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Fibromyalgia: from fiction to fact and to the future - Andrea Nicol

fibromyalgia#chronic pain#arthritis#health summit#Arthritis Ireland#FibroIreland#Andrea Nicols#University of Kansas
569K views|6 years ago
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Andrea discusses fibromyalgia research, diagnosis, and treatment, emphasizing the importance of personalized care and understanding the condition. Fibromyalgia has genetic and environmental factors, coexists with other conditions, and is linked to early life stress. Diagnosis criteria have evolved, focusing on centralized pain syndrome. Treatment involves addressing hypersensitivity in the brain. Patients with fibromyalgia face challenges in accessing proper care, highlighting the need for compassion and understanding from healthcare providers. Research shows differences in pain processing in fibromyalgia brains and emphasizes an integrated approach to treatment. Personalized analgesia and non-pharmacologic therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy are effective in managing symptoms. Ongoing research offers hope for improved patient care through multidisciplinary approaches and personalized treatment plans.

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Andrea's journey from human biology undergraduate studies to medical training in anesthesiology and pain management.
Research on fibromyalgia, stressing the significance of comprehending the condition.
Training in pain medicine and specialization in spine injections.
Passion for treating fibromyalgia patients and discussion on the evolution of diagnosis and treatment therapies.
Focus on dispelling myths about fibromyalgia and presenting current medical understanding.
Challenges in Treating Fibromyalgia
Doctors face challenges in providing personalized care for fibromyalgia patients.
Patients often undergo a trial-and-error approach with medications, causing frustration.
Empowering patients to advocate for themselves through information and resources is crucial.
Research article by Dr. Daniel Clau from the University of Michigan in JAMA is valuable for treating fibromyalgia.
Key Highlights on Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia can coexist with autoimmune disorders like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
Strong genetic component with first-degree relatives increasing the risk eightfold.
Women are more likely to develop fibromyalgia than men.
Chronic pain typically starts in childhood with migraines or abdominal pain and progresses to widespread pain.
Factors contributing to the development of fibromyalgia.
Secondary fibromyalgia can occur in 10-30% of individuals with autoimmune conditions like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
Stress, both physical and psychological, can worsen fibromyalgia symptoms.
Trauma and PTSD from war can lead to fibromyalgia, particularly in males.
Childhood trauma, such as abuse, can also increase the risk of developing fibromyalgia later in life.
Evolution of Fibromyalgia Diagnosis Criteria
Fibromyalgia was first labeled as fibro Myositis or psychogenic rheumatism in the 60s and 70s.
Medical understanding of fibromyalgia has progressed since the late 1980s.
Fibromyalgia is now seen as a centralized pain syndrome, not associated with widespread inflammation.
Symptoms of fibromyalgia include chronic widespread pain, sleep disruptions, and cognitive difficulties.
Fibromyalgia patients have heightened pain responses to stimuli, including non-painful ones like hugs or handshakes.
Research shows fibromyalgia often coexists with conditions like interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and migraines.
Treatment involves 'turning down the volume knob' on pain in the brain.
Sensitivity to pain varies among individuals, with fibromyalgia patients typically on the higher end of the spectrum.
Understanding different pain responses is crucial for physicians to provide effective treatment.
Fibromyalgia patients experience constant activation of stress response system, leading to hypersensitivity and increased pain perception.
Symptoms include sensitivity to smells, bright lights, and loud noises.
Diagnosis can be based on a survey scoring 13 or more on widespread pain and associated symptoms.
Monitoring stress levels and symptoms through the survey can aid in effective management of fibromyalgia.
Challenges faced by fibromyalgia patients in accessing appropriate care.
Lack of understanding and isolation from friends and family is common for fibromyalgia patients.
Healthcare providers, including rheumatologists, may lack necessary knowledge or time to treat fibromyalgia effectively.
Importance of compassion and understanding in treating fibromyalgia patients emphasized by pain medicine doctor.
Speaker expresses gratitude for institution's advocacy for fibromyalgia patients.
Fibromyalgia patients have lower pain thresholds on sensory testing compared to healthy controls.
Research using MRI scans shows that fibromyalgia brains process pain differently, legitimizing the condition.
The brain amplifies pain signals by sending more blood flow and neural activity to pain-increasing areas while reducing it to anti-pain regions.
Treatment focuses on reducing hypersensitivity in the brain.
X-ray images of knees with severe osteoarthritis may not always correlate with pain, as about 40% of people with severe arthritis show no pain.
Understanding the Complexity of Fibromyalgia Pain.
Joint pain in fibromyalgia patients may not be visible on x-rays, indicating centralized pain.
Holistic treatment approaches for fibromyalgia are often overlooked by doctors, leading to potential misdiagnosis and unnecessary surgeries.
Research at the University of Michigan focuses on understanding fibromyalgia through surveys, sensory testing, and neuroimaging.
Study on fibromyalgia patients before and after knee surgery evaluates pain medication usage, crucial in light of the opioid crisis in the US.
Correlation between fibromyalgia symptoms and post-operative opioid consumption.
Patients with higher fibromyalgia scores had lower likelihood of pain relief post-surgery.
Integrated approach to treatment recommended, combining medication with physical therapy, exercise, and psychological support.
Importance of motivation and support highlighted in patient recovery.
Positive attitude and cheerleading can significantly impact treatment outcomes.
Understanding the gradual process of conditioning the body is crucial for fibromyalgia patients.
Specific treatment approaches are needed for different types of pain experienced by fibromyalgia patients, including nociceptive, neuropathic, and centralized pain.
Neurotransmitters like glutamate and serotonin facilitate pain transmission, while norepinephrine and endogenous opioids inhibit it.
Treatment options for fibromyalgia aim to address neurotransmitter imbalances to alleviate pain.
Some research suggests that fibromyalgia patients may have an excess of endorphins, which could impact their pain perception and treatment outcomes.
Treatment options for fibromyalgia include low dose naltrexone, non-pharmacologic therapies, and emerging research.
Low dose naltrexone works by blocking opioids in the body and increasing receptors for pain relief in fibromyalgia patients.
Non-pharmacologic therapies such as education, physical therapy, exercise, and cognitive behavioral therapy have shown strong evidence in treating fibromyalgia.
Emerging research supports the effectiveness of non-pharmacologic therapies in managing fibromyalgia symptoms.
These treatment options are accessible in the United States for individuals with fibromyalgia.
Challenges in accessing government-funded insurance for patients and the development of Fibro Guide Med by the University of Michigan.
Studies showing the benefits of online cognitive behavioral therapy modules for fibromyalgia patients.
Importance of integrated multidisciplinary care for symptom and dysfunction management, in addition to pharmacologic therapy.
Introduction to personalized analgesia through patient questionnaires.
Potential use of fMRI in tailoring specific therapies based on individual measures.
Positive results in children and adolescents from intense physiotherapy and psychological therapy interventions at Children's Mercy Hospital.
Research on personalized treatment plans and mono vs. combination therapy is ongoing, providing hope for improved fibromyalgia patient care.
Multidisciplinary care shows societal impact, emphasizing the importance of early intervention before adulthood for brain development.
Maintaining a positive attitude, finding support networks, and advocacy efforts are crucial in reducing disability and improving functioning.
Speaker expresses emotional gratitude for support network and education from Fibro Ireland and Arthritis Ireland.