00:07we'd like to eat more local and
00:10sustainable food but we'll also have
00:12more mouths to feed in 2050 that'll be 9
00:16billion how will we make sure that
00:19everyone has good food and enough to eat
00:23digital solutions will help to put a new
00:26mix of high-tech and low-tech
00:28ingredients on our plates and sooner
00:31than we think this is what's in store
00:33for us a tomato is a hummer of the food
00:39world it requires a ton of soil
00:42you got farmer who not just a technique
00:44conscious yappy who knows different
00:46mistakes noted by a well and all that
00:48state smear technique may open up a
00:50problem but what I find interesting
00:52about what's going on with all these
00:54technologies is that they're kind of
00:57changing the basic dynamic of the
01:00default position when we think about the
01:02food system this is back light welcome
01:06to the era of abundance
01:20using information technology to increase
01:23the transparency of the food system is a
01:25great opportunity fact is a lot of food
01:28is between the black box when you're
01:31buying a pound of hamburger you really
01:34know very little you don't know what
01:35kind of animal it was you don't need to
01:37assume you lose account you don't know
01:39what you know how that animal lived
01:42where it came from how long ago it was
01:43slaughtered what the diet was all Estela
01:45stuff with his books about food author
01:49and journalist Michael Pollan has made
01:52millions of people aware of the
01:53drawbacks of our current food system you
01:56know it's always been my conviction that
01:59the more people know about how their
02:02food is produced the better the choices
02:04they'll make and that's very that could
02:06be very disruptive to the food industry
02:17a growing number of people are focusing
02:19on what our food is actually made of
02:22Shirin Yates working in San Francisco's
02:25technology industry is one of them do
02:29you guys carry any gluten-free pasta
02:36I feel like we just don't know how to
02:40properly feed ourselves then when you
02:43look around and you see all these people
02:45with weight issues sugars a big hot
02:48topic diabetes understanding exactly how
02:54to feed ourselves to me is one of the
02:56most exciting parts of this health
02:58revolution that I think we're just at
03:00the beginning of a lot of people don't
03:04know exactly why but it's a fact that
03:06there's more than 50% more food
03:08allergies among children then there was
03:11you know 14 years ago so there's there's
03:13been this massive increase in sort of
03:16how we're reacting to food if you look
03:21at the 50s it was all about packaged
03:23food Maskell supermart accessibility and
03:25refrigerators and freezers where you're
03:27starting to get really popular and now
03:30you're saying this total shift more
03:33you know that fresh local connection
03:36good how are you good do you guys do any
03:41of your marinade in soy sauce and I'm
03:43asking because I'm gluten allergic pork
03:48chops of delicious yeah my name is Meyer
03:51you also have marinade buffalo chicken
03:52wings - great what's the marination oh
03:56god I wish the marinade on the other
03:58chicken weaves again I started to get
04:00pretty sick in university I went to go
04:03to a doctor and I was lucky enough that
04:05they made the connection that it might
04:07be food allergies and I did all the
04:09tests and sure enough gluten I'm very
04:11very allergic to so I had to retrain
04:14myself I had to read a lot of labels
04:16interrogate the waitstaff and it was
04:24it's always a risk when you try
04:26something new that you haven't tried
04:27before you trust that the food
04:29manufacturer knows what they're doing
04:31that there's no cross-contamination and
04:33even if the label is there as you know
04:35this is gluten-free you you might look
04:38at the package and I might say processed
04:40in a facility that also has wheat and
04:41that's a little bit of a internal alarm
04:44for me just I have to raise my eyebrow
04:47at that are these new - I've never seen
04:49these there's an increased kind of
04:53distrust now yeah this is the people who
04:56lost faith in the food supply system and
04:58they're very fearful they're worried
05:01about being poisoned about their health
05:03and to me it seems like there's this
05:07interesting tension now between on the
05:09one hand the desire what is like cheap
05:11and plentiful and on the other hand the
05:14desire for what is like clean and
05:15sustainable and healthy and I think that
05:19this sort of tension is is very
05:21interesting and not really resolved in
05:25his book the virtues of the table
05:27philosopher Julie and gajini poses
05:30ethical questions about the food that we
05:37Trust is a really interesting and
05:40important issue the supply chains are so
05:44large now I think the real issue over
05:46trust is that there's kind of no
05:48substitute for the direct relationship
