00:00Facebook leads for a150 that actually
00:03turn into closed deals free leads
00:05endlessly on Facebook Marketplace and a
00:0810day program that for free will
00:12catapult your business and help you make
00:14your first or next six figures this
00:17interview is going to be lifechanging
00:19for anybody that applies the strategies
00:21we're going to walk through today I've
00:23got the pleasure of bringing on Morgan
00:25Mayfield who has absolutely blown up his
00:28business by going all in on Facebook and
00:31today he breaks down a Facebook ad
00:34strategy I've literally seen nobody ever
00:36talk about on YouTube and I talk about
00:39Facebook ads and it is
00:41unbelievable when you see what this does
00:43generating leads for $150 and anybody
00:46can do it and it's going to be your next
00:48secret weapon also he breaks down his
00:51exact Facebook Marketplace strategy for
00:54free that anybody can do and he breaks
00:56down a 10-day program that if you
00:58comment below you will be able to get
01:00for free and it walks you through
01:02everything you need to do to make your
01:04first or next six figures now before
01:06diving in two quick things number one
01:08I'm going to link all of Morgan's
01:10incredible content below so that you can
01:13check it out and reference it for your
01:14business and the second thing is I'm
01:16going to link his calendar Below in case
01:19you would like to chat with him about
01:20getting his direct help to help you take
01:23your business to the next level so let's
01:25dive in and break down the most insane
01:28Facebook strategies so so that you have
01:30what you need to dominate this year all
01:33right Morgan so super excited to have
01:34you here I'd love to for you to just
01:36kind of start with unpacking your story
01:38before we start diving into the Tactical
01:40side of what everybody's excited about
01:42which is Facebook strategies both paid
01:45free well I mean my my real estate
01:47Journey really started about 6 years ago
01:50um I was walking into work I've worked
01:52at a local Factory here in North
01:53Carolina and I was going in for my
01:56typical 12-hour shift and I'm walking
01:58with about three or four other guys and
02:00a forklift comes out of nowhere and
02:02almost hits all four of us he's in
02:03Reverse he's speeding through the
02:05aisleway so I jump out of the way I
02:07almost like had to push the forklift to
02:08get out of the way and I look at the guy
02:10and I'm like yo what's your problem and
02:12he's like that's what the brake lights
02:13are for so I'm expecting an apology at
02:16this point and he's like yo that's what
02:17the brake lights are for so you know I'm
02:19I'm pretty furious at this point I had a
02:21bottle of coconut water in my hand so I
02:23ended up you know throwing the bottle of
02:25coconut water it hit him in the leg or
02:27the top of his boot or whatever and he
02:30instantly began to become apologetic at
02:32that point so he was like you know I'm
02:34sorry I didn't mean to do it so cool I
02:36was looking for the apology I went on to
02:37work uh I went to my workstation but
02:40about 6 hours later somebody from HR
02:43came down to my workstation and they're
02:45like um you know come to the come to the
02:48office we need to talk to you now
02:50despite them seeing the camera and
02:51seeing that he clearly almost ran me
02:53over with the forklift they still had to
02:55let me go because they said you know
02:56it's an act of violence and we can't we
02:59can't have you here here because we have
03:00the footage we understand uh we
03:02understand your perspective but we have
03:03to let you go so at this point you know
03:05I have a six-month a six-month-old son
03:08at home I also have a fiance and I'm
03:12thinking you know how am I going to go
03:13home and tell tell my fiance that I got
03:16fired so uh I'm thinking I'm going to
03:19figure out something on my way home but
03:21unfortunately my drive was only 5
03:22minutes to get home so I'm thinking all
03:25right uh I remember the Real Estate
03:28Commission that the realtor got when my
03:31brother bought his house so I was
03:33thinking if I could sell just one uh
03:35just one house a month I could make more
03:38than any factory worker here in North
03:39Carolina makes in a year so or I can
03:42make twice as much as what any factory
03:44worker makes so I decided I'm going to
03:45tell my wife that I'm going to get my
03:46real estate license so I walk into the
03:48house she's like hey what are you doing
03:49home early I'm like uh I'm going to get
03:51my real estate license I'm going to be a
03:52realtor she's like what what are you
03:54talking about and I'm like oh yeah by
03:55the way I got fired and she's looking at
03:57me like you know what are we gonna do
03:58I'm like don't worry about it will be
04:00okay I'm gonna get my license uh I'm
04:02gonna sell some houses I'm gonna sell
04:03enough houses so I went on with nothing
04:06but the money that I had uh saved up in
04:08my 401k so I went on with that money and
04:12I got my license and I you know started
04:14my real estate Journey but that's when I
04:16realized that at this point I knew
04:19nothing about attracting clients just
04:21like every other real estate agent that
04:22gets their license I knew nothing about
04:24getting leads I knew nothing about
04:26marketing so you know I struggled for
04:28the first couple of months but I made
04:30the huge mindset shift once I started
04:33studying some of the top marketers
04:34around the country I made the huge
04:36mindset shift of I'm a marketer first
04:39I'm a lead generator second and I'm a
04:41real I'm a real estate agent third and
04:44once I began you know really diving in
04:46and studying marketing I saw a lot of
04:48success so at that point you know my
04:50first full year in real estate I ended
04:52up hitting about 180,000 in Gross
