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Ngobrol Bareng Rich Brian: Bahasa Indonesia? Fasih! | Catatan Najwa

Najwa Shihab2020-08-18
najwa shihab#mata najwa#narasi#narasi entertainment#narasi newsroom#narasi talks#narasi stories#narasi people#talkshow#talk show#najwa#shihab#shihab & shihab#catatan najwa#jurnalis#rich brian#brian imanuel#rich#brian#penyanyi internasional#dirgahayu indonesia#hut ri#lomba virtual#bertemu indonesia
4M views|4 years ago
💫 Short Summary

Suyono Win, also known as Sueb, discusses his background and journey from Indonesia to America, emphasizing the importance of staying true to oneself in the music industry. He reflects on his experience as an outsider and the surreal moments of his career, highlighting the key role of authenticity in his music and representation of his culture.In this video segment, Brian, a musician and actor, discusses his journey from Indonesia to Hollywood, highlighting the challenges he faced and the obsessions that drove him. He also talks about his love for Padang cuisine, the importance of nutritional knowledge, his passion for cooking, and the role of learning and self-improvement in his success. Additionally, he reflects on his cultural experiences and expresses his gratitude for the opportunities that have come his way.

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📊 Transcript
Suyono Win shares his background and journey from Indonesia to America for his music career.
Suyono Win is in Shanghai for work and has been in America for 3-4 years.
He emphasizes the importance of staying humble, a value instilled in him since childhood.
Suyono moved to America at the age of 17 to pursue his dream, but he also experienced moments of doubt and disbelief.
The speaker discusses his most surreal experience in America, which was meeting famous rappers and having the opportunity to showcase his talent.
The speaker's most surreal experience in America was when he met famous rappers while being on a rolling in Miami.
He emphasizes that, despite the surreal experiences, he still has moments where he feels like everything is a dream.
The experience of moving to America was like a dream come true for the speaker, but he also had to adapt to the work and the pace of life.
The section covers Suyono's (Sueb) perspectives on being away from Indonesia, his musical journey in America, and the importance of staying true to oneself.
Suyono (Sueb) feels the most missed about Indonesia is the 'halal' culture, the full family at home, and the way people in Indonesia always support each other.
He reflects on his musical journey and the belief that one's mentality and attitude play a crucial role in achieving dreams.
Suyono emphasizes that representing a country does not have to be explicit, as long as one gives their best in everything they do, showcasing their true self.
The speaker talks about his experience as an outsider representing Indonesian culture through his music and emphasizes the importance of authenticity and self-expression.
He believes that the best way to represent one's culture is by giving 100% in everything one does and staying true to oneself.
The speaker mentions that he has never felt the need to conform to any specific identity and always focuses on being true to himself.
He acknowledges the discrimination and challenges faced by others but chooses to focus on being a good person and earning respect through his actions.
Suyono (Sueb) discusses feeling out of place and experiencing a lack of security when he first arrived in America, but has now overcome those feelings by realizing that everyone in America is from a diverse background.
When Suyono first arrived in America, he felt out of place and insecure, but he has now realized that everyone in America comes from a diverse background.
He acknowledges that in the past, there were moments when he felt that people in America didn't understand or appreciate his Indonesian culture, but he has now learned to navigate those situations with more confidence.
Suyono emphasizes that it's important to focus on being a good person and earning respect through his actions, regardless of any discrimination or challenges faced.
The speaker emphasizes the need for support and respect for all Indonesian artists, regardless of their background, and discusses the perception of being 'overproof' or 'too proud' as an Indonesian artist.
The speaker believes that the key to the advancement of the Indonesian music industry is the support and respect for all Indonesian artists.
He mentions that he has never personally felt the pressure of being 'overproof' as an Indonesian artist, but acknowledges that some artists may have experienced discrimination based on their background.
The speaker emphasizes the importance of not overthinking or dwelling on the opinions of others, and instead focusing on creating good music and representing Indonesia in a positive light.
