00:01hey everybody Welcome to office hours
00:03this is episode 106 and we're talking
00:05about smart segments smart segments are
00:07an incredibly powerful tool and we've
00:09just made a big Improvement to them
00:12today we're joined by uh with Dan who is
00:14our senior product manager for nanson 2
00:17and if there's anything you want to know
00:18about nanson 2 please ask away he's the
00:21man you need to ask and he'll answer
00:23everything he knows about the product
00:25road map he knows it's coming soon so
00:27very very useful person to have as a
00:29guest and not only that he'll able to
00:31tell us everything to do with smart
00:33segments if you're new to Smart segments
00:36uh sorry office hours office hours is
00:37our live um video series where we kind
00:40of walk through nanson latest trends
00:43features and more and uh sometimes we
00:45find some Alpha uh we were just talking
00:47before we started the show about prime
00:50um after they made an announcement that
00:51tokens pumped quite a bit and we covered
00:53prime a few episodes ago which is quite
00:55cool so it's nice seeing some of that
00:57Alpha come through now um so
01:00let's get started um but before we do
01:02Dan do you want to make an
01:04introduction yeah cool uh my name is Dan
01:08Daniel I'm a product manager at nanson I
01:11think I've been here for like two two
01:13and a half years now so it's been good
01:15working on uh the whole of nanson 2 or a
01:19super app so yeah really exciting
01:21updates coming out um but yeah and just
01:24a resident DJ as well I guess so yeah I
01:28think this episod is going to be quite
01:29good because I think we're both from the
01:30degenerate side of things like we're
01:31talking about m coins beforehand we're
01:34talking about a few addresses I think
01:36I'll share one of those addresses bit
01:38later on I'm touching on Prime who's
01:40been nailing it I saw one of the trades
01:42up like 7 th% and unrealized gains um
01:51yeah if only I could get a few more of
01:53those in my portfolio through the roof
01:55um so um focuses on Smart segments um
02:00explain could you explain what smart
02:02segments are and why why they're
02:04important yeah sure so um I guess I mean
02:08even if you take a step back before you
02:10get into like smart segments if you
02:12think about what makes nanson like
02:13really unique at least one of the things
02:16is that uh we've got like you know
02:18millions and millions of labels uh
02:20across various chains and this makes
02:22interpreting the data super easy right
02:24uh that's how you can kind of come
02:26across all of these addresses and and
02:28all these labels they essentially just
02:30different segments so you know the most
02:31well-known segment is our smart money
02:34segment uh but and and within that it's
02:36kind of broken down into your your Dex
02:38Traders your nft your air drop Pro nft
02:42Traders um but obviously there are a
02:44whole bunch of other segments like early
02:46base Bridges um guys who are early to
02:49Prime Etc so uh what's cool about this
02:53is uh segments is that it allows you to
02:56create your own segment so you're not
02:57reliant on nans and to come up with all
02:59these labels of course you want to cover
03:02as many things as possible but now
03:03through segments you can do it yourself
03:06uh so you know and and that's what's
03:08that's what's super cool is because
03:10maybe you like more on the macro side
03:11you want to try to find wallets that you
03:13know buy and sell majes uh the tops and
03:16bottoms like you can try like curate
03:18your own uh unique segment of that or if
03:21you're like you know in the trenches
03:23going for meme coins you can try create
03:25your own mem coin segment um and I've
03:28done one of those for this uh for this
03:30office hour so I can show you that in
03:32but all maybe it's like gaming maybe
03:33it's AI like whatever it is like you can
03:35create your own segment so it's super
03:37powerful I don't think any other product
03:39offers this as well so uh it's it's
03:41really exciting and you can get like
03:43lost in segment for hours so I I can
03:45take us like through the segment and how
03:47to use it if you like yeah I think
03:49that's a really good overview of smart
03:51segments the idea that you can group
03:52poets based on criteria that you set and
03:54that allows you to generate your own
03:55Alpha like I think on when we launched n
03:582 you ran through a few examples on AI I
04:00think AI coins and some of those
04:02addresses were seriously profitable like
04:04and it's just so easy to just start
04:06bringing one or two tokens together if
04:08you think there might be a trend coming
04:09on to find those addresses that I are
04:12able to like nail those narratives so
04:14whether it's AI gaming maybe AI gaming
04:18coins and then from there you can just
04:20see what they're all doing and then just
04:22use various different features and Anon
04:23to really extract that Alpha and I
04:27haven't seen other to do this um and I
04:29think that's that's really exciting I
04:30think not enough people realize the
04:32value of it so I'm really excited to
04:34know that you've got a few examples for
04:35us and you able to walk us through them
04:37and just show the various use cases yeah
04:40yeah exactly it's like it's one of those
04:41things that you have to have to come
04:42here you know it's like compared to
04:44signals like signals you go there you