05:52and the transparency and the mistake
05:55people make a lot of the time is they
05:57sort of going for that kind of trust
05:59they go for the like the certificate or
06:01the stamp or the procedure or the system
06:04and they say we've ticked these boxes so
06:07it's all okay the problem with any tick
06:10box system is that once that set up
06:13someone finds a way of ticking the boxes
06:15and you know getting away with things
06:17yeah there weren't really there are all
06:19sorts of safeguards that were meant to
06:21mean that it was impossible for horse
06:23meat to end up in a supermarket lasagna
06:26but they didn't work because all it
06:28takes is at one point in that chain
06:29someone to tick a box and be dishonest
06:43the technology is becoming more
06:44accessible and the interest is there
06:46there's just this heightened awareness
06:48and I think that has drawn a lot of
06:51attention to this space that has been
06:53very much overlooked and I think the
06:56real interest to me is how are you
06:57empowering the consumer to make better
06:59choices in their everyday life there's a
07:05new generation of entrepreneurs with a
07:08background in companies like Facebook
07:10and Google who are working to make our
07:12food system healthier and more
07:16Shirin Yates for example who came up
07:19with a device that can check your food
07:21for gluten within a couple of minutes
07:26our first product is a portable sensor
07:29that can detect gluten in foods as a
07:32user you would basically take a sample
07:34or core of whatever you'd be testing put
07:36it in here this would have a test strip
07:39in it and then you'd put it in this
07:41sensor and then turn it on and then in
07:43in a few minutes then you'll know
07:45whether or not that very trace amount of
07:47the protein of whatever you're looking
07:48for is there but then you can actually
07:52share your test result on on an app so
07:54it can be shared with and I think that's
07:57the part that I get really excited about
07:58because it scales that individual
08:00experience to make it really universally
08:03useful for other people who are trying
08:05to navigate eating out with food
08:07allergies I personally think that the
08:12vast majority of people walk around
08:14feeling subpar they don't know their
08:16optimum self they don't know how good
08:17they could feel because there's still
08:19such a mystery about how to feed
08:22ourselves and how to fuel ourselves I
08:23think as we have that additional
08:26information that goes beyond allergens I
08:28could go into pesticides I could go into
08:29all these other realms for food the more
08:32we're going to know how bodies are
08:34reacting to that then it's all this
08:35wearable information and what we're
08:37learning about our bodies is our gonna
08:38fuse with what we're putting in our
08:40bodies and you can have this real great
08:43custom connection of okay this is how
08:45this particular set of inputs in my body
08:48makes me feel and if I cut this out then
08:51add this in then I'm gonna be my best
08:54self so that's that's that's what I'm
08:56really excited about fruit scanners
09:00could play an important part in making
09:02the food industry more transparent and
09:04these scanners won't just detect gluten
09:07currently scanners are being developed
09:09that can measure anything from calories
09:11and pesticides to antibiotics imagine if
09:16there was a way to know which watermelon
09:18is sweeter by now there are hundreds of
09:29different new startups in the food
09:31industry most of them were founded by
09:34the new generation who are applying the
09:37advantages of the internet and digital
09:39technology to our food it's time to
09:42bring innovation to the system for
09:45instance the American company Hampton
09:47Creek is using big data to develop a
09:50mayonnaise without chicken protein one
09:53area where there's hardly any technology
09:55disruption is the world of food
10:10one of the investors from Silicon Valley
10:13who have moved their focus to the food
10:15industry is Ali Petrova who got involved
10:18in Internet companies like Facebook and
10:20Dropbox at an early stage I sold my
10:23first company and I bought my first new
10:25car and then I saw the Austin Powers
10:27movie that had this design I instantly
10:30thought oh that is so cool
10:32flashy and unique but not ostentatious
10:40why do people with the dot-com
10:43background like part o B suddenly start
10:45investing in the food industry a good
10:49engineer looks at a whole system kind of
10:51from the ground up and thinks about
10:55efficiency thinks about well you know is
10:57this the best way to have done this this
10:59is like this because this one was like
11:01this what if we change that would this
11:03be better or worse and so this aspect of
11:06taking complex systems and breaking them
11:09down and simplifying them and seeing
11:11where the essence of something is that
11:13is part of how an engineer looks at