04:53commission income and then I capped as a
04:56you know as an agent every year since
04:58always broke six figures and you know I
05:01ended up partnering with you which was
05:03probably you know one of the smartest
05:04things I've done throughout my real
05:06estate career and uh I went on to write
05:09a book called the 10day top producer um
05:12it's the blueprint on exactly how to
05:14grow and scale your real estate business
05:16to six figures uh in a 10day breakdown
05:19so each chapter is a day wow man that's
05:21that's incredible that's quite the story
05:23and and definitely uh I'm sure comes as
05:25a bit of a shock to many people just
05:27seeing you know where you got started
05:29with this but you know it's it's been
05:30incredible because you you made that
05:32very important realization early on is
05:36that as a realtor our job is not to just
05:40walk around show a bunch of homes you
05:41need to actually get the clients and a
05:43lot of people don't put that as a
05:45priority of the income producing
05:46activities like lead generation and
05:48marketing but that's been your bread and
05:50butter and you've done so well with that
05:52and you know we we will unpack both the
05:55paid ad strategies that you use and also
05:57the free strategies that you use which
05:59are are pretty insane but first I would
06:01like for you to just kind of explain why
06:04you decided to make Facebook your bread
06:07and butter and why that was your
06:09platform of choice well I had an
06:10Instagram but I didn't have many
06:12followers uh I didn't know anything
06:13about YouTube Tik Tok didn't exist when
06:16I started so Facebook was my go-to
06:19platform um in my town There's a local
06:21car dealership and there's a guy that
06:23works at the car dealership he's very
06:25popular and I noticed that he was
06:27continuously posting you know every time
06:29somebody bought a new car he would post
06:30a picture of them holding up their keys
06:32or him and them bu the car so I noticed
06:35that every time he posted more cars and
06:37more sales he ended up getting more
06:39sales from the post because I would see
06:41in the comments you know people were
06:42saying hey I'm G to come get a car next
06:44or I'll be over there next weekend I'm
06:45going to grab a car from you so I I
06:48thought in my mind if I could do what
06:49he's doing with Car Sales with real
06:51estate I could make a lot more money
06:53than him because our commission checks
06:54are a lot larger than you know what a
06:56commission that somebody gets on a car
06:58so that's how I ended up going with
06:59Facebook my plan really was just to post
07:01pictures of people holding a big key and
07:04hope and pray that you know somebody
07:06contacted me to be be the next person
07:08incredible and and I think that's such
07:09an important thing is just being
07:11resourceful and leveraging the tools
07:13that you have at your disposal and
07:14Facebook's free so you know let's dive
07:17into Facebook ads that's something that
07:18I'm very passionate about it helps scale
07:20my business you've excelled with it and
07:23you've even being generating leads for
07:25like a $150 per lead in a market where
07:28everybody else is talking about how
07:29Facebook ad you know cost is just gone
07:32through the roof it's not feasible
07:34anymore it's not affordable anymore and
07:35everybody's kind of shying away from it
07:38and you've doubled down on it and seen
07:40massive success so let's kind of unpack
07:43what the heck you're doing on Facebook
07:45ads that's generating such incredible
07:47results yeah um I got my lead cost down
07:49to about a $150 which is amazing
07:52especially in a market with you know
07:53almost 7 or 8% interest rates um one of
07:56the things that I believe in is all
07:58sellers are buyers first so I'm thinking
08:01if you need to sell a home you have to
08:03find a home to move to before you can
08:04sell your current property so I always
08:06focused on attracting buyers on Facebook
08:09because I knew that it would lead to a
08:10lot of listings as well so the main
08:13thing that I did um and by the end of
08:15this call you guys are going to know how
08:16to do was I created a custom new
08:19construction homes website now this
08:22website is amazing because they have new
08:24construction homes that are not listed
08:26on the open market because um these
08:28homes a lot of the times the builders
08:31don't list the homes on the MLS they
08:33just you know put it on the new
08:34construction homes website or they wait
08:36for agents to bring them buyers they
08:38don't want to pay an agent to list the
08:39property so these homes are unlisted off
08:42Market properties and with an unlisted
08:44off Market property you can be one of
08:46the only buyers that know know about the
08:48property therefore getting you the
08:49lowest possible price so that's one of
08:51the main things that I've always uh
08:53advertised on Facebook was the fact that
08:55I could get you access to these
08:56properties not only new construction
08:58homes but pre foreclosure homes for sale
09:01by owner homes and um expired listings
09:04as well so I really you know doubled
09:06down on that message now the message in
09:09the ad that I'm that I created was well
09:12I'll go over the exact ad with you guys
09:15but this is how you create the website
09:17to drive traffic because the point of
09:19this is to drive traffic to your new
09:20construction home website so that you
09:22can capture their contact information
09:24and then follow up with them about
09:25purchasing their new home so the website
09:28is to create the custom website all you
09:31have to do is go to new homesource
09:33professionals.com go to new homesource
09:36professionals.com and you register with
09:38them as a real estate agent now once you
09:40do that there's a little button on the