04:46just like take in like all these great
04:48kind of AI produce signals with here you
04:50have to like think about a bit more but
04:52when you start when you start using it
04:53you actually realize it's exceptionally
04:55powerful um and there's like so much off
04:57every time I I start using segments I
04:59find something you whether it's like a
05:00new segment an interesting wallet to
05:02follow uh yeah you can really get lost
05:05in it yeah so we go through the process
05:08of making a segment first before going
05:10through some of the ones that you've uh
05:12created cool yeah so quite it's quite
05:16simple I kind of skipped it already but
05:17just go to the smart segments uh tab
05:20here you go and click on new segment um
05:25so we got a bunch of conditions here um
05:27and and that's how you create segments
05:29like it's you just take these conditions
05:30and and you add them together and and
05:32you know regenerate for you so we've got
05:35you know holds token uh top holders of a
05:38token first holders of a token um and
05:41then the same for nfts um except for
05:44nfts we also got traded nft and then
05:48there's like exclude label
05:49functionalities you know and then you
05:51can also group them if you really want
05:52to get quite complex it's like add in a
05:55whole bunch of different and all
05:56conditions um so it I mean it sounds
05:59Maybe and maybe it looks a bit more
06:00intimidating but uh it's it's pretty
06:02simple so like let me start off with an
06:05example uh I think last time we I think
06:08addict was mentioned Cipher so I've been
06:11quite quite interested in it since then
06:14um so you just put in the token name
06:17what we've added recently is this USD
06:19value which is also super useful for
06:20meme coins because like units it's like
06:24I don't know like you to do these Mad
06:25Mental calculations and um yeah g say
06:28that that Improvement was something that
06:29I was calling for personally I use I use
06:32segments for a lot of mem coins and when
06:34you're trading mem coins were there're
06:36worth not Point not not not not not not
06:38one dollar you still have to get the
06:41calculator up so I think this is one of
06:43those things where it's just like with
06:44the improvements to the smart segments
06:45it's it's improving the usability side
06:47of things so there devaluations adding
06:50more criteria just allowing you to do a
06:51lot more with them yeah hand of% I mean
06:54like for me this is like a big
06:55Improvement like another cool thing we
06:56did which we didn't have before let's
06:59make this 10 000 actually um this like
07:01we didn't have this dat so it was like
07:03they whole they had like the thing was
07:05like they held it now you can go back in
07:06the past and see what like if they held
07:08at a certain time so this is also like
07:10one of my favorites so I was looking I
07:12wanted to know like who like who held
07:15cyer uh before it went on like also that
07:17quite a big run um so because that's
07:21like yeah I'm always interested in
07:22finding wallets that that are early
07:24right like that is I mean that's like
07:25super powerful and then you hope that
07:28they're going to be early to do
07:30um or it's also like interesting to find
07:32them because like if you see they start
07:33selling then you know it's also probably
07:35a good time to get out so so yeah quite
07:38a simple one just a condition like uh
07:41let's generate the segment so they hold
07:43they held more than $10,000 of CER
07:46between I think was the 1 of September
07:48to the 1 of November um so what's quite
07:52cool now as was like you can see all
07:53these different Bots here which maybe
07:54you're interested in um particularly
07:58yeah or well maybe not maybe this
08:01management you want to see like when
08:03employees kind of get their or when the
08:05team kind of gets allocated and follow
08:08whether they buying us or whether
08:10they're selling uh but for for this case
08:12like let's say we're not that interested
08:13in it uh we can just exclude them so you
08:16can like fine tune your segments for me
08:18this was like a big thing especially if
08:19you have like exchange wallets and
08:21segments it can get like really noisy um
08:24so now you just got uh like individuals
08:26and fans um so here we got like 26
08:30wallets uh that were like super early to
08:34or relatively early to Cipher always got
08:38Alex CEO uh doing very well uh and then
08:43a few other funds so there's some smart
08:45money there there's CMT digital and you
08:48can scroll through through it and uh and
08:51and see who's there and also super
08:53simple to save we can just say uh early
09:00I say Wales I don't think necessarily
09:02Wales but let's just for this instance
09:04let's do that and you can describe a you
09:07can add additional description um so
09:11that's like the segment saved um what's
09:13quite cool is you can go into profiler
09:16now and look at these 20 26 wallets um
09:21and see what what else they hold so this
09:22is always like super interesting uh you
09:25can see okay obviously whole beam as
09:27well like another gaming token Matic
09:30Maple and you can scroll through if
09:32there's anything interesting um so I
09:36mean and let's say I don't know actually
09:38know what this token is but let say you
09:40want yeah no idea but let's say you
09:43somehow for some reason you interested
09:45in this token you would click on it uh
