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Bible Study on the Acts of the Apostles Epi 7: Why are Jewish People still waiting for the Messiah?

Divine UK2022-07-21
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5K views|2 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video delves into Acts of the Apostles Chapter 3, emphasizing the early church's growth and miracles through faith in Jesus. Peter accuses the Jewish people of crucifying Jesus, highlighting the Messiah's true purpose of delivering from sin, not political oppression. The segment explores prophecies about Jesus fulfilling his sacrificial role, emphasizing his divine nature and the fulfillment of ancient scriptures. The importance of understanding the Messiah as a suffering servant is highlighted, challenging traditional beliefs and misconceptions. The speaker stresses repentance, turning to God, and the spread of Jesus' religion worldwide, warning of consequences for disbelief.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Summary of Acts of the Apostles Chapter 3.
The early church practiced miracles and saw growth.
A miracle of healing a lame person is highlighted.
Peter credits the miracle to God, not their own abilities.
Miracles are emphasized as gifts from God, not based on personal merit.
Peter accuses the Jewish people of crucifying Jesus and emphasizes their mistake and guilt.
Peter proclaims that God glorified Jesus and convicts the people for rejecting the righteous one.
Peter highlights that even Pontius Pilate wanted to release Jesus, showing the severity of their actions.
Despite their rejection, Peter boldly accuses all Jewish leaders gathered in the temple.
Peter demonstrates tremendous courage and conviction in his message.
Peter emphasizes Jesus as the author of life and divine.
He highlights faith in Jesus' name for strength and healing.
Peter acknowledges the crowd's ignorance and states they acted unknowingly, blaming neither them nor their rulers.
He explains their misunderstanding of the fifth kingdom, expected to be the kingdom of God.
Peter's message focuses on faith in Jesus leading to miraculous events in life.
Prophecy in the book of Daniel predicts succession of kingdoms from Babylon to Greece to Rome and a fifth kingdom ruled by a powerful king.
Jesus establishes the kingdom of God, in contrast to expectations of a mighty ruler like Alexander the Great or Caesar.
Jesus' humble arrival and preaching with only 12 followers challenges conventional beliefs about power and kingship.
Misconceptions around the Messiah's role.
Jesus' suffering and death were foretold in the Bible, contradicting traditional beliefs of a conquering king to defeat the Romans.
Peter educates others on the true prophecies, emphasizing the importance of knowing the scriptures.
Ignorance and misunderstanding arose from incorrect expectations of the Messiah's purpose.
Crucifying Jesus was a grave error that could have been avoided by understanding the true prophecies.
Summary of Isaiah Chapter 53:
The segment delves into the prophecy of the Messiah as a suffering servant with an ordinary upbringing and despised nature.
People failed to recognize this prophecy because of their expectations of a mighty king, leading to misunderstanding.
The Jewish people's misconceptions about the Messiah resulted in ignorance and misinterpretation of biblical teachings.
The text emphasizes the importance of understanding the Messiah as a bearer of sins and infirmities.
Fulfillment of Bible prophecies regarding Jesus Christ.
Jesus' silence during crucifixion aligns with Old Testament prophecies.
Significance of Jesus taking on the punishment for sins of all individuals.
Theological perspective rooted in Jewish scripture, portraying Christianity as realization of ancient prophecies.
Impact of Jesus' sacrifice and crucifixion as central tenet of Christian faith.
The injustice faced by Jesus and the prophecy of his suffering, death, and resurrection.
False witnesses and perversion of justice highlighted in the segment.
Jesus' sinless nature and sacrifice for humanity emphasized.
Rich tomb provided by Joseph of Arimathea mentioned, portraying Jesus as a suffering servant.
Jesus connected as the servant of God fulfilling prophecies of the Messiah's suffering in the passage from Acts.
Importance of Brothers and Sisters in Jewish Faith.
Emphasis on the misunderstanding of the Messiah and Jesus' resurrection by the Jewish people.
Spread of Jesus' religion to over three billion people worldwide and the call for repentance.
Declaration of Jesus as the Messiah through quotes from various prophets and consequences for those who do not listen.
Reference to a prophecy in the Old Testament about blessings for all nations through Abraham's descendants.
Blessings and glory for all nations as descendants of prophets and the covenant given to Abraham.
God raising up his servant to bless by turning people from wicked ways.
Chapter ends with a message of completing the current chapter and continuing with the fourth tomorrow.