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Introduction to the Jerusalem Semester on FZY Year Course (Part 2) - Rob Kahn Video

FZY UK2015-02-10
Year#Course#Year Course#FZY#Federation Of Zionist Youth (Organization)#Gap#Gap Year#Rabbi#Rob Kahn#Jerusalem#Studies#Academics#Israel
27 views|9 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video features a course that delves into Jewish identity, including Hebrew, Zionism, and advocating for Israel. It explores Jewish content and the three monotheistic faiths, with the chance to experience the beauty of the north and the Arbel in 2015-2016.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Highlights of the course on deepening identification with Israel and Jewish heritage.
Students learn Hebrew, Zionism, and how to advocate for Israel.
Classes cover a variety of Jewish content and explore different segments of the population, including the three monotheistic faiths.
Joining the course in 2015-2016 allows participants to experience the beautiful scenery of the north and the Arbel.