00:20hi we should have more people joining us
00:23very soon hey Alexi hey Ali nice to meet
00:28guys nice to meet you well
00:31also Alexi and Sam both of you are all
00:38nice where in the city are you well I'm
00:41actually in the suburbs I'm on Long
00:43Island love it yeah in
00:46Hicksville okay famar yeah my parents uh
00:50my dad grew up um in Southampton before
00:55Southampton Al he grew up he grew up all
00:58the way out east that's
01:00that's like at least hour and a half
01:07hours North the village of North Sea
01:10yeah tiny little uh tiny little spot out
01:15awesome that's nice I actually don't
01:17have any idea where it is but I can
01:20imagine I think yeah I don't think
01:23people sometimes realize how big of a
01:25Place Long Island is long turns out it's
01:31long h i mean Brooklyn and Queens are on
01:34it right so give you some
01:37time yeah New York is so big even I
01:41think Brooklyn itself is has a bigger
01:43population than the city of Chicago if
01:45I'm not mistaken so it can be a city by
01:49itself um but yeah Iran
01:58F oh we have Marcel okay everyone thank
02:02you so much for being here I'm super
02:04excited because I talked to St before
02:07and he's awesome I think I said that
02:10like three times already um and you all
02:13here are hi Marcel welcome have more
02:16people joining um Co commuting and train
02:20I thought Iran is commuting and train I
02:22thought so because I heard the train
02:25announcement and this is like 11:00 p.m.
02:28wow what fighter thank you for being
02:32here um Chris hello David welcome King
02:37thank you for being here and I think we
02:39can just get ahead and get started um
02:42welcome to this exper rable we have Sam
02:43we're going to chat more about B2B but
02:45before then i' like to invite all of us
02:49here to introduce ourself our name where
02:51we're located just like one um I think
02:55one sentence about your company I think
02:57we have more people so you can just
02:59share share as fast as you can about
03:01your company or if not just like put the
03:04link in the chat so some can also like
03:05click on it um and then we can popcorn
03:08it around and then we keep Sam to like
03:11the last person later so I'm going to
03:14start and I'm going to popcorn it to you
03:15all welcome Opa jender David um Gabby
03:20feac um thank you angun transen um
03:24Network we support Founders like
03:27yourself and I am based in Boston I'm
03:34Ali hi uh my name is Ali I'm based in
03:38naobi um and I'm building an offline
03:40School management solution Built For
03:43Last Mile and Rural schools helping NGS
03:46and nonprofits to collect data from
03:48these regions and I will pop corn it to
03:54Alexi hey Sam I'm in the city uh in on
03:59the upper west side um I'm building
04:01Pinnacle which provides personalized
04:03management development and slack and
04:04teams in five minutes a
04:06day and I will pop it to Marcel
04:16okay um hello I'm Marella I'm from
04:19Brazil I am the founder of apprenti we
04:23prepare uh diverse talent for digital
04:26jobs through our friendships and uh we
04:30work with uh median and large companies
04:33in Brazil that wants to hire diverse
04:36talent and develop their
04:39career I will pass to
04:44apara hi I'm aeran founder of s toown we
04:49teach um core literacy skills to
04:51pre-care children in 5 minutes a day uh
04:58California and I will popcorn to
05:02David oh David is in the train can
05:10Gabby all right thanks um I'm Gabby I'm
05:14a co-founder of Mind joy and we're
05:20superpowers to make um learning Tech
05:23projects like really fun for kids in
05:32um oh okay I'll I'll nominate
05:37GK thanks Gabby hi my name is uh GK I'm
05:42founder in C of brain
05:44Racers and we are accelerating learning
05:48in grades 3 to six by using a
05:51combination of gamification Esports and
05:55technology and I will popcorn it over to
06:02King yeah um King just put his intro in
06:06the chat too okay see I see I see this
06:10Priscilla Priscilla and we going right
06:14go hello everyone I'm Priscilla gaman
06:18from superflow and superflow is a
06:21Creator platform for active learning
06:24what we do is we turn workshops into an
06:28asynchronous place where you can learn
06:31by practicing the proven workflows of uh
06:35worldclass team leads so our clients are
06:38mostly scal UPS or B2B tech
06:46Vic hey thanks Priscilla um I'm VI
06:51joining in from Singapore um co-founder
06:54and CEO at queb uh we're trying to
06:57fundamentally change the way kids look
06:59at math and science and uh we help stem
07:02teachers run really high quality
07:05addictive stem projects but without the
07:08need of any supplies and write on their
07:10Chromebook in a virtual world called
07:14quby yeah I'm going to popcorn it to
07:19already I haven't I'm Ethan a CTO and
07:22co-founder of mjoy also working with
07:24Gabby as mentioned sorry I'm a little
07:26bit late so I missed I don't know Alexi
07:30Lei we we have everybody thank you Ethan
07:33okay we have everybody but this guest
07:35today Sam um I think I was just like
07:38pass it to you to take the session
07:40introduce yourself and can dip in yes
07:44thank you everybody some very
07:45interesting company so obviously lots of
07:47Education technology K through2 looks
07:50like we've got you know mostly us-based
07:52stuff but also some International like
07:54uh you know somebody's based in Nairobi
07:56and other places um and then also some
07:58you know looks like a are kind of stuff
08:00and so I will so my background my name
08:02is Samson monu I am the founding partner
08:04of adcast Corporation um and we do a few
08:07things uh we really help uh I would say
08:10startups and early stage companies solve
08:12their two most pressing challenges one
08:13is Raising capital and the second is
08:16sales um so my background has pretty
08:19much always been in startups and small
08:20businesses I was the first employee at a
08:23fintech startup um called evos spend and
08:26you know evos spend gave me my first
08:28kind of taste in the startup world I was
08:29able to kind of have my hands involved
08:31in all of the different aspects of that
08:34company and unfortunately we ended up
08:36failing you know like many startups do
08:38and part of the reason why was because
08:39we didn't have a sales Pipeline and so
08:42um around 2016 I left uh you know I was
08:45working for a family office and I left
08:47that family office to kind of start
08:49Consulting with startups um and since
08:51then I've had a number of Business
08:53Development roles including at uh some
08:55relevant startups to what we're going to
08:56talk about today one is Elite Gaming
08:58live um it's a k through2 Esports gaming
09:02platform so we sold a lot to schools
09:04around different geog geographies in the
09:06US so I think will be relevant to what
09:08we'll talk about today um as well as a
09:10company called Finn um which created an
09:13employee engagement um platform around
09:17you know kind of took off a little bit
09:18during the pandemic um around basically
09:21virtual experiences as well as you know
09:23some applications in slack to get people
09:26to want to engage and you know stay on
09:28the great resignation was a thing um and
09:30so I created this company in 2021 around
09:34those uh kind of focus areas around my
09:36experience because I know that they tend
09:37to be very challenging um for
09:40companies so that being said um I have a
09:44couple presentations so one is kind of I
09:47would say generic and talks about what
09:49the B2B sales landscape is so obviously
09:52B2B sales in the new climate so even
09:54though it's kind of geared towards you
09:56know a very diverse audience I would say
09:59we can definitely tailor a lot of the
