00:32space news March 22nd
00:362024 hello again thank you for being
00:39here with me once more I hope you are
00:45Murray this information can be seen as
00:48science fiction or as the viewer sees
00:51best and I post it for entertainment
00:55only still I take my information very
00:58seriously and for Whoever has eyes to
01:01see there has been a lot of talk over
01:04the internet and the media of unusual
01:07UAP or unidentified aerial phenomena I
01:13general they say there has been a
01:15massive spike in the number of sightings
01:17lately so I had to look into this
01:20subject interestingly enough space
01:23traffic from the viea indicates nothing
01:25unusual and they know about every single
01:28spacecraft human or not aircraft or ship
01:32at Sea and there were
01:34about no spacecraft can even get close
01:37to Earth without being detected
01:40hailed so the extra spike in UFO reports
01:44in the last 3 months must be for another
01:46reason because the amount of non-human
01:49craft around Earth and also in
01:51atmospheric flight has officially not
01:55changed so the reason may be that people
01:58are opening up to report their sightings
02:01and Publishing them in the media and or
02:04the government and their controlled
02:06media have also opted to filter out such
02:08sightings much less which could be an
02:11indicator of movement in the direction
02:13of preparing the population for a false
02:17Invasion and such Invasion cannot occur
02:20because Earth is and has been under
02:23strict Federation control for a very
02:25long time now it is their Turf and their
02:28responsibility to take take care of it
02:32or it can be seen in another harsher way
02:36invaded so no I cannot find any unusual
02:40space traffic to report everything is
02:43business as usual with
02:45Earth but also take into account that
02:48although non-human spacecraft are very
02:50real and all over Earth most of what you
02:53can find in the media is CGI rubbish and
02:57lies please use your discernment when
03:01things moving on to the next related
03:04subject there are no reports of any
03:07unusual meia or asteroids which may be
03:09caused for concern for Earth and even if
03:12there would be one now or in the future
03:15West asur the Galactic Federation has in
03:17its best interests to move it away and
03:20at a safe distance from the planet so it
03:25Earth take into account another thing an
03:28asteroid moving close to Earth would
03:30endanger all the 950 or more kilomet
03:34long spacecraft parked around Earth even
03:36more so if it passes at the same
03:39distance from the earth to the moon or
03:42closer Earth orbit high and low is a
03:45highly populated parking lot for
03:48spacecraft of countless star races all
03:51of which have something to do with the
03:52Galactic Federation and earth mostly to
03:55monitor their star seeds as their main
04:00at all times there are at least 950
04:03spacecraft in Earth's orbit which exceed
04:06a kilometer long and about 5,000 smaller
04:09craft besides the innumerable service
04:12shuttles and transports moving to and
04:15all and they are all moving some leaving
04:18Earth's orbit While others are arriving
04:21so there is a lot of activity and I mean
04:23a lot of it if you cannot notice all
04:27that activity from Earth easily it is
04:29because of the contained system mostly
04:32of Lies the Galactic Federation imposes
04:35on you to give the illusion of being
04:39universe as someone else said Earth's
04:42orbit looks a lot like a malls parking
04:44lot on Earth any Saturday
04:46evening and anyone with a decent enough
04:49telescope can see a lot of that activity
04:52which is officially said to be because
04:54of other reasons Like Satellites and so
04:57on a word about the Sun there is nothing
05:01wrong with it we must insist so any
05:04solar flare warnings are nothing more
05:06than population control fear
05:10mongering the same goes for solar
05:12eclipses like the one about to happen
05:17changes there is nothing unusual going
05:20on I must insist and any great changes
05:23that may happen would be artificially
05:25created to match such astronomical
05:28events for ritualist IC purposes and so
05:31on so watch for false flags and similar
05:34events moving on to kinder things as
05:38many of you know there has been a series
05:40of birthday parties up here starting
05:43with Kela on February 28th then Athena
05:46saru and D Kalel on the 2nd of March and
05:50finally with little yaji sarus on the
05:54March as many of you know Tans don't
05:57celebrate birthdays as such not like on
06:00Earth so this is obviously an adopted
06:04Behavior it is one of the nicest parties
06:07and reasons for celebration humans have
06:13it we try to make a nice party just as
06:16you would make it down there we prepare
06:19nice food at the preference of the
06:22person being celebrated and multiple
06:24cakes are baked here mostly chocolate
06:27ones with a strawberry interior or fruit
06:30cakes which everyone
06:32loves and of course we placed birthday
06:35candles all over the cake so the
06:37birthday people could blow them
06:39off no alcohol is ever consumed as we
06:43know it is highly toxic for us and for
06:47everyone and of course we shower them
06:49with presents as it should be although
06:52sometimes it is difficult to know what
06:54to give tequila as he has difficult
06:56tastes so clothes are one of the best
06:59gifts for him as D cel's birthday
07:03coincides with Athena suares on the 2nd
07:06of March for next year Athena's birthday
07:08will be moved to March 10th so they
07:11don't overlap and to have a further
07:13excuse to have more birthday
07:16parties anyhow all birthday dates are
07:19calculated astronomically as best as
07:22possible so they are approximations
07:25only as for mine I've been moved from
07:28March 8th to May 8th so it does not
07:30overlap with Sophia's also following the
07:33official birth date I had when I lived
07:36Earth this year the birthday parties
07:39were a lot larger because we had 100
07:41more guests than usual 30 TOA crew
07:44members because the assistant Starship
07:50here her crew members are all full Tans
