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Confessions of a D Girl: Colorism and Global Standards of Beauty | Chika Okoro | TEDxStanford

TEDx Talks2016-05-23
TEDxTalks#English#United States#Humanities#Activism#Beauty#Big problems#Children#Consciousness#Culture#Discrimination#Exposure#Fashion#Global issues#Human Rights#Identity#Impact#Individualism#Inequality#Life#Media#Mindfulness#Race#Reform#Self#Social Change#Social Justice#Society#Struggle#Women
1M views|8 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video delves into colorism, tracing its origins to slavery and its modern-day impact on society globally. Discrimination based on skin tone is perpetuated by media and beauty standards, leading to harmful practices like skin-lightening. The speaker shares personal experiences with beauty standards and encourages challenging societal norms for a more inclusive and diverse representation in media. Promoting awareness and critical thinking can reshape societal perceptions of beauty and create a more accepting society.

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Reflections on the impact of colorism in media representation.
The speaker shares her experience of being categorized based on skin tone and features in a casting call, feeling betrayed as a 'D girl'.
Lack of representation for actresses with diverse skin tones and features is highlighted, leading to discussions on the concept of colorism.
Colorism is traced back to slavery, with the speaker grappling with discrimination based on skin tone within racial or ethnic groups.
The persistence of colorism throughout history has influenced societal perceptions of beauty, impacting individuals with diverse skin tones.
The impact of colorism on societies globally and its historical roots.
Historical tests like the 'brown paper bag' and 'pencil test' favored individuals with lighter skin tones.
Media perpetuates colorism by valuing lighter skin, leading to the promotion of harmful practices like skin-lightening creams.
The beauty industry capitalizes on insecurities by promoting products to lighten skin, affecting self-perception from a young age.
Colorism is a global issue, with skin-lightening products being a lucrative business in countries like India and Asia.
Impact of early messages and stereotypes on self-perception.
Personal experiences with beauty standards and internalized biases are highlighted.
The power of awareness and individual choices in challenging societal norms is emphasized.
Active questioning of conventional ideals and advocating for a more inclusive representation in media is encouraged.
Promoting awareness and critical thinking can contribute to reshaping societal perceptions of beauty.