00:21are you ready for all of your employees
00:25quitters if so then by all means keep
00:28doing what you're doing but don't say I
00:32you I remember it like it was yesterday
00:36my first day at my first office job I
00:39breezed through the doors of a fancy
00:41Silicon Valley startup that had
00:43generously agreed to employ me for 6
00:46months I didn't know if these people
00:48were going to like me nor was I
00:50confident that my two engineering
00:51degrees were going to be
00:53enough I did know that I really needed
00:56this job and I needed the contract
00:59position to turn into to a full-time
01:00offer soon otherwise I was not going to
01:03be able to start making those big old
01:06payments I was hired alongside two other
01:09people my age and they told us we would
01:11complete our training and onboarding
01:13together pH friends at least we'd be in
01:23right on the third day they informed
01:25only two of us that the other woman had
01:27been terminated and what a word for it
01:33terminated I was suddenly terrified that
01:36one misstep could get me terminated as
01:37well to say that I was feeling unwelcome
01:42mildly it's a very dangerous thing for
01:44anybody to start a job feeling like
01:48this even after I completed my training
01:50at that company simple things still made
01:53me feel like like an impostor hiding
01:56among the worthy managing my email using
01:59some tool called Outlook understanding
02:02what people were talking about in
02:03meetings and deciphering all of those
02:09tas's this was a new world that felt so
02:12foreign to me and with each mistake I
02:14made I felt more and more like an
02:17outsider was I motivated to work hard
02:19absolutely yes I was but out of pure
02:23fear not out of passion or
02:27joy that was my introduction to the
02:29corporate world my first job after grad
02:33school that experience made me feel like
02:35I had been cast in a corporate version
02:37of The Hunger Games without any useful
02:39training or Preparation even though I
02:41had am masked such a huge amount in
02:43student loan debt oh God was it all for
02:46nothing all that time and money wasted I
02:50knew if I didn't do a good job working
02:51for that company they would cut me loose
02:55also far too many of us have had a
02:57similar Rocky start with a new job
03:00I remember sitting in my dull gray
03:02cubicle looking up at the clock counting
03:04down the years months weeks and hours
03:06until I could retire and it was Soul
03:10crushing realizing I'd have to do this
03:12for another four decades at
03:16least oh that experience was 10 years
03:18ago a few jobs and companies later it
03:21was again day one but this next job in
03:26different my manager introduced himself
03:29and handed me a mysterious looking robot
03:31about the size of my head plus a few
03:33tools he told me to take it apart and
03:36put it back together and come up with
03:38ways to improve the assembly
03:40process how cool right compared to that
03:44first job this was an entirely different
03:46experience and he was trusting me to
03:48tell him how to improve something now
03:51this was a job I could see myself
03:56while Harvard Business Review tells us
03:58that organization with a standardized
04:01onboarding process experience 62%
04:04greater new greater new hire
04:06productivity and 50% greater new hire
04:09retention that first job I told you
04:11about I stayed at for less than a year
04:13reluctantly that second one I stayed for
04:16five and it was fun as
04:19hell nobody should feel how I felt
04:22during that first job and I have made it
04:24my mission in life to provide support
04:26for people entering the workforce if
04:28they can learn lessons from my mistakes
04:30maybe I can help them feel empowered and
04:32give them a leg up in their
04:33career this was the birth of Ali from
04:36corporate your workplace big
04:38sister suddenly I knew what I had to do
04:41so I got right to work I began making
04:44Career Development videos on social
04:46media during the Spring of
04:482020 my videos were a crash course to
04:51surviving corporate they were topics
04:54like email etiquette and job searching
04:57things I wish someone would have taught
05:00job after a few of my videos started
05:02going insanely viral I'm talking over a
05:04million views reading all those comments
05:07helped me understand gen z a bit
05:10better since I started posting
05:12professional development content on
05:14social media my videos have been viewed
05:19times and I've gotten over half a
05:21million comments thank
05:25you and I've gotten over half a million
05:27comments of other people telling me how
05:29they feel about their white collar jobs
05:32at first I thought I recognized the
05:34emotion behind their comments as anger
05:39resentment but as I dug deeper I
05:41realized the real emotion behind their
05:43comments was so much worse than
05:45anger young people feel indifferent
05:48about work they have such a Negative
05:50start to a job they just don't care
05:52anymore what begins as a bad onboarding
05:55experience quickly morphs into feeling
05:56taken advantage of and overworked by
06:00and as a self-preservation
06:01mechanism they'd stopped caring
06:04altogether young people are feeling no
06:07obligation to go above and beyond at
06:08work in fact it's the
06:11opposite lately they're drawing a line
06:13with their managers saying things like
06:15well that wasn't in the job
06:18description now that's a very extreme
06:21example of setting a boundary at work
06:23but I'm seeing more and more young
06:24people do this in order to protect their
06:28Health as soon as I heard of young
06:30people setting firm boundaries like this
06:32I immediately took to my social media
06:34channels and I asked the question that
06:35we're all wondering what happened my
06:39parents' generation certainly never
06:40would have told their employers no when
06:42they were my age they kept their heads
06:44down they worked for 40 years at the
06:46same company and they got a
06:49pension so where' things go so
06:56Co during the pandemic the world got to
06:59see that most businesses put Revenue
07:01first and employees second to workers
07:04all around the world it was a harsh
07:06reminder your employer is not your
07:08family and in times of extreme Global
07:10crisis it's every person for
07:13themselves inflation resulting from the
07:15pandemic has even made it difficult to
07:16live comfortably just a few decades ago
07:19the head of a household could support
07:21their entire family on one salary alone
