00:00yeah I'm an aerospace engineer and I'm
00:02also president of the Mars society and
00:04it's the international organization
00:06pushing for the human exploration and
00:09settlement of Mars we're having our own
00:11convention in October October 5th
00:13through 8th at Arizona State University
00:15you can find out about it join the marsh
00:19marsociety.org and if you want to get a
00:21copy of my book the cases for Mars we
00:24got them here it'll be right outside the
00:26door at the end of the talk you buy them
00:28I'll sign them into a win-win situation
00:33the topic I'm going to talk about today
00:39how we can get to Mars but
00:44what will happen after we do okay what
00:49can we create on the red planet that is
00:51fundamentally the question okay one
00:54debate will we get to Mars in 10 years
00:56will it take 30 but in a historical
00:58point of view it's a blink uh the real
01:00question now is what will we
01:05and that's what I'm going to talk about
01:06and by the way that's the subject of my
01:08next book called The New World on Mars
01:10which is coming out next spring
01:13so I thought I'd mention that okay so
01:20it's soon going to be possible to get to
01:22Mars uh and for a lot of people to get
01:25to Mars okay what you're seeing here of
01:27course is a test of the SpaceX Starship
01:32um which has had a variety of
01:35tests so far uh not a full orbital
01:38successful attempt at orbit yet but
01:40that's going to happen again soon and uh
01:43that may very well fail but if so
01:46they'll try again a couple months after
01:48that and again a couple of months ago
01:49and after that because SpaceX is
01:51methodology is built
01:53fly I should figure out what went wrong
01:55fly again get a little further into the
01:57flight envelope do the next okay
02:03and if they are successful
02:06um we will have fully reusable
02:09spaceships reaching orbit with Saturn V
02:12class payloads by this time next year
02:15okay by the time the next president is
02:17elected this is going to be a new
02:19reality in the world now and if they
02:22continue successfully
02:24first humans will be on Mars within a
02:26decade now musk is a bit erratic
02:30um and very forceful very capable but
02:33yes he's a erratic and a certainly a
02:36risk taker he skates close to the edge
02:38of the ice and if he wanders off or
02:40skates off the edge of the ice it could
02:42take a bit longer but it will still
02:45happen because what they've managed to
02:47do already at this point is prove a
02:49point that it is possible for a well-led
02:52entrepreneurial team to do things that
02:54previously it thought that it was
02:56thought that only the government's a
02:57superpowers could do and not only that
02:59do them in one third the time at one
03:02tenth of the cost and even do things
03:03that they get deemed impossible
03:06altogether in particular making reusable
03:13the fact of reusable launch Vehicles has
03:16two consequences one is making space
03:19launch much cheaper but there's another
03:22that a lot of people haven't thought
03:24much about which is that if there are
03:26reusable launch Vehicles there will be
03:32something that we haven't had that's
03:35been a non-thing since forever okay okay
03:39now as you know you new cars can be
03:43expensive but used cars there's an
03:46affordable used car out there for
03:47everyone okay you can we want tenth the
03:50cost of a new car or even less so
03:53there's going to be used launch Vehicles
03:56available in quantity within a few
03:59decades which means people are going to
04:01be able to go to Mars and buy people I
04:02don't just mean the US government I mean
04:05self-organized groups that want to do it
04:07okay and so the Prem and whether they go
04:11with the SpaceX used one or a used
04:14version of a Chinese knockoff of the
04:16Starship that they got views from Astro
04:19Lydia Mexicana uh after 10 years of
04:22service in the Intercontinental flight
04:24regime okay these things are going to be
04:26around so people are going to be able to
04:29get to Mars okay and once again not just
04:31official Space Program people but all
04:33sorts of people and all sorts of people
04:35aren't going to go to Mars and they're
04:37going to have all sorts of ideas on
04:45organization of a Mars colony should be
04:47and and that is is the subject of my
04:50talk not what the ideal will be but the
04:53process by which this is going to be