09:48and like you want to know of that
09:50segment like who actually hold that
09:52token uh so you just go to filter and
09:55you go Name by smart segment and you
09:58click uh click that uh that segment and
10:01then you'll see like these are the uh
10:05the holders so um this like I don't know
10:10this doesn't actually seem like the most
10:11interesting token but I think the point
10:13there is there like it highlights that
10:15when you create a segment that's not
10:17where you finish like there is so much
10:19more that you can do from there and so
10:21the example of using profiler you can
10:23then if you're trying to find a
10:24narrative if you bring two tokens
10:26together or trying to find early
10:27addresses this allows you to kind of
10:29surface what might be trending um or
10:32what other addresses are interested in
10:33and then from there when you're St to do
10:35your research on different tokens maybe
10:37within that Trend you can then filter
10:39buy that uh segment so that you're able
10:41to understand their activity if they're
10:43ear into one token or maybe ear to a
10:44narrative you can then just just dive in
10:47I think the really cool thing as well is
10:48that you don't your one segments
10:51completed it's it's not finished you can
10:54edit it you can taor it based on your
10:55needs and stuff like that maybe for
10:57example the token that you included
10:59within the segment is actually not
11:01performed as well as you thought it
11:02would and another token has replaced
11:04that you can switch that up so that you
11:06can continue to make that segment work
11:07for you and the workflows that you have
11:10yeah yeah 100% like actually on that
11:12last point but like Contin continuing to
11:15tell it is actually I was looking at
11:16this yesterday funny enough uh so I
11:19created this segment um so this is I
11:23call like this my like my early nft
11:26segment so what it is is these like
11:29first thousand holders of punks uh and
11:34anyone who who was like uh the first
11:36thousand holders of b y club or py
11:38penguins and like the rational behind
11:40this was like they were into nfts in the
11:442017 Cycles like pretty early on or when
11:47whenever puns first came about and then
11:49they're also early like four years later
11:51with bab and and PES um and there's some
11:54really cool wallets in here that I found
11:56like this toasty onion has absolutely
11:58crushed it I started following them um
12:01on my Smart alert and I like every time
12:02I see them buys I can nft specifically
12:05I'm always like yeah following it but
12:07what I did was like now I think the
12:09biggest uh like nft mint on ethereum at
12:13least happened on Saturday it was like
12:15that uh was called pep pepul or
12:19something like that uh it's by math Fury
12:22he was like the original guy who um who
12:26actually created like the pep meme um so
12:29collection uh it was pretty cool oops
12:32Yeah did I say traded
12:34that yeah so anyway so was like I wanted
12:36to see like was there anyone from the
12:392017 cycle 2021 and now like still
12:42around and active uh so I came across
12:44these two addresses um and this one I
12:48could see like a lower net worth maybe
12:50it's just like the DG wallet but I jum
12:53you know I jumped in this one because
12:55like they got like 1.4 million um
13:00did it did I oh Sor I opened it inab
13:04yeah it does that um so still sharing
13:07yeah so I jumped in here and I was like
13:09okay like this looks like quite an
13:10interesting wallet and then I was
13:12looking at all the labels just to view
13:13more and I was like okay Legend
13:16legendary nft collector super
13:18interesting and then I saw oh this is
13:20like actually crypto paths wallet in
13:22frantic like uh I don't know if you
13:25that's interesting yeah yeah was super
13:27cool like okay path bought actually
13:30oldest friend Tech keys he was super
13:32cool um and he's done really well on on
13:37this Doge play this is like the original
13:40like Doge um like the original I think
13:42is the original picture and they
13:44fractionalized it into an
13:45nft um so he was actually Shilling me
13:48not Shilling me but telling me like you
13:51this and then I was like but like why
13:53would you get it in the original durge
13:56um and yeah I I mean I was I was wrong
13:59and he he was right it's gone up like a
14:0310 so I I remember when that happened it
14:06was like fractional n FS with the rage
14:07and everyone was buying fractional n FTS
14:09a fractional I think it was and I saw it
14:11I was like I made I bought some but then
14:13ended up thinking it's going to
14:15continues to go higher I was trying to
14:16price it in terms of Doge but I guess
14:18that was very left bell curve of me and
14:20it didn't work out I sold at a loss but
14:22really interesting to see path because I
14:23know he's like very bullish on this and
14:24you can see his activity there like how
14:26just continued to hold through the and
14:28the cool thing here is that you can like
14:29look at these addresses and see their
14:31behavior and how they approach things
14:34and by understanding how these like
14:35profitable like Traders are doing like
14:38in the market you can realize like how
14:41you can help adjust your own behaviors
14:43and try to think in like different time
14:44frames and understand their behaviors
14:45and their passs and stuff like that so
14:46you can help understand and price