10:00things are going to be applicable to
10:02both you know people that are doing HR
10:04type stuff um as well as you know edtech
10:06type stuff now education is a little bit
10:08of a different um beast I would say but
10:12a lot of the things are still going to
10:14apply um and then I also have another
10:18presentation which I'm happy to share
10:20both will be shared after this um
10:22recording but that second one dives into
10:24a little bit it's much more in depth on
10:26cold email and cold Outreach um and even
10:29includes concrete examples templates um
10:33as well as some case studies that I
10:34think could be really useful for you
10:36guys as you're launching your sale so
10:38that's just kind of to give a little bit
10:40an overview and we've got about uh I
10:43guess 49 minutes left and so I want to
10:46make this interactive I want to make
10:47this engaging um so before we start I
10:51just want to ask are there any pressing
10:53questions or topics on people's minds
10:56that they would like to discuss so we
10:58could either type them in the chat or
10:59you can just kind of speak them out loud
11:01just so we have a just so I have a sense
11:02for where to focus my time and energy in
11:11session lead generation at the top of
11:14the funnel would be an interesting yeah
11:16demand generation contact hunting
11:18whether it's outbound or inbound uh
11:20focused on districts and private schools
11:27yeah of Al something um one of the
11:31challenges I have selling into HR is
11:33that they're constantly inundated with
11:35everyone trying to sell to them and so
11:38breaking through the noise H is
11:40something that's on my mind yep okay
11:43that's good I can speak to that
11:48um I'm mostly worried about how to um
11:54create a sales pipeline without sounding
11:57saly and and even with Cod emails I find
12:01that it's like for people who don't have
12:04a product Le growth and who has a bad
12:08product and I I think it ruins brand
12:12reputation and that's what I'm mostly
12:20okay um any other okay I have one yeah
12:24so um I think I'm um mainly focused on
12:28basically two questions number one is uh
12:31when you're at a stage when you have a
12:33proof of concept and not the full
12:34offering how do you go in and sell in to
12:37B2B uh and actually make some early
12:39Revenue right number one uh number two
12:43is um without really waiting to you know
12:46finish your entire offering right number
12:48two is right now we're using the
12:50strategy of this free trial right and uh
12:53time to revenue is just like two and
12:55three months right so how do we shorten
12:58that time to Reven Vue maybe even charge
13:00up front what are some strategies to
13:02charge up front without even doing free
13:04trials okay okay great that's so that's
13:07a good topic anything
13:12else I I guess I I have a question sort
13:15of um to add to the's question which is
13:18just around um Cycles so uh in say K12
13:23where Cycles are long um and you have
13:27you know you're trying to validate some
13:29things and and get seriousness or
13:31serious commitment from organizations
13:34like schools or whatnot
13:37um but they have they all want this
13:39trial period also it seems that you know
13:42before betting on a new product so how
13:44do you you know how do you push that
13:46across the line a little bit further or
13:48maybe get like stronger s you know um
13:50commitment signals um especially if you
13:54have to wait for a year for a buyer
13:57cycle other sort of tactics to getting
14:00the contract signed or moving moving
14:03them sort of closer to a wi State okay
14:09that's i' sort of plus one that in that
14:12um we're also selling to not schools
14:14directly but to organizations that are
14:16working with schools um and larger the
14:19larger organizations that we're selling
14:21to have yeah again unpredictable um and
14:24long sales Cycles so trying to navigate
14:29um and also communicating I suppose
14:31pricing um especially when you're
14:33dealing with like large numbers of
14:36students um kind of you know we've got
14:39contracts that would be like two million
14:41students plus how to kind of navigate
14:44pricing for that kind of contract
14:51okay a communicate value okay those are
14:54all very good any any
14:57other um topics that anybody else wants
15:04discuss okay so I think we've got a good
15:07Gras so just kind of going through so
15:09looks like we've got lead generation
15:10demand generation outbound I think for
15:13schools as well as obviously for HR
15:15other companies right breaking through
15:17the noise um we can kind of talk about
15:19that I think we can also dive into uh
15:22the sales pipeline it seems like there's
15:24a lot around that um so basically
15:26pushing leads through from you know
15:28obviously from prospects to uh you know
15:32people that you're interested in as we
15:33called sales qualified leads all the way
15:35over to of course when everybody wants
15:37to get to win um that's very important
15:39so we can kind of talk about um sales
15:41cycle we can also talk about pricing and
15:43value so I think those are probably some
15:44of the main topics that we're
15:47experiencing or that I heard and so what
15:49I'm going to do is I'm going to
15:51share my screen and we can start with
15:56prospecting first because that's going
15:58to be one of the the biggest things so
16:01can everybody see my
16:05screen okay yep so actually before I
16:08start with uh this let's just kind of
16:10start with where um I would say B2B
16:14prospecting and sales is in general
16:16today so just to give you a sense um
16:20digital transformation has made selling
16:23far more difficult uh because it's
16:25placed more power into the hands of the
16:27buyer and so the reality of what's
16:29happening is you're effectively on the
16:31other side of a buyer's um decision
16:34process right so um Gartner has some
16:37research that shows that only about 177%
16:40of a buyer's time is actually spent
16:42meeting with potential suppliers so as
16:44it relates to things like lead
16:45generation demand Generation Um what we
16:48really need to be thinking is you know
16:50very Omni Channel because you kind of
16:54want to design a strategy you know of
16:56course according to your budget that is
16:58going going to be everywhere because
16:59buyers are starting by researching
17:01things online they're consuming content
17:04maybe they're watching you know in
17:06popular influencers on LinkedIn um right
17:09they're meeting internally to kind of
17:10discuss things and this also happens in
17:12school environments as well very rarely
17:15are you just talking to one decision
17:17maker you're talking to a lot of them so
17:19they have a lot more information out
17:21there um fingertips getting people
17:24together digitally can be a challenge so
17:25this is just kind of like one of the
17:27things that is very important uh to kind
17:29of think about is you're on the opposite
17:31side of what the buyer is doing and so
17:33you need to tailor your um sales process
17:37accordingly um the second thing is that
17:40you know as we're all we're on a zoom
17:42here right remote selling is here so
17:45most of your activities will probably
17:47happen um you know remotely I do
17:50remember that client Elite Gaming live
17:52that happened a little bit we worked a
17:54little bit before the pandemic and also
17:55post pandemic and so this they were
17:57selling uh K through2 G gaming platform
18:00at schools and so back then it was
18:03actually okay to kind of go in person to
18:06sometimes pop up on a school and you
18:07know make your presence known but
18:08nowadays that's going to happen a lot
18:10through email uh cold email it's going