07:53so they have no clue about birthday
07:55parties so they were all very intrigued
07:58at what we were doing in them but
08:00fascinated at the excuse for eating new
08:02and exotic food which although delicious
08:05didn't always agree with their stomach
08:10mean the parties always take place in
08:13the Red Piano Room which is located all
08:15the way forward and down inica in the
08:19last deck Below in the boil
08:22area it is a beautiful room with red
08:25carpets and sofas and a grand piano at
08:28the front with very large windows that
08:31spam from the floor to the roof and all
08:34around the Red Room which give the
08:36people there a wonderful view of Earth
08:38passing Below on the port side of the
08:40ship and of space and other parked
08:43Starships to the starboard
08:45side as the anecdote goes the grand
08:48piano which is a Steinway and Suns from
08:51the year 1900 was rescued from
08:53destruction by a tractor beam from a
08:56collapsing building in London during the
08:58World War two German bombing raids back
09:031940 at this time in Tia the only person
09:07who plays the beautiful old grand piano
09:10is little Sophia who can do so amazingly
09:13well besides the usual clothing Jo Kalel
09:17got some miniature Vehicles he wanted
09:19for his birthday as he likes them very
09:22much mostly Collectibles from
09:25Earth Athena saru got a nice dress some
09:29houses and several pieces of homemade
09:32jewelry using amethyst stones and other
09:35Crystals and Stones like Le's
09:38Lely during the first three birthday
09:40parties here two events little yaji
09:44sopia saru complained that the parties
09:46were too serious and way too adult she
09:49said so when hers came we filled the
09:52places with colorful balloons and we let
09:55her choose the music to be played there
09:57all very noisy as would be expected as
10:00well as her favorite food including
10:03chocolate cake decorated with a single
10:06candle in the shape of how many years
10:08she turned during her
10:11birthday as I said above the years and
10:14the dates are calculated as best as
10:16possible so I opted not to mention how
10:19old yaji is at first because she has
10:22turned out to be the hardest to
10:25us she is supposed to be 12 years old
10:28but after after a thorough medical
10:30examination and laboratory tests say
10:33natur our ship's physician conducted on
10:36her the medical results indicate that
10:41old yashi is Tiny and hasn't grown a
10:45millimeter she also behaves like a
10:489-year-old at least most of the time
10:51besides what her medical tests say as it
10:53looks like she only has two speeds a
10:56little innocent child and super Cosmic
11:00ass I know many of you who have been
11:03following my predecessors work with
11:05Robert and goer and mine as well will
11:07now think this is strange as yashi
11:10apparently is not growing or maturing I
11:13know so make of this whatever you want
11:17as we here do not know what to make of
11:20either anyhow yashi was very happy
11:23during her birthday party she loves to
11:26have all the attention on her and she
11:28got a lot of presents things she wanted
11:32much she loves human toys so she got
11:35more little Polly Pocket doll
11:38accessories and two kits of Legos which
11:40she loves a lot as she can spend hours
11:43putting them together and also creating
11:46variants of the original combining all
11:49pieces this time she got the Lego 2
11:52motorcycles she chose and wanted an
11:55interesting change from the starships
11:57and airplanes she usually prefers to
12:00play with we are aware that one of the
12:03reasons yaji likes Legos so much is
12:06because she can station her little body
12:08somewhere building the Lego kit while
12:11her mind wanders off to higher PLS of
12:14existence where she likes to astrally
12:17dwell while everyone is at the parties
12:20the two ships which are docked together
12:23Sasa 1 and tia continue to function
12:26autonomously using their advanced
12:31intelligence it is very good and capable
12:34but we also feel the need to monitor
12:36what it is doing closely so there is
12:38always someone at the bridge of the
12:40ships except for the few hours we can
12:42all move away for a birthday
12:45party the crew members of the T Jetton
12:47escort Destroyer Vigilant Eagle had to
12:51remain at their posts in their ship
12:53watching our backs during the
12:56celebrations at 130 people into leica's
12:59Red Room it was quite
13:02full it is nice to see new faces
13:05although they hardly mingle with the
13:07rest of us and I'm still wondering
13:10why it is as if they had a lot of
13:13respect for us who have been a long time
13:15here but they do show a lot of interest
13:18in what we do starting with birthday
13:20parties they are not used to seeing but
13:22not only as they do look at us a lot all
13:26of them as if we were strange creatures
13:29but I feel that queen alanm and I are
13:32who they are most interested in
13:33observing Perhaps it is only natural as
13:36alanm is their Queen and as for me
13:39because they know that in the future I
13:43shoes as for the ongoing repairs on TIA
13:47they are slowly moving
13:49forward they are taking a lot of time
13:51because the engineers of both Tia and
13:54Sasa one must perform tasks which are
13:57usually done in special service
13:59installations in a space Bo On The
14:01Ground like the one found in Tia City
14:04TMA the city this ship is named
14:07after four of the 12 engines must have
14:11its internal turbine rotors replaced and
14:14such is an operation which has not been
14:16performed since the year 2012 in Earth's
14:19orbit but it was performed on a much
14:21smaller Starship of the eagle class
14:24sister ship of the Vigilant Eagle which
14:26is escorting us here now engine rotor
14:30turbine Replacements have never been
14:32performed on such a large Starship as
14:34TOA while in space and they will be done
14:37in the next few days so we are all a bit
14:42that this will be all for
14:45today thank you for watching my video
14:48and for liking sharing and subscribing
14:51more and I hope to see you here next
14:55time with much love your friend marce