04:56because the way this is going to be
04:58sorted out is not by
05:01People Like Us here today designing
05:03Utopia it's going to be sorted out by
05:05these different groups on Mars competing
05:09okay with different ideas will it be
05:11socialist will it be libertarian will it
05:13be religious will it be atheist okay Etc
05:16except one could go down the line will
05:17it be transhumanist will it reject that
05:20that these different ideas so
05:24so what I I'm gonna try to do a little
05:27bit in this talk and also in the coming
05:29book is it try to investigate what will
05:39oh there we are uh so and there's a lot
05:42of things to talk about here there's the
05:44technology yes the uh economy the
05:47political system the social uh Customs
05:52the architecture all features of Martian
05:54Society are up for grabs and they're
05:57going to be sorted out by natural
06:01also where the colony is going to be you
06:03know the Mars Society had some contests
06:06over the past two years uh of Designing
06:08first one thousand person Mars colony
06:10and then a million person in our
06:12city-state between the two contests we
06:16and they had to design all aspects of
06:19the colony and they picked about 20
06:22different locations from around Mars
06:23they picked locations in the north
06:25because that's where the water is they
06:26make locations on the equator because
06:27that's where the sunlight is they could
06:29locations in uh impact areas except for
06:33the minerals are and so forth
06:36um there's a lot of different places to
06:39um and that's another reason why there
06:40will be many city-states on Mars and
06:43they'll have to trade to some degree
06:44with each other because some will have
06:45the best access to one uh sort of
06:49materials and others others
06:55all right now to be clear
06:58okay I said they will have
07:02access to materials I didn't say uh
07:06although I sometimes do slip into this
07:08in a minute I didn't say different
07:09access to different reasons
07:12okay and the reason why I didn't I said
07:14materials and not resources is because
07:17there is no such thing as a natural
07:21resource there's only natural raw
07:24materials it is human creativity through
07:28this thing called technology that we
07:30create that turns materials into
07:33resources land is not a resource until
07:37people invented agriculture okay oil was
07:41not a resource until people invented oil
07:43drilling and refining in machines that
07:45could run on the product if you went to
07:48the general staff Napoleon Bonaparte was
07:50contemplating invading some country and
07:52you they were asked to put together a
07:54list of the natural resources of the
07:56country they were invading they would
07:58not have included oil on the list let
08:02those were not resources
08:05even aluminum was not discovered until
08:071820 and not made a practical medal
08:10until the 20th century okay
08:13and and just one thing to illustrate
08:17humans started using Metals in a serious
08:22um around 6000 BC but it wasn't until
08:261500 BC that they started using iron now
08:30I want you to think about this okay you
08:32have this long period of like 5 000
08:35years called the Bronze Age and the the
08:37and what they're using
08:40is a group of metals that collectively
08:43amount to less than 100 parts per
08:46million in the Earth's crust
08:47that's why in the Bronze Age medals paid
08:51bronze okay and was something for
08:54Aristocrats that's why the the battles
08:57in the Trojan War the the list
09:00it's all about the heroes they've got
09:02armor only they're the only ones that
09:04can afford armor okay the the and yet
09:07around 1500 BC people create kills that
09:11are hot enough to smelt iron and now you
09:14have a metal that is 50 000 parts per
09:16million in the Earth's crust and so now
09:19iron weapons and tools become widely
09:23available not just for artwork or
09:26aristocratic armor but for clouds and
09:29axes and things of this sort so and with
09:33these tools it becomes possible to farm
09:36in much tougher soils and cut down
09:38forests and do all sorts of things so
09:40much more land becomes available okay
09:42and then you have uh Superior Metals
09:46that don't become available aluminum the
09:48titanium silicon uh these are uh 20th
09:51century metals uh you go into any good
09:55old west antique store you will not find