18:12to happen through the phone it's going
18:14to happen potentially depending on who
18:16you're talking to at the school um it's
18:18going to happen through Linkedin for HR
18:20a lot of them are on LinkedIn as well so
18:22it's also fine to kind of reach out to
18:24them so most of your strategies are
18:25going to be remote that being said
18:27things like send physical like Direct
18:29Mail things like that can still work um
18:33secondly buyers are overloaded so this
18:35to kind of give you a sense for what
18:38people are dealing with is your average
18:41SE Suite executive or School
18:42administrator is getting hundreds of
18:44emails a day especially if they're like
18:46relatively large companies right like
18:47think like a 100 employees are up or if
18:49they're relatively large school systems
18:51think of like superintendant right
18:54they're probably getting two three 400
18:56emails a day and they've got to sort
18:58through and figure out which one of the
18:59ones are the most important um so not to
19:01discourage you but this is really just
19:02to kind of you know there's a AE that I
19:04follow on LinkedIn at um a company
19:06called gong um he has some really great
19:09sales content he talks about how if you
19:10want to get their attention you want to
19:11get people's attention in today's age
19:13you have to think outside of the box
19:15right a lot of B2B marketing is very
19:17boring um very feature-based very
19:20problem solution based so creativity
19:22humor things of those nature can be fun
19:24don't be afraid to kind of push the
19:25envelope a little bit um and then the
19:28last thing is that I would say uh
19:31prospecting sucks people don't like to
19:34do it 40% of sales people on average
19:36hate prospecting um I know with one
19:40comment mentioned how do you walk people
19:42through a sales process without being um
19:45super salesy and the way that you're
19:47actually going to do that is by
19:49realizing that while digitals change the
19:52game while remote selling is here while
19:54AI is coming and it's changing a lot of
19:56the game sales at the the end of the day
19:58is still a human business right so you
20:01can't forget about the people that you
20:03serve so there's anything that you can
20:05kind of take away from this um you know
20:08by the end of this call hopefully you'll
20:09get three things out of it is one
20:11continue to treat people like people um
20:13you know revenue is a lagging indicator
20:17deals in your pipeline revenue is a
20:18lagging indicator of your ability to
20:21Prospect and move people through your
20:22pipeline right that's how you get
20:24revenue and then your uh your
20:27prospecting your sales pipeline are a
20:29lagging indicator of your ability to
20:32build relationships strategically with
20:35the people that you're looking to win
20:38their business from right so it's still
20:39all relationship based so anything that
20:41we're doing that I'm going to be
20:42teaching today has people at the core of
20:45it so I just wanted to kind of set that
20:47Foundation just so that you guys have a
20:49really good sense for what you're going
20:50to be going up against any thoughts or
20:53questions or comments on that before I
20:59um oh Priscilla said and branding how to
21:01keep a high value brand when we do
21:02outbound sales yeah so we'll get into
21:04that so all right so now that we kind of
21:06have like a framework and a groundwork
21:08for what the modern B2B sales landscape
21:11is we can kind of talk about prospecting
21:13so the goal of prospecting there's
21:16really kind of a few um but I would say
21:18the main goal is to really generate a
21:20pipeline of interested leads for
21:21salespeople so whether you're the
21:22salesperson yourself or you have a team
21:25that's really the main goal of
21:26prospecting and an additional goal is
21:28customer Discovery um which is when
21:30you're reaching out to people with the
21:31intention of learning more about their
21:33needs and pain points in order to refine
21:35your product service or messaging so I
21:37would almost think of prospecting as a
21:39series of like questions or hypothesis
21:41that you have about an ICP and you're
21:44really just trying to confirm them and
21:46get people to to meet with you so the
21:48same tactics that you can use for
21:51actually getting uh calls and meetings
21:53to win Revenue you can also do for
21:55customer Discovery because I know we had
21:57that as a question as a topic area um
22:00quick note on spamming so um cold email
22:03is legitimate um under gdpr regulations
22:06I don't know if there's too many people
22:07selling into Europe Europe is a lot more
22:10um picky about you know cold email than
22:13the US is um but that being said for our
22:15purposes let's consider spamming sending
22:17out a large volume of email in a short
22:19period of time that is a not
22:21personalized right so like hi first name
22:24and I see your you know title at company
22:27that nowadays is table Stakes
22:30everybody's doing it I'm sure you've all
22:32gotten cold emails that were templated
22:35that you know it's knew your first name
22:37maybe knew your company um but weren't
22:40beyond that weren't really relevant you
22:42just ignored it right maybe you sent it
22:43to spam um second thing is not relevant
22:46right like if I'm sending an email about
22:49uh you know um uh what's a good example
22:54in your case let's say let's take HR
22:55right if I'm sending an email about uh
22:57maybe a HR surveying tool right to the
23:04CTO they're not going to care right
23:07they're don't they're not involved in
23:08you know HR surveys and employee
23:10engagement and things like that they're
23:10involved in the technical aspects of the
23:12business maybe product right so that
23:14would be considered spam to them and
23:16then technically really anything that
23:17doesn't give the user to opt out so the
23:20reason why I'm bringing this up is
23:21because a lot of people will send out
23:23mass templated emails to the same types
23:28while I don't think there's anything
23:29ethically wrong with that your your
23:32outbound efforts are going to suffer
23:34because you know it's spam so just to
23:37kind of give you that as a um idea so as
23:41it relates to Let's kind of I want to go
23:44through some copy Frameworks just
23:45because I know we're talking
23:47about um creating a more buyer Centric
23:50sales process and that's a big thing
23:51that's on people's minds is how do you
23:53not appear salesy how do you cut through
23:55the noise how do you um you know do do
23:58things a little bit differently how do
23:59you maintain a high value brand right so
24:02that's going to start with the types of
24:04messaging that you use so I won't get
24:05into subject lines just yet I'll just
24:07kind of go through some we got five
24:09Frameworks here that are going to be
24:12really really effective for positioning
24:15your companies as um high value and
24:18strategic and buyer Centric so one of
24:21the first is uh what's called The Triple
24:24R framework it's popularized by winning
24:26by Design I used to work at winning by
24:27design we do a lot of sales they do a
24:29lot of sales Consulting um sales
24:31playbooks predominantly for SAS um but a
24:35lot of it is still applicable for B2B
24:38and so here you have a template that
24:40starts out with some type of relevance
24:42so you know Alexi let's Tak in your case
24:44right you know a lot of HR people do get
24:48these emails from employee
24:51engagement right um you know remote work
24:55um you know uh HR Services platforms
24:59right there's just a whole bunch of
25:00noise out there so it's going to be a
25:02little bit challenging to figure out
