00:00careers that will never be automated
00:02jobs and careers that have the
00:04least automation risk that's what we're
00:06going to be talking about today
00:08but before we get into that gently tap
00:10the like button in order to defeat the
00:11evil youtube algorithm
00:13on this channel we talk about personal
00:14finance college degrees careers and
00:16opportunities that will lead you to
00:18we also talk about avoiding some of the
00:20common financial traps that people fall
00:22all the time if that sounds like
00:24something that interests you and you
00:25haven't done it already
00:27make sure to smash the subscribe button
00:29and ring the notification bell so that
00:30you never miss an opportunity now with
00:33let's jump right into it and i want to
00:37key factors that we're going to go over
00:39in every single career that we mention
00:41these are the things that you always
00:42want to think about when it comes to
00:45and by the way all of these came from a
00:47oxford martin study called the future of
00:49employment that was done a few years ago
00:51but anyways creative intelligence tasks
00:53is kind of exactly what it sounds like
00:55it's basically any type of task that
00:58creative intelligence so for instance if
01:00you ask somebody to take a bunch of
01:01copies of a piece of paper it would
01:03probably take a few minutes to train
01:04them how to make the copies and then
01:06after that you could pretty much have
01:07them do it over and over again
01:09it's a very repetitive task it doesn't
01:11take very long to train somebody how to
01:13do it that would take
01:14very little creative intelligence
01:16however teaching somebody how to
01:18program a copying machine creating the
01:20hardware as well as the software
01:22and then making it better and better
01:24every single year with each model that
01:26released takes creative intelligence the
01:30social intelligence so you've got social
01:32intelligence tasks this is where you're
01:34talking to another human being there is
01:36no way that a robot would ever be able
01:38to replace a comedian
01:40for instance hello calories it is nice
01:45or how about a youtuber someone who is
01:46an entertainer or how about a teacher
01:48somebody who conveys
01:50knowledge to someone gauges where
01:52they're at and then figures out whether
01:54they need to get more in-depth what they
01:55missed you know answer all of their
01:57or somebody who's in healthcare for
01:59instance a lot of healthcare is simply
02:01understanding where the other person's
02:02at understanding how much they know
02:04and being able to communicate them
02:06whatever idea you have
02:08on whatever level that they're at the
02:10next one is going to be perception and
02:13so this involves the use of your hands
02:16doing something with your hands that a
02:18robot would not be able to be easily
02:20programmed for so let's say that they
02:23some kind of machine that actually
02:26automated that copying process that i
02:28talked about a minute ago that's totally
02:29possible that could absolutely happen
02:31but what happens when the machine itself
02:34are they going to be able to program
02:35robots that go diagnose the issue and
02:38then fix the machine
02:39probably not not unless it's a machine
02:43that would actually be worth it for them
02:44to spend the money programming robots to
02:47machine likely they're still going to be
02:50actually fix the machines themselves
02:52using their fingers using their hands
02:54figuring out what's wrong with it and
02:55then you know replacing that part so
02:57there's the perception of what's wrong
02:59and then the manipulation
03:00using your hands to fix whatever that
03:02problem is the next thing i want to talk
03:04about is can it be replaced by an
03:06alternative that's just as good if not
03:09and generally speaking this alternative
03:11would be something that can be either
03:14scaled so a really simple example of
03:17in ancient times the only way you could
03:19get your message out to hundreds or
03:21maybe thousands of people
03:23is if you got people to actually come to
03:25your speeches okay so you'd have to
03:27you know put banners out or something
03:29like that saying hey this person is
03:30giving a speech in the town square
03:32or something like that on this date and
03:34then a bunch of people would come there
03:36and then you'd give your speech and it
03:37was really limited to either hundreds or
03:39thousands of people and things were like
03:41that for the longest time
03:43then at some point they came up with
03:45some technology where you could
03:46amplify your voice so maybe you could
03:48speak to like a hundred thousand people
03:50at most because of the fact that you had
03:52a speaker so the art of public speaking
03:55different than other types of
03:59you can just stand in your room talk to
04:01a camera like i'm doing right now
04:03and you can reach millions of people
