00:00for some of the viewers who maybe you
00:02know are thinking about going into it
00:05how would you recommend them finding out
00:08if this is a good career for them or not
00:13something that i wish i had done was
00:16just do it i would just get your hands
00:18dirty and then go through various
00:21courses so maybe you like web
00:22development i personally don't i've done
00:25it and it's just too much sitting right
00:27there and then typing and then the
00:29semicolons it drove me nuts because i
00:31took some web developing things i i
00:33tried databases and i was like this
00:37networking i have my master's in cyber
00:39security i mean i was all over the place
00:42gis just go ahead and
00:47just do things honestly and then there
00:49are a lot of online learning low cost
00:51things that you could do that such as
00:53pluralsight and you could
00:56uh or you damn me and then just go
00:58through their labs and see if you enjoy
01:00it and do as much as you possibly can
01:02the traditional college route just
01:08someone who's just coming from college
01:10it took me a while to get over that i'm
01:14i have to do stuff i can't just take
01:17tests and memorize all these facts and
01:19then i have to apply it i was really
01:20lazy it took me a while to get over that
01:22it's like i have to i have to apply my
01:27but yeah just go ahead and do it don't
01:30spend too much time learning about these
01:33concepts or the book knowledge of it
01:35just just dive deep down as many topics
01:38as you can and also talk to people in
01:42so i'm in it i wouldn't be able to
01:44really tell you what being a software
01:47engineer is like um or i wouldn't be
01:50able to tell you what cabling like
01:56because i i can't speak from that but
02:02there's just so many jobs i guess but
02:04yeah so talk to people
02:06and uh try as many different things as
02:10you can for free or low cost don't don't
02:13spend five thousand dollars on a course
02:16quick break guys i forgot to mention
02:18this during the video but there's a
02:19really good certification that's highly
02:21rated it's the ibm cyber security
02:23analyst certification and i'm gonna
02:25include that in the description uh down
02:27below it'll be at the very top of the
02:28description and then also there is a
02:30phenomenal way that a lot of students
02:32who go to some of these alternative
02:34schools like wgu used to test out of
02:37classes and that's how they are able to
02:38finish their degree in less than a year
02:40so i'll leave both of those down in the
02:42description below at the very top
02:43definitely check those out and let's get
02:45back to the video i think that's a
02:46fantastic suggestion especially the the
02:49course one um i always recommend just in
02:52general um you know i give kind of like
02:54general advice on my channel but i
02:57always tell people i it's almost like a
02:59broken record at this point i think
03:00people get annoyed when i say in my
03:02video but always try to contact somebody
03:05in the field that you're looking into
03:06you know you can get a hold of them
03:08maybe via libya for instance and just
03:10ask them what they would recommend so
03:12you're going to find that for some
03:14career paths you ask them
03:16hey do i need a degree to get into this
03:18and they're going to be like for
03:20sometimes they're going to be like
03:21absolutely without a doubt you need a
03:22degree other times they're going to be
03:25sometimes you need a degree but you know
03:27it helps but you don't absolutely need
03:29it and then other times they're going to
03:30be like you do not need to get a degree
03:32don't get a degree right
03:34and the only way you're really going to
03:36know if that's important is to just
03:38reach out and ask people because
03:40something that might have been true 20
03:42years ago is not true right now
03:44uh there's a lot of degrees that in my
03:46opinion were really good 20 30 years ago
03:49in my research and they're really just
03:51not that great right now for certain
03:53career paths that you want to go down
03:55for instance and then i really like your
03:57suggestion about just trying stuff out
03:59online for kind of like cheap or free i
04:01think that's great but there's like
04:08um yeah there's some good sites
04:11oh which one did you say tree house tree
04:14house yeah and then you said plural
04:16sight plural right that's what i use
04:20got it yeah so those are some great
04:22resources just get on there
04:24and try to do some projects and then
04:27your suggestion for maybe just recording
04:29yourself and putting it on youtube as
04:30well just to kind of challenge yourself
04:32i think that's a great suggestion as
04:34well and uh if you hate doing it you
04:36probably shouldn't get into it
04:39yeah don't do it for the money guys not
04:42not don't do it for the money
04:44no there's nothing worse because i've
04:46had jobs that i've despised there's
