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ODA Summit 2021 - Part 2: Complete BIM Interoperability

ODA#Open Design Alliance#3D#2D#Software#Software development#Development Tools#BIM
1K views|2 years ago
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The video discusses ODA's interoperability mission, advancements in IFC SDK for data access and validation, implementation of ISO-compatible features, and the importance of IDS standards for BIM managers. It also covers the evaluation of complex functions, support for geometrical entities, and visualization enhancements in BMR V. Additionally, it touches on creating and editing family symbols, converting geometries for construction sites, and improvements in Map SDK for SCAD and GIS data integration. The video highlights the benefits of ODA libraries for clients, the use of NWD, NWF, and NWC file formats, and the development of an advanced point cloud engine for accurate modeling.

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ODA's interoperability mission and enhancements to their IFC SDK solution.
ODA has added advanced validation and collaboration tools to their beam offering, supporting various openBIM standards.
Introduction of ISO-compatible features in their SDK for improved user experience.
Implementation of a new express interpreter following ISO standards, offering complex functionality for schema runtime and evaluation.
Versatile interpreter tested with multiple schemas, including IFC, with plans for future improvements.
The segment discusses the evaluation of a complex function with nested function calls and the creation of large IFC XML files.
The video showcases the source code and preparation of input data for the evaluation of the complex function.
It demonstrates read-write support for IFC XML 2x3 and introduces the IFC 4.3 standard for rail and road-related areas.
The collaboration with BuildingSMART and the implementation of IFC 4.3 by IFC SDK are highlighted.
The segment also mentions the stability of the recent release candidate, railroad-specific entities, new classes for geometrical representations, and the production of IFC files with alignment views.
Implementation of support for geometrical entities in CAD applications.
Addition of a new sweep operation to the oda facet modeler for enhanced modeling operations.
Revision of material support to reduce the number of materials created.
Web Infinity offers side view independent software for integrating CAD solutions.
Software supports importing ifc files into dwg format for project manipulation.
Saving projects in AutoCAD DWG or DXF format and opening DWG files with AutoCAD or clones for manipulation.
Preserving drawings entities and importing IFC files in DWG format to read BIM formats.
The technical roadmap published by Booming Smart International in March 2020 focuses on modernization, normalization of IFC, API standards, integration of IFC and BSD, and defining exchange information requirements.
Importance of having a standard for project confidence and the increase in BIM usage among contractors and advisors.
Implementing an IDS standard to speed up model checking process for BIM managers.
The standard would save time and improve the quality of model checking.
Common issues include defining information and exchange requirements, such as using classification systems like code class or omni class.
Consistent properties in walls are needed for efficient model checking.
Robust capability for easy extension and exchange between different models is necessary.
Progress of IDS Project
Phase one has been completed with version 0.4 available on GitHub.
Next phase includes involvement of software vendors, implementation, and testing.
Goal is to integrate IDS standards into daily software use.
Emphasis on collaboration, validation, and user participation for improvement.
Common errors in IFC files are discussed, emphasizing the need for tools to report and fix these errors.
The video introduces the IFC SDK's new validation engine, featuring error logging and SDAI validation.
Upcoming validations, such as model view definition and new IDS requirements, are mentioned.
The validator class runs validation tasks, collects results, and notifies notifiers.
A demo showcases the impact of validation and healing on file errors and visualization enhancements.
Importance of validating geometry in an IFC project.
Correct geometry for walls and roofs is crucial for accurate modeling.
Model validation can be resource-intensive.
Open IFC Viewer offers a validation tool for running validation tasks.
Recent IFC SDK versions have a customizable event logger for logging file loading errors and unknown entities.
Overview of BCF project management and features.
Saving updates in a BCF zip file and utilizing XML API features for open FC viewers.
Importance of beam models in construction and design for effective communication and collaboration.
Utilizing cloud beam solutions and appropriate software for file conversion.
Functionality of Open Cloud in handling multi-format files and supporting collaboration for joint work.
Highlights of BCF REST API Tools Compatibility and Future Plans.
Tools compatible with the BCF REST API discussed in the segment.
Future plans include significant SDI improvements, new features based on the interpreter, and collaboration support with the BCF3 format.
Visualization support for new entities in the forthcoming IFC 4.3 format and MVDXML support for validation.
Ongoing development of new ideas and features, including visualization capabilities for Revit models in the latest file format 2022.
Highlights of Visualization Enhancements in BMR V
The segment discusses the addition of functionality for disciplines and the ability to move active categories to the forefront with different visual styles.
It covers the development of editing and creating elements in Revit files, such as curve elements, custom parameters, direct shapes, and free form elements.
The ongoing work on interactive creation and editing of form elements within the family database is emphasized, stressing the importance of putting elements into edit mode for sketch creation and verification.
Creating and Editing Family Symbols in Modeling Software.
The process includes importing and creating family databases, activating symbols, and modifying host element geometry.
Constraint solvers are important for updating sketches, dimensions, and reference planes.
Geometry can be recalculated for existing types and new dependencies can be created.
Families with multiple types can be imported, all symbols can be activated, and instances can be created.
The process of converting geometries and materials for construction sites, highlighting the translation of levels for IFC files.
Creating meshes and data settings is essential for building geometry interpretation, especially with IFC files.
Saving Revit parameters as properties and working on IFC property sets is crucial in the construction process.
Architecture SDK includes primitives such as walls and doors, while civil SDK focuses on infrastructure objects like pipes and roads, supporting object versions from 2006 to 2022.
Enhanced visualization and format support in the map project allows integration of SCAD and GIS data in one application.
Map SDK enables connection of different database formats and importing data into a DWG file.
Features in Map SDK include modifying map entity geometry data and map cache support.
The 3D layer visualization feature allows seamless switching between 2D and 3D modes.
The system addresses challenges faced by modern cities through CIM (City Information Modelling) and is based on open design alliance libraries and SDKs for architecture and drawings.
Benefits of moving to ODA libraries for clients in architectural environment.
Clients can now interchange drawings with other professionals and design in 2D or 3D.
Access to new object types and combining data from multiple sources for optimal development.
Kelly GIS helps identify present and future needs of locations by representing information from various sources.
Caddy GIS provides information on local needs, prime development locations, population demographics, and more.
Overview of file formats used in Navisworks: NWD, NWF, and NWC.
NWD files contain all inputted files, while NWF only contains references and transformation matrices.
NWC files can include clash collision testing results, annotations, animations, and more.
API has been expanded for access to model data like properties and flags.
Enhancements to a plugin for visualization include automatic settings, improved stability, performance, and hidden objects detection.
Key highlights of writing correct NWD files:
The process involves saving streams such as lights elements and spatial hierarchy.
Creating an empty database and adding methods for BIM and V users to input new nodes and geometry data.
Setting viewpoints data, applying transformation matrices and materials, and creating new NWD files with a demo application.
Implementation of grids and levels classes, data selection sets streams, and plans for future developments are also discussed.
ODA's advanced point cloud engine for efficient processing and visualization.
The engine is integrated with other products and supports various point cloud formats.
It primarily supports the RCS format and can handle large projects with billions of points.
ODA's latest innovation includes on-the-fly conversion of unstructured point clouds during visualization.
The engine enhances user experience and workflow in CAD and BIM applications.