11:16looks at everything there's a lot of VCS
11:19who have you know over the past decade
11:22spend money and invested and cared about
11:24solar electricity or ethanol or these
11:28other ostensibly more sustainable
11:32components of the energy world and then
11:34there's a realization that you know what
11:35all of those dynamics and energy applied
11:39of food and farming because food is part
11:43of the overall spectrum of energy we're
11:45still talking about calories from the
11:46Sun being converted into some storable
11:49usable form whether to power our cars
11:52and our machines or our bodies the food
11:54system is responsible for somewhere
11:56between 20 and 30 percent of greenhouse
11:58gases we produce people are very aware
12:00of their cars and how they heat their
12:01house and and the fossil fuel that goes
12:04into those processes but our food system
12:06is basically a fossil fuel system as
12:10well we turn a fossil fuel into food in
12:13many ways the main ingredient in in
12:18fertilizer ammonium nitrate is a fossil
12:20fuel product and that's spread on fields
12:23all over the world now it the process of
12:27making it consumes a lot of fossil fuel
12:29and then when it leaches into the
12:32atmosphere it is a very potent
12:34greenhouse gas itself we also process
12:39food in ways that use lots of energy we
12:41move it around the world that uses lots
12:42of energy but probably the worst part is
12:44the is the fertilizer so there's a
12:46there's a especially meat-eating as an
12:48Norma's role to play in greenhouse gas
12:51production a UN estimates about 18
12:54percent of all greenhouse gases are
12:57traceable to the animal agriculture I
13:01spent some time a couple years ago
13:02trying to figure out how much fossil
13:05fuel energy oil it took to produce a
13:08quarter pounder with cheese when I speak
13:10about some of these issues particularly
13:12about the fossil fuel use in the food
13:14system I do a little demonstration and I
13:16bring a quarter pounder with cheese here
13:18is our oil and I bring a picture of what
13:21looks like crude oil and four or five
13:25glasses and and I pour them out to show
13:28you exactly how much fossil fuel goes
13:30into creating that quarter pounder with
13:31cheese and it's 26 ounces of oil to
13:34produce that one hamburger it's really
13:39chocolate syrup that's an astonishing
13:43amount of oil to produce something that
13:45could be produced entirely with sunlight
13:53the moment of awakening for me I'd say
13:56was when I read the the Omnivore's
13:58Dilemma by Michael Pollan I wouldn't say
14:01that I immediately said this this is
14:03ready for a Silicon Valley style
14:04disruption but I'd you know I think
14:08anyone who reads that book has a certain
14:18for me reading that book awaken this
14:20question of there's obviously going to
14:23be better ways to do this and they are
14:24probably even more profitable as well
14:26this doesn't feel like a system that was
14:29designed even for profit let alone for
14:32being you know the best for the world
14:36agriculture by its very nature is the
14:39solar technology it's it's all based on
14:41photosynthesis the the amazing ability
14:43of plants and only plans to to take
14:46solar energy combine it with carbon
14:48dioxide in the atmosphere and water and
14:51some minerals in the in the soil and
14:54turn that into sugars into food that
14:57then can be the basis of a food chain
14:59either feeding us directly or feeding
15:01animals this isn't an this is this is
15:05nature's free lunch you know a solar
15:07energy it's the only one we have and in
15:09agriculture we harnessed it it just
15:12wasn't quite fast or efficient enough
15:14for us and so we began improving on it
15:16with things like fossil fuel based
15:18fertilisers and pesticides but it still
15:21works and it's an and the challenge I
15:23think the great challenge of our
15:24agriculture is can you put it back on a
15:27solar footing without turning back the
15:30clock I'm not talking about going back
15:32to the way we grew food seventy-five or
15:33hundred years ago but sophisticated new
15:36highly productive ways of harnessing
15:38sunlight in order to to make food
15:45in their search for a more efficient
15:48food system investors from the field of
15:51digital technology not only consider
15:53high-tech but also old-fashioned
15:55techniques for instance Silicon Valley
15:59provides a lot of financial backing for
16:01farmland LP an investment fund that buys
16:04arable land and converts it into organic
16:07farms with an old-fashioned rotation of
16:10crops the view that that we have is that
16:15soil is a biological system and it's
16:19actually the soil biology the cycles in
16:21the soil biology that actually creates
16:23the soil fertility and if you if you add
16:28ammonia if you have fertilizer to soil
16:31you're actually adding ammonia ammonia
16:33is basically Windex it's what used to
16:34sterilize things you're killing and