04:05potentially this is a little bit
04:06different than public speaking there's
04:08some subtle differences to it but those
04:10are differences that make all the
04:12and so something like public speaking
04:14for instance there used to be people
04:15that would literally go out and all they
04:18every day is they tour different towns
04:20it would come to different towns and
04:22they would just give speeches
04:23that still happens to some extent but
04:25it's largely been replaced
04:27by the fact that you can leverage just
04:31and then just posting it online and you
04:32can even run ads to that if you want to
04:34so that's an example the skill or a job
04:36like public speaking for instance even
04:38though it's still pretty valuable it has
04:40been somewhat replaced by a alternative
04:42that's just as good and it's a lot more
04:45and then the last thing i want to talk
04:46about is something that was briefly
04:48touched on in the paper but there was
04:50actually another study that went over it
04:52and that is is a task easily outsourced
04:56so there might be some tasks that
04:58there's no way we could ever automate
05:00however they can be either easily
05:03streamlined or easily
05:04outsourced to somebody who's in another
05:06country where the cost of
05:09hiring someone is much cheaper so keep
05:11those five things in mind as we go
05:13through this i'm going to kind of
05:15touch on all of them and you can learn
05:17from this not just on the list but any
05:19job that you look at in real life
05:21you can use these five things and it's
05:23kind of just common sense
05:24so first one we're going to talk about
05:26is going to be logisticians
05:28so basically they're going to take
05:30control of the logistics of an
05:32organization's supply chain so the
05:34company that is probably the best at
05:36logistics out of any company in the
05:38is obviously amazon they were the ones
05:40who made basically one to two day
05:42shipping a possibility where you are
05:44able to click a button and sometimes the
05:46next day it shows up at your door
05:48now according to willrobotstakemyjob.com
05:511.2 chance that this job will be
05:54automated now the 1.2
05:56chance is based off of the oxford study
05:58that i mentioned before
05:59and i'll have that pop up on my screen
06:00if i haven't done it already however on
06:02this website they also have a poll
06:04where people who are either doing the
06:06jobs themselves or they have an opinion
06:09can vote and in the poll they say
06:12chance that it can be somewhat automated
06:14now logisticians make around 74 000
06:17a year there is 188 000 jobs available
06:20and it's growing at four percent which
06:21average so with this one it's a perfect
06:25intelligence so as new technology
06:28emerges as the company expands as laws
06:31change as all kinds of different things
06:32change you're going to need
06:34people who are an expert at you know
06:36logistics and supply chain
06:37there's always going to be ways to
06:39either streamline the process
06:41make things a little bit better so you
06:42can make your customers more happy
06:44and that's what logisticians are all
06:46about that's what they do
06:47there's no way that a robot will ever be
06:49able to take over control of that
06:52even if you streamline the process to
06:53the point where it can't get any better
06:55some law could change and all of a
06:57sudden you have to change everything
06:59and you just wasted tons of money
07:01spending all kinds of money on like
07:03particular factory that just does that
07:05process completely automated
07:06maybe a new technology comes out and all
07:08of a sudden you spent you know hundreds
07:10of millions of dollars on this factory
07:11that's completely automated and you just
07:13have to scrap it and spend another 100
07:15million dollars on a factory
07:16these are all decisions that have to be
07:18made by humans there's just no way that
07:20you will ever be able to replace a human
07:23the second one i'm going to talk about
07:24is going to be engineers
07:26now pretty much any type of engineering
07:28is not going to be able to be automated
07:30but for the purposes of this video i'll
07:31just choose one type and we'll stick
07:33with mechanical engineers which have
07:35about a 1.1 percent chance of automation
07:37now according to the public poll they
07:40chance so that's even better than the
07:42last one now mechanical engineers make
07:44around eighty eight thousand dollars a
07:46they are three hundred and sixteen
07:48thousand jobs available and it's growing
07:49at four percent which is as fast as
07:51average this is another one where when
07:52it comes to creative intelligence
07:54engineers are kind of the ones who
07:56design a lot of the processes
07:58that work with products so there's
07:59engineers that designed
08:01your car all the electronics within your
08:03car technology is progressing