09:57a single object made of aluminum was
09:59unknown to the Pioneers okay but it
10:02becomes possible once there's
10:04electricity because the electricity is
10:06needed to separate aluminum from the
10:07blocks so the point is
10:10that as the technique Advance the mental
10:15resource of the world grew tens of
10:20so once again no such thing as natural
10:24resources it's natural raw materials so
10:29technologies that will make resources on
10:33Mars so Mars will have resources once
10:35there are resourceful people there
10:37okay so first of all there's all sorts
10:40of materials on Mars
10:42um they're present in inert forms as
10:44various oxides to turn them into useful
10:47forms requires energy the only thing
10:49that's going to cut it is going to be
10:51nuclear energy okay first fission
10:53including Advanced forms of fission such
10:56as breeder reactor thorium reactors uh
10:59and then Fusion Mars has water on Mars
11:03is five times as rich in deuterium heavy
11:06water as Earth water is okay so
11:10the marshals will have a tremendous
11:12incentive to want to develop fusion
11:14power and I'll come back to that
11:18the basis of the Martian economy is is
11:22going to be invention okay now
11:28the best analogy we have to this
11:30actually is early America
11:32um early America Frontier America was
11:35confronted with innumerous challenges it
11:39had a terrific shortage of Labor uh and
11:42so we became a culture of gadgeteers uh
11:45it also had lacked means of
11:47transportation which is why while the
11:50British developed the steam engine it
11:52was Americans as early as 1787.
11:59demonstrated the first spoon boat which
12:02was called perseverance to the the
12:06whatever it's called the group that was
12:09throwing up the U.S Constitution and the
12:11first practical Steamboat okay was the
12:16also developed here and there's an
12:19actual contemporary illustration of it
12:22and the excitement it generated
12:24um and the steamboats the reason why we
12:27needed steamboats was the only highways
12:30that early America had were rivers and
12:32sailboats had great difficulty on Rivers
12:35um but steam could go Every Which Way
12:39and by the way the guy who funded
12:41Livingston was a funded Fulton was
12:43Robert Livingston who is the guy that
12:45negotiated the Louisiana purchaser
12:49he funded Livingston okay and they
12:52developed a steamboat and the steam vote
12:53immediately led to the development of
12:56high pressure steam engines that had
12:58more power and efficiency than a Watts
13:00engines and this enabled railroads which
13:04of course is the Revolutionary invention
13:06of the 19th century totally transforms
13:08the score of the world steamboats
13:10railroads okay the the this came from
13:13that now the Martians as I said uh
13:16they're going to have a tremendous drive
13:17to uh make all kinds of inventions but
13:20one is in the area of energy and uh the
13:23most plentiful uh material to make
13:25energy fun on Mars is deuterium it's
13:28found in water now of course there's
13:30people working on Fusion here but
13:32there's no urgency to it on Earth you
13:34can get energy from fossil fuels you can
13:37get it from nuclear fission you can get
13:39it from waterfalls and windmills and
13:43um well there's no waterfalls on Mars
13:44the wind is solar power is weak there's
13:49um and yes you can use nuclear energy on
13:51Mars but it's a tremendous division of
13:53labor involved in refining uh
13:55fissionable fuels from minerals whereas
13:59deuterium is much easier to separate
14:02um and especially if you have enriched
14:04water like they have anymore so the
14:07Martians are going to develop fusion
14:08power they're going to be driven to it
14:09and guess what fusion power not only
14:12leads to ways to make electricity it
14:16leads to infusion Rockets can attain
14:17velocities up to seven percent of the
14:20speed of light uh or even 10 of the
14:22speed of light so we're talking about
14:25developing the technologies that
14:28ultimately lead us to the Stars
14:31uh but also one other thing
14:34as a culture of invention inventions
14:37will be one of Mars's primary exports
14:40that is they will make the inventions to
14:42meet their own needs but any invention
14:44in the license can impact in and
14:47licensed on Earth and this is one of the
14:49primary sources of income that Mars will
14:52have to pay for its necessary Imports