14:50exits yeah 100% And it's like um and
14:53then I like Al like from doing this like
14:55madebe me realize okay actually really
14:57need to start fing past while as as well
15:00I actually I knew he was always big into
15:02nfts but I didn't realize like how how
15:04well he had actually done um so I went
15:07through here and I was looking like all
15:08this like his total revenue and he's
15:10yeah I was like okay so smallart alert's
15:12going to be set up for
15:15him yeah and when you talking about
15:17toast the onion as that smart money
15:18address I've noticed toast the onion in
15:20a bunch of things as well like it's
15:21interesting to see that you've also been
15:23following that address so there's like
15:25when when we look at smart money there's
15:27loads of different addresses they're lay
15:28warded and I feel like there's just one
15:30or two every now and then everyone in
15:31the team just kind of looks and goes ah
15:33like this is quite interesting and like
15:36follows along and um one of the dresses
15:38as well that I'm quite keeping an eye
15:40eye on at the moment is a guy called
15:42McFly on openc who I actually didn't
15:44realize I actually follow on Twitter and
15:46actually and a different different
15:48community so we talk to each other quite
15:50regularly and they're like in everything
15:52so and they're so quick into different
15:54like Dex trades um so that's another
15:56address you can keep an eye on just just
15:58one of those ones that I always see that
16:00mcoin trade side of things yeah I mean
16:03yeah talking about that I was actually
16:05looking so what I did you in this
16:07segment um was I was looking like all
16:10the I guess like the most successful
16:12memes on ethereum at least um so Bitcoin
16:16m p and what I how I created this was
16:19like I looked at the dates like similar
16:21what we did with cyer like just look at
16:23the dates before they had like these
16:24massive runs um and and see like and and
16:28see who who hold them so they're like 34
16:31wallets in the segment and all of them
16:33have done like exceptionally well um so
16:37I mean talking about like a single
16:38wallet that kept on popping up in every
16:39single one this one this Artic uh yeah
16:43she's actually crashed it I I mean I
16:45think she's like I think she's got 160
16:47followers um but I was I was quite
16:49impressed I can actually let me let me
16:52go into and then I'll come back to the
16:53profile but uh yeah just
16:57uh yeah I can if you go into MOG uh yeah
17:02she's like for it all the way down
17:05absolutely it um and then yeah I was I
17:10mean you like you go through all of them
17:12they all they all like that youve all on
17:14super early to all of them and then all
17:16done like this massive run um so but
17:19what's super interesting is yeah like
17:22once again you can see it's interesting
17:24she on a lot of means which are well
17:27like not a lot but she's like is shaving
17:29some off so uh not saying mean coins are
17:32over but she she's taking some profit at
17:35least um but what's also super cool is
17:38like so now we got the segment of 34
17:41wallets uh that were all early to like
17:45multiple mean coins and what's
17:46interesting here is like what I was
17:48doing is like you know what else uh do
17:51they own and funny enough like there's
17:52always B here who's it's like 100
17:55million so it's not like too small um
17:59but like this segment actually earns
18:01more Bobo than Bitcoin like just buy a
18:02bit but that was quite interesting that
18:05got I know this token that's quite close
18:07to your heart as well
18:09so it's yeah know for sure like when
18:11you're talking about Bobo like that's
18:13now we've s like segmented off pardon
18:16the P into like meme coins like Bobo is
18:18one of those coins I've noticed a few
18:19spart money addesses in at the moment a
18:21lot of them like in there the tokens
18:23performed quite well actually in the
18:24recent Market I haven't seen much on
18:26socials about it which I'm quite
18:28intrigued about given that as you say
18:30like there are some smart money address
18:32like there's some interesting addresses
18:34in there that are trading The mcoin
18:35Narrative of nailed Bitcoin if they've
18:37nailed like MOG Etc Pepe like I don't
18:41know it's definitely one that I'm
18:42keeping my eye on at the moment um I'm
18:45pretty risk off at the moment but I have
18:47I have seen it pop up a bit at the
18:48moment so yeah D there's this one and
18:51another one that I saw like a lot of
18:53people also talking about like funny
18:55was uh maybe is it gone here yeah it was
18:59just like this K I don't know what is a
19:02lot of people it was up like 90%
19:04yesterday and I think now like the
19:05market is kind of had had a bit of a red
19:09day down but it was a lot a lot of
19:11people jumped into this um so it was it
19:15was quite interesting to see it was like
19:17yeah it was ranked much higher but so
19:19like it could be an interesting entry um
19:22I I just need go and see like where the
19:24people are still holding or what the
19:25situation is but um yeah it's like a
19:28real cool way to figure out like I don't
19:30know find any meme coins that maybe
19:32haven't done like a 10x already um yeah
19:37there's some interesting ones there's
19:38also we create a segment quickly just to
19:40see maybe combine maybe Bobo and that
19:43other one kex or whatever it was yeah
19:46sure let's do that uh and maybe like