08:06laws are changing they have to
08:08understand all of these things and make
08:10a product that complies with everything
08:12on top of that they have to be able to
08:13communicate that with other people
08:15within the company so that would be an
08:17example of a social intelligence task
08:19although engineers do have the
08:20stereotype of not being very
08:22socially intelligent in some cases
08:24engineers are actually on the ground
08:26floor and they will have to use their
08:27fingers so you could also say that it's
08:29example of the perception and
08:31manipulation tasks because of the fact
08:33that engineers oftentimes will be
08:35designing things that are
08:36physical and will be used in the
08:38physical world you probably won't be
08:39able to outsource it very easily and
08:41there's not going to be that many
08:43and even if it was able to be outsourced
08:45or replaced with a better alternative
08:48engineers would just switch up their
08:49career and go to something else
08:51this is because of the fact that the
08:52skills that engineers know are extremely
08:55coveted pretty much no matter what
08:58i talked about this in other videos but
08:59engineers tend to make way more money
09:01than just about any other degree
09:03no matter what career they go into even
09:05if they go into the arts
09:07this is because the skill set of
09:08engineering is not only very rare
09:10not that many people can be engineers it
09:12requires a lot of math knowledge for
09:15pretty unpopular but also very practical
09:18engineering is extremely practical
09:20you're basically coming up with an idea
09:23and then you're figuring out how you can
09:24make that idea exist in real life so
09:26without a doubt engineering is future
09:29ever going to be replaced next one on
09:31the list is going to be
09:33artists and just as an example we're
09:36makeup artists so if you thought that
09:38one point two percent was good
09:39wait until you see this this one is one
09:42percent and according to the poll at the
09:4620 of people think that it can be
09:47automated now this one there's only
09:49about 3 400 people that are employed as
09:51makeup artists but of course there's
09:52many other jobs for artists out there
09:54and they make around 81 000 a year so
09:57when it comes to creative intelligence
09:59why this one is so important so if
10:01somebody calls you you're on a hollywood
10:03and they say hey you need to put makeup
10:04on somebody and uh you know they are
10:06pretending like they're louis the 14th
10:08you're gonna have to know exactly what
10:10type of makeup they were using at that
10:12time what the style is what the look is
10:14you're gonna have to understand all of
10:16these things this takes a lot of
10:17creative intelligence
10:19there's no way that you could program
10:22on top of that you have the perception
10:24and manipulation tasks that are very
10:26important when it comes to actually
10:27applying the makeup onto somebody's face
10:29everybody's face is going to be a little
10:30bit different some people have very oily
10:32skin some people have dry skin
10:34you're going to have to determine this
10:35and then apply the makeup in a certain
10:38and that way will be different for every
10:39single person so let's say you're
10:41applying makeup to somebody and they
10:42tell you hey i'm actually allergic to
10:44this we can't use that you're going to
10:46intelligence to know that you have to
10:48use a different makeup that will give
10:51art in general it's never going to be
10:52replaced by automation you might be able
10:54to streamline it make it a little bit
10:57but you're never going to be able to
10:58replace it the next one on the list is
11:00an interesting one it's going to be a
11:02forensic science technician
11:04this one has a one percent chance of
11:06being replaced with about 28
11:08chance on the poll and they make around
11:11a year there's 17 200 jobs available and
11:15which is much much faster than average
11:17now forensic science technicians
11:19basically aid criminal investigations by
11:21collecting and analyzing evidence so
11:24dexter for instance so dexter is an
11:26example of a type of forensic science
11:28technician he's kind of like a blood
11:31really good show if you've never watched
11:32it and it's really crazy what those
11:34people are able to do like they're able
11:36to kind of just like look
11:37at a crime scene and kind of reenact
11:40exactly what happened in that crime
11:41scene based on where all the blood
11:43but you can see why this would take a
11:45lot of creative intelligence
11:47so let's say that you collected a
11:48fingerprint at the crime scene
11:50you'd have to be able to tell if that's
11:51a fingerprint that was left by the
11:53person who committed the crime
11:55or whether it's just a random
11:56fingerprint from one of the neighbors
11:57like just a friend or something or how
11:59about some blood spatter that you
