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Bible Study on the Acts of the Apostles Epi 4: Prophesies are fulfilled in this person

Divine UK2022-07-18
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6K views|2 years ago
💫 Short Summary

The video showcases Saint Peter's transformation after receiving the Holy Spirit, empowering him to deliver a powerful sermon at Pentecost. It highlights Peter's authority as the first bishop of Rome, emphasizing divine inspiration in preaching. The sermon connects the Old and New Testaments, fulfilling prophecies and demonstrating the inclusive nature of the Holy Spirit. Peter boldly proclaims Jesus' resurrection, fulfilling biblical prophecy and establishing Jesus as both Lord and Messiah. The audience is deeply affected, recognizing Jesus' divinity and questioning their beliefs, leading to further discussion.

✨ Highlights
📊 Transcript
Transformation through the Holy Spirit.
Peter, who had previously denied Jesus, now confidently speaks to a large crowd after receiving the Holy Spirit.
The disciples, once hiding in fear, were transformed into fearless witnesses of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit empowered believers to spread the message of faith and salvation effectively.
The dramatic change in the disciples exemplifies the impact of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
Saint Peter's sermon at Pentecost in Jerusalem.
Peter's authority as head of the apostles was given by Jesus, establishing the papacy.
The sermon's structure and content were guided by the Holy Spirit, highlighting divine inspiration in preaching.
Peter's role in the early Christian community and the tradition of papal succession are explored.
Saint Peter clarifies that the people are not drunk but filled with the Holy Spirit.
He references Ephesians 5:18 and points out that it is only 9 o'clock in the morning.
Saint Peter connects the situation to the Old Testament, highlighting the importance of understanding Jesus through both the Old and New Testaments.
Importance of studying the Old and New Testaments together for understanding Jesus' teachings and the prophets.
Fulfillment of a prophecy from the book of Joel, promising the Holy Spirit to be poured out on all people, not just a select few as in the Old Testament.
Significance of the event, with individuals filled with the Holy Spirit and displaying spiritual gifts.
Emphasis on the inclusive nature of the new outpouring of the Holy Spirit, reaching all individuals regardless of background or social status.
Division of world history into Mosaic era and Messianic era.
Mosaic era refers to the time following the law of Moses until Jesus Christ.
Messianic era starts with Jesus Christ and the new law he brings.
Interpretation of biblical passages about the last days, focusing on the pouring out of the Holy Spirit.
Symbolic language of apocalyptic events signifies new beginnings and creation.
Peter proclaims Jesus of Nazareth as attested by God and highlights the divine plan in his death and resurrection.
Peter explains that Jesus' death was part of God's plan and not by human power.
Despite the belief that Jesus was destroyed, Peter asserts that God raised him from the dead.
Peter's confidence in God's power is evident in his bold proclamation, contrasting his previous denial of Jesus.
He emphasizes the significance of God's role in Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, showcasing the divine plan at work.
Fulfillment of biblical prophecy through Jesus' resurrection.
David's tomb still exists, showing he was prophesying about someone in the future.
Saint Peter quotes from the Psalms to emphasize the point.
Peter explains David's prophecy about Jesus' resurrection and ascension to God's right hand.
Jesus was not abandoned to Hades and did not experience corruption, as foretold.
The heavenly Father instructed Jesus to sit at His right hand until His enemies are defeated.
Peter emphasizes Jesus' intercession for humanity and interprets Old Testament prophecies.
Peter declares that God has made Jesus both Lord and Messiah, reinforcing his divine authority and role in salvation.
Emphasis on Jesus as God and Lord.
Jesus is seen as embodying divinity and being both messiah and Lord.
Discussion on doubts about Jesus being a prophet, messiah, or divine god.
Saint Peter asserts with certainty that Jesus is both Lord and messiah.
Audience deeply affected, prompting further discussion the next day.