09:42bottom that says uh click to create your
09:44website all you have to do is go in put
09:46your contact information in there upload
09:48your head uh upload your head shot put
09:51in um your different social media
09:54channels and put in all of your
09:56information that you want people to
09:58contact you if it's your Facebook or if
10:00it's your email your phone number put in
10:02all of that information and New Home
10:04Source professionals will create the
10:06website for you now the great thing
10:08about this website is once you get on
10:10the website um it's completely branded
10:13to you so no matter what house they go
10:15to if they click get more information
10:17about that house only your contact
10:19information will come up instead of the
10:20contact information for the Builder or
10:22instead of like a Zillow ad where
10:25somebody can pay to have that spot this
10:27is completely tailored to you and they
10:29can only contact you if they're on that
10:31website so if they find a home that they
10:33like on the website you'll get a call
10:35from them but the great thing is you've
10:36already collected their contact
10:38information before they got to the
10:40website so that you can reach out to
10:42them and possibly show them some of
10:44those homes or show them some of these
10:45pre-foreclosure homes or for sale by
10:47owner homes and get them access to
10:49properties that are not listed on the
10:50open market so that's how you create the
10:52website now I know everybody's thinking
10:54how do I drive traffic to the website so
10:57that's where the Facebook ad comes in so
10:59one of the most important things that
11:01I've done throughout you know the years
11:02on Facebook is spending a little bit of
11:05money on Facebook ads a lot of real
11:07estate agents are against spending money
11:09but I was always taught to believe that
11:11the fastest way to wealth is learning
11:12how to turn advertising dollars into
11:15profit so if you can take you know $100
11:17and spend that on a Facebook ad you get
11:19back five six s $10,000 on a commission
11:23check I think that I'm going to take
11:24that $100 and turn that into $1,000 and
11:27run as many Facebook ads as I can so
11:29with me getting my lead cost down to
11:32$1.50 um I'm generating about 200 leads
11:36for $300 so I mean out of those 200
11:39leads if 10 of those closed it was
11:42definitely worth you know the ad spin
11:44even if one of those closed it was worth
11:45the ad spin so um in order to drive
11:49traffic to the website I created a video
11:52now on the video it's pretty simple and
11:54you guys can create a video just like
11:55this you can go to my Facebook page and
11:57check it out to see like you know the
11:59full editing and everything but I edited
12:01everything on my iPhone by myself but
12:03the video is pretty much like in uh
12:05don't quote me exactly but let me try to
12:08uh let me try to get it out hold on I
12:09got to get into real estate
12:13mode one of the worst feelings in the
12:15world is moving into a new home and then
12:17boom a new construction neighborhood
12:19pops up in the perfect neighborhood in
12:22the perfect School District with the
12:23perfect amount of bedrooms and you
12:25didn't even know those homes were there
12:27now I know you're thinking how do I find
12:29the new construction homes how do I find
12:31the homes that aren't listed on websites
12:32like realtor.com and zillow.com well
12:35I've come up with a solution for you
12:37it's our new construction homes website
12:39on this website you can find semic
12:41custom built custom built and move and
12:44ready new construction homes that aren't
12:46listed on the open market now there's
12:48tons of financing options available for
12:50you as well so if you need help with
12:52your closing cost or help with your down
12:54payment I have built relationships with
12:56a lot of these Builders and I know
12:57exactly which ones are helping people
13:00with up to $30,000 in their closing cost
13:02or help buying down their mortgage
13:04interest rates so if you're interested
13:06in getting help uh getting information
13:08about this website click the link below
13:10it'll take you directly to the website
13:12where you can search for all of the new
13:13construction homes in your area now
13:16don't forget if you have any questions
13:18about buying or selling real estate I've
13:20helped countless families buy and sell
13:22real estate I'm Morgan Mayfield with exp
13:24realy click the link below go directly
13:26to our new construction home website and
13:28feel free to reach out to me if you have
13:30any questions about buying or selling so
13:33that's basically how the ad
13:35goes incredible dude that's that's
13:38amazing and you can tell that you've
13:40done this once or twice right it takes a
13:42long time to get comfortable uh shooting
13:44these videos even that video probably
13:47took me like four or five times to nail
13:48it but you know I mean it's worth the
13:50hour of work that it takes to create the
13:52video when you're turning around and
13:54getting you know 10,000 12,000 even
13:56$15,000 commission checks when you take
13:59these buyers out to these new
14:00construction homes so one of the main
14:01things that I try to help people focus
14:03on is you need to get over your fear of
14:05video even if it's you don't like the
14:07way you look or you don't like the way
14:08you sound you're going to look and
14:10you're going to sound the exact same way
14:12when you get in front of these potential
14:14buyers and sellers so you need to get
14:15over that fear and put yourself out
14:17there because if they don't know you if
14:19they don't like you and they don't trust
14:21you then there's no way that they're
14:22ever going to work with you that's
14:23incredible it's it's it's amazing to see
14:26and this is a concept that I hope a lot