19:50first 200 holders or something like that
19:52just kind of show that feature off to
19:53see if I'm they're early to these coins
19:57um maybe there something there that we
19:59can maybe use to extract for
20:02Alpha should we do the first should we
20:04do the first holders of of yeah let's do
20:13find so this is while Dan's doing this
20:15this is kind of like how I also do some
20:17of my research so I try to find tokens
20:21or addresses that are interesting find
20:22what they're holding and then just try
20:24and create different segments based on
20:25that so then see is there something that
20:27I'm missing Maybe the addresses I'm
20:29following aren't the right ones I just
20:31kind of want to get an understanding of
20:33what's going on and you can apply this
20:35to so many different narratives and the
20:36fact that you can like remove labels and
20:38stuff like that and really curate so
20:41sometimes what I like to do is really
20:43focus on Dex Traders um because
20:46especially the 7day Dex Traders because
20:47they're the ones that are R and out
20:48making a lot of money realized gains um
20:52but yeah I find that really really
20:55interesting yeah so let's say this like
21:01holders and they look pretty
21:05wealthy that's always a good
21:08sign they seem to be app H
21:12so I mean obviously so this must be
21:14owned by the team right like
21:16marketing um let's see if there
21:23any yeah just a lot of high like it
21:25looks like a lot of fresh wallets yeah
21:27that's what I thinking
21:29haven't like seen maybe we should adjust
21:32it like just make this number smaller so
21:35this will like quite cool like
21:36previously you couldn't
21:39um uh you had to like delete the whole
21:42condition to redo it I mean like you had
21:44to let's make this like 100 actually uh
21:47but you had to like delete the condition
21:52um so now you can edit which is also
21:55pretty pretty useful it is incredible
21:58like I very thankful the devs did
22:00something I think I made like one or two
22:03that you just want to sometimes just
22:05tweak something as you redo it and it's
22:07quite cool seeing this feat is getting
22:08those like small improvements that I
22:10think honestly make it so much more
22:12powerful and enjoyable to use because
22:14what we we spent 20 minutes so far when
22:16we creating one segment then using that
22:17to put another one and another one into
22:19another one and then when we go into
22:21profiler we might see some interesting
22:23things and that's just really really
22:24useful like really cool um it's
22:26important to note that none of this is
22:27obviously Financial advice we're just
22:28trying to explore what's going on chain
22:31um picking up on narratives and seeing
22:32what we see and relying on the data so
22:37ape do not AP exactly I wonder we
22:41actually input like the fake bgo here or
22:43like a scam token yeah I see it chair no
22:49maybe let me go back maybe this
22:54one well I mean it does have the B Mark
22:56let's yeah let's jump in here oh sorry I
22:59keep on there I didn't do the right
23:02click yeah small tip um if you do press
23:05command to click you open up into a new
23:07tab um often in the workflow that's what
23:09I do just when you've got a few
23:10addresses that you want to kind of
23:11follow and see what's going on so yeah
23:15make sure you do that if you want to do
23:16a bit of research on a token I find that
23:18really useful to once you like hover
23:20over addresses write a command click
23:22open a few addresses up and then take
23:23your research from there uh it makes
23:27easier okay so okay no this was the
23:30creek one there obviously like there's
23:32always a million scam
23:35tokens so you always have to be like wey
23:37with with anything like the X scener
23:39with this nans and that you're putting
23:41the right interest in um interesting so
23:44this is the team's one I'm assuming it's
23:47the dev's wallet or something um they or
23:51unless obviously just create that EMS
23:53name which they definitely could um and
23:55they've been selling uh which is
23:57something interesting but the price is
23:58going up so um but let's see if there's
24:02anything else is there any other like
24:04wallets you want me to go into or uh I
24:06tell you what something I found really
24:07interesting at the moment is z it's a
24:09mcoin that launched in like November and
24:11it's been pretty flat for for a while
24:13now and then in the past couple of weeks
24:15it's just flown like and it's really
24:17really interesting to see that like it's
24:19just pumped out of like nowhere I
24:21completely missed it um and I've been
24:23telling everyone it ends like that I've
24:25missed it and I'm feeling a lot of fomo
24:27from it but I'm happy that everyone else
24:28is winning um that's what it's all about
24:31I'm playing long term here so I feel
24:33like there's something there with zign
24:35maybe we'll only cover the coverage on
24:39ethereum with segments and there maybe
24:42one thing I've noticed as well is that
24:43there's a lot of addresses that hold
24:44both Zion and Trump which is the mega
24:48mega mem coin so let's do
24:54zign Trump is one that uh I wish I wish
24:57it held so what's minimum be like a th
25:0010,000 let's just's do a thousand a
25:04th uh any day we just leave it for now
25:14magma it's it's Trump but it's like it's
25:17like yeah that's that's the one I
25:24think yeah this is yeah I saw this one