12:00collect you have to be able to
12:02analyze the evidence and then present it
12:05in such a way that they would be able to
12:06understand so that's an example of the
12:10aspect it's not going to be able to be
12:11easily outsourced because you have to
12:14on the scene itself you have to be
12:15collecting the data itself so that's an
12:17example of you know using your fingers
12:20so that would be perception and
12:21manipulation tasks and it won't be able
12:23to be replaced or automated by a better
12:25alternative just because of the fact
12:26that you're not really selling anything
12:28you're just looking at a crime scene
12:30will it likely be streamlined absolutely
12:32but at the same time there's always
12:35somebody there who has to actually
12:38the data is next one on the list is
12:40going to be registered
12:41nurse one of the most common jobs out
12:44there it's also a job that consistently
12:46scores really well pretty much no matter
12:48what area that you look at
12:49registered nurses definitely one of the
12:51better careers that you can get into
12:53this one has a 0.9 percent chance of
12:55being automated and only about
12:5721 percent of people think that it'll be
12:59automated in the future with this one
13:01you're gonna make around seventy three
13:02thousand dollars a year
13:03there's three million jobs available and
13:06it's growing at seven percent which is
13:07faster than average that is fantastic so
13:10with this one i think it should be
13:12obvious i mean pretty much any you know
13:14one that you look at all five of them
13:16there's no way that it's going to be
13:18automated creative intelligence tasks
13:20we're talking about people's health here
13:21you know you're going to be the one who
13:23is going to be taking the vitals a lot
13:25there's no way that anybody would ever
13:27trust a machine to do that in the first
13:29even if the machine was a little bit
13:31better there's constant technological
13:33improvements that are being made like
13:35imagine if somebody starts having a
13:36heart attack all of a sudden is the
13:38robot gonna know what to do
13:40absolutely not they're not gonna know
13:41how to recognize that but a nurse who's
13:4415 years she's probably seen it 100
13:46times before so she'll be able to easily
13:48recognize what's happening
13:49and then she'll be able to call the
13:50right person and in order to take care
13:52of them and take the proper steps
13:54social intelligence tasks same thing
13:56you're going to be communicating with
13:57the way you communicate with patients is
13:59completely different than the way you
14:01would communicate with another nurse or
14:03perception and manipulation tasks
14:05obviously another thing you're going to
14:07be using your hands all the time
14:09to do very detailed work can it be
14:11replaced by a better alternative that
14:12can be automated or scaled
14:14absolutely not we're talking about
14:16people's health here
14:17you might be able to streamline the
14:18process a little bit there's technology
14:21that always comes out that helps people
14:22make their job a little bit easier or do
14:24it a little bit faster but there's no
14:26way that it's ever going to be replaced
14:28and then can it easily be outsourced
14:30there's no way that you can just ship
14:31somebody to another country have them
14:33take care of their health care needs and
14:34then ship them back you have to actually
14:36be in there in person
14:37so there's no way that it can be
14:38outsourced next one on the list is going
14:41foresters they're going to be the people
14:43who take care of and manage different
14:47now there's a 0.8 chance that they're
14:49going to be automated according to the
14:51study and according to the poll the
14:53human poll there's about a 28
14:55chance now foresters make around sixty
14:57two thousand dollars a year there's
14:59thirty six thousand jobs available and
15:01it's growing at five percent which is
15:03average so this one is fairly obvious as
15:05well creative intelligence tasks you're
15:07gonna have to be going around looking at
15:08different trees making sure they're
15:11making sure people are following the
15:12proper guidelines when it comes to
15:15looking to see if there's a lot of
15:16debris on the forest floor and
15:18you know in some cases clearing out that
15:20debris in order to prevent fires
15:22social intelligence tasks you're going
15:23to be communicating this information
15:26people and then they're going to be
15:27making decisions on how you should solve
15:29problems perception and manipulation
15:31tests you will be going around using
15:33your hands all the time
15:34touching stuff a lot of the time
15:35foresters are actually out in the
15:37forests themselves can it be replaced by
15:39a better alternative
15:40absolutely not you have to be there you
15:42have to be in person and it also won't
15:44be able to be outsourced because again