14:28of people kind of unpack P from this is
14:30that all that this comes down to is
14:33finding a valuable opportunity that
14:35actually benefits the End customer right
14:37A lot of people run Facebook ads and
14:39they wonder why it doesn't convert and
14:41all of their ads are all about them or
14:44doing the same thing everybody else is
14:47which you anybody else gets access to
14:49but when you have this unique
14:50opportunity and this exclusive
14:52opportunity that actually provides value
14:55of course people are going to click that
14:57like I would click on that in my own
14:59and so you would too and I think that's
15:01a really important thing is looking at
15:04your ads from the consumer's perspective
15:07is this valuable enough to the point
15:08where you would click on it if yes well
15:11of course others are going to as well so
15:13I love that you've done that I think you
15:16know one of the questions that I'll have
15:18I guess because I know a lot of other
15:22this special ad category targeting your
15:26entire Market what type of budget what
15:29type you know lead forms I'm assuming or
15:33walk through kind of just the basic
15:35framework that you're using for the ad
15:37so that people have an understanding
15:39because you did an incredible job
15:40explaining the creative and also the
15:43approach what is the Middle look like
15:45when you're actually creating the ad
15:47well um the the most important thing is
15:51you know you get your video done first
15:53you get your website done and then once
15:55you have everything ready to post you
15:56can post this ad in any City or any town
16:00because if you didn't notice I never
16:01mentioned Charlotte North Carolina in my
16:04in my ad copy when I was speaking so I
16:06could actually run this ad in any town I
16:08could run it in Atlanta I could run it
16:10in Florida I could spend $300 and I
16:13could generate 200 leads now this gives
16:15me leverage with my business so one of
16:18the most important things is having
16:19leverage in your business so you don't
16:21have to rely on realtor.com you don't
16:23have to rely on zillow.com in order to
16:25get your leads so if and when I ever
16:27decide to run these ads to any other
16:29city I want anybody that's watching this
16:32video to drop the city and state that
16:34they sell real estate in the comments
16:36and they can be the first on my list to
16:38get these referrals and receive the
16:39referrals in their city so drop the city
16:41and state that you sell real estate in
16:43the comments also subscribe to Mike's
16:45Channel and like this video that'll put
16:47you on the top of the list for that now
16:50the the thing that I do with the ad is I
16:53create a lead form so you go into
16:55Facebook and you're going to run a get
16:57more website visitors ad on Facebook
16:58Facebook but you have to have that lead
17:00form so in order for them to get access
17:02to the website they have to give you
17:04their contact information before they
17:06get the access to the website now the ad
17:08targeting is I don't put any targeting
17:10on it I just run it within a 25 mile
17:13radius of whatever town I want to sell
17:16um the new construction homes in so it
17:17works pretty well you know Facebook has
17:19done a lot of upgrades over the last
17:21couple of years so they know exactly
17:23what people are looking for they know
17:24exactly what people are searching so if
17:26it knows that you're running a real
17:27estate ad and that you're a real estate
17:29business page it's going to know to put
17:30your ad in front of people that are
17:32interested in real estate you don't
17:33really have to go in and Target Zillow
17:35or Target first-time home buyers I just
17:37do a 25 mile radius around the area that
17:40that I'm interested in selling homes
17:42100% I think that's where a lot of
17:45Agents get tripped up is they get really
17:47concerned with the fact that we have to
17:49use a special ad category for housing
17:51and we can't change age or we can't
17:54change the radius to what we used to be
17:56able to but that's okay because because
17:59as you alluded to Facebook's algorithm
18:00is so insane that it knows who to put it
18:03in front of so you don't have to worry
18:05about any of that so it's actually a
18:06blessing instead of a curse like many
18:08people are viewing it well so that's an
18:12insane strategy when it comes to PID ads
18:15there's going to be some agents that
18:17maybe the last couple of years didn't go
18:19as planned they're struggling
18:20financially they're in a bit of a pinch
18:22and they're saying well I don't have $20
18:26a day to run Facebook ads or $30 a day
18:28to run on Facebook ads you've got a
18:30solution for that too which is Facebook
18:33I know that we've all been in the
18:34situation where you know we didn't have
18:36any money for you know advertising so
18:39I've come up with a way to generate a
18:40lot of free leads on Facebook
18:42marketplace now I don't recommend only
18:45generating free leads generate these
18:47free leads so that you can go back take
18:49some money from that commission check
18:51and put it behind some paid advertising
18:54or some paid marketing on Facebook or
18:56whatever platform you decide to use
18:58because all of the platforms work I just
19:00choose Facebook because it's the one
19:01that I'm familiar with but I also do
19:04YouTube as well so as far as the
19:06marketplace ads all you have to do is
19:08take a generic picture of you know a new
19:10construction home or a really nice home
19:12it doesn't have to be a home that's
19:13listed just go find a picture that
19:15you're allowed to use and go into the
19:16marketplace go down to the miscellaneous
19:19category check miscellaneous and you're
19:21going to click item for sale so you
19:23don't click home for sale because that's
19:24going to be one of the options click