04:49nothing worse than having doing
04:51something 40 hours a week that you just
04:54can't stand because you're miserable and
04:57everyone around you is miserable too
04:59because you're miserable it's just
05:01yeah make sure to try it out and also
05:03you're right talking to people on
05:06i was always afraid to reach out to
05:08people i was always very scared um but
05:11honestly people want to help and it's
05:13not something i understood i was like
05:16why people want to help me but it
05:18actually probably looks like a gift to
05:19them to be able to help you now i
05:21understand it a little bit more but i
05:23was so afraid in 1819 to ask anyone
05:26like what am i supposed to do i don't
05:28know um yeah just talking to someone
05:31people in the field is the best way by
05:34and you may think your teachers
05:36um have a lot of knowledge i'm not
05:38trying to go against teachers but
05:41there's nothing like someone who has
05:42working experience in the field to be
05:44able to tell you what it's like teachers
05:48but they're not going to give you
05:49insight on the day-to-day life and
05:52whether or not it's suited for you
05:53because they just teach the knowledge of
05:57that's an important thing yeah that was
06:00yeah one thing i found with certain
06:03careers i've talked to people about this
06:05is uh i'm not saying all counselors all
06:08teachers are like this but sometimes
06:10college counselors will give you advice
06:13that sort of benefits the college
06:18want you to come back and get like a
06:19master's or a doctor right
06:22and then sometimes same with teachers
06:24sometimes same with teachers right
06:26maybe they're they honestly think their
06:28advice is good and maybe it was good
06:31five years ago 10 years ago 15 years ago
06:33but until you actually talk to someone
06:35who's in the field and doing it you're
06:38not going to get the best advice and i
06:39always recommend talking to several
06:41people if you can just to get like a
06:43balanced perspective on it as well
06:46and different genders too so i'm a
06:49female in a a masculine environment so
06:52my perspective will be way different
06:55in kind of this in like a male dominated
06:58field so like if anyone wants to reach
07:00out to me and ask what it's like to be a
07:02female in i.t i'm probably that person
07:05but if you're like well what's it like
07:06to be a male in a male they couldn't
07:09help you there so it's important to take
07:11that into consideration too so
07:14absolutely and by the way if i didn't
07:16mention this before uh everyone i'll
07:18i'll of course link her youtube channel
07:20down in the description and if you have
07:22any questions on this video or just
07:24comments criticisms concerns any way we
07:26could make these videos better for
07:28instance i just comment those down below
07:31and of course nicole you can feel free
07:32to answer the comments you would
07:34probably give much better answers than
07:36me of course um but i try to answer
07:38every comment it's been a little
07:39overwhelming lately but i try to get to
07:41everyone but uh yeah uh that is a pretty
07:45pretty good idea and of course you could
07:47comment on her channel and she would
07:48answer them there as well so next
07:50section we're gonna get into is going to
07:53be the yes or no section so
07:57if it's not if it's not a yes or no
07:59answer you can give like a very short
08:03but we're going to try to keep this
08:04under a sentence if possible that's my
08:06goal with this section
08:10do grades matter in college
08:18no just to get rid of that whole concept
08:20of grades no actually i think it's a
08:25if you're an s student it's better
08:29okay that was a that was a very
08:31straightforward answer i appreciate that
08:34i'm struggling about that topic
08:39um how about clubs do you think it's
08:41worth your time to be joining clubs in
08:44college is that going to help you with
08:47it's good for meeting people
08:51if the people can help you get a job yes
08:54if if it's like the drinking club
09:01how about uh getting leadership
09:03positions within those clubs do you
09:05think that's something that's uh is
09:06going to help you quite a bit or not it
09:08will help you because it develops
09:10your self-esteem and your your ability
09:13to communicate with people and those
09:14types of skills and that will help you
09:19should i just say yes or no am i being
09:20too lengthy here is as long as we keep
09:23it to like a sentence i think it's fine
09:25okay get you okay um
09:28how about internships would uh our
09:30internships imp important do they matter
09:33yeah they would help a lot in securing a
09:36job and then this is probably kind of
09:39along the same line but work experience
09:45but you can create your own work
09:47and then networking how important is
09:50networking in a field full of introverts
09:55man that one's hard it is so important
