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Should You Supplement with Vitamin K2? Webinar Recording

2K views|1 years ago
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The video hosted by Dr. Michael Greger covers various aspects of vitamin K, highlighting its importance in blood clotting, bone, heart, and brain health. Recommendations vary between regions, with an emphasis on consuming green vegetables for adequate intake rather than relying on supplements. The segment also discusses the benefits of vitamin K in preventing osteoporosis and its impact on various health conditions like Crohn's disease, atherosclerosis, and cancer. The importance of balanced vitamin K intake, particularly from dietary sources, is emphasized, along with the risks of calcium supplementation and the need for newborns to receive a vitamin K shot. Additionally, the video addresses the lack of regulation in the supplement industry and the evolutionary basis for reacting to threats. The importance of maintaining bone strength, fall risk assessment, and initiatives promoting plant-based meals for health are also discussed. The video concludes with a focus on upcoming webinars and the significance of staying safe, getting vaccinated, and consuming vegetables for overall health.

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Highlights of Dr. Michael Greger's Vitamin K Webinar
Dr. Michael Greger hosting a webinar on vitamin K, despite experiencing health issues.
Instructions on maximizing video view and technical support available during the webinar.
Opportunity to submit questions throughout for a Q&A session at the end.
Full recording and high-definition download link provided after the webinar for comprehensive information on vitamin K.
Role of Vitamin K in blood clotting and its impact on bone, heart, and brain health.
Conflicting studies on the relationship between vitamin K and bone health, with major trials being problematic and potentially fraudulent.
Vitamin K supplementation does not consistently prevent artery calcification or improve vascular stiffness.
Higher levels of vitamin K in the bloodstream are associated with lower inflammation, primarily sourced from dark green and cruciferous vegetables.
Individuals with high vitamin K levels tend to have lower inflammation levels by consuming more vegetables and less meat.
Variations in Vitamin K recommendations between regions.
European guidelines recommend 70 micrograms per day, while US guidelines are higher.
Plant-based sources like kale are rich in Vitamin K1, while animal products contain Vitamin K2.
Benefits of Vitamin K2 are not definitively proven.
Gut bacteria produce K2, which can be absorbed and contribute to Vitamin K requirements.
Importance of Green Leafy Vegetables in Health Benefits.
Consuming green leafy vegetables with vitamin K1 and lutein is linked to better cognitive performance and lower risk of mortality.
Vitamin K2, derived from K1 in greens, provides essential benefits when consumed by mammals.
Limited evidence exists for additional benefits of vitamin K on bone, brain, or heart health beyond blood clotting.
Overall, the key message is the significance of including green vegetables in the diet for overall health and longevity.
Importance of Vitamin K in Osteoporosis Prevention.
Weight-bearing exercise is crucial in maintaining bone health.
Fosamax is mentioned as a treatment option for osteoporosis.
New book 'How Not to Age' includes a chapter on preserving bones.
Significance of physical activity in preventing osteoporosis is emphasized.
Importance of Weight-Bearing Exercise for Bone Strength in Space.
Astronauts lose two percent of skeletal mass monthly in space due to lack of use.
Skinny individuals are at higher risk of osteoporosis.
Obese people with weight-bearing exercise have strong skeletons.
Vitamin K2 does not aid in healing broken bones, and elevated alkaline phosphatase levels may indicate bone or liver disorders.
Relationship between Crohn's disease, vitamin K2, and atherosclerosis.
Despite inflammatory bowel disease affecting the microbiome, the body can convert K1 to K2.
Vitamin D supplements do not necessarily need to include K2 for effectiveness, debunking a marketing ploy.
Fraudulent studies on K2 benefits for bones are highlighted, emphasizing the importance of evidence-based practices in supplement manufacturing.
Importance of Vitamin K2 for the body and its production by gut bacteria if enough K1 is consumed.
Lack of greens can lead to insufficient K1, impacting blood coagulation.
Natto is a source of Vitamin K2 but may not be preferred due to its texture.
Research on Vitamin K's impact on diabetes focused on heart health, but supplementation did not show significant benefits for diabetic or non-diabetic individuals.
Benefits of Cruciferous Vegetables for Cancer Survival.
Research shows a connection between cruciferous vegetables and cancer prevention.
Vitamin K supplementation may not be needed for cancer patients.
