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What leaders need to know about change | Taylor Harrell | TEDxSDSU

TEDx Talks2022-09-08
Achievement#Change#English#Leadership#Life#Self improvement#TEDxTalks#[TEDxEID:36580]
56K views|2 years ago
💫 Short Summary

Effective leadership is crucial in navigating change and overcoming resistance. Understanding the fear of loss and addressing core aspects of identity can help leaders inspire acceptance and behavior adjustment. Acknowledging losses allows for personal growth and empowerment, leading to resilience and embracing opportunities for growth. By listening for wisdom, meeting losses with empathy, and anchoring in steady selves, individuals can write a new story of the future together.

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📊 Transcript
Importance of Effective Leadership in Navigating Change.
Change fatigue can lead to burnout and frustration, emphasizing the need for effective leadership.
Good leadership is rare but essential for engagement and hope in progress.
Leaders often face resistance to change and may resort to forceful tactics.
Understanding and managing resistance is crucial for successful change implementation.
Resistance to change is often due to fear of loss rather than the change itself.
People resist change because they fear losing something valuable.
Loss can encompass various aspects of life, with safety and freedom being core types of loss.
Safety provides predictability and stability, while freedom is essential for autonomy and control.
Understanding these factors can help leaders navigate resistance to change effectively.
Challenges of implementing change in organizations.
Change can disrupt social hierarchies, leading to resistance and feelings of loss of respect and significance.
Linda's struggle adapting to new technologies after years of expertise.
Sarah's bittersweet feeling of receiving a promotion and fear of losing belonging within a peer group.
Emphasis on fairness, referencing personal experiences and societal decisions affecting equality.
Key highlights on managing resistance to change.
Resistance to change is often fueled by fear of losing core aspects of identity, causing existential questions and discomfort.
Highlighting elements that will remain constant during change can increase acceptance and behavior adjustment.
Leaders must champion change while also providing stability and preserving identity.
Recognizing the impact of potential losses on emotions and behaviors is crucial in navigating change, as resistance can offer valuable insights for reevaluation of change management approaches.
Importance of Acknowledging and Accepting Losses in Personal Growth.
Acknowledging and accepting losses allows for grieving and truth-telling, leading to acceptance.
Recognizing enduring aspects of our identity provides stability in navigating the unknown.
Understanding who we are enables us to dream about who we can become, opening up possibilities.
Facing reality and acknowledging the significance of losses empowers individuals to choose their response and embrace personal growth.
Embracing Change and Loss as Opportunities for Growth and Leadership.
Reflecting on personal resilience and determination, the speaker highlights the significance of embracing change and loss.
Encouraging listeners to listen for wisdom and meet losses with empathy.
Anchoring in their steady selves to write a new story of the future together.