The speaker, of Chinese-Indonesian descent, discusses feeling a deep connection to Indonesia despite his diverse background.
The speaker, of Chinese-Indonesian descent, has always felt a strong connection to Indonesia and never experienced any negative effects or discrimination based on his ethnic background.
He acknowledges that his family has a history of discrimination as ethnic Chinese in Indonesia, but personally, he has always felt accepted and embraced as an Indonesian.
The speaker believes that his identity as a Chinese-Indonesian has never been a barrier and that he has always been treated as an equal in Indonesia, where he feels at home and fully connected.
Sonia Wibisono, also known as 'Sueb,' talks about her early life, including her experience with music and casting at a young age.
Sueb's nickname 'Sueb' comes from her full name Suyono Win, and Sonia Wibisono is her real name.
Sueb's family members are also involved in the entertainment industry, with her mother being a singer and actress.
She started her musical journey at a young age and had the opportunity to work with her family members, who supported and encouraged her pursuit of music.
Sueb values her Indonesian heritage and incorporates it into her music, expressing her love for her country and culture through her artistic work.
Brian menceritakan pengalamannya datang ke Thailand dan bagaimana dia mulai memainkan drum.
Papa dan Mama Brian sudah merencanakan untuk ke Thailand, tapi Brian datang lebih dulu ke sini.
Brian diberi nasihat oleh Papa untuk bersabar dan nanti bisa main drum di rumahnya.
Brian merasa ada tekanan emosional dan trust yang besar, terutama karena pengalaman yang membuatnya lebih berat.
Dia memiliki obsesi untuk bisa main film di Hollywood, yang dianggapnya belum kesampaian.
Brian memilih menu Padang favoritnya dan menjelaskan mengapa dia lebih suka bubur diaduk daripada tidak diaduk.
Brian memilih tembok ayam, ayam pop, rendang, dan otak sebagai menu favoritnya di restoran Padang.
Dia lebih suka bubur diaduk ketimbang tidak diaduk karena jika diaduk rasanya lebih lembut dan bisa menyesuaikan topingnya.
Brian juga menyukai nasi yang teksturnya halus dan yongles yang dihaluskan.
Dia lebih suka makanan yang rapih dan tidak dicampur-campur.
Brian mulai memasak dan belajar tentang pentingnya nutrisi dan menghitung kalori.
Brian mulai memasak dan belajar tentang nutrisi serta cara menghitung kalori.
Dia sering bertanya resep kepada keluarga dan mencoba masak makanan yang sehat.
Brian mencoba masak nasi goreng kambing yang diajari oleh seseorang.
Dia juga belajar tentang makanan jajanan tradisional seperti kue cubit dan tahu bulat.
Brian mengingat bahwa dia dulu sering memesan makanan dari McDonald's karena ingin ke Amerika, namun kemudian menyadari pentingnya nutrisi dan mulai memasak makanan sehat.
Dulu Brian sering memesan makanan dari McDonald's karena ingin ke Amerika dan bermimpi untuk kesana.
Pemesanan makanan cepat saji setiap hari membuat Brian menjadi gemuk, sehingga dia mulai menyadari pentingnya nutrisi.
Brian mulai belajar tentang nutrisi dan menghitung kalori, dan akhirnya mulai memasak makanan sehat untuk dirinya.
Dia biasanya bertanya resep masakan kepada keluarga dan mencoba masak makanan yang sehat.
Bram cabaik dan Sabil masih masak di rumah, mereka menyebutkan beberapa makanan yang mereka buat, seperti bubur Manado, tahu bulat, dan kue cubit.
Bram cabaik dan Sabil masih masak di rumah dan mereka menyebutkan beberapa makanan yang mereka buat.
Mereka menyebutkan makanan yang mereka buat seperti bubur Manado, tahu bulat, dan kue cubit.
Bram dan Sabil juga menyebutkan bahwa mereka suka makanan yang beraneka ragam dan tidak monoton.
Brian menyatakan bahwa dia selalu ingin menambah keterampilan baru dan bahwa belajar adalah bagian dari dirinya yang tak pernah lekang oleh waktu.
Brian mengatakan bahwa dia selalu ingin menambah keterampilan baru dan bahwa belajar adalah bagian dari dirinya yang tak pernah lekang oleh waktu.
Bagi Brian, belajar adalah hal yang selalu menarik dan dia ingin terus meraih pengetahuan baru.
Keterampilan dan pengetahuan baru yang didapat dari belajar dapat membantu seseorang dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan.
Brian juga menekankan pentingnya kesabaran dan konsistensi dalam belajar untuk mencapai hasil yang memuaskan.
Bryan, a multitalented artist from Indonesia, expresses his gratitude and hopes that the audience enjoys his English and the show. He also thanks the audience for watching.
Bryan, an artist from Indonesia, expresses his gratitude and hopes that the audience enjoys his English and the show.
He also thanks the audience for watching and mentions that he always wants to improve his English.
Bryan shares that he is from Indonesia and thanks the audience again for watching.