25:04like what could be relevant but let's
25:06say that you know you're seeing on glass
25:08door that there are reviews that talk
25:10about how the culture at this company is
25:13suffering that could be something that
25:15you might want to mention as a relevance
25:18uh pointer in your email or let's say
25:19you're reaching out to schools about you
25:21know special education the special
25:23education teacher shortage maybe you
25:25mention like how they have a job hting
25:27on their website um that is hiring for a
25:30special education teacher maybe that's a
25:31knee that you can fill through Staffing
25:34um then reward is typically something
25:36like an article a video a case study
25:39something useful a nugget an Insight
25:40that you can give right and so what's
25:42happening here is if you give something
25:44it's a lot easier to ask right you're
25:46creating you know um you're on equal
25:48footing with somebody you're not just
25:49like begging them for their time for
25:51their attention right most people that
25:53are sending out cold emails are saying
25:54hey let's jump on a a call for 30
25:56minutes or what's the best way to you
25:59know talk about this thing and you don't
26:00even know them you don't even know if
26:02that thing is going to be worth their
26:03time right so sometimes giving something
26:05can be a key for unlocking you know uh
26:08something that you're looking for and
26:10the second thing is having a clear call
26:13to action right so it could be a meeting
26:15time could be hey what do you think
26:17about this right but most time sometimes
26:19you'll get really long cold emails that
26:22um don't have a clear call to action and
26:25what happens is when you're sending
26:27emails think about it from this from the
26:28buyer's perspective if I'm like an
26:31executive or a principal or a
26:34superintendent I have a million things
26:36on my plate now I get your cold email in
26:39the middle of the day right it
26:41interrupts me I have to stop everything
26:44that I'm doing and then process your
26:46email and if the call to action isn't
26:48clear I'm not going to respond right I'm
26:50just simply too busy it's going to go to
26:52the bottom of my my priority list and so
26:54like when you're thinking about writing
26:55your cold emails those are things that
26:56you want so that's framework number one
26:59framework number two is provocative um
27:03so what this is so when you're doing
27:06your Outreach there's going to be a few
27:07different and I have a few different
27:08types of templates to kind of tease this
27:11this is not a very timec consuming
27:12template to do you can have your reward
27:14and your request very um it could be the
27:17same your relevance could be like a
27:19personalized line that could change
27:21based on the prospect or frankly
27:23sometimes personalization isn't
27:25everything frankly relevance is
27:26important so if you like let's say a
27:28company's had a data breach right and
27:31you sell Cyber secur Solutions like if
27:34you email them around the time that they
27:36have that data breach they're probably
27:37going to meet with you right so if you
27:39can find some type of signal online um
27:42or you know through your network or
27:44whatever that's going to work really
27:46really well in a framework like this but
27:47this is not a very time intensive
27:48framework to do this second one here is
27:50a very time intensive framework um also
27:53came from winning by Design don't worry
27:54so much about like all of these things
27:56here I'll I'll share this with you later
27:58and you can digest it but what I would
28:00say here is provocative can work really
28:02well if you're selling something new or
28:04something that you know it's very kind
28:08of I would say Cutting Edge or something
28:10where you have to provoke people to
28:11think differently right so like in hr's
28:13case if you're selling Employee
28:15Engagement like that's not a very unique
28:17thing right so you kind of need to
28:18provoke people to think differently so
28:20you're either going to have a really
28:21really powerful value prop um or you're
28:24going to do lots of research on a
28:26prospect to to really show that like
28:29you've tailored Your solution to them so
28:31in this case here um this is for a very
28:34technical use case but basically what
28:36the person did here is they went through
28:38a um annual report for a public company
28:41and they looked at their big data spend
28:44and they figured out a way in which they
28:45could potentially reduce their Cloud
28:47cost by 20% so if I'm sending this to
28:50the CTO or to the CFO of a company or to
28:52the CEO probably they're going to
28:53respond really really well to this
28:55because I've really really done my
28:58um so but this is a very timec consuming
29:01uh framework here um second one which
29:04I'll go through really quickly this one
29:05is more relevant it's title based it
29:08says given your a leading role at
29:09company it feels like you might be
29:10focused on this you know thing right so
29:13if you're a maybe a principal you might
29:16be focused on um improving instruction
29:21right amongst your different uh you know
29:24uh constituencies whether that's like
29:25English special education in mathematics
29:28right you might be focused on
29:29achievement and then you can insert a
29:31problem statement here and then insert a
29:33solution to the problem and then ask if
29:34it's worth exploring so these are some
29:37really good Frameworks that are some are
29:39personalized some are more relevant than
29:41others and you can use them to create a
29:43sequence that um should get you high
29:47responses normally when I'm doing cold
29:48Outreach I expect at least a 4% minimum
29:52reply rate and probably a similar
29:54meeting rate and if you're not getting
29:56that you're prob probably not um either
29:59reaching out to the right people and
30:01tailoring your message right so like if
30:02you got a principal don't send them the
30:04same email you might send a
30:06superintendent don't send uh the same
30:09email you might send a teacher or
30:10principal right same thing when it comes
30:12to kind of big corporates as well so I
30:14won't do too much with these other
30:15templates because we only have a half
30:17hour left I want to make sure I hit
30:18everything um but like those are some
30:20really powerful Frameworks that you can
30:22use um to generate leads and generate
30:26demand so before we do continue further
30:29any questions thoughts on what I just
30:32far can you say that Benchmark again
30:36yeah I would say about four% 4 per 4
30:38percent response rate yes at least I
30:41mean I would even say that should be
30:42like probably a meeting rate um so on
30:45client campaigns that I'm currently
30:47running we have some that are about like
30:4810% ideally that's kind of where you
30:50want to be right now you may not be
30:52there from day one but you want your
30:54Outreach to be efficient you know I
30:56wouldn't say you want depends depends on
30:57your price point if you're have a high
31:00ticket I would say like 10,000 25,000
31:04and up really you really want your
31:06Outreach to be very very targeted right
31:09so like if you can get for every 10
31:11people you reach out to to reply that's
31:14fantastic that's what you want right
31:16even better if you can get them to meet
31:18with you um you know I would say if your
31:20your apply rates should be roughly like
31:2350 to 100% of your excuse me your
31:26meeting rate should be rough 50 to 100%
31:28of your reply rate so let's say you have
31:29like a 10% reply rate you should
31:32probably be looking at maybe about a 5%
31:35meeting rate meaning that hey people