15:45you have to be there in person
15:47next one on the list is kind of going to
15:48be a broad category because there were
15:52under this category and i'm not going to
15:53include all of them or else the video
15:54would be really boring
15:56but it's going to be business
15:57specialists now the one we're going to
15:59use in this particular case is going to
16:01sales engineers and sales engineers are
16:03going to be used to sell complex
16:05technical products or services to
16:07businesses so you have to be able to
16:09sell but at the same time communicate in
16:13so you can explain high-level technical
16:15stuff to business owners that they will
16:18now this one has a 0.4 percent chance of
16:20being automated so basically no chance
16:23and according to the poll they had a 32
16:26chance sales engineers make around 103
16:29a year there's 64 500 jobs available and
16:33which is faster than average now i don't
16:35think i need to explain this one at all
16:37i mean creative intelligence they're a
16:40they're going to be selling to people
16:41they have to be very creative they have
16:43to understand the product that they're
16:44selling first of all
16:45they have to understand what the person
16:47they're selling to actually cares about
16:49you know you notice with car commercials
16:51for instance they hardly ever mention
16:53really detailed technical stuff because
16:55most people out there
16:56don't care about the detailed technical
16:58stuff there might be a few car
17:00enthusiasts here and there that you know
17:02can speak that language and they really
17:04but for the most part the mass market
17:07what they really care about is does it
17:09look nice and does it save you money on
17:11so that's an example of social
17:13intelligence figuring out what your
17:15actually cares about and then
17:17communicating the parts of your product
17:19that are going to cater to those
17:20problems can it be replaced by a better
17:23alternative that can be either automated
17:25although there are some sales jobs out
17:28there that can be replaced by a better
17:29alternative that can be automated or
17:31scaled when it comes to technical stuff
17:34absolutely no way there's no way that a
17:37robot would be able to explain
17:38technical stuff to a business owner in
17:41such a way to convince them to buy their
17:43product if a business owner called the
17:46and a robot answered they would
17:47immediately hang up and be like okay i'm
17:49going to go to your competitor can it be
17:52maybe but probably not again when it
17:54comes to high level technical stuff and
17:56talking to a sales person
17:58you could technically outsource that to
18:01you know a lot of the time they do that
18:03with customer support jobs for instance
18:05when it comes to sales where the person
18:07might actually buy something and the
18:09salesman is in charge of getting them to
18:11they're probably not going to do it next
18:13one on the list is going to be teachers
18:15educators so this is going to be people
18:17who teach children in a class for
18:19instance but you could also add in
18:20people who are educators online there's
18:22a lot of youtubers for instance that
18:24educate people about different subjects
18:26i would consider myself an educator as
18:28well as an entertainer for instance
18:30so for this example we'll use a special
18:32education teacher which uh they work
18:34with students who have physical
18:35and mental disabilities their chance of
18:37being automated is 0.8 percent and the
18:40human poll came out at 33
18:42they're gonna make around 61 000 a year
18:44there's 443 000 jobs available and it's
18:48which is about average so when it comes
18:50to creative intelligence for instance
18:52you're talking to someone you're
18:53explaining a concept to them
18:55sometimes they're not gonna get it maybe
18:57they misheard something you said maybe
18:58it just doesn't click for them they're
19:00not gonna get it and as a teacher you
19:02need to be able to understand when they
19:03don't get it so they might
19:05make a comment back to you uh can you
19:07explain this in more depth and then a
19:09robot there's no way they would be able
19:11figure that out and be able to change it
19:13on top of that things change
19:14all the time so let's say you were a
19:17computer science teacher you're teaching
19:19coding maybe a new language comes out
19:21you're going to have to be able to learn
19:23that and that takes creative
19:24intelligence so that you can teach your
19:26it also takes social intelligence i
19:28think that one is really obvious
19:30many times you're gonna have to do
19:32perception and manipulation you're gonna
19:33have to use your hands in order to
19:35explain things to people
19:36can it be outsourced to a better
19:38alternative that can be scaled now this
19:41interesting especially with the current
19:43situation that's happening in the world