19:26item for sale Now list the price at at
19:29$0 once you list the price at $0 the
19:31only thing left to do is pick what town
19:33you want to run this Marketplace ad in
19:35that's what's great about this is
19:36because you can run this over and over
19:38in all of the different towns that
19:40surround your market so don't just post
19:43this once you can go into Facebook you
19:44know make it a part of your schedule to
19:46go in every week and post a couple of
19:48marketplace ads so you can generate some
19:50buyers now all you have to do is write
19:52the description let me look to see
19:54exactly what the description that I
19:56wrote is so everybody can know word for
19:58word so in the description box after
20:00you've posted it miscellaneous uh put it
20:02at $0 and you picked your town all you
20:04have to do is write in the past 6 months
20:06we've helped 22 buyers get into the home
20:08of their dreams using our unique
20:10firsttime home buyers program if you
20:12would like to learn more about this
20:14please feel free to send me a message to
20:16see if to see if it would be a good fit
20:18for you best wishes Morgan Mayfield now
20:21you post that in all of the towns and
20:23they're going to reach out to you about
20:24that first-time home buyers program now
20:26I would suggest doing some research on
20:28the first time home buyers programs in
20:29your area because I don't want to hear
20:31you know there's no first-time home
20:32buyer programs in my state we all have
20:34VA loans I'm sure a lot of areas have
20:37USDA loans which are rural rural Home
20:40Development loans um we have you know
20:42first-time home buyers programs there
20:44specific programs for each City so do a
20:46little bit of research talk to a few
20:47lenders maybe use Chad GPT to write out
20:49a script on the top 10 first-time home
20:52buyers programs in your area but what I
20:54did was I posted that on Facebook I
20:56connected with one of my lenders and we
20:58made a a joint landing page so it's
21:00connected to me and him so whenever
21:02somebody comes in from my first-time
21:03home buyers promotion on Marketplace I
21:05send them directly to our landing page
21:07for them to put in their contact
21:09information this also will prompt them
21:11to book a call with me and the lender on
21:13Zoom so we can go over all of their
21:15firsttime home buyers options because
21:17everybody's different everybody's credit
21:19score is different everybody's work
21:20history is different so we have to have
21:22that call before we can actually go over
21:24what first-time home buyer program that
21:26specific person qualifies for so once I
21:29have that set up I also created a video
21:32the top 10 first-time home buyers
21:33programs in North Carolina I'll send
21:35them that video this is also prompting
21:37them to book a call directly into my
21:39calendar so we can go over all of their
21:41first-time home buyer options so that's
21:43how I get the leads on Facebook that's
21:46how I convert them I turn them into a
21:48paid client and then I turn that
21:50commission check into some advertising
21:51money and I run my other end that's
21:55uh I love it because it's just so simple
21:58people and I think that's what's
22:00important is finding what works for you
22:03and just continuing to do it religiously
22:06and I think that's what you've done so
22:08well is that everybody's looking to say
22:10well I have to go all in on Tik Tok or I
22:12have to go all in on this and I have to
22:14do that too and but the reality of it is
22:17that people like you and people that are
22:19winning find their bread and butter they
22:21find out what works extremely well for
22:23them and they just go all in on doing it
22:26and you've done exactly that of saying
22:28hey Facebook's my thing I'm gonna
22:30leverage that until the cows come home
22:32all day long and for me it's YouTube but
22:35you've also started to apply YouTube to
22:37your business so I'd love to kind of
22:40hear about that Journey because you and
22:42I did something very similar started on
22:45Facebook leveraged it to get a ton of
22:47business but then eventually started to
22:50weave in YouTube do you want to talk
22:52about your YouTube Journey as well and
22:54how that's gone for you and how that's
22:56impacted your business right um ever
22:58since partnering with you and going
22:59through the social agent Academy that
23:01you offer to everybody in the wolf pack
23:03I learned that I definitely need to
23:04start leveraging YouTube in my business
23:06because this is Evergreen content that's
23:08going to be out there forever and I'm
23:10still attracting leads from videos that
23:12I did over a year ago and posted on
23:14YouTube so I owe you know my YouTube
23:17success mainly all to you because
23:20without it you know I wasn't really
23:21posting on YouTube I didn't really feel
23:23like that was a platform for real estate
23:25agents but if I would have repurposed my
23:28content from Facebook to YouTube when I
23:30originally started out I probably would
23:31have doubled or tripled my business by
23:33now so um as far as YouTube strategies
23:36you know there's a lot of videos that
23:38you can create that lead people to you
23:41now the lowest hanging fruit when it
23:42comes to YouTube is um people that are
23:45relocating to your area so you want to
23:47make sure that you're targeting the
23:48people that are searching things like
23:50you know um new homes or new
23:52construction homes in Charlotte uh
23:54moving to Charlotte top five things I
23:56need to know before moving to Charlotte
23:58and and you know in the social agent
23:59Academy you gave us a full list and a
24:02breakdown of the exact videos that we
24:04need to create over those 90 days so all
24:06I did was follow your blueprint and I
24:08started creating these videos whether I
24:10did them you know live at different