16:36destroying the soil biology so you're
16:38actually destroying the very thing that
16:41you that you really need to be there and
16:44when when all of our agricultural
16:47practices are designed to enhance the
16:49biology of the soil to work with the
16:51biology of the soil and that means that
16:54the soil is more fertile you get better
16:56biological productivity and that
16:58translates to better economic
16:59productivity because you have the crop
17:02diversity you don't require the
17:04herbicides and the pesticides and and
17:06some of the other and the GMO seeds that
17:09are expensive input costs so after we
17:12take it through this about five-year
17:14conversion period our costs are lower
17:17even if we sold the product at the same
17:20price as the conventional goods our
17:24farmers would be more profitable but
17:26that that takes about five years so we
17:28like the organic price premium but after
17:30you finish the conversion period we
17:32actually don't need it anymore but
17:33because the demand is so large we don't
17:35expect it to go away
17:36when people start looking at farming as
17:39an investment place to invest their
17:42money they discover that the most
17:45sustainable farms by the least amount of
17:48in other words if you're really running
17:50a sustainable farm you don't need a lot
17:51of inputs inputs are usually chemicals
17:53to fix monoculture problems you know are
17:56the solutions in your head or are they
17:59in a ball the most sustainable farming
18:01the important solutions are in the head
18:02of the farmer we don't use any kind of
18:19herbicides or pesticides on any of our
18:22pastures you know if we run into a weed
18:25or a pest problem we try to manage that
18:27with our livestock you know for instance
18:31I have a alfalfa field back here and
18:34last year I got some aphids in there and
18:38my neighbor next to me also had some
18:41aphids and he elected to spray and I
18:44elected to take and sheep it off and you
18:48know I generated the economics of it I'm
18:51generating some revenue it's costing him
18:54and when our when our alfalfa crop came
18:58I got better tonnage than he did so you
19:03know sometimes you know Mother Nature
19:05can do some great things for you if you
19:07just get out of the way
19:19the best pattern for sustainable
19:22agriculture is having livestock crops
19:24grains in a rotation all there at the
19:27same time just rotating among the
19:29different fields hard for one farmer to
19:31do all that hard for them to grow all
19:33those different varieties and then also
19:36to sell them all at the right time for
19:40for the best price and so by us
19:42operating at scale we can help each
19:45individual type of farmer the cattle
19:48farm or sheep farm or vegetable farmers
19:50get all the scale that they need without
19:53having to come up with millions of
19:55dollars for farmland and without
19:57spending the years that it takes to get
19:59it certified organic and manage it that
20:01way so the role that we play is really
20:03that of the land steward and making sure
20:06that we're getting the highest and best
20:08sustainable use out of the farmland and
20:11it benefits both the environment and
20:14economics so old farming techniques but
20:18this doesn't mean they can't be improved
20:20on a lot of data is gathered and
20:23monitored and both crops and farmers
20:25rotate around the fields but this this
20:29basically shows the crop map it's
20:31happens to be for 2012 that we color
20:34code the fields and we track a lot of
20:36information about what happens on the
20:39farm each and every year we use a lot of
20:42GIS technology for what we do so is it
20:47going to be high-tech organic farming
20:49you say that like that's a contradictory
20:51term some people would call that a
20:55contradictory term don't you think I
20:57don't know I think that growing crops is
21:02a very biological function I actually
21:05think that biology is more complicated
21:07than chemistry the systems that they're
21:09using now so looking at the soil biology
21:11is actually more complex and to me a
21:14superior way of managing the farmland
21:16and you need to use all the tools at
21:18your disposal a lot of people who are
21:22investing in commodity cropland are
21:25keeping it in commodity corn for example
21:28and it's very easy to put on a
21:30spreadsheet you're going to grow the
21:32corn here's the input costs here's what
21:34you're going to get you can lock in your
21:36input costs and sell your corn before
21:38you ever sit on a tractor for the year
21:41so as a financial instrument it looks
21:45very simple and great and it's very
21:47linear what we do is it's we're focused
21:51on maximizing the soil biology its
21:54systems the the farmers are rotating the
21:56land is rotating and the the
21:59technologist the Silicon Valley of the
22:02people in Silicon Valley there are
22:04systems thinkers so they understand you