14:54the Mars One martians want to make
14:56everything that they can because of the
14:59cost of Transport so you're not going to
15:01import Food Tours you're going to grow
15:03food on Mars and you're going to make
15:04the glass for the greenhouses to grow
15:07and you may even make the motors and
15:09pumps that are needed to run the
15:12but what about the the computational uh
15:15micro circuits that are needed to
15:17control the motors and the pumps those
15:19will probably be made on Earth and um so
15:22they're much less massive
15:24but they still got to be paid for
15:26you've got to have exports one will be
15:28IP another export that Mars will have
15:35food and clothing but not to Earth to
15:37the asteroid belt okay the asteroids
15:41have incredibly Rich resources of rare
15:46platinum-proof Metals okay you probably
15:48have heard about this okay now and this
15:51stuff will be mined but you see if you
15:53want to make money off the gold rush the
15:55way to do it is not to mine gold it's to
15:58sell blue jeans to gold miners that's
16:01how you make money off of the Gold Rush
16:03Mars is going to be to the asteroid Gold
16:07Rush as San Francisco was to the 49ers
16:15the um it's the place where the blue
16:17jeans will come from the food will come
16:20and it and the reason why I don't come
16:21from Mars is Mars has a terrific
16:23positional Advantage relative to the
16:26Earth in terms of getting supplies to
16:28the asteroid belt if you had a Starship
16:30in low earth orbit and you fueled it up
16:32it could transport zero cargo to the
16:35main asteroid belt whereas if it was a
16:37low Mars orbit it could transport 200
16:43as a as a Depot for supporting the
16:46mining the asteroids is another source
16:50okay and a third source of income will
16:56okay land is not real estate land is the
17:00raw material to make real estate out of
17:03okay to turn land into something
17:08um it it needs various support needs for
17:11instance in Colorado where I live we can
17:13get land very cheap that is completely
17:16but on the other hand land that has
17:19electric lines and gas lines and uh
17:22water lines and things like this running
17:25be quite valuable so
17:28Colorado by developing land and then
17:32even of course if they put a house on
17:33the land then you can sell an acre for
17:36vastly more than you
17:39so uh and some of this will be real real
17:42estate development and some of it will
17:45um and you can see here uh this is a
17:48couple sold some Land Based on the idea
17:51that this is where the uh beachfront
17:54property is going to be after Mars is
17:57and um the wonderful thing about that is
18:02you don't know exactly where the beach
18:06um so there can be a lot of different
18:10um but here's the thing okay uh land uh
18:14development in this kind and frequently
18:16involves all kinds of speculation and
18:18swindles but that was also true in the
18:22um but that is How the West Was Won okay
18:24that is how capital is mobilized on on
18:27the chance that some of these uh claims
18:30could turn out to be really valuable and
18:32some did turn out to be really valuable
18:33some were in places where the railroad
18:36was going to come through okay the
18:37railroad did come through somewhere okay
18:39but others were not okay but
18:42nevertheless this sort of speculation
18:45has has driven developments on Earth and
18:47it will do so on Mars
18:58a mining Outpost can look like anything
19:06a Mars City needs to be
19:13well put it this way the Mars cities
19:15that emerge as the prevailing form of
19:17civilization need to be
19:19because to be the ones that Prevail on
19:22Mars you need to outgrow the other
19:24cities which means you need to be
19:26attractive to immigrants okay so once
19:29again this is a question of natural
19:31selection you can argue for utilitarian
19:35there's a lot in the argument of
19:37efficiency it's always there for the
19:38most utilitarian architecture but the
19:41the if you are competing for immigrants
19:44okay it's important that it the
19:48Aesthetics be there and this is
19:50particularly important because the
19:52question of Martian population growth
19:54will be dependent not only on the number
19:57of immigrants as such but in particular
20:00on the number of female immigrants
20:07there's two ways the population can grow
20:10either immigrants or children and no
20:12women no children Mars meets women okay