31:37might respond and say hey I'm not
31:39interested um or this is not a good time
31:42um or you know I'm not the right person
31:44to reach out to and the other five the
31:46other 50% should ideally be wanting to
31:49meet with you and be interested in your
31:51solution now it's going to vary based
31:53upon your service solution right your
31:56industry um the type of person you're
31:58reaching out to and then how like how
32:01well your product and service works like
32:03some products in Services frankly just
32:06may not meet the needs of that
32:09particular type of customer and there's
32:10a feedback loop that's going to happen
32:12right you know you're going to have to
32:13really look and assess and think about
32:14your value prop but like those are
32:16probably some really good benchmarks
32:18anything less than that if you're at
32:20like 1% reply rate it means one out of
32:22every hundred people's replying to you
32:25which is not a very efficient sales proc
32:27you don't want that because um I mean
32:30just think about that right that's
32:31that's a very grueling prospecting
32:34funnel that's very right the challenging
32:36thing about prospecting is um getting
32:38rejected you send out emails nobody
32:41replies back right so if you're not
32:43getting like I would say four five or
32:4410% reply rates there's something that
32:49tweak did that answer your question
32:55yeah um I have a question regarding
32:58culture culture actions so uh on the
33:04framework um it says that try to be
33:07creative creative in terms of call to
33:09actions there are not meetings or calls
33:11y can you give like some examples about
33:14other call to actions that we could try
33:16to apply yeah so there's a few I guess
33:20call to actions that you can use so um
33:24let me see if I have a
33:28I don't know if I have
33:32uh let's see do I have call to actions
33:35here okay so I can just give you rattle
33:38off ones that are on the top of your
33:39head so you're GNA have a few types of
33:40call to actions um so I would bucket
33:43them into more like maybe direct call to
33:46action which is asking for a chat asking
33:48for a meeting or asking for some time
33:50right like that's a very direct call to
33:51action uh second type of call to action
33:54is going to be like a softer CTA so when
33:57you're doing cold Outreach asking for
33:59time upfront you should do that but you
34:01should also AB test it and do what I
34:03call soft call to actions which are
34:04going to be things like thoughts what do
34:07you think about this um you know what
34:09challenges like so let's say you have an
34:11email around the challenges that um
34:14principles have hiring and retaining
34:16teachers right there's a big big big
34:17teacher sortage it's been ongoing for
34:20years our country refuses to do anything
34:22about it right um so maybe you
34:24highlighted three challenges that based
34:26upon your client experience that you've
34:28seen in the marketplace or you know you
34:30just wrote in the email you could ask
34:32like what challenges are you seeing in
34:34your school do any of these resonate
34:35with you those are softer kind of call
34:38to actions um and what they do is they
34:41really get you they really get the
34:44prospect to think right remember we're
34:46asking them to stop what they're doing
34:48read our email sometimes when you ask
34:50for a meeting it's too much sometimes up
34:53front right sometimes it might just be
34:55nice to slowly build a relationship
34:56through to replies and so questions like
34:59that call to actions like that where
35:00you're maybe more seeking a response
35:02maybe you're seeking feedback um could
35:05be really powerful to unlocking uh the
35:07start of a relationship and ultimately
35:08meetings and revenue um so I don't know
35:12if that gives you some context for some
35:14types of call to actions that you can
35:17use um just to kind of show you an
35:19example of this is a current client that
35:23um we're doing we're not we didn't use
35:25100% the exact framework these
35:26Frameworks that I gave are um you know
35:30they starting points you don't have you
35:31can use them um you know directly or you
35:34can also tailor them to your needs so
35:37one of my clients is called mine works
35:38and what they do is they have a program
35:40or platform around basically addressing
35:44the special education teacher shortage
35:46sure some of you in education know that
35:48special education teachers burn out an
35:50attrition at twice the rate of general
35:52education teachers right and so what
35:54we're basically doing is we've compiled
35:56bu a uh a list of teachers or excuse me
36:01schools that we know have uh job
36:04openings so special education teachers
36:06and then we're reaching out to them with
36:08very relevant messaging so we say hey I
36:09saw on your website that you have an
36:10opening for a special education teacher
36:12right nothing too crazy but it's really
36:14relevant right we know these positions
36:16are hard to fill we know we have a very
36:18effective value proposition we have past
36:20clients right so here Emily is just kind
36:23of introducing herself um and then we're
36:25talking about a a case study here so
36:28we're giving them a little bit of a a
36:29reward a little bit of an insight into
36:31how we partnered with this um school to
36:34help them ensure 100% compliance right
36:36special education compliance is a big
36:38thing if you don't have compliance you
36:40know it's you you end up getting audited
36:42you end up having to pay fines to um you
36:45know uh the school or excuse me not to
36:47the school to to parents right there
36:48there's big settlement costs and then
36:50here you can see this call to action hey
36:52Josh would this have value at X Y andz
36:55school right so and ultimately what
36:57happened is we ended up getting a reply
36:59we followed up with you know another
37:01follow-up email but we ended up getting
37:02a reply where he mentioned a few
37:04different times that we can meet um so
37:07you'll actually see that we had this
37:08soft call to action here um last thing
37:11actually that I forgot to mention is we
37:12also have a PS here which is like a
37:14personalization so here we show that we
37:17did some research on SAA we saw that
37:19they had this commitment to global
37:20citizenship um they were passionate
37:22about Dei Hebrew immersion so when he
37:25got this email joshu was the head of the
37:26school he was probably busy right but we
37:29showed that hey this is something that's
37:31really valuable we took a very
37:32consultative approach um to this email
37:35and then we followed up with another
37:37type of email right around pain points
37:39so many schools are struggling we
37:40reiterated that we gave a little bit of
37:42some research here um you know which
37:45results in a substantial number of
37:46students not being served and then um we
37:50would love to see if there's any value
37:51in connecting about your special
37:52education hiring needs what's the best
37:54way to earn some time on your calendar
37:55this week or next so we started with the
37:57soft call to action then we went with a
37:59more direct call to action and
38:01ultimately it ended up in a meeting for
38:04um you know uh for with Josh the head of
38:07that school and so Emily emailed me you
38:09know she was excited etc etc so
38:12hopefully that kind of gives you some
38:13examples of ways in which you can be
38:16consultative and value driven in your
38:19prospecting and separate yourself from
38:21the bunch because most of the emails
38:22you're going to get cold emails people
38:24get are not going to be like this you're
38:25not going to be personalized is not
