00:00what's happening guys it's shane here
00:02very quick video for you guys today
00:04basically what i'm going to be talking
00:05about is which colleges you need to
00:08avoid and with that being said right
00:10after you gently tap the like button
00:11let's get this one to 1000 likes hit
00:13that subscribe button ring the
00:14notification bell we will jump right
00:17into it and the number one type of
00:19college you want to avoid is going to be
00:21the online for profit university mills
00:25now i don't want to name anyone
00:27specifically on this channel because i
00:30don't want to subject myself to like
00:31getting sued or anything like that but
00:33you know it's been in the news all you
00:35have to do is type in sketchy online
00:38for-profit schools a list of them will
00:40pop up it's very easy for you to google
00:42this yourself if you want to do it but
00:43basically these online for-profit
00:45university mills will put you into
00:47programs where you're basically the
00:49degree that you get is not going to be
00:51respected by any hiring manager or
00:53business owner if they see that you
00:55graduated from that university they are
00:56going to throw your resume in the trash
00:58can it might even be better for you to
01:00not have any degree at all than to have
01:02a degree from one of those universities
01:04on top of that they are relatively
01:06expensive as well now first of all right
01:08off the bat you want to make sure that
01:10the school is accredited so make sure
01:12that it's accredited by the us
01:13department of education but this is
01:15honestly like the bare minimum there
01:17have been schools that turned out to be
01:19kind of scams later on uh especially the
01:22big ones that made the news
01:24because they ended up you know having a
01:26settlement with people and those schools
01:28were actually accredited so just because
01:30the school is accredited doesn't mean
01:31they still aren't a scam or a semi scam
01:34and at the end of the video i'm going to
01:35show you a resource that in my opinion
01:37is a lot more reliable it'll tell you
01:39whether a college is a good value or not
01:41the next one on the list is going to be
01:44overpriced liberal arts colleges so a
01:47lot of these liberal arts colleges are
01:49ridiculously expensive some of them are
01:51even more expensive than ivy league
01:53schools and they claim that you're going
01:54to have an amazing alumni network and
01:56this and that and you know maybe if you
01:58live in a certain area you might be able
02:00to take advantage of that alumni network
02:02but usually it just is not going to pay
02:04off for the average person on the same
02:06note another one that's not worth it is
02:08going to be overpriced private
02:10universities because of the fact that
02:12they are private universities they have
02:13that private university status they can
02:16then charge you a lot more than
02:18something like a public school or a
02:19state school and again data shows that
02:22you're not really going to make all that
02:23much more going to these universities on
02:25average than you will just going to a
02:27state school and it costs way way more
02:30sometimes like two to three times as
02:32much so your return on investment the
02:34roi is just not going to be there the
02:36next one on the list is going to be
02:38colleges with a bad reputation now this
02:40one's a little bit more difficult to
02:42explain but basically you know like some
02:45of the clients i've worked with for
02:46instance uh there's one school in
02:49particular that i'm thinking of when
02:51this pops into my head not gonna say who
02:53they are but a lot of the time they will
02:57cause people to graduate with a degree
03:00that should take four years in six to
03:02seven years instead and they do this in
03:05my opinion on purpose because they make
03:07more money so they basically just
03:09needlessly make it incredibly difficult
03:12for you to finish your degree in that
03:13four-year track if you aren't on top of
03:16everything taking extra classes every
03:18semester getting really good grades
03:20whenever the classes pop up like on the
03:22very first day you're waiting there like
03:24to get into the class so that you can
03:26actually take that class in the right
03:27semester and then of course you have to
03:29take this class before you take that
03:31class and then that class before you
03:32take this other class so they make it
03:35very difficult for you to finish your
03:36degree on time and it should be a type
03:39of degree that you should be able to
03:41finish on time relatively easily there's
03:43also schools out there that will kind of
03:45overcharge you so for instance when
03:47you're comparing like the cost of
03:49different schools it's better in my
03:51opinion to go to a school that has a
03:53block rate rather than a credit rate so
03:55a block rate is basically where they're
03:57going to charge you a certain amount for
03:58a semester and whether you want to take
04:00like 13 credits or 18 credits you're
04:02going to be paying the same amount
04:04whereas a credit rate if you are an
04:06overachiever and you want to take extra
04:08credits you're going to have to pay a
04:10lot more and i think just in general
04:12colleges that aren't very supportive of
04:14their students right so colleges that
04:16don't help their students find a career
04:18afterwards they don't have a very good
04:19career center now the only way for you
04:21to figure out whether your college is
04:23going to be one of those is to first of
04:25all you know try to do a lot of research
04:27online there are rankings for colleges
04:29online those can be kind of helpful talk
04:31to people who actually went to the
04:33college but i think a really good
04:38collegescorecard.ed.gov right so this is
04:39basically i'll have it pop up on the
04:41screen college scorecard
04:43it's a website that was created by the
04:45government to kind of help people
04:46evaluate which colleges are doing a good
04:49job which colleges are worth it so it's
04:51always a good idea to look up your
04:52college so you're thinking about
04:53attending on college scorecard it's
04:56going to give you a lot of different
04:57metrics right so university of
04:59washington for instance is a college
05:01that scores very high on here
05:0483 graduation rate which is that's
05:06fantastic you'll see some of the
05:08colleges on here have like a 20
05:11graduation rate or 30 which is not good
05:13average annual cost 13 000 that's not
05:16bad you can even look stuff up by the
05:18field of study you can look up like how
05:20much people make if they graduate with
05:22like like an astrology degree versus an
05:24architecture degree or an engineering
05:26degree you can look that up on here um i
05:28did make an entire video on this you can
05:30check that video out but yeah fantastic
05:33resource but anyways check out my other
05:34videos right here i made them just for
05:36you go ahead gently tap that like button
05:38hit the subscribe button ring the
05:39notification bell comment down below any
05:41thoughts comments criticisms etc that
05:42you have on the video and i will see you