20:15it's that simple and and by the way
20:19um there is a very strong historical
20:24you know in the 16 and 1700s England and
20:28France were competing for control of
20:30North America and at that time France
20:32had four times the population of England
20:37the British colonies were being
20:39organized as communities with schools
20:41and churches and all the rest
20:43okay whereas the French colonies would
20:45be organized as trading posts to make
20:46money on the portrayed with the Indians
20:51British women were willing to come to
20:53North America and French women were not
20:56and as a result of this by 1750 when it
21:00came down to the decisive struggle
21:02between the English-speaking and the
21:03french-speaking colonists there were two
21:06million English-speaking people in North
21:08America and 50 000 French
21:10and that made the result inevitable okay
21:13despite the fact that in fact the French
21:15had more talented Generals in that
21:17particular War it didn't matter the
21:212 million versus fifty thousand that's
21:23only one possible outcome and that in
21:26other words the war for North America
21:27was determined in the selling Circles of
21:29Bristol okay and so you have to have the
21:33Aesthetics that will bring them over now
21:35there's a variety of Concepts that have
21:42um both underground and subsurd and and
21:45surface uh Concepts uh of cities some
21:49involved dogs you can't have giant you
21:51know three mile wide domes like
21:53sometimes in science fiction because the
21:55pressure on the inside would blow them
21:57apart but you can have domes with
21:59diameters only what 100 meters or even
22:02and you can make networks of them or
22:04aren't situations like you see here this
22:07is a a French concept concept was
22:10um other ideas about building things
22:13into the sides of cliffs
22:16you put a portion of the habitat
22:18underground so that most of the time
22:20people are in shielded environments but
22:23that's okay as long as the Aesthetics of
22:26the underground world are good
22:28um I mean how much of your time do you
22:30actually spend outside each day
22:33so if somebody's spending three hours a
22:35day outside uh the cosmic ray dose is
22:38reduced to 1 8 of what it would be if
22:40they were just in space or something and
22:43uh and and that puts it well below where
22:54once again I I'm not proposing a Utopia
22:59what I think is going to prevail
23:04Mars colonies are going to need or the
23:08Mars colonies that succeed will need
23:16um and they will need institutions that
23:21now there's two ways you can get social
23:24solidarity you can draw your Colony all
23:28from one uh unified group on Earth
23:34and for instance this is the model that
23:37Israel or the Scandinavian social
23:40democracies have the
23:43I mean they're not completely
23:45homogeneous but they they really come
23:47from one General kind of people and this
23:50can be very successful but it's always
23:54the other way you get solidarity is The
23:58okay where you are inclusive you can
24:02draw from all sorts of cultures but you
24:05bring them together e pluribus you know
24:08and so I I don't think multiculturalism
24:12will work on Mars I don't think you can
24:15have a Mars city state which is divided
24:17among people of of of diverse cultures I
24:21think you can have a Mars city state
24:22that is uh drawn from people of diverse
24:25cultures but um out of many one and um
24:30once again this is in fact the model
24:36um and it did work and I think it will
24:53once again the fundamental problem that
24:55Mars will have is a massive labor
24:57shortage which means that they won't be
25:00able to afford the kind of educational
25:02system that we have here where basically
25:05before people can engage in professions
25:07we have them spend uh 12 years in the
25:12basic schools and then four years in
25:14college and maybe even four years after
25:15that getting doctorates and
25:18um and it has to be said that while this
25:21system does work to a certain extent on
25:23Earth it definitely has defects
25:26um one is as I say it keeps a lot of
25:28people out of the workforce and
25:30um I will turn a lecture by the famous
25:32psychiatrist Bruno bettelheim some of
25:34you may have heard of and he was talking
25:36about why teenagers are all crazy and he
25:39says it's because we're keeping them as
25:42children when they already are ready to