22:08know software is not linear software is
22:10loops and everything has to work
22:13together object oriented for example and
22:15so when they hear how we're managing
22:17farmland they get it and get it very
22:20quickly and they get it instantly and
22:22they also have a view towards the future
22:24to have a view towards how can't how
22:32in the quest for food production without
22:35the use of fossil fuels there is another
22:37solution what if you could grow
22:40vegetables on a large scale locally
22:42close to the city and without pesticides
22:45or fertilizers just by using electricity
22:48that can be generated by solar energy
22:51lettuce grow a mark day listen from
22:53fellow the Netherlands is already doing
22:56this and the secret formula turns out to
22:58be light let for mixing the other side
23:06look at the Haley knew with her daughter
23:08bug from you let Felicity gonna be like
23:10like I'll take their Lantern our boat
23:12sir I'm gonna say what you see here hey
23:14my happy baby food for the lenses I
23:16could smell screw in the video too from
23:18the gap but no safe reliable Volkov
23:22associate cake and efficiency burning
23:24angles a BFF sham-pow
23:25oh poor flock there I'm on a beach in a
23:28lacrosse starting up cranky Delta and a
23:31crazy deal is it the mouth ext bagger
23:35from Zion of the plunge one give you a
23:37few Santa member throw this knot is in
23:41Atlanta all sewed up in the winter so
23:44dune some speak of all for all the
23:46baguette here the basin let's a lever
23:48the cyclic open ext bag and all this
23:51come with black chiffon
23:52Ziya 14 centimeter coat decry the truth
23:57darling inhale like a slob jointed
23:59Zoop toka Donna Glick except for the
24:02gooey from slaw and a table agapia Road
24:05blow and felt no they come photos and a
24:08city guy again and the yes that could be
24:10Nancy the home source for an optimality
24:12witness table of I a Gallic philia
24:14honest it's a super self the smack from
24:18about the product is how you can be
24:19included to me a blow to gave the mayor
24:22all together my dad sat near anglich
24:25pasa con Tacoma the summit all super
24:40el Cucuy directors and space
24:42particularly a king and the site
24:45launches along here before slab blow
24:47vote and family and the could be Nassif
24:49and III sort of all that and top-line
24:52champion at events outside at a cuisine
24:55might as well so our symbol for vault
24:57the clear blow eats me a to Fugen I hope
25:00you Blanchett are here on those artists
25:02in the to you as a betrayer for bars and
25:04back-end who that with that salami on
25:06God forbid I should ever be a blob I did
25:09if I spoke about the yellow stacking you
25:12know that you can try any plant on Xmas
25:16to the metal of still in the short to
25:18live sama met extreme art and about tuna
25:21you like but your halo more in control
25:30you got former who know I'm just not
25:32technique conscious yappy who knows
25:34different states notice my well know
25:36that states me a technique valuable
25:38color photo the lets technique is moment
25:43in Roanoke air do you can I tricked like
25:45him at the pace a syndicate architect
25:47EMU job doesn't lose the dollar for
25:49claim if they say a new thing of all the
25:52cases overall five euro Colin laptop
25:55copa90 son of devaki Moodle of MATLAB -
25:58muchas the bossman scamming have again a
26:05taupe gray hair mommy Manoli
26:06the survival folder 20:44 OS Murata how
26:10about Matt movie authority who's up
26:12start being a normal despairing opening
26:15with Mia for Stella mamala plunger are
26:17claiming appointees of the rowdy boy to
26:19Stan and assaults kind we ended need to
26:21feed on per and out attract him about
26:23some hogs and Virata
26:24he only lets Alice tell of it so in
26:26don't you go on all day it's the
26:28etiology LaMotta or by the like minimal
26:37let's go Matt let's L was like the
26:40helmet is enum that they select a haenam
26:43of moon sang so well violet talk to me
26:45rode the ferry on the NZ a chief Eric I
26:48can see you more the chlorophyll up coma
26:52on the left leg the cranky including the
26:56Bahama Vincent and yeah booty of annoyed
26:59the caustic I keyed up as well and I've
27:01been around a trader does morganatic
27:04lira here's Alice Capone Kinnear talking
27:10about the news van Eyck
27:17what I find interesting about what's
27:20going on with all these technologies is
27:22that they're kind of changing the basic
27:25dynamic of the default position when we
27:28think about the food system so what is
27:31that default position it's really the
27:32idea that people have that agriculture
27:34is divided between the organic or the
27:37traditional mixed farm method you know
27:39the kind of thing we recognize as a farm
27:41if we see it walking in the countryside
27:43and industrial farming biotech all those
27:47things that are somewhat alien and they
27:50they rely on technologies to much and