25:29early and I don't know why I was like I
25:32don't know why I didn't buy it it was
25:34pretty Rookie of me yeah same here and I
25:36like for me like I'm really interesting
25:37in poy as like a sector almost I
25:40remember writing something about that I
25:41think we were in like our Alpha Discord
25:44and I I kind of believed in the sector
25:46because I actually bought another mcoin
25:48disantis beforehand which was uh a mcoin
25:51about R santis before the uh Twitter
25:54space it was quite it was going up quite
25:56significantly before then he was going
25:57to announce the presidency
25:58but the Twitter space ruged and
25:59everything just went to zero so like the
26:02idea is really like mcoins are just all
26:03about attention and if a candidate has a
26:06lot of attention there's a lot traction
26:08from there then there could be something
26:09there which I find really fascinating
26:12and then from there we've got a huge
26:14year for elections since 2024 all across
26:16the world so there's going to be a lot
26:18going on there there's going to be a lot
26:19of memes meme coins it's very different
26:21in 2016 we had uh memes maybe 2024 Is
26:25MeMe coins um and that will probably
26:27create even more attention the more
26:29attention the higher it goes typically
26:31when it comes to lot these m coins if
26:33you look at like dog with hat for
26:34example it's another example where
26:36attention over everything um there's no
26:38fundamental value if you if you will um
26:41yeah like I find that interesting and
26:44yeah sadly didn't uh put too much into
26:47Trump I got him very early but not
26:51enough it's almost like a prediction
26:54like to win then it will go out right uh
26:58um and then like equally with black bden
27:03like maybe that's the one um it is
27:07actually really interesting because
27:08people have been trying to get
27:08prediction markets right forever and
27:10it's funny how like me coins is almost
27:15place like a d like a derived way to do
27:18it yeah for sure I feel like when it
27:20comes to those prediction markets like
27:21Po Market is a really good job their
27:22marketing is always very fun if you
27:23don't follow them highly recommend
27:25following them just for the memes um but
27:27I always feel like a lot of people who
27:28want in these markets are looking for
27:30much higher returns so maybe they found
27:34coins yeah yeah exactly right um
27:38interesting like there two funds here
27:41research and um which is which is pretty
27:45interesting and obviously mechanism
27:47capital I know you guys have tweeted
27:48about that so yeah tweet about both
27:50actually if you go toon research wallet
27:52actually I wonder if there still if it's
27:54if that's the wallet that I've been
27:55tracking at the moment so konus research
27:57at the moment absolutely killing like a
27:59bunch of like trades at the moment um
28:01they build a very big position on
28:03butterfly I think it might be a
28:05different address so it's not that one
28:10there yeah actually if you go to wallet
28:12profile of a token actually for
28:15butterfly and a water profile for token
28:17allow you to see the activity for that
28:20uh token for the address and then if you
28:21go down I think they may have locked it
28:23or transferred it to another address um
28:26yeah so a different different address
28:28but but if you look into nanson and you
28:30look at Crown research we've got a bunch
28:31of different addresses
28:33so sometimes we'll see that you've got
28:35one address and the activity slightly
28:36different from address because they do
28:38different things at different times for
28:39different reasons um Cronus research is
28:41an interesting address that I've been
28:42following for a while tweeted about it
28:44and they've been buying quite
28:45aggressively a butterfly and then
28:47looking up so it's quite interesting to
28:50see how that will potentially play out I
28:51think their average price was around
28:53$350 so they're up quite a bit at the
28:55moment and they've outperformed e um so
28:57that's just bit of alpha for you if you
28:59are interested in butterfly as a token
29:02nice nice yeah they got some some
29:07uh Bob I I've also seen people talk
29:12yeah anyways um yeah and there's a trump
29:20nice cool I be curious to see what that
29:22segment looks like actually the entire
29:24segment for those like Trump Z overlap I
29:27put one together earlier
29:28um I thought that was
29:30interesting oh I didn't say that have to
29:33do that again sorry that's all right
29:34don't worry about it while you do that I
29:37I'll share my screen and just share an
29:39interesting address as well while we're
29:42money and so this is an address I spoke
29:44about a few times now on office hours
29:46and it's devm which is a kind of gaming
29:49fund by a few like interesting people
29:52and I've been watching them we've got
29:54multiple of their addresses so this is
29:55not just the only one um but I I think
29:58they're really really interesting and
29:59what I find really fascinating about
30:00them is that if we look here on The
30:02Narrative of like gaming and Ai and
30:04stuff like that like gaming AI memes
30:06this is a really good fun to kind of
30:07track so one token here is prime we
30:10talked about just the start of the
30:11episode and they've just announced that
30:12they going to do something really
30:13interesting check out their socials for
