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If you have a dream...never give up!: Mark Colbourne at TEDxKingsCollegeLondon

TEDx Talks2013-05-22
Paralympics#Lifestyle#ted x#\London 2012 Paralympics\#tedx#cycling#tedx talk#science#ted talks#culture#nurture#Entertainment#paragliding#rehabilitation#University#ted talk#English#dream#Olympics#genes#nature#TEDxKingsCollegeLondon#Education#change#challenge#Gold#medals#London 2012 Olympics#endurance#United Kingdom (Country)#passion#health#TEDx#Identity#London#ted#injury#sport#genetics#tedx talks#disability#Gold Medal#Silver#Psychology
265K views|11 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video showcases the journey of an individual who overcame lower leg paralysis, trained hard, and won silver medals leading up to the London Paralympics despite facing personal and emotional challenges. With the support of his late father, the individual persevered and ultimately achieved success, honoring his father's memory. Additionally, the video highlights the story of Mark Cin, a paragliding accident survivor who is on track to potentially win his first gold medal after breaking his back. The video emphasizes resilience, determination, and the power of never giving up on dreams in the face of adversity.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Speaker recounts terrifying paragliding accident and the impact it had on his life.
Emphasizes the fear of crashing and being dragged by the canopy during the accident.
Reflects on the moment of realizing the severity of his injury and fear of immobility.
Emergency responders quickly air-lifted him to a hospital for top-notch medical care.
Experience was life-changing, highlighting the importance of appreciating life and the fragility of existence.
Overcoming adversity and achieving success through resilience and perseverance.
Despite lower leg paralysis and being told he would never walk again, the individual underwent spinal surgery and focused on his abilities.
He began cycling with a disabled academy, leading to training for the London Paralympics.
With determination and support from his father, he embraced a new life with a disability.
The individual's story showcases the power of resilience and perseverance in achieving dreams.
Individual overcomes challenges to win silver medals at London Paralympics.
Despite father's diagnosis and passing, individual continued to train and compete.
Hard work and determination led to success at the London Paralympics.
Silver medals won in various events were a tribute to the individual's late father.
Achievements showcased resilience and dedication.
Mark Cin's impressive comeback story and pursuit for a gold medal.
Mark's demonstration of time trialist skills as he closes in on the Chinese Rider.
The audience captivated by Mark's strategic move indicating a strong chance of victory.
Mark's determination and pursuiting position evident as he inches closer to the lead.
Anticipation for an exciting finish and a possible upset in the race.
Paralympic athlete achieves gold medal and breaks world record, fulfilling dream of never quitting and always winning.
Despite facing challenges and lacking support, the athlete remains determined and grateful for the opportunity to compete and succeed.
The athlete's experience of being immobile in the hospital for 94 days serves as a reminder that dreams can come true with perseverance.
Gratitude is expressed for being awarded an MBE and anticipation for future competitions, showcasing the resilience and determination needed for success in sports.