24:12model homes or you know live out in the
24:15town or if I did them at home on my
24:17computer I just made sure that I got the
24:19content out there and I got the
24:20information out there so as many people
24:22that were reloca in North Carolina um
24:25that found my videos they would reach
24:27out to me book a call with me and now
24:29you know that helped me add to my
24:31business because you know I get calls
24:33all the time people are like hey I saw
24:34your video on YouTube it looked like it
24:36was about eight months old is that home
24:38still available and I'll let them know
24:39you know I'll do some research to see if
24:41that Community is still selling but you
24:43know what are you looking for how many
24:44bedrooms are you interested in have you
24:46already been pre-qualified by a mortgage
24:47lender you know what price range are you
24:49shopping in I'll get all their
24:50information so I can find them the best
24:52home that works for them but I know
24:54those leads wouldn't have come in
24:55without you know without them doing the
24:57search on you YouTube now YouTube is
24:59also connected to Google so I created my
25:02Google my business page and it's driving
25:05traffic because they're working together
25:06with each other so as I'm posting
25:08content on YouTube I might repurpose it
25:10to my Google my business page but it's
25:12helping Drive traffic to my business
25:14page because when people search on
25:15Google my YouTube videos come up so it's
25:18kind of been the best of both worlds uh
25:19as far as YouTube I'm going to continue
25:21the journey uh it's a journey that I
25:23don't plan on stopping you know a lot of
25:25people create a few videos and they
25:27think hey I didn't explain load on
25:28YouTube in my first week I'm going to
25:30give up but I saw that you know my
25:32videos weren't that good in the
25:33beginning but they got better and better
25:35and I as I continued the process and as
25:37I continue to follow through the social
25:38agent Academy it really helped me grow
25:40my YouTube channel while simultaneously
25:42growing my Google page and you know
25:45helping people find me on Facebook find
25:46me on Instagram I just got to dive into
25:48Tik Tok next I love that well and it's
25:50one step at a time and you know you said
25:52a word that's really really important
25:54which is the journey and I'd love for
25:56you to touch on your journey with video
26:00in general in the sense that you use
26:02video for your Facebook ads you use
26:05video for YouTube use video for all
26:07kinds of things and I've personally seen
26:10your growth since you start a video to
26:12where you are now were you always super
26:15comfortable in front of the camera were
26:16you always great at delivering a message
26:18or how did you get over that fear if you
26:21had any what was that Journey like for
26:23you well I can still remember the first
26:25video I ever recorded it was at an open
26:27house and my hand was shaking I didn't
26:30know what to say on the video I was
26:32completely lost I was just like hey I'm
26:34Morgan Mayfield I'm a real estate agent
26:36here in the area uh if you're thinking
26:38about buying a house I'm doing an open
26:39house today give me a call or shoot me I
26:41think I said my phone number on the
26:43video like somebody was going to you
26:45know remember it and end the video and
26:47dial my number like you know so as I
26:50continued I just never gave up I think
26:52that first video I put on Snapchat now I
26:54don't even use Snapchat which is you
26:56know probably something I should be
26:57doing but um I saw the growth because as
27:02I continued to make videos they all got
27:03better and better even though I started
27:05at the bottom and the first ones were
27:07really garbage I should have never even
27:08posted them I felt like you know the
27:10growth came with you know the Reps
27:13putting in the Reps you're not just
27:14going to go and play basketball and
27:16switch your first uh free throw you have
27:18to continue shooting these free throws
27:19over and over until it becomes a habit
27:22and then once it becomes a habit you
27:24know now you look like an amazing
27:25basketball player but nobody was an
27:27amazing basketball player when they
27:29first started out so it's the same thing
27:30with video the most important thing is
27:32getting started today because the faster
27:34you can get to 100 videos the faster you
27:37can get to a good video so if I would
27:38have recorded a 100 videos that first
27:40day maybe I would have been you know 10
27:42times better than I am now on video so
27:44you know get started today work on video
27:47work on your copy what you're saying in
27:49the video you know study some marketers
27:52go to my videos feel free to copy and
27:54duplicate off any of my channels it
27:56doesn't bother me I don't feel like you
27:57know I'm in comption with anybody so you
28:00know that's how I pretty much grew on
28:01video over the years that's incredible
28:03and and you know like you say all that
28:05you've done is be consistent with it you
28:07stuck with it since the beginning and
28:09you've just continued to grow over time
28:11and now you've put out well over a 100
28:13videos and you've done so well when you
28:15start intertwining you know your your
28:18Facebook ads your YouTube channel and
28:20everything else that you're doing and
28:21it's been amazing to see how that growth
28:23of your communication is a direct
28:25reflection of the growth of your income
28:29I'd love to segue that into your book
28:32right so what is the book what is that
28:35look like and explain the 10-day process
28:39because I think a lot of
28:41people make the assumption that it takes
28:45an enormous amount of time in order to
28:47make a drastic change in your business
28:49but what I've seen and what I know
28:51you've seen is that if you do the right