30:15more information about that um and full
30:18disclaimer I do own some um but yeah
30:21this this dress is up over 600% nearly
30:24700% now they've been buying
30:26aggressively been making a very
30:27interesting bull case in fact they're
30:28the reason one of the reasons why I kind
30:30of looked into Prime um but another
30:33thing when we're talking about Trump as
30:35as a mcoin who goes to again what
30:36profile for token up nearly up over
30:405,000% on token and they've hardly done
30:44anything to it they're just continuing
30:47to absolutely hold it N Out the park so
30:49I find this to be very interesting fun
30:50to understand by being very early to
30:53narratives especially to like wider
30:55Trends as you can see for example there
30:58over such a low cost basis like it's
31:01incredible to see some addresses just
31:03absolutely inhale it with things like
31:08yeah yeah that's quite cool I mean I
31:10actually mean also bought after like a
31:14long time I just seeing Prime go up and
31:15it being on my watch list I just
31:17eventually decided to to to a in um and
31:21it's so what I started doing exactly
31:22cring I I looked well I did it two
31:24different ways I looked at like what who
31:26are like the first thousand holders of
31:27Prime always thought like that's always
31:29quite interesting like and how many of
31:30them are still holding uh so that's like
31:33an interesting exercise and then the
31:34other one was just like looking at the
31:37top uh 500 holders and it I mean a bit
31:41of an alpha leak but like right now you
31:43can't see small alerts for segments but
31:45that will be out so if you got a big bag
31:47of prime or any token like it's super
31:50easy to go create a segment like Google
31:52the top I mean put in the top uh your
31:55500 wallets and then you set a smart and
31:58if you see them start selling then maybe
32:00it's a good way to to get out or or
32:02consider getting out equally they start
32:04uping down then maybe is another reason
32:07to to be more bullish so yeah it's
32:09really exciting I'm glad you kind of
32:10teas that because that's part of the
32:11like we're working on some workflow
32:13content at the moment so on the
32:14marketing side of those things and one
32:15of the things we realized is that we we
32:16should be sharing a lot more of those
32:17workflows and so being able to create a
32:19smart segment for tokens that you're
32:21interested in and being able to track
32:22them in real time with smart alerts so
32:24you whenever they make a transaction
32:25you'll get a notification whether in
32:27slack Discord or telegram I use telegram
32:30we have something in slack as well so if
32:32you want to a while you work there you
32:33go um but it's really cool because then
32:36you can start really curating your out
32:38and really getting edge in the market
32:40and as it starting to heat up now like
32:42uh this could be a really interesting
32:43Alpha leap really for you as a feature
32:45and workflow for you I'm continue to
32:47check out devons and I'm just looking at
32:51759 uh e worth of nfts of which 284 is
32:56worth in parallel avatars with quite
32:57significantly and they've just bought a
32:59bunch by the looks of things um so
33:01that's that's pretty interesting and
33:03there's also some more parallel uh
33:05content here which is uh really
33:07interesting so again just wanted to
33:09share that while dam was creating that
33:10segment um I will continue to share this
33:13address I might post about it on socials
33:15later on actually but highly recommend
33:17tracking some smart money especially
33:19when you find some interesting smart
33:20money addresses within the trends that
33:21you're interested in because that's
33:23where there's a lot of alpha because you
33:25find addresses that have proven like
33:27Prov record or success so depending on
33:30the sector obviously if they're an air
33:31drop Pro they for more air drops they're
33:33fun maybe they have different techniques
33:34but it's worth really diving into that
33:36smart money side of things um I will
33:38share the stage back to you yeah that's
33:41cool I actually started when I did
33:42create the the segments yesterday on
33:45Prime they like the ones I kept on
33:47coming up so I I said small for them as
33:51like it feels like they they got a
33:54really good take on it so I mean that's
33:55what's super interesting like you find
33:56these wallets that have been in a token
33:58for much longer than you probably got
34:01like you know they might like at least
34:03initially they might understand it
34:04better than you do so it is super
34:06interesting following their movement
34:08seeing what they do and how that affects
34:10like your like investing or trading um
34:14yeah like massive use case ho for nanson
34:16oh huge so this is not the first page so
34:20this is it I went back to profiler for
34:24and uh and Trum obviously Diamond Trump
34:28on top um as as as would be expected uh
34:33but then interesting like MOG M appears
34:36again um yeah another one I I could
34:41have I don't know didn't resonate but uh
34:44I was clearly wrong um and then there's
34:48this token which I'm actually not that
34:49familiar with but it's interesting how
34:51it's in the top five Prime again
34:54obviously from the fun that you
34:56mentioned um and then yeah it's
34:58interesting you can see obviously some
34:59fans on here because you got like a real
35:02of tokens mixed with like some like ones