38:26going to be tailored to um the school or
38:32organization great thank you okay
38:35awesome um so any other questions I
38:38guess we've got about 20 minutes left
38:40any other questions on prospecting cold
38:42Outreach lead generation I I could
38:44there's more that I can kind of touch on
38:46but this is just some of the the meat
38:48here any other questions or you want you
38:51want me to continue before we got dive
38:52into maybe a little bit of like more
38:54sales pipeline kind of stuff
38:59question from me where's the best places
39:02that you look to find uh something to
39:04personalize sometimes I look at people's
39:06LinkedIn and just yes blank on what I
39:09should write H sometimes I do Google
39:11news but like where do you yeah where do
39:13you look great question so I think
39:15personalization there's really kind of
39:19personalization I would say
39:21so um to your question um so you can
39:25yeah you can look at somebody's LinkedIn
39:27and you can get some insight there that
39:30being said the person that you're
39:31reaching out to it must be relevant to
39:33them so one thing that you can do when
39:35it comes to people's LinkedIn is first
39:37of all understand like what types of
39:39titles um what what types of titles
39:42would you need to sell into now it's
39:43okay in the beginning if you don't have
39:44a good idea but once you have a like a
39:47hypothesis of like these types of titles
39:50are people that I need to talk to then
39:52you can go to their LinkedIn and maybe
39:54pull things around maybe their their uh
39:57work history maybe their interests that
40:00you can then maybe put in a line to
40:04um put in a line in your cold Emil so
40:07for example let's say you're reaching
40:09out to Chief people officers for example
40:12um you could use Anthony's format to say
40:15hey given you're the chief people
40:16officer at these companies it feels like
40:18you might be focused on um you know uh
40:22finding ways to I don't know increase
40:24the or deepen the culture cohesion you
40:27know there's different ways you can
40:28Define that or maybe they're
40:29specifically focused on De and maybe
40:31it's a Dei role so in those cases I
40:34would say sometimes you don't
40:35necessarily need to have like a
40:36personalized line or you can just like
40:38put it in the PS right like because
40:40sometimes relevance actually matters
40:41more than personalization like if I had
40:44maybe just said this up here maybe I
40:47wouldn't have gotten as good response
40:48rates but this is going to be more
40:50aligned with the paino that they have
40:52and then this just shows that hey I
40:54actually did take a little bit of time
40:55to do some research on the prospect so
40:57don't feel like you have to put that
40:59personalization in the body of your
41:01email you can even put it in the PS
41:03section just to say like hey love your
41:05um you know your commitment to I don't
41:08know let's say the HR function or
41:10industry or whatever um you know really
41:13diverse experience or something like
41:15that right like you don't it doesn't
41:16always have to be super relevant to the
41:19Outreach the body of your email should
41:21be the most relevant part and you can
41:22always just put that in the PS section
41:28um some other aspects to consider are so
41:31here's just some research things that
41:33you can do so if you're on the corporate
41:36side it's going to be public company
41:37filings um could be news articles so
41:40like mine works for example job postings
41:42right um also don't be afraid to look at
41:45company mission and vision statements um
41:48this has worked really really well on a
41:50another project let me see if I can pull
41:52this up for you guys really quickly um I
41:57company that is they they have a it's
42:01basically a a cannabis um events company
42:06and so they have a couple events in the
42:07year in New York and you know New York
42:09cannabis was just legalized for example
42:11right so we have a lot of we reached out
42:13to a number of different
42:16um uh prospects who we either felt had
42:20weren't doing enough with de Andi so a
42:22lot of their focus this company's focus
42:24is on you know black women um lgbtq uh
42:28entrepreneurs in the Cannabis industry
42:31so we felt that you know we could reach
42:32out to people on that basis another
42:35aspect um is also just you know the just
42:38the business case of wanting to create a
42:40cannabis industry that works for
42:42everybody else so we sent out some
42:44emails I'll just kind of give you a
42:45little bit of an example here um of
42:49where we actually looked at this is a
42:54see let me see see if I can
43:24um yeah okay perfect so here in this
43:27email we actually did some reading about
43:30can asur goal of helping legal marijuana
43:32businesses secure in insurance at a
43:34reasonable cost right interested in
43:36extending your brand to businesses who
43:38could benefit the most so don't be
43:40afraid to like look at people's like
43:41company Mission value statements
43:42especially for HR and especially for
43:44schools because these are more Miss
43:47driven I would say functions right in
43:49the case of HR and then in the case of
43:52um obviously schools right it's all
43:54about serving students so don't be
43:56afraid to do some research on
43:58like what those schools are passionate
44:00about right like look at their for
44:02schools right um even on the district
44:04level like look at their annual goals
44:06right they put out reports um don't be
44:09afraid to go through those and pinpoint
44:10and say especially if you're selling
44:12larger deals to people I know you know
44:13we were talking about like school
44:15districts that have millions of students
44:17right you're looking at the district
44:18level they have reports they have um
44:21Ambitions they have goals right and so
44:23you can find that and you can use that
44:25to tailor your Outreach
44:26and then um reach out with a very
44:28relevant solution so that can be very
44:30effective um in your cold Outreach I
44:32would say so company emission vision
44:34statements decision maker backgrounds of
44:36course um headcount can be important too
44:39so for example like let's say that you
44:41have a 100 person company or 200 person
44:43company they have one HR person which
44:47happens I would reach out to them right
44:49and I would say hey I noticed you know
44:52you could say something like um you know
44:55you have a pitch you know you have a
44:56problem statement maybe have a pitch and
44:58say hey PS I noticed you only have like
45:00one person in HR do you think this kind
45:02of software could help you know take
45:04something off take some stress off your
45:05back or something like that right so you
45:07can kind of look at headcount as well
45:09maybe if you're selling into education
45:10too like I know special education is one
45:12of those things where you can do that um
45:14you can also look at private and public
45:16ratings and reviews and then the last
45:18thing is also buyer intent data so um a
45:21little bit of a technically Advanced
45:23topic but basically companies and
45:25schools are searching for specific
45:28topics and you there's companies out
45:30there through that use cookies that can
45:33track spikes in those search topics on a
45:35company level and then you can reach out
45:37to them with timely messaging so those
45:39are some research elements uh to
45:45consider so I know I just dumped a lot
45:48there um any thoughts on that and then
45:51maybe I spend the last 13 minutes
45:52talking through um the the other
45:59stuff all right so as it relates to
46:01sales cycle so um I don't remember
46:04exactly who I know a number of PE number