28:53things it doesn't have to take a lot of
28:55time you just have to know the right
28:57things and follow a path so do you want
28:59to explain that process a little bit
29:01more and help people understand what
29:03you've done to be able to help other
29:05people get outside of their own head and
29:07take Massive Action to see results too
29:10well the book is um the 10day top
29:12producer it's available on uh all
29:16platforms uh but I knew that you know a
29:18lot of people wouldn't you know go out
29:20and buy a book thinking that it was
29:21going to help them grow their real
29:22estate business if they do they're going
29:24to go buy the millionaire real estate
29:25agent or something that's talking about
29:27making seven eight figures in the real
29:29estate industry but it's super simple to
29:31make six figures if you have the right
29:33foundation so this is the blueprint on
29:35how to grow and scale a sixf figure real
29:37estate business in 10 days now I'm not
29:39talking about you know making six
29:41figures in 10 days because clearly it
29:42would take longer than that to get to
29:44the closing table but this is how you
29:46get your foundation set up and how the
29:49exact blueprint that you can have right
29:51in front of you on how to grow and scale
29:53your real estate business in 10 days now
29:56I knew that people probably wouldn't buy
29:57the book so I wasn't going to be much
29:59help to people with them you know not
30:01purchasing the book so what I did was I
30:03took a brand new agent and I took a more
30:06experienced agent and I walked them
30:08through the process on video called uh
30:11it's the 10day top producer so uh the
30:1310day top producer training is these two
30:16agents going through each chapter uh of
30:19each day and setting up you know their
30:21YouTube setting up their Google page
30:23setting up their Facebook setting up
30:24their Instagram exactly how to get
30:26clients everything that you need to do
30:28to you know grow in scale a six-figure
30:31real estate business in 10 days so I
30:33wanted to make that available to
30:35everybody so at first you know I was
30:37going to charge like $3,000 for people
30:38to go through the 10-day top producer
30:40program but I spoke to my wife and she
30:42was like no lower the price if people
30:44need help then you need to actually help
30:46them so I was like all right I'll lower
30:48it to know $300 and maybe I'll get a
30:50th000 people to go in and make
30:52$300,000 she was like no lower the price
30:55so you can actually help people so what
30:57I decided to do was I'm going to give
30:59away the 10-day top producer for
31:01absolutely free for anybody who wants to
31:03change their life and change their real
31:05estate business because sometimes you
31:07have to realize that it's more than just
31:09a transaction it's you know this is your
31:11life that we're talking about sometimes
31:13you're required to be the hero in your
31:15family and if you don't have the money
31:17coming in what's going to happen if
31:19there's an emergency or if there's
31:20somebody in your family that needs some
31:22money or needs a surgery or needs
31:24anything and you're not there to provide
31:26it one more closing a month can
31:28completely change your life and now you
31:31can be that hero that your family needs
31:33like my mom she has Alzheimer's So
31:35eventually you know my aunt is her uh
31:37full-time caregiver right now but
31:39eventually she's going to need to go to
31:41a full you know a 24-hour full service
31:43nursing home and that could cost
31:45anywhere from 6 to 10 $110,000 a month
31:48so somebody has to step up and be able
31:49to pay that now I'm ready to be the hero
31:52in my family so I'm going to do what it
31:53takes to get that extra closing every
31:56single month but I need to make sure
31:58that you know everybody else is taking
31:59the same initiative so if you want
32:01access to the 10day top producer
32:03training for absolutely free all you
32:04have to do is click the link in Mike's
32:06description it'll take you right there
32:07you can get registered and you can go
32:09through those 10 days of me training
32:11these two agents and showing them the
32:12blueprint on how to break six figures
32:15and get their business set up correctly
32:16in 10 days unbelievable that's the uh
32:19full Alex Heros approach of just overd
32:22delivering on value for free and you
32:24know if there's anything I know about
32:25you you have a servant's heart you care
32:27about other people you care about making
32:29an impact you genuinely give at all
32:32times you're always willing to help
32:33people and it's amazing to see that and
32:36I I also love that you focused it on six
32:40figures and the reason being is that yes
32:43that seven figure Mark is such a big
32:46goal for so many people but for 99% of
32:50them they haven't yet made six figures
32:52you can't make seven if you haven't made
32:55six and I think that's where it's so
32:56important to be able to start with your
32:59either first six figures or next six
33:02figures like your training program shows
33:04people how to do because if you can make
33:07six you do it 10 times over you've got
33:09seven and a lot of people are trying to
33:12skip the six and go straight to seven
33:15which is why they get all tripped up
33:16because seven figures is such a a
33:19distant achievement and sometimes a
33:21impossible achievement for many people
33:23is what they think they they can't even
33:25rationalize making a million dollar but
33:27most people can make can bring to
33:30reality making a six and that's why I
33:33love what you've done and I think it's
33:34such a blessing that again we've been
33:36able to offer this to everybody in the
33:38description and make sure that you know
33:41you're able to to pour into people so
33:44you know as we start to break this full