35:05with I don't know I'm not gonna say
35:07maybe better fundamentals but uh that
35:16tokens P of course yeah so I mean should
35:20we is there any token that you want me
35:21to like jump into and explore I'm not
35:23too sure actually I'm noticing some of
35:24like those uh uh what you call it so
35:28it's puffery for example you can see
35:29some farming going on there like it's
35:31it's interesting to see the mix it seems
35:32like there's some like people just
35:33having a bit fun there um but yeah I
35:36just thought it was interesting just to
35:37kind of bring that segment together and
35:39while he talking about like interesting
35:40addresses and stuff like that one thing
35:42we're promoting at the moment on nanson
35:44is like smart money workflows and just
35:46kind of figure out how to use nanson
35:49better effectively and I want to share
35:51an address that I found really
35:52interesting that can be really
35:55beneficial like potentially if you hold
35:58and just to show you an example of how
36:00you can use Smart money as just as an
36:04indicator what's going on so this
36:07address is a smart money umex Trader and
36:10on the surface it's really interesting
36:11they're one of the most addresses ever
36:14but if we look at how much ship they
36:16hold they hold 2.6 trillion and they've
36:18been recently if we go to the six months
36:20they've started to really offload their
36:22Holdings um if we go back to the initial
36:25transaction um for just over
36:3715.280 million and when I first posted
36:40about it on Monday I think Monday or
36:43Tuesday that valuation was 500 million
36:46um at the value so there just just a
36:48relative to show like the price has
36:49started to decline and this is really
36:51good indicator to show that look this
36:53address has started to sell as soon as
36:54the price started to fall so it's one of
36:57those things what you can just pick up
36:59and maybe set smart alerts for to say
37:01like okay this addresses has substantial
37:03influence potential on the market
37:05because the current valuation like the
37:07current value of their ship is 73
37:09million and if they're bearish um maybe
37:12that's an indicator that you could be
37:13using to benefit from um but yeah I
37:16thought I'd share that as well just when
37:17we talking about those indicators and
37:19when talking about smart Etc just I
37:21thought that might be quite
37:23interesting yeah that is a really
37:25interesting one um I mean thing this
37:28like this wallet and that one that R
37:30check wallet also taking a bit of profit
37:33uh which is always good I mean it is
37:34always good to take along the way
37:37especially I guess on on m coins you
37:39know uh especially the newer ones as
37:41well some of them maybe have a bit more
37:44and longterm holds but um interesting
37:48yeah it's it's a I mean I guess that's
37:50the thing that maybe you won't see on
37:52Twitter right that is super useful and
37:54like you can actually see these wallets
37:56like just clipping a bit of profits here
37:58and there uh to I guess to remind you
38:01like it's not always just app
38:05only there's no point making like I saw
38:07someone tweet about this there's no
38:08point making life-changing money if
38:10you're not actually gonna change your
38:11life so you know it's never bad to take
38:13profits um so you can use indicators
38:17data and that's might help with that um
38:19before we wrap up the episode Dan is
38:21there anything you want to share like
38:23say anything about smart segments or are
38:25you happy covered everything yeah I mean
38:27I think I think we covered most things
38:30um I mean Al suay I will show as I
38:32mentioned we will be releasing smart L
38:34for for smart segments uh which is
38:37really cool so you know you can like
38:39follow all these different segments that
38:40you create in addition to watching them
38:42man profiler um and we will also be
38:44adding more conditions in the future so
38:47one some things we're looking to add are
38:49potential uh like adding contracts so
38:52you can see like who's early to who's
38:53like early to blast or like the top
38:55blast depositors um and potentially
38:58looking at Dex purchases so there a few
39:00other things we looking at bringing out
39:02um in the near future as well very
39:05excited about that we'll have to do
39:06another episode of office hours on that
39:07because I feel like there's a lot that
39:09we can probably extract from that um
39:11thank you everyone for tuning in office
39:13hours and we are going to be moving
39:14office hours to weekly soon um so very
39:16excited about that uh Dan is shipping an
39:19awful lot very excited to share the
39:21market heating up there's a lot of
39:22narratives and wiing to share uh
39:24different workflows and how you can use
39:25nanson to your advantage make sure you
39:27subscribe and like this and if you have
39:29any questions about how to use nanson
39:31please ask away in the comments and
39:32we'll do our best to help and help you
39:35help you out effectively um if you want
39:36to use nanson make sure you use the link
39:38in the description below and uh yeah
39:40we'll see you soon um we've got a very
39:42interesting episode of off Sals actually
39:43coming up like two weeks with a special
39:46guest um so there's there's that as well
39:48so I'll share more about that in the
39:49future so thank you very much everyone
39:52once again and have a lovely