25:47um and we're denying them adult level
25:49responsibilities and
25:52um so we're keeping people in school far
25:56beyond what they need to be and I I
25:59think uh I mean look and I can say this
26:02with freedom because I have the most
26:05advanced certificates anybody can get I
26:07got a PhD nuclear engineering
26:09um but the fact of the matter is is an a
26:13lot of people who get college degrees
26:16they need to get those degrees in order
26:18to be employed but they probably could
26:20have done their job before they had
26:26in in in a very large number of cases
26:29and so the imposition of the requirement
26:32that they all have college degrees
26:33amounts to a poll tax
26:36okay it is saying you do not get to live
26:39among the polite people at the office
26:41until you have a college degree okay
26:46an expensive education in four years of
26:49not working or not working much uh or so
26:52forth uh it's a poll tax and it also
26:55comes at a cost to society because it
26:57for those years not only is that
26:59individual not producing anything but
27:02Society is not benefiting from that
27:05product so I think that
27:08Mars education will be more informal
27:15maybe after eighth grade people will be
27:17worth y be working heavily on in
27:19internships uh in in various professions
27:22and then maybe even leaving school or if
27:24they continue on what we call College
27:27also participating directly in research
27:30teams and so forth as members of the
27:33um and furthermore I mean I have to say
27:40well put it this way
27:44the Protestant Reformation
27:47led to accelerated progress in the
27:51countries that experienced it compared
27:53to the countries that remain Catholic
27:55and why was this it was not because of
27:59Any superiority in process theology
28:02rather it was because the Protestants
28:04translated the Bible into the local
28:07language and this promoted Mass literacy
28:10in those countries which therefore
28:15more rapid uh Economic Development and
28:18so forth and the the the
28:22in other words what they did by
28:24translating the Bible into English and
28:26German similar languages Dutch they
28:30broke down a fundamental distinction
28:32between the learning and the unlearned
28:35the learner who could read Latin and the
28:38unlearned who couldn't read anything
28:39instead now everybody could read or
28:43fractional the population could
28:46Concrete in their local language
28:49all the most acquired Advanced and
28:55this is what is needed now in a more
28:57General sense is that a martian Society
29:00will want to break down the distinction
29:03between the degree and the undergraded
29:06and have you might say the whole city
29:09will be a university with lectures on
29:13not just technology but literature or
29:17um and you know our society used to be
29:20more literate than it is now this is a
29:23photograph here of book drives for World
29:28okay people mobilize to send the books
29:31to the gis over in Europe I mean the
29:34Pacific Theaters nobody is doing book
29:36drives for soldiers now okay and it's
29:39not because they have Kindles they
29:40weren't doing book drives before they
29:42were criminals either
29:43um there were Kindles in 2003 during the
29:47Iraq War nobody did book drives and
29:54that you'll want to have
29:58the most successful Marsh cities put it
30:00this way we'll have cultures that are
30:01fully intellectually alive
30:05okay Sports and dancing
30:08um now I have to tell you
30:14am very much an individualist I I am a
30:17person who contributes something to a
30:19Mars colony but I'm not the ideal Marsh
30:24as I say you have a real need for social
30:26solidarity on Mars and I'm not a person
30:29who has much interest in organized
30:31Sports let alone organize religion okay
30:37both of these things will be uh
30:40prominent in the most successful Mars
30:42colonies and things like organized
30:46Community dancing okay
30:51these things draw people together okay
30:54Community singing okay
31:00um perhaps sports like the identity in
31:03Alaska that connect people to each other
31:05by collecting connecting them to the
31:10very popular on Mars as far as dancing I
31:15Jitterbug definitely because
31:18um with low gravity it will really be
31:28Liberty will be fundamental on Mars
31:34because the Martian Colony needs to draw
31:38um and this is why I do not believe that
31:41extraterrestrial tyrannies they're