Importance of seeking medical advice and sharing relevant studies with doctors.
Discussion on the impact of surgical errors on nutrient absorption and the need for individualized medical advice.
Impact of Cooking on Vitamin K Content in Greens.
Cooking greens does not significantly affect the vitamin K content, as studies show no reported decrement in levels.
The body converts K1 in greens to K2 through gut bacteria.
Blood-thinning drug Coumadin interferes with vitamin K and requires consistent green intake for effectiveness.
Patients on Coumadin should eat a stable amount of greens daily, regulate levels, and measure effects through INR testing.
Cooking grains improves vitamin K bioavailability.
Different cooking methods like steaming, blanching, boiling, and microwaving increase vitamin K retention.
Cooked carrots have more beta-carotene and cooked tomato products offer more lycopene than raw.
Even small amounts of cooked greens contain significant vitamin K.
Raw grains can also provide necessary nutrients, emphasizing the importance of consuming a variety of greens in any form.
Benefits of cruciferous vegetables and potential effects of Vitamin K2 supplementation.
The speaker prefers purslane over arugula, La Sonata kale, and sweet potato greens.
Different types of Vitamin K2 are discussed, with a warning against taking K2 pills due to contamination issues.
Japanese study on K2 for osteoporosis is mentioned, along with a recommendation for Retraction Watch website to identify faulty studies.
Overview of Retraction Watch and reasons for scientific paper retractions.
Authors may self-retract papers due to errors or disputes with journals.
Herbalife supplements case highlighted, with company pressuring publisher to retract paper on fatal liver toxicity.
Legal threats and corporate influence led to unprecedented retraction, revealing power dynamics in scientific publishing.
Risks of calcium supplements and importance of natural sources.
Calcium supplements can lead to blood thickening and a hyper coagulable state.
It is advised to obtain calcium from dietary sources such as dark green leafy vegetables like bok choy, kale, and collards.
Vitamin K can be found in apple peel, emphasizing the importance of consuming the whole fruit for its nutritional benefits.
The video stresses the potential dangers of calcium supplementation and the value of natural sources for essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin K.
Finding nutrition information, particularly vitamin K, in foods using the USDA nutrient database.
The segment highlights the vast range of foods analyzed and the difficulty in locating specific data due to the database's size.
An apple contains less than one microgram of vitamin K, requiring large quantities for sufficient intake.
The importance of consuming leafy greens for adequate vitamin K intake is emphasized.
Comparisons are made between vitamin K content in apples and cooked greens.
Importance of Vitamin K Supplementation for Newborns
Newborns should receive a vitamin K shot at birth to prevent rare bleeding disorders.
Some European countries use an oral form of vitamin K for newborns.
Vitamin K supplementation is crucial for maintaining levels in infants with minimal stores.
Balancing vitamin K intake is important for individuals on blood thinners, as taking K2 supplements may not always be effective due to poor quality control in the supplement market.
Lack of regulation in the supplement industry leads to potential contamination issues and influence from Big Pharma.
Taking K2 supplements may be a waste of money due to prevalent contaminants and lack of oversight.
Symptoms of a vitamin K deficiency include bleeding disorders and improper blood clotting.
Proper blood clotting is essential for preventing strokes and heart attacks by regulating excessive bleeding or clotting.
The immune system is involved in severe allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis.
Evolutionary basis for overreacting to threats and the need to balance reactions.
Conversion of K1 to K2 and the production of K2 by cells even without gut flora.
Concerns about K2 deficiency due to antibiotics and its presence in foods like steak.
Exploration of osteoporosis diagnosis and questioning the validity of comparing bone density to younger individuals.
Bone strength, not bone density, is the primary determinant of bone fractures like hip fractures.
Fall risk is a significant factor in determining the likelihood of fractures.
Bone-building drugs can have rare side effects like atypical femur fractures.
Treating low bone density has benefits despite associated risks.
Initiatives like the Greener by Default program in New York City hospitals promote healthy eating habits by providing plant-based meals by default.
Mayor Eric Adams announces plant-based options as default in hospitals.
Focus on upcoming webinars and videos for next year, promising exciting content.
Viewers encouraged to sign up for the nutritionfacts.org email newsletter for future details.
Emphasis on staying safe, getting vaccinated, and eating vegetables to maintain health.