46:06of you had uh questions about sales
46:08cycle um what can people mention maybe
46:11the range of like their
46:14um their pricing for uh for their
46:18products the people that had questions
46:19about sales cycle and making that go
46:21faster because that's going to be a key
46:22component so I'm just curious about that
46:25if anybody would care to
46:30share um I had well I guess part of my
46:34question is like what are the cycles you
46:36know um I I don't know about the us but
46:40uh in South Africa there's definitely um
46:43you know budget that an individual
46:45teacher or a head of Department can sign
46:47off without permission and then there's
46:49uh yes a budget amount you know that
46:52they would need like a burer or um
46:56like the school to help sign off of then
46:59this District which is a whole different
47:03suppose that's an kind of an interesting
47:06thing to try and figure out because
47:08sometimes you're just starting with the
47:09teacher who has their own budget and
47:11then you're upselling them on
47:13a on a schoolwide thing as a champion
47:16and then all of a sudden you're not 100%
47:20triggered like their budget limits um
47:24and is it the budget limit or it because
47:26it's a schoolwide sale that you're
47:28trying to make yeah if that makes sense
47:30it does it does so Gabby remind me where
47:32are you uh selling into again what um
47:35country is it in the US South Africa
47:38we're in South Africa yeah yeah so I'm
47:40not as familiar obviously not I'm not as
47:43familiar with South Africa but I know
47:45how I at least have an idea of how it
47:46works in the US I think depending on
47:48that's totally fine like that would like
47:50I'm sure that's more useful to everyone
47:51else too no depending on the the
47:54district I believe and I'm not sure if
47:55it's standard but I know like generally
47:57it's like $5,000 like it's a low
47:59threshold on a teacher level and then on
48:02a principal level I believe it's if it's
48:04like over 5,000 or something like that
48:06the principal has to get involved and
48:08then maybe if it's a little bit over
48:09that and then this it's like a district
48:11level kind of purchase so it's pretty
48:13for for districts school districts it's
48:16tight um so yeah you're effectively at
48:19the mercy of um the school district's
48:23budgeting cycle now as far as advancing
48:28deals like that so the the first rule
48:31that I would say is um it's called a
48:34it's uh some people use ABC I would use
48:39prospecting so the challenge that most
48:43businesses face most sales people face
48:46going back to that stat of 40% of people
48:48hate prospecting um and it's hard is you
48:50always have to be prospecting because
48:53you just never know um when things are
48:56you never know when things are going to
48:58close now if you're not prospecting what
49:00ends up happening is you have a few
49:01leaves or a few deals and then that's it
49:04and then you're at the mercy of the
49:06economy you're at the mercy of a school
49:08individual school or District's buying
49:09decision but if you're continually
49:12prospecting you're increasing the
49:14chances that you will Bill have a steady
49:17Pipeline and just that Randomness will
49:19come through like there's going to be
49:20some Randomness in um in that Pipeline
49:24and so if you always have a steady
49:25pipeline of leads you're going to avoid
49:27boom and bus Cycles so um you know
49:31there'll be times of the year especially
49:32for schools um obviously where it's
49:35going to be better like the summer you
49:37know it's pretty dead for most I would
49:39assume right because teachers are on
49:41vacation although people are still in
49:42the office you know but they may not be
49:44making buying decisions um and then it
49:46just depends on the district when they
49:47do that budgeting but yeah effectively
49:48you're at the the mercy of a of a
49:50budgeting process so you need to
49:52understand you basically need by
49:54prospecting which is really relationship
49:55building as we described it you're
49:57trying to get on these people's radar
50:00and trying to get into that budget and
50:01yeah you're going to need in the US I
50:03know you need a PO generally you have to
50:05be as you have to be an approved vendor
50:08so that's an important process and that
50:09takes time right so the the the reality
50:12is the sooner you can start um the
50:15better I don't necessarily know on a
50:16grand scale there's things that you can
50:18do to imp increase that you know schools
50:21are pretty well-run districts are pretty
50:24well-run operations being said if
50:25there's something that's like if you
50:27sell something that's like really urgent
50:29where it's like Staffing prime example
50:31right staffing needs are generally very
50:33urgent so um you know I think it just
50:36depends on like what you're selling or
50:38if there's maybe if you're selling
50:39something around compliance and you know
50:42uh there's an issue at a school that
50:44would probably take precedence right you
50:46can probably Advance something quicker
50:48but generally from what I've seen and I
50:50could be wrong but I would think you're
50:51at the mercy of a budgeting cycle so the
50:53idea would be understanding when those
50:56budgeting Cycles normally are and
50:58starting to build those relationships as
51:03possible um does that make sense
51:07Gabby okay yeah all good thank you um I
51:11guess um sorry just like a followup on
51:14that would then to be all right so you
51:17you have folks um and like their trial
51:20is expiring and you're having multiple
51:23meetings with all the different like
51:27through the decision
51:30makers how how do you like any like Pro
51:34tips are not making that painful for
51:35everyone involved like what are like
51:38maybe some good principles around like
51:41or um yeah just I don't know if you have
51:44thoughts on like the best practices of
51:45closing like prep uh I know like some
51:49people like to send deals you you know
51:51like deals in the meeting or the
51:53contract in the meeting I don't know if
51:54you have thoughts some the specifics
51:57yeah yeah so a lot of sales is about
52:01sales is you know it's a human it's a
52:03relationship driven function that being
52:05said what I think trips up a lot of
52:07people is that they don't think
52:09systematically about relationship
52:11building and about stages right so
52:14having clearly defined stages in your
52:16sales pipeline is going to be critically
52:19important right so in most cases um so
52:23this is a little bit of a diving a
52:25little bit into some more Theory but
52:27we've got seven minutes I think we've
52:28got some time um this is a funnel um now
52:33your traditional funnel goes like
52:35awareness education selection right
52:37normally it's like this uh what winning
52:39by Design did which is smart is they
52:41turned that funnel on its side and
52:42extended it right so because once you
52:44get a a customer you don't just get that
52:48onetime Revenue typically you know in
52:50especially in education or in SAS
52:53software you have to keep that you have
52:54to first get them the value you got to
52:56keep it it's got to continue recurring
52:58so um the idea though is you want to
53:00break down your so let's focus on this
53:02side of the funel for now which is
53:03acquisition you want to break down your
53:05sales process into discrete stages and
53:07have what you would call exit and entry
53:10entry entry and exit criteria so to
53:13advance a deal forward it has to meet a
53:15certain criteria and that criteria could
53:17be getting verbal um you know commitment
53:20from X number of decision makers that it
