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How to Figure Out What You Really Want | Ashley Stahl | TEDxLeidenUniversity

TEDx Talks2019-06-05
9M views|5 years ago
💫 Short Summary

A family experiences a traumatic kidnapping phone call scam, leading to emotional vulnerability and self-reflection. The speaker encourages self-auditing to pursue desires over fear-driven decisions, emphasizing the importance of making a 'you-turn' towards personal growth and fulfillment. Research shows disconnection in the workforce, suggesting success comes from following instincts and pursuing joy. Empowerment is found through action, compassion, and recognizing personal truths, leading to transformation and liberation from limiting beliefs.

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📊 Transcript
A harrowing kidnapping phone call where a father is threatened with harm to his daughter.
The father complies with the kidnappers' demands out of fear for his daughter's safety.
The mother discreetly contacts the police for help.
The father is instructed to go to the bank and wire a ransom.
The daughter receives a text from the police, realizing it was a scam, and the family is safe but traumatized.
Reflection on Father's Vulnerability and Humanity.
The speaker recounts a phone call her father received claiming she had been kidnapped, leading to an emotional conversation where her father cried.
Realization that parents are not superhumans, but ordinary people trying their best in difficult situations.
Compassion towards both her father and the fake kidnappers, considering the circumstances that may have influenced their actions.
Connection between this experience and the concept of self-imprisonment in life choices, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and pursuing genuine desires.
Encouragement to reflect on career paths and life choices that align with personal desires rather than fear-driven decisions.
Emphasis on self-auditing to identify areas of captivity and fear holding back true desires.
Discussion on the concept of making a 'you-turn' by coming back to oneself and facing truths.
Insight into the importance of acknowledging personal truths, even if uncomfortable, to move towards personal growth and fulfillment.
Second step involves following freedom and focusing on what brings joy and liberation to set oneself free from limiting beliefs and societal pressures.
Tips for Career Fulfillment and Personal Growth.
High levels of disconnection in the workforce can lead to job dissatisfaction and relationship issues.
Following what feels good and trusting your instincts can lead to success in your career.
Embracing imperfection and viewing your career as an experiment can open up new opportunities for self-expression.
Keeping a 'joy journal' to track moments of inspiration can help identify passions and skills that align with personal fulfillment.
Key highlights from the segment:
Empowerment is derived from action and commitment, not just thoughts.
The speaker shares a personal story of a fake kidnapping incident involving her father to emphasize the importance of recognizing clues, maintaining power in desperate situations, and showing compassion.
The key message is to take a self-audit, follow what feels good, and take action to make positive changes in life.
Transformation is possible by connecting to the truth, body, and joy, leading to personal growth and freedom.