07:24they bought a house they took their
07:26family on nice vacations and they got
07:31but things are very different
07:33now recent data shows a huge
07:36transformation occurring in our
07:37workplace today and there's bound to be
07:39irreparable damage if Business Leaders
07:41and managers don't take
07:43action in 2022 Gallup estimated that
07:47over 20% of Millennials job hopped the
07:49previous year that's over three times
07:53non-millennials Gallup also estimated
07:55that this job hopping and turnover is
07:57costing the American economy
08:0030.5 billion dollar a year think
08:04interviewing hiring training onboarding
08:08and then the cycle repeats when people
08:11leave understanding why these numbers
08:13are so devastating requires a
08:16conversation about quiet
08:18quitting so if you've never heard of it
08:21quiet quitting is doing the bare minimum
08:23not to get fired you've mentally quit
08:25your job you just aren't telling your
08:27manager and in a best case scenario for
08:29a quiet quitter nobody notices and you
08:32still get that paycheck and you haven't
08:35expended much energy for a company who
08:37would drop you like a hot potato at the
08:41impulse when talking about quiet
08:43quitting on social media young people
08:45are saying things like act your wage
08:48don't break your back for your employer
08:51and my personal favorite they'd replace
08:53you tomorrow if you died
08:56today now you might be thinking oh
09:00that's a little dramatic
09:02right but let me ask you
09:04this what if your doctor was a quiet
09:07quitter and you had a surgery scheduled
09:11week what if your child's teacher at
09:13school is a quiet quitter what sort of
09:15Education would they be
09:18getting what if that bridge you drive
09:20your car over was built by a civil
09:21engineer who was a quiet
09:23quitter oh God what if that pilot who
09:32this could destroy our society or worse
09:37somebody now the quiet quitting
09:40mentality is no recipe for raises and
09:42promotions at work but that's just it
09:46young people are not trying to climb the
09:49corporate ladder as previous generations
09:51did they don't even see it as a ladder
09:54they see it as a hamster wheel that goes
09:57around and around around and around
10:01instead of working hard for a promotion
10:03young people have found a much easier
10:04way to get a big pay
10:08hopping what used to be a red flag on a
10:10resume is now considered normal here's
10:13how it goes you stay at a job for less
10:15than a year reluctantly then you job
10:18search and you get offers with 10 15 20%
10:22higher pay who wouldn't want that
10:26Additionally the 401K is replacing the
10:30so the retirement vehicle the pension
10:32which used to remain with the employer
10:34is now becoming the 401K which remains
10:37employee so theoretically you could just
10:40job hop your way straight into
10:44retirement so what is the answer to this
10:48problem of young people hating their
10:51jobs unfortunately there is no one- siiz
10:54solution but there are a few things that
10:58business leaders and managers can do to
11:00get their employees to want to
11:02stay here are three of them I call them
11:10appreciation help an employee feel
11:12appreciated from day one make their
11:15first week amazing plan something ahead
11:18of time employees can tell whether
11:22onboarding is an intentional part of the
11:24workplace experience or just an
11:27afterthought help them feel so
11:29appreciated they go home and brag to
11:31their friends and family about their
11:34job here's some ways that you can do
11:36this you could assign them an onboarding
11:39buddy you could invite them to a
11:41workplace happy hour you could even
11:43schedule one-on-one meetings with them
11:45with people that you think they should
11:46meet during their first week you can
11:49even gamify onboarding you can have a
11:51workplace trivia session or Jeopardy or
11:56hunt it feels so good to be appre
11:58appreciated doesn't it especially when
12:01you're being welcomed onto a new
12:03Team B boundaries support employees
12:08setting healthy boundaries at work
12:09because they will whether you like it or
12:11not boundaries help to create clear
12:14guidelines on how someone wants to be
12:15treated and when they're being treated
12:17well they will stick
12:19around as a leader set a good example by
12:23setting healthy boundaries yourself at
12:24work for example take your paid time off
12:27regularly like a vit
12:29in let your employees see you setting a
12:32good example by taking your paid time
12:34off and setting healthy boundaries so
12:36that you are continuously creating a
12:38psychologically safe environment where
12:40it's safe to share new ideas challenge
12:42the status quo and be curious that's how
12:48grow finally C challenge them have your
12:52employees take a disk assessment their
12:57c disk is is a tool that measures
13:00personalities to help us understand
13:02behavior in the workplace challenge them
13:04in these ways and also communicate with
13:07them about how they want to be
13:08challenged so that their efforts at work
13:11propel them in the direction they aim to
13:14career they will appreciate you
13:16challenging them and it will motivate
13:18them during tough times because
13:20overcoming challenge builds
13:25resilience I'm going to be honest with
13:27you implementing Jen's ABCs probably
13:30won't be enough to stop the quiet
13:33movement paychecks in the occasional
13:35pizza party are not enough to make
13:37people feel appreciated they want to
13:39feel like it's worth getting out of bed
13:40every day you need to help them avoid
13:42the Sunday scaries you know that deep
13:45sense of dread just thinking about
13:47Monday but here's a shift I'm seeing
13:50instead of constantly
13:52dreading gen Z has introduced us to the
13:59imagine a world where waking up isn't
14:01driven by the blare of an alarm or
14:03rushing to your desks where the Rhythm
14:06isn't set by deadlines but by the
14:07moments that truly matter this is the
14:10essence of soft living it's not an
14:12escape from responsibility but a deeper
14:15Embrace of what makes life genuinely
14:17fulfilling it's not giving up on your
14:19goals it's reshaping them with
14:21well-being at the core and it's also
14:24understanding that success isn't always
14:27measured by a paycheck or a title
14:32I want all of us from the break room to
14:35the boardroom to take a stand reshaping
14:38the very fabric of our
14:40workspaces imagine a world where we all
14:44work together we have the power to
14:50so will you join the