27:52are not natural so you've got yeah
27:53people think about it is natural and non
27:55natural although obviously it's more
27:57complicated than that
27:58well there are all sorts of things about
28:00that division which are already quite
28:02problematic but it seems to me a lot of
28:04what's going on now is kind of
28:07challenging people to really ask
28:09themselves the question well what
28:11matters about this divide
28:16growing foods in ways which on the one
28:19hand is is is entirely artificial you're
28:22talking about using LED lights and
28:24things and keeping things in highly
28:26controlled conditions on the other hand
28:28without these additives and fertilizers
28:33and everything so it's kind of organic
28:35in the sense that it doesn't have any of
28:37those inputs which are considered nasty
28:40but it's not at all organic in the sense
28:42that traditionally organic is about the
28:44soil cycle it's about growing in such a
28:47way that you feed the soil even as you
28:50grow in it now once that kind of
28:53technology becomes mainstream it's
28:55really forcing people to ask themselves
28:56the question what really matters here
28:59what's the important thing what's really
29:01really matters for us and it's no longer
29:03good enough to have this kind of neat
29:05division in your mind between
29:07all-natural and good and the industrial
29:09and scary some of these things they're
29:12coming up with are arguably going to be
29:14both more productive and more
29:16sustainable than the best organic farms
29:19people aren't gonna like that very much
29:22a lot of the time because we do have a
29:24romantic attachment to the idea of the
29:37the Dom allotment Veda and five Sigma
29:39namely of men's design this diminutive
29:42element Harrogate the zulus form of who
29:45was me - my only products in opposition
29:47to Tanaka and Oba Oba he gave off top of
29:51the products etag or plots and other
29:52men's labor being the thought of the
29:54high dying from the common Yaga so thing
30:06do we really need to produce more food
30:08in order to feed 9 billion people in the
30:11future chef Dan barber who owns a
30:17restaurant just outside New York City
30:19doesn't think this is necessary
30:21he believes that our current harvest is
30:24enough to provide good food for everyone
30:37the premise of the question is how are
30:39we ever going to produce enough calories
30:41to feed 9 billion people and what is
30:44predict for 2050 when you I think we
30:48need to stop and relook at that question
30:50and realize that we already produce
30:52enough food to feed 12 billion people
30:55right now there are as I mentioned a
30:59third of a population that is food
31:01insecure and starving but that's not
31:02because there isn't enough food that's
31:04because there is a an unfair
31:06distribution of food that has to do with
31:10political realities and and deep deep
31:14unfairness in the world producing more
31:17food is not going to help that at all
31:20and so so the premise of the question
31:23for me is troubling because it it it it
31:26squares you off into a into a set it
31:29puts you down a pigeon hole into a set
31:31of answers where you have to answer well
31:32how do we produce more food instead of
31:33asking what do we need to produce more
31:35food and the answer is actually in terms
31:38of caloric intake we really don't we
31:40need to distribute it better as a big
31:41problem distribution is a big problem
31:4360% of it is not being fed to us it's
31:47being fed very inefficiently to animals
31:49so you're eating meat that's fed corn
31:51and soy but but but you know we don't
31:53need to do that these animals as we have
31:55proven here don't need a lick of grain
31:57and can use the energy from the Sun that
31:59feeds the grass and the grass feed them
32:01and there they taste delicious and
32:03they're healthier for us so that's the
32:05kind of system I think we should be
32:10the problem in the last half century has
32:14been a disconnection with our food is
32:16produced because when we become
32:17disconnected with how food is produced
32:19we generally make really bad decisions
32:21about who is growing our food and how
32:42first of all this is a carrot that is an
32:45organic carrot but you equip one you
32:46would get it you know Whole Foods right
32:48so we squeeze the little bit of its
32:50juice our lovely Tara is getting a
32:54reading of sugar bricks reading which is
32:56four point five which reads four point
32:58five percent of this carrot is sugar now
33:02we're going to test Stone Barns carrot
33:06from Jack algiere we just father we've
33:07been in storage for the last three
33:09months grown in the best organic soil
33:13and also rotated with all the crops and
33:15here we have a Brix of twelve to twelve
33:18percent of this carrot of sugar versus
33:19four percent and what studies have shown
33:22is there's a correlation between bricks
33:24and and nutrient density there's