53:23needs to go forward it could be putting
53:25in in front of the principal um it could
53:27be you know having a contract be sent
53:30out right so maybe you want to track how
53:31many of your deals are in contract um
53:34and then of course you know you're going
53:35to have you know the number of wins so
53:37you want to really think systematically
53:38about that another thing that's really
53:40useful when you're dealing with multiple
53:42stakeholders and decision makers is are
53:45mut are there's actually a few things
53:47one is a mutual action plan what a
53:50mutual action plan is it's a set of
53:52agreed upon rules between you and uh PR
53:55perspective customer at say hey we're
53:57going to do X Y and Z we're going to do
54:00X Y and Z on our side you're going to do
54:02X Y andz on your side and so part of a
54:05mutual action plan might be identifying
54:08a champion so somebody within that
54:11organization who can help you push that
54:13deal forward so for example when I was
54:17at Elite Gaming live and we were selling
54:19to you know Esports to schools sometimes
54:22that could have been you know the um
54:25could have been a teacher who was in
54:26charge of running that that club or that
54:29that um sometimes they had a Esports
54:31coach right so that person would be a
54:34really great Champion internally to
54:36advance that deal forward to the
54:39principal right and maybe on to the
54:41district level so you want to be
54:42creating Like A Champion so a mutual
54:43action plan helps you outline and it's
54:46allows you to really set um expectations
54:47because once you get people's commitment
54:50then you can hold them accountable and
54:52people want people don't want to really
54:54reneg on their commitment so a mutual
54:55action plan helps with that and then you
54:58know identifying a champion will help
55:01you you know bring together all of those
55:03stakeholders although that is still the
55:05main job of a seller the job of a seller
55:07in today's age is to manage multiple
55:10decision makers so you're not going to
55:11really avoid that you just have to
55:12accept that it's part of it but you can
55:14make it easier by setting those
55:15expectations up front and then by having
55:17a clearly defined um uh set of sales
55:21processes right so first things is going
55:22to be you know calls right you're going
55:24to have leads maybe you'll have meetings
55:27from there you'll have qualified
55:28meetings meaning that hey these people
55:30have the pain points we're experiencing
55:32we can solve it then from there maybe
55:34you'll have like formal opportunities
55:36where you've put price in front of
55:37people then after price and maybe like
55:39Discovery maybe you have
55:41Contracting then from Contracting you
55:44might have uh signed contract and then
55:46from signed contract you might have like
55:49money right but generally if you get a
55:50PO and ass signed contract from a school
55:53money so hopefully that makes sense
55:58Gabby okay good um let's see how much
56:01time we have left okay we got three
56:02minutes left um any last questions
56:08end I tried to touch on everything but
56:12lot what are uh are there like some
56:15libraries or sources to uh find leads
56:18and their contact information yes um so
56:21I have quite a few for you guys um
56:24contact information nowadays is pretty
56:27uh easy to get um so here's contact
56:31databases um Zoom info the best contact
56:34database there is incredibly expensive
56:37um I would not advise getting it unless
56:39you have raised some serious money um
56:43you're probably looking at like 24,000 a
56:44year just to give you an example but
56:46they have the best data B2B data on the
56:49planet very accurate um and that's
56:52emails um phone numbers Direct dial so
56:55mobile especially for people who are
56:56going to be Cod calling direct dials
56:58call people on their mobile on their
57:01lines try not to call as much on like
57:03office lines or School lines you can
57:06still do it but try to get their direct
57:07dial um one I recommend which I was just
57:10showing you guys is Apollo for $99 a
57:13month you get 10,000 email
57:15credits a month as well as the ability
57:21sequences that you know so a sequence is
57:23literally a set of messaging that's the
57:25one I use I recommend for all of my
57:27clients it's fantastic um it also gives
57:29you the ability to look at some of that
57:31intent data to see hey maybe somebody
57:32searching for HR Employee Engagement
57:34tool so that's what I would recommend
57:35but this will have like a whole bunch
57:37for you to use thanks this email credits
57:41that's different from actual emails
57:43though right it's not like a research oh
57:45it is email it's not when you said okay
57:47got it and then you can also send an
57:50automate got it exactly so yeah you can
57:53search here they scrape LinkedIn so it's
57:55a fantastic database so you know um you
57:59can search here and you'll
58:02see that you can access their email so a
58:05verified email cost one
58:07credit thanks thank you this is Apollo
58:11better for if you're say doing HR versus
58:14if you're selling to schools where
58:17sometimes Educators especially I'm in
58:18early childhood um they're not really on
58:21much yeah so I would say it's more
58:24likely suited that being said they do
58:26have schools in here um now there are
58:30yeah schools schools might be a little
58:32bit of a CH a little bit more
58:33challenging so I would try Apollo um I
58:36think they do have a free trial I know
58:38there's also K through 12 schools which
58:43um K through 12 School contact I can't
58:47remember what the name of it was but I
58:49can find it and send it to you guys um
58:55oh K through2 data so this is what I
58:56used in the past it's not none of these
58:58are 100% accurate but it could get you
59:0170 to 80% of the way there and then
59:03frankly a lot of what we did was we also
59:05had Freelancers who would also go
59:08through and verify um data but yeah you
59:11should expect I think for schools more
59:13bounces probably than corporate um but
59:17that also for two reasons one's going to
59:19be it might be a little there's more
59:20turnover in schools so people changing
59:24year after year and then the other
59:25aspect is uh deliverability meaning it's
59:28hard to especially districts email cold
59:31emailing them can be a technical
59:33challenge not just like a a sales
59:36content copy challenge so yeah I found
59:41thanks thank you so much all I think
59:43we're at time and Sam thank you for
59:46covering from like the most high level
59:48to like naring down to like the strategy
59:50to like the tools it's been so jamack
59:52and incredible so I think I think we all
59:55are so thankful so thank you so much Sam
59:58and what would be like the best like
59:59ways like to get connected with you yeah
01:00:02so message me on LinkedIn I know we
01:00:04couldn't cover um everything in this but
01:00:07yeah happy if you guys want to meet for
01:00:08like a half hour or so and just ask
01:00:10questions specific to your situation
01:00:12happy to to do that so I would say
01:00:13LinkedIn is is the best amazing I'll
01:00:16I'll be sure to share that and if you
01:00:18can uh close your screen I'll share a
01:00:22ritual that I think we all are happy to
01:00:24share with you um to close our session
01:00:27we all go off mute Ethan um I think you
01:00:30have done this before let's do this
01:00:32again and then I'm going to like count
01:00:34three to one and we all are going to say
01:00:35go team okay you're invited everybody
01:00:39hands on the air um up muted three two
01:00:43one go team te team thank you thank you
01:00:48all and iaz the but there's nothing