00:00so life gives you based on who you are
00:02being what you are feeling not what you
00:04really want the only reason why you want
00:07something is because you haven't found
00:09it within yourself the external world
00:11that you see that you experience is the
00:14byproduct of your Consciousness what
00:16exactly is consciousness how does it
00:19control our life circumstances and why
00:21does it seem that some people get to
00:23live their dream life While others are
00:25barely surviving in the world well in
00:28this video I'm going to share with you
00:29how Consciousness is the only reality
00:32what exactly is preventing us from
00:34seeing this and experiencing this and
00:37then lastly I'm going to share with you
00:38how desires and fulfillment reside
00:45Consciousness hey guys welcome back to
00:47the channel my name is Ivan and in
00:50today's video we're talking about
00:52Consciousness and how it is the only
00:54Reality by the way if you're new to this
00:56channel welcome and if you like videos
00:59like this don't don't forget to like And
01:00subscribe to the channel it really does
01:02help me out and at the same time other
01:04people get to see my channel as well but
01:06now without further Ado let's get
01:09started let's talk about what is
01:11consciousness how is it the only reality
01:13and what is preventing us from seeing
01:16this from experiencing this well the
01:18answer lies in your focus when it's out
01:22there in the external world based on the
01:24appearances limitations and conditions
01:27you lose your focus internally where
01:30your Consciousness resides Consciousness
01:33is the cost substance of your life
01:36circumstances everything that you
01:38perceive in your circumstances is
01:40consciousness turned into form into
01:42matter now sure that we can observe our
01:45circumstances to appear real and solid
01:48but the key question here is where is it
01:50coming from now Neville godar's power of
01:53awareness there is an interesting quote
01:55that reiterates the idea of
01:57Consciousness and its importance so let
01:59me go ahead and read it for you it
02:00states a man's Consciousness is all that
02:03he thinks desires and loves all that he
02:06believes is true and consents to that is
02:09why a change of Consciousness is
02:11necessary before you can change your
02:14outer world you see Consciousness is a
02:16manifestation of your awareness your
02:19true self your formless and boundless
02:21being it is what's giving light and
02:23power to your Consciousness the ability
02:26for you to have a subjective experience
02:28where you create create the world based
02:31on your self-concept that you hold about
02:33yourself let me illustrate with words of
02:35how our Consciousness is actually being
02:38projected from our own bodies I want you
02:41to have a mental image of a lighthouse
02:43now the light that is coming out of the
02:45lighthouse is your Consciousness and the
02:48house that surrounds the light is your
02:51body and because the light can't know
02:53that it's the light because it literally
02:54is the light it can only assume that it
02:57is a lighthouse based on what it
02:59perceives around around it in the very
03:00same way we cannot see ourselves because
03:03we are it we are Consciousness we are
03:06not what we see or perceive around us
03:08even our bodies who we really are is not
03:11physical We Exist we're aware but we're
03:14beyond the Physical Realm you are the
03:16invisible the intangible thoughts
03:19beliefs emotions feelings your
03:21imagination which is creating your
03:23subjective experience in physical
03:26reality all coming through a perspective
03:28very limited perspective itive of a
03:30person in other words you are a
03:32character that is being played in a game
03:35but you are the controller of the
03:37character at the same time the purpose
03:40of Consciousness is to build yourself
03:42concept the concept of yourself is
03:44everything that you accept and consent
03:46to be true now this is key because this
03:49is the foundation of who you are being
03:51at every moment it is the core identity
03:54level this is who you are internally
03:56your self-concept believes itself to be
03:59a certain way an example of this is
04:01saying I'm confident I'm wealthy I'm
04:04strong I'm healthy or it can also be I'm
04:07stupid I'm poor I'm not good enough life
04:09is hard your Consciousness will conform
04:12to whatever you focus on and what you
04:14believe to be true for example if you
04:16focus on lack Consciousness will
04:18construct your self-concept based on
04:20lack so as we can see Consciousness is
04:23projecting itself into the external
04:25world based on the self-concept that you
04:28hold to be true and are accepting
04:30whether consciously or unconsciously
04:33essentially what we think feel and see
04:35ourselves as is who we are being and
04:38that determines the life circumstances
04:41that we are attracting this is why no
04:43matter what we do or where we go we
04:45always seem to be attracting the same
04:47circumstances same people same
04:49conditions because we haven't changed
04:51our concept of ourselves we haven't
04:53change our state of being life can only
04:56give you based on who you are being at
04:58every moment examp example of this is
05:00let's say you want a romantic
05:01relationship you want to feel being
05:03loved and being wanted so you get into
05:05the relationship but during the
05:07relationship you notice that you still
05:09don't feel like you're being loved this
05:12is because you went looking for a
05:13relationship something that you are not
05:15being something that you don't have