33:26definitely a correlation between how
33:28much you like the carrot and how much
33:29you might not like the carrot based on
33:31the amount of sugar but local farming on
33:35organic soil is not enough according to
33:37Barbra we will also have to adjust our
33:40diet if the definition of farm-to-table
33:44meant all we needed to do was shop for
33:46what we want it locally I'll get that
33:49tomato and that eggplant and ETSU Keaney
33:51and that carrot and that onion and I'm
33:55gonna call myself farm-to-table well
33:56know what you need to do is dig a lot
33:58deeper and we need to we need to support
34:01the the crops that gave us all the
34:03scraps all the crops I just mentioned
34:04our cream crops you know we think about
34:07a local tomato as you know as the
34:09epitome of a sustainable farm to table
34:13system of the future in fact a tomato is
34:17a very expensive vegetable it's a fruit
34:20but it's it's a very very expensive from
34:22a soil fertility expensive it's from the
34:25soil fertility perspective it's the
34:26hummer of the food world it requires a
34:28ton of soil fertility what we need to do
34:32is I don't I wouldn't say turn away from
34:34Tomatoes but I would say we need to
34:36celebrate those crops that give us the
34:39fertility to enjoy the tomato those are
34:41crops like brassicas and a rotation or
34:44grain cover crops or clovers you know
34:48cover crops that we can actually learn
34:50to eat bean crops leguminous crops
34:53those are the ones that give us the
34:54nitrogen the phosphorus and all the
34:56building blocks for healthy soil that
34:58give us those flavors that we love so
35:00much we tend to gravitate towards
35:08certain diets that are in vogue or in
35:11fashion or we believe to be best for us
35:12and then we demand that the land growing
35:14or we become fixated on certain trends
35:18or ideas because we think they're the
35:20most delicious and we tend to put great
35:23demands on a landscape to grow it any
35:29dictate on a diet that comes from our
35:33sense of right and wrong or our sense of
35:35need is the wrong diet we move this out
35:48and here's that right there okay it's
35:54just fine no cover at all we plant this
35:59in October and it's still very small but
36:02in the spring it'll be huge it grows
36:05really big doesn't need any protection
36:07it does not being affected by the frost
36:09at all right now so just this space
36:13maybe 2,000 pounds of spinach from the
36:15section that really took no work except
36:18to prepare the beds seed and cover you
36:21can see there's no damage at all
36:30I think for the future the right way to
36:36think about this is to get away from
36:38looking at what we covet and look more
36:41towards what the land wants to produce
36:46and it's perfectly healthy and still
36:48growing and maybe frozen but very sweet
36:54we have to eat it the first diet that's
36:56the challenge and that that means I have
36:59to create the dishes and the menu that
37:04that people want to eat and that can
37:06they can easily replicate in their own
37:08homes I mean that's that's where cuisine
37:10comes in it's so you don't just have
37:11that restaurants you have that in your
37:12daily diet and it becomes part of the
37:14culture of eating that's the that's the
37:16key look tonight I'm working on a carrot
37:29so we have carrots that are in storage
37:35we've been aging it in beef fat and
37:40tonight we're gonna serve this like a
37:42steak but the architecture of the dish
37:46is going to flip on its head it's going
37:47to be the American ideal reversed my
37:53hope is that we do that with a lot of
37:55dishes and that ultimately we can create
37:57a system and a pattern of eating that is
38:00more reflective of what this can provide
38:02not what we expect this to provide but
38:05the other way around it's a big
38:08barber believes that if we just eat what
38:11the land gives us there will be more
38:13than enough for everyone now and in the
38:22but how can we get ourselves to actually
38:24eat all these less common ingredients
38:27technology could help us with this as
38:43hey steve-o don't know you want
38:49William um pick also be VOC Steve
38:55arrested there's the be most animal dick
38:58hey daddy does this DN book brought the
39:03fifty that does the steampunky ray okay
39:07because what I'm you tonin known on the
39:09screen exemplar me he can't be the video
39:12comment to pony that let's hope so sorry
39:14the phony look a nose and words here and
39:17the vessel anak all can be altered
39:19continue with trauma brahmand me earlier
39:22the tongue that are about the cobble yo
39:25TN and a max can sorry for me man this
39:30week a movement winter tone with me
39:32there's not there's near anything yet
39:35and will a stone oval stone - wave hogs
39:39be functional 50% brave of me 50% them
39:44enemy 50% more foodie vessel and the
39:49yeah through with the word
40:04as a liar that or there's not that is a
40:07fool without them in the water the hates