31:44possible but they certainly cannot
31:45become the prevailing form of society on
31:48mars or anywhere else in space because
31:50no one will want to emigrate to them
31:53okay okay so they defy the growth
31:56principle but also the Mars will need to
31:59be free because once again invention
32:02will be fundamental to Mars the Freedom
32:04Is Fundamental to invent
32:10ions now terraforming
32:21what is the relationship of humanity to
32:25okay this is a subject of much debate it
32:28has become quite popular
32:37the detriment to make sure that there's
32:39nature is good and what people do is bad
32:43um the the and it is actually a very
32:45dangerous point of view
32:47anti-human point of view
32:49um there's certainly damaged that humans
32:51can do to an environment but humans can
32:54also improve an environment uh and in
32:58they will demonstrably improve the
33:01environment because it is you see it's
33:03the nature of life to take bad
33:05environments and transform them into
33:08those that are friendly to the
33:10development and propagation of life that
33:12is why life on Earth has been a success
33:14you know it is life that put oxygen in
33:17the Earth's atmosphere the pre-bio the
33:20early Earth did not have
33:22oxy it is symbiotic communities the
33:24plants and animals have created soil on
33:26the continents and and and and you know
33:29any place Baron that shows up
33:33a turtle think of Hawaii or other
33:35ocean initially as Barren places and
33:38then become Florida then Polynesians
33:40show up and let loose pigs so that
33:41something good to eat and Europeans show
33:43up and build hotels and
33:45um this is a good place to check in
33:48is what we do and so it would be
33:50unnatural if humans when they go to Mars
33:52do not attempt to transform Mars into
33:56a living environment and we could do
33:58this we actually the way to do it on
34:00Mars is through global warming we
34:02produce artificial greenhouse gases on
34:04Mars you can warm the planet across
34:06massive amounts of CO2 to the amount of
34:08the atmosphere that will warm it more
34:09and then the water that's frozen into
34:11the soil will melt into dry riverbeds on
34:14Mars will flow again the streams of Mars
34:16will flow again and then you can spread
34:18plants and you can turn this into a
34:23no I think the Martians will be
34:25committed to this and they'll do it and
34:30and no one will be able to look on it
34:32and not be prouder to be human
34:41I mentioned something about American
34:43history that some people here may have
34:45noticed I left something out and here
34:49I'm gonna get to the point that I let
34:51that in what five minutes on point
34:56which is there's two ways to deal with
34:58the labor shortage and there were two
35:00ways it was dealt with in America one
35:03was through gadgeteering and advanced
35:05technology which leads to high pay and
35:07encouraged immigration the other west of
35:10slavery okay so here's Lincoln a house
35:13defined itself cannot stand it will
35:16become all vulnerable the other now in
35:19fact the three states won okay this is a
35:22famous painting course the surrender of
35:24the Confederates of Appomattox and why
35:29the easy answer is well the North had
35:32more population and more industry but
35:34why did it have more
35:37because it was free that's where the
35:39immigrants went 40 percent of the Union
35:40Army were immigrants of first generation
35:42in America only three percent of the
35:44Confederates were and that's why the
35:45North had the bigger population and
35:47that's why it had all the inventions and
35:48that's why I had all the industry okay
35:52that slave cultures could be established
35:55on Mars but they will be outgrown and
35:58out competed by the Fremont
36:05I want to talk about this
36:07okay because I believe that Humanity
36:10right now has a choice between two
36:13Futures there is the Star Trek future or
36:15there's the Soylent Green future
36:17okay there's an open Future and there's
36:21and it's a question of the ideas if it
36:24is accepted that this is all there is
36:26and we're going to have to fight over it
36:28okay then every person is fundamentally
36:31the enemy of every other person every
36:33nation of every other
36:35and the role of government is to uh
36:38constrain human numbers and aspirations
36:40and Liberties and to crush other
36:43governments so as to take what they have