05:18everything everything that we do is
05:20stemming from our Consciousness so if
05:22your self-concept is based on the idea
05:25that you need others to love you then
05:27that's what you're going to experience
05:29conscious is a feeling reality your
05:31experience of life is determined by the
05:34way you feel internally first and then
05:36that's being projected or experienced
05:39externally into the physical world your
05:41self-concept is connected to your
05:44feeling it is not based on the external
05:46facts or appearances that you may see in
05:49your circumstances here's another
05:51powerful quote the Neville godar in
05:53power of awareness it states therefore
05:56you must turn from the objective
05:58appearance of things to to the
05:59subjective Center of things your
06:02Consciousness if you truly desire to
06:04know the cause of the phenomena of life
06:07and how to use this knowledge to realize
06:09your fondest dreams most of us just try
06:12to change the external world but because
06:14your Consciousness is just the
06:15reflection of it it can't change until
06:18you change the concept of yourself this
06:21mismatch that you were seeing from your
06:22circumstances is caused because you have
06:25fallen into the biggest trap that there
06:27is which is identification
06:29with your ego which is actually your
06:32self-concept it is the very thing that
06:34is stopping you from recognizing
06:36yourself as Consciousness and this is
06:39because your ego has your focus fixed on
06:42the external World your concern with
06:44outcomes of your circumstances and is
06:47building your self-concept from them a
06:49great example of this is seeking
06:51validation from others because your ego
06:54wants validation so it's creating
06:56scenarios such as when I have a high
06:58paying J job other people will like me
07:01then I'll feel worthy but when I don't
07:03have those things then I'm not worthy
07:05the self-concept that is stemming from
07:07the ego is all based on lack it creates
07:10insecurity doubt worry confusion your
07:13entire identity the core who you are
07:16being is coming from your ego and
07:19because Consciousness can only reflect
07:21who we are being at the self-concept
07:23level we sometimes try to separate
07:26ourselves from our environment thinking
07:28they don't represent anything about us
07:31but they're really just a reflection of
07:33us if we go back to the power of
07:35awareness and Neville godar States you
07:37and your environment cannot be regarded
07:40as existing separately you and your
07:42world are one so the dissatisfaction
07:45that most of us feel in environments
07:47that we don't like is because our true
07:50desires are not being met here's a great
07:53example to illustrate this let's say
07:55you're living in your parents basement
07:56and you're feeling dissatisfied unworthy
07:59Y and incomplete so you're blaming the
08:01circumstances for being the cause of how
08:04you feel and you think that if you
08:05change the circumstances that you would
08:08change how you feel but your
08:10circumstances only reflect who you are
08:12being your desire to feel better and to
08:15change your living situation has to
08:18First be internalized for then be
08:20externalized the environment or the life
08:23circumstances are not the cause for how
08:25you feel the cause is your focus and
08:28consciousness the ego is what's creating
08:31the Separation by basing your
08:33self-concept on your ego and not your
08:36true self not your true desires so it's
08:38placing your desires away from you but
08:41your desires cannot be separate or away
08:44from you because they are literally
08:46coming from you you are projecting them
08:48out into the external world the only
08:50separation that we experience or that we
08:53see is just physical remember
08:55Consciousness is a feeling reality but
08:58what do I mean by that let's say you
09:00want to make more money in your business
09:01or in your job your desire is to have
09:05more money not to make it you first have
09:07to feel like you have it otherwise you
09:10can make more money but because your
09:11focus was purely on just making it and
09:14never actually feels to you like you
09:16have enough money as a result your
09:19desire feels like it's always away from
09:21you based on how we feel act and see
09:24ourselves is how we are creating our
09:27experience and therefore creating our
09:29self-concept your desires can't be away
09:31from you you are your desires and
09:33Consciousness wants you to fulfill them
09:36so that you can express who you are
09:38being by having the knowledge that you
09:41are Consciousness and you are creating a
09:43self-concept that is based on the
09:45circumstances conditions and even
09:48appearances that you are seeing gives
09:50you a sense of freedom to know that you
09:52are actually in control of your life and
09:54when you see people living their dream
09:57life it is simply because they have
09:58realized that who they are being is what
10:01they attract into their life the key is
10:03to really place your attention inwardly
10:05and focus on your Consciousness which is
10:07the cause of everything so now to
10:09conclude the video your desires and
10:12fulfillment reside within you cons
10:15Consciousness is the only reality and
10:18everything that we perceive is coming
10:20from our own Consciousness our self
10:23concept what you seek is you because you
10:26are Consciousness and you are it guys
10:29thank you so much for watching let me
10:31know what you think about this video if
10:33you have any questions leave them Below
10:35in the comment section and I will see
10:37you in the next video as