09:58but i understand if you don't want to do
10:02um it is important but i didn't know
10:09in i.t there's so many jobs that
10:15say don't need to network but
10:20get a low competition high demand job
10:23and you won't need to network yeah there
10:26got it and then how about skills how
10:28important are skills
10:30very important number one
10:33you need you need to have skills and you
10:35need to know how to use them
10:37got it and then um this is sort of along
10:40the same line of as you know getting
10:42experience but just kind of like doing
10:44projects on the side like we were
10:45talking about maybe doing youtube videos
10:47for instance how important is that
10:50uh if you have no experience it's very
10:54if you have experience it becomes less
10:58unless you're trying to change your
10:59niche got it and then is the school you
11:02go to is that important is that
11:04something people really care about in
11:05the i.t field i know not at all most of
11:08my coworkers don't have degrees okay so
11:11i know this is pretty difficult i sent
11:13you the list because this is a lot to
11:14kind of just picture in your head but
11:16can you rank from most important to
11:18least important uh grades clubs
11:21leadership positions internships work
11:23experience networking skills and
11:26projects oh projects and the school that
11:28you go to yeah i can go ahead and do
11:32let's see school you go to
11:35so the first one would be work
11:36experience of course um
11:39and then i would say internships and
11:41then your skills would be second but it
11:43kind of goes with your work experience a
11:45little bit so you gain skills at your
11:48work experience um and internships and
11:51then below that would be projects
11:54uh and then below that would be
11:56networking and then clubs
11:59and then the school you go to
12:02and then i would say your grades your
12:04grades don't matter at all so
12:06if you're a d student don't feel bad
12:08about yourself it's totally okay um you
12:12can still get into tech if you're a d
12:16yeah i would say that some of them go
12:18together though so you can gain skills
12:20from working experience
12:22projects and internships so but the the
12:26brand name of your school matters none
12:29in tech it wouldn't even
12:32it's kind of outdated
12:34why does it matter i don't know
12:37yeah is that a good answer did i answer
12:39that well that's fantastic yeah that's
12:42absolutely fantastic yeah um you know
12:44i've i've found that uh you ask this
12:47question to different people in
12:48different fields you'll get literally
12:50the op like it'll be flipped opposite
12:53really yeah yeah great matter i i asked
12:57yeah in some fields your grades really
12:59really do matter like you'll actually
13:01put it on your resume and then i would
13:04say in most fields they don't
13:07but there are some fields where you you
13:09legitimately will be on your your resume
13:13so it really does matter yeah and then
13:16some fields where the school you go to
13:18the school you go to really matters like
13:20if if you're a lawyer for instance a lot
13:22of the time the school you go to matters
13:27i wouldn't do well in those fields at
13:29all that would just anger me to be
13:30honest i would be so angry i was like
13:33because i would also just say this like
13:35your school is pointless and your grades
13:38uh that's wild because it's kind of
13:40outdated if you think about it school is
13:42outdated you can get all this
13:48like in nursing or a medical field
13:51i can understand why the traditional
13:53route so it's not complete in tech
13:56though that's kind of my realm and techy
13:58doesn't matter other fields
14:01i'm just never going to enter them i'm
14:03never going to become a lawyer all right
14:05so is there anything else uh that we
14:07didn't go over that you think might be
14:11i do so when choosing your niche
14:16if you're interested
14:18in finding a job really quickly with
14:21little experience i would choose one
14:23with the skills gap is really high so
14:26for instance cyber security
14:28cloud and data science are in i.t one of
14:32the highest job niches with
14:36a huge skills gap so you're gonna be
14:38able to pick up a job a lot faster than
14:40say if you go into networking which has
14:42been around for 20 years still a skills
14:46still a skills gap just not as high as
14:49uh data science cyber security and cloud
14:52so i would mess around with those
14:54technologies and there's so many niches
14:56underneath those that you might be able
14:58to find one that you like yeah everybody
15:00seems to be very interested in uh you
15:03know data analysts data scientists i get
15:05requests for that all the time on the
15:06channel so there's someone watching this
15:09out there who is a data analyst or a
15:12uh send me an email we can we can do an
15:14interview that that one
15:17very high demand in the comments section