40:09fish here I'm in the water his fish
40:12how about an ACME you just meet my broad
40:14enemy knew it there's a lack of it mum I
40:20get buffer Danny always that they knows
40:22his years went by super lie about moment
40:27of Eden narrows Lobo I mean the came
40:30back a smart man transit my karuma's at
40:32the house in retro me some posts
41:05a couple of years ago Johann Longin Bukh
41:09founded the food tech startup food
41:11pairing together with bella loves they
41:16want to analyze all the ingredients in
41:18the world and create a database of all
41:21the aromas contained in them the bike
41:26catch of the day it is aroma miss
41:30Blahnik tartar percent from hitting
41:33approved or telic door do you news but
41:35bolts knew how they need to rake him our
41:36hand to stalin lateral cohan to stalin
41:39the aromas latin an elysian revolves on
41:42the stain walk or not elevating who the
41:44aromas are enter a hearin met under
41:46aromas on Sudan economizing well kadhi
41:49Anton sudden perfect Baraka awesome okay
42:01this we hand the aromas hand on Elysian
42:04monotonic and mention is effect under
42:06Sun and to sell this defeatist like
42:08every her marked on the way I convert
42:12even on the stain milk lotion are not
42:16perfume on the funniest involve caked
42:18yeah don't see that of it vanilla avoid
42:21cumin seed are you know come come back
42:24to here aromas invoke cumin floor Allah
42:28honing after component Nutella Cosway
42:31hospice own a sting ball critical how
42:34many serve on this honing con comers
42:37vanilla we handle Eric in a room our
42:40bills for marking and his automobile
42:42deference vermin zone of rain comes Matt
42:45Mustaine bulk mehandi act in India
42:48Hannah and H Blitzen
42:50larvae evil innovative a Loki Steen walk
42:53did send aromas the the Balearic sing a
42:56nobody's de Vaca dollars in with popcorn
42:59crucial popcorn is walk crucial vote at
43:02cost first brought aroma as Hill style
43:04of popcorn balls occur in the community
43:08brutal maken of calm Commerce Markham
43:11common aroma is Oobleck for rotten
43:12voluminous Ukranian about illuminating
43:14Han zoko Eric hill creative a NASA
43:16helmet near commonalities but this farm
43:20insulting whom a bit like a communist
43:34the software parameters the algorithm is
43:37the is a table drying the burn of the
43:40computer test it away money will of ding
43:42result on a destiny buy food and visual
43:45tartan found the analysis in and the
43:47retina Nuttall algorithm is up and even
43:49ethereal Todd brought crop a come comer
43:52oscar menassa te kaha mark met him at
43:55his teen book and intuitive didn't chef
44:01that all medical notes in the Tejanos
44:03dots and - stahma to say mark actin and
44:06the type of it a lot more localized any
44:09production and how does the interacts
44:11his hand ham bacon soup not almost him
44:19is how flicks a intestine production the
44:21senator valve on the come-come it had
44:24come come aroma the year ends at a zoo
44:25could come comer aroma the income
44:27committed the second day service how
44:30common aromatic on chimeric CFC tristan
44:32exceed hauling stan my with the honing
44:35aroma from top four in between oven gas
44:40click on between cars honing how come in
44:43here matter method products
44:49cuckoo music combined asesino
44:51diamond-hard active on that man
44:53vomit and Koreans arrogant et al come
44:55come in Ihram an appearance in the end
44:57we have mark are annoyed tone in the
44:59keuken my vacant and evil detect Aaron
45:01on that way the aromas found the three
45:02product in the same bar heaven
45:06rope the steam ball coppers Hilton San
45:09Francisco brutes mckeavy and love an
45:12animal morning super okay Imogen on a
45:17mango wait away even was in the key
45:19aromas in a mango guava parted aroma
45:22from the mango mousse was annulled and
45:24and key aroma at mango can opt for
45:27common in an apple of an under product
45:30in the second Hank a coven hookah and
45:32the hounds form communities from local
45:34predictor among embarking upon the block
45:37we evolved at spin of an apple seen a
45:40hawk a coven whatever may be sick but in
45:42twenty kilometer around in orbit rave
45:45and water community screed on how mark
45:48Anansi like apples in Conan hannahb new
45:52Naraku - even malloon fizzle is a naval
45:55base Christmas and in the east of
45:58who-ville head gifted of neutrik a
46:00person does eternal he canal de la coka
46:03broken on production of neutron of
46:06britain to Hannover vermin matter
46:07locally a radiant we have on all
46:14approved intervals on Elysian as a tool
46:16I'm certain MacLean stigma which has
46:19delivered around the track
46:26my fishing net Harden is updated yeah I
46:29was uh paper holders next Roger Davis
46:31I'll open honest I'm a certain I thank
46:39you for watching for more on this
46:42subject take a look at the playlist you
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