots are being powered by models that enable them to understand instructions and carry out tasks independently.
Automation in factories is increasing, with robots working together to build products.
Technology breakthroughs are crucial for the advancement of robotic automation.
Companies globally are developing autonomous robots with physical AI capabilities to collaborate with humans in various industries.
Breakthrough technologies like multimodal LLMs enable robots to learn, perceive, understand, and plan actions from human demonstrations.
Reinforcement learning plays a crucial role in robots learning specific skills, especially in simulated environments with physics feedback.
Nvidia Omniverse provides a platform for virtual world simulation, allowing robots to autonomously manipulate objects, refine skills, and learn complex tasks.
The next wave of AI involves robotics powered by physical AI, which is revolutionizing various industries.
Different platforms are being developed for different types of robotic systems, integrating acceleration libraries, pre-trained models, and testing within Omniverse.
Foxconn uses robotic factories with AI to meet demand for NVIDIA accelerated computing.
Omniverse is utilized to integrate data, optimize layouts, and simulate operations in the factories.
The digital twin created by Foxconn saves costs and aids in communication.
Foxconn developers train AI applications for robotic perception and manipulation in the factories.
The factories are designed with three computer systems for AI training, robot operation, and simulation in Omniverse.
Integration of AI models in robotics systems by companies like Nvidia, Siemens, and ABB.
The goal is to enhance manufacturing efficiencies and advance robot capabilities.
Focus on integrating Isaac manipulator and perceptor into different AI robots for improved object recognition and motion tracking.
Development of humanoid robots with improved cognitive and world understanding capabilities.
Potential for significant progress in adapting robots to human environments.
Future of robotics involves building walking and rolling computers with similarities to existing technology.
Advanced AI and robotics represent a significant milestone in technology development.
Speaker expresses excitement and gratitude for future possibilities in computer technology.
Segment includes music performances and expressions of appreciation from the speaker to the audience.