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How Different Grips Can Transform Your Back Gains

natural bodybuilding#back training#build muscle workout#back workout#back width workout#back thickness workout#lat pulldown#lats workout#pull ups#pull up form#mike israetel#versa gripps
122K views|5 months ago
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The video discusses how different grips, positions, and widths impact back muscles in rowing and vertical pulling exercises. It emphasizes the importance of elbow position for muscle engagement and recommends varying grips to prevent stagnation and optimize muscle growth. Individual preference plays a key role in choosing the best grip and positions for back development, with a focus on building a mind-muscle connection for effective training. Experimenting with different approaches and unconventional exercises is encouraged to find what works best for each individual's back growth.

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Different grips, positions, and widths target back muscles differently in rowing and vertical pulling.
Narrow grip rows focus on lats, while wide grips target rhomboids and mid traps.
Elbow position influences muscle engagement, with flush elbows targeting lats and up-and-out elbows targeting rhomboids.
Rear delts are effectively trained during back workouts, reducing the need for isolated front delt work.
Rowing variations to chest or hips target lats or rhomboids/mid traps respectively.
Impact of Grip on Vertical Pulling Exercises
The grip used during vertical pulling exercises, such as rows, does not significantly impact muscle activation.
Keeping the elbows flush to the sides targets the lats more, while bringing them out engages the upper back.
Using a medium or closer grip generally trains the lats and back more effectively than a wider grip.
Varying the grip width can provide different stimuli, but focusing on elbow position for optimal muscle engagement is crucial.
Importance of Varying Workout Grips for Muscle Growth.
Switching between different grips targets different muscle groups and prevents overuse injuries.
Overhand pull-ups are beneficial for muscle fatigue.
Elbow position is important in different grip variations.
Experimenting with different grips can lead to better muscle engagement and overall workout effectiveness.
Importance of individual preference in choosing grip and positions for back growth.
Trying various grips, positions, and pulling angles to find what works best is recommended.
Unconventional exercises may benefit those struggling with traditional ones.
Building a mind-muscle connection, especially with the lats, is key for effective training.
CM Hansen offers unique exercises focusing on specific muscle groups like the lats.