19:45right now a lot of classes are actually
19:48if this trend continues where classes
19:50continue to be online you could
19:52potentially see a lot of jobs being
19:55generally in a class in an elementary
19:57school for instance there would only be
19:5920 or 30 students you could potentially
20:01do a class with hundreds of students
20:03online if you wanted to
20:04now i personally don't think the quality
20:07of the class itself would be as good
20:09but some people out there would disagree
20:10with me some people would actually
20:11prefer to do classes online so to each
20:14can it be outsourced again that's
20:16something that you could potentially see
20:18happening i think there's a lot of
20:20people here in the united states that
20:21would love to be taught by a teacher
20:22that has a british accent for instance
20:24but overall i think part of it could be
20:27streamlined and automated but the whole
20:29process there's no way you're gonna have
20:31replace the social part as well as the
20:33creative part even if you just did a
20:34video series you still have to answer
20:36questions here and there because people
20:38are gonna have questions and they're
20:39gonna comment at you
20:40this is why i always try to answer all
20:41the comments on the channel although
20:43as the channel grows there's uh there's
20:45a lot of comments coming in but yeah
20:48see next one on the list is going to be
20:49healthcare professionals and this is
20:51another one along with the business
20:53specialists where there were
20:54so many of these on the list that i
20:56decided to just include all of them
20:58and this is actually the winner by a
21:01this would make up like 80 percent of
21:03the list we could make pretty much all
21:04healthcare professions as ones that will
21:06never be automated they make up
21:0810 out of the top 15 careers that were
21:10on the list that were the least likely
21:13on top of that health care related
21:14careers are expected to grow
21:1615 over the next 10 years on average
21:19which is higher than
21:20any other type of career out there this
21:22one is extremely in demand so i think
21:24this one is pretty obvious i mentioned
21:26nurse before and pretty much all the
21:28things i said about a nurse apply to
21:30you have to have creative intelligence
21:32because you need to be able to just look
21:34at somebody take a few vitals here and
21:36there and then decide
21:37what they have and what steps you need
21:39to take in order to treat them or
21:40cure them there's no way that a robot
21:42will ever be able to
21:44do that sure robots can assist you they
21:46can make your job easier they can make
21:47it to where you get more work done but
21:49they're never going to be able to
21:50replace healthcare professionals
21:52and even if they could let's just say
21:54theoretically even if they could
21:56technically replace healthcare
21:58professionals i don't think the laws
22:00would allow them to do it for a
22:02long long time healthcare professionals
22:05type last category that would ever be
22:08not only on a practical level but also
22:12level i don't think laws would ever
22:13allow health care professionals doctors
22:16in a position where they could replace
22:18uh be replaced by robots
22:20you have to use your hands all the time
22:22as a healthcare professional
22:23you have to communicate with people on
22:25different levels that's one thing a lot
22:27of people don't realize is the level of
22:29communication skills that you have to
22:31when you are a healthcare professional
22:33the way you describe something to a
22:34patient is going to be different than
22:36describe something to a nurse and that's
22:38going to be different than the way you
22:40describe something to a doctor for
22:42i don't think it'll ever be able to be
22:44replaced by something that can be
22:47and it won't be able to be outsourced i
22:49mean you could maybe outsource part of
22:51it i see a lot of you know the tele
22:53health sort of thing going on especially
22:55with everything that's happening in the
22:56and that's good i think it's okay and
22:58that'll replace part of the job
23:00but nothing will ever change the fact
23:03that a lot of the time you just have to
23:05in and you know the doctor sees you in
23:08you might be able to consult with the
23:09doctor and then later on you know they
23:11say hey you should come in and get your
23:13blood pressure taken
23:14or you know something like that but at
23:15the end of the day you do have to come
23:17into the hospital in order to get labs
23:19done or get your blood pressure taken
23:20all right if you haven't done it already
23:22go ahead hit the like button
23:24uh smash the subscribe button ring the
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23:27thoughts comments criticisms etc that
23:29you have on the video
23:30and before you leave make sure to check
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