36:46that's where where that vision goes the
36:49other is the fact that
36:52um resources are created by people and
36:55so there's no reason killing each other
36:57finding over provinces and by working
36:59together we can create planets okay and
37:03resources coming from people planets
37:05come from people okay and
37:13and therefore the the role of government
37:16uh must be to protect human Liberty at
37:19all costs and that fundamentally
37:22all men and women can be brothers and
37:24sisters if you understand this and and
37:26really that's why the cause of Mars
37:31is the cause of all Nations
37:47I think there's time for a question or
37:54someone have a question stand up
37:55somebody I can't say
37:58words in the world what war of the world
38:01is there an irrational number of
38:02Americans still around who who will just
38:05not be in school in Mars because of the
38:08history of the literature that went
38:10oh I don't think the literature of
38:12extraterrestrial invasions will dissuade
38:15people from being interested in Mars
38:18um but you see here's the thing
38:21um the settlement of Mars if it's done
38:23privately in the way that I've described
38:26does not require a consensus of everyone
38:29it only requires that if this is
38:36the talent group of people come together
38:38and decide to do it okay and that's why
38:41I believe there will be a multitude of
38:43more substance created by different
38:44groups with different ideas some might
38:46like social studies some might might
38:48libertarian ideas okay and as I said
38:51earlier some might like transhumanist
38:53ideas and others might give them as a
38:56but it will be put to the test
39:12um I I don't think it's feasible but I
39:15don't think it's necessary uh the people
39:17who say that you need to have a
39:18magnetosphere to have an atmosphere are
39:20wrong Venus has no magnetosphere it has
39:23a very strong atmosphere
39:30we don't need to create a magnetosphere
39:32in order to terraformers
39:42I didn't quite catch that
39:44money is it going to cost to take a
39:47person on Earth and transport them
39:49tomorrow how much money will it cost to
39:51Pence is doing it okay
39:54um but actually if you run the numbers
39:57once we have reusable Rockets
40:01um it will be possible to move from
40:05at a cost in today's equivalent money on
40:08the order of several hundred thousand
40:10okay not hundreds of billions of dollars
40:12hundreds of thousands of dollars okay
40:15which by the way is comparable in cost
40:18to what it could cook to travel from
40:20England to America in the 1600s
40:22okay if you think about the people the
40:25working men who had to uh get their
40:28passage paid for by uh being indentured
40:31servants for seven years think of seven
40:33year salary for working
40:34man well that's kind of like three
40:36hundred thousand dollars today right
40:38okay that's what it costs to get someone
40:41to pay your travel okay people did it
40:44all right if you were someone with some
40:46needs if you owned a farm you could sell
40:47it and pay for your passage family just
40:49like if you're a middle class person
40:50today you could probably uh if you sell
40:54your house you could put together
40:56several hundred thousand dollars you
40:58know if you needed to
40:59move to another planet willing to cash
41:01in all your chips that's the kind of
41:03money you can raise so I I do think it
41:05will become economically possible for
41:07private individuals to pay for their way
41:09to Mars and I think the way they'll do
41:11it by the way is they'll buy the used
41:15um Elon Musk told me I know Muslim
41:18uh he told me that he could produce the
41:20Upper State Starships the one that would
41:22actually travel to Mars for around 10
41:25um and that means that either he or one
41:27of his Chinese competitors would
41:29probably be willing to sell them for 20
41:31million each which means that used ones
41:33will probably be available for 3 million
41:35each okay and it transports 100 people
41:38so 3 million uh dollars divided by a
41:42hundred people is is what like thirty
41:44thousand dollars each okay that's
41:47okay it's not cheap but it's the kind of
41:49money people could come up with if they
41:51want to move and they're buying the ship
41:53okay so they get to keep it on Mars
41:55either a starter housing or to sell to
41:57people who want to mine asteroids
42:00I think I'm out of time