33:47circle I always like to touch on the
33:49fact that you're putting out incredible
33:52content we're going to link your channel
33:54below so that people can start to follow
33:55and emulate your content but you also
33:58two things made the conscious decision
34:01to be able to switch over to our group
34:03I'd love to understand what made you
34:06explore that decision but now people get
34:08to partner with both you and I and the
34:12power of me focusing on YouTube you
34:14focusing on Facebook ads it's a pretty
34:17powerful dynamic duo why did you make
34:20the transition over here from a broker
34:22you were already crushing it at and what
34:25can people expect when partnering with
34:27you well my transition really began my
34:30first day of being licensed uh there was
34:33an amazing lady that came to our school
34:35and she gave her Amazing Story and she
34:37told me to come to you know a
34:39traditional brick and mortar uh
34:41franchise brokerage I'm not going to say
34:42the name but you know you can do your
34:45research but so I came there with her
34:48and she ended up actually leaving The
34:49Brokerage like the first couple of days
34:52that I was there so I'm thinking you
34:54know this lady sold me on the dream of
34:56this brokerage I'm here I'm thinking
34:58she's going to be here to help me but
35:00she left and she went to exp now she
35:02reached out to me probably once a month
35:04for the next two years trying to get me
35:07to come to lunch with her trying to
35:08explain the EXP model but I was so you
35:11know in my head about I don't want to
35:14hear about exp I don't even care what
35:16why she left what's going on I'm just
35:18going to you know post my houses on
35:19Facebook I'm going to sell a ton of
35:21homes I'm going to make them mad that
35:23you know I did it without them so I
35:24didn't even want to hear exactly what it
35:27was that XB had to offer or even break
35:29down the model to see why she left and
35:32it wasn't until I sat down with you and
35:34had the model clearly explained to me
35:36that I understood that the only people
35:38that wouldn't come to exp are people
35:41that either have a relationship with
35:42their broker that they can't split from
35:44or they just don't know how to do math
35:47so I realized that you know partnering
35:49with you was probably the best decision
35:51the best DEC the best decision that I
35:53could make but the lady who left she she
35:56left you know a couple years before me
35:58she's now the vice president of of exp
36:01so she's the vice president you've had
36:02her on one of our calls and you know her
36:05career is taken off she had amazing
36:06growth so once I partnered with you I
36:08gave her a call and I was like hey you
36:10know why'd you leave me at Keller
36:11Williams what happened and she said the
36:13name I was like what happened and uh she
36:16was like you know I couldn't continue to
36:20advertise a brokerage and tell people to
36:22come partner with me at a brokerage when
36:24I knew there was such a better
36:25opportunity out there and you know I
36:28couldn't sleep at night knowing that I
36:29was doing that that's why when I left I
36:31tried to reach out to you and I tried to
36:33give you this information but you didn't
36:35even want to hear it from me and you
36:37know I realized that that was probably
36:38one of my biggest mistakes if I would
36:40have came back when she originally came
36:43I probably would have been the founder
36:44of the wolf pack instead of just you
36:45know a member not because I'm smarter
36:47than you or Connor or anything like that
36:50but I really liked wrestling back in the
36:52day uh we had a little group in my
36:54middle school called the wolf pack and
36:55that's what I would have name my group
36:57so I definitely resonated with you guys
36:59before I even came over and you know
37:01partnering with you was one of the you
37:04know main reasons why I came to exp
37:06because of all the trainings tools and
37:08resources that you offer not only the
37:09social agent Academy but the Mastermind
37:12calls that we go through with some of
37:13the top agents all around the world
37:15explaining their best strategies and
37:17going over exactly how they're crushing
37:18it not only on Facebook but on Tik Tok
37:21or on Instagram or on YouTube or on
37:23Google or door knocking or code calling
37:25or for sale by owners or expired list
37:28so the wealth of knowledge never ends
37:30and then to get access to all the
37:32previous Mastermind calls is invaluable
37:34because now I'm going back a year or
37:36going back two years and watching some
37:38of these calls and a lot of these
37:40strategies still work today so it's just
37:42a wealth of information that you know I
37:43wouldn't have been able to find it any
37:45other brokerage now anybody who partners
37:47with me of course they'll get you know
37:48the 10day top producer program but
37:50they'll also get the strategies and the
37:52tactics that are working in today's
37:54market to help you grow your business
37:56you know this year it's the six
37:57figureure real estate agent or the 10day
37:59top producer blueprint on how to write
38:00six uh how to make six figures but next
38:02year it'll be the seven figure um how to
38:04make seven figures so I want to show
38:07everybody exactly what they need to do
38:09with their business in order to be
38:10successful and I feel like I couldn't
38:12have done that at any other brokerage
38:14and you know exp just always felt like a
38:16good fit once you know I made the
38:18transition incredible story and I think
38:21one that's going to relate to all too
38:22many people because I had a similar
38:24journey to you you know I knew people
38:28didn't didn't bad an eyee at it came
38:30years later and the biggest regret was
38:32that it didn't come sooner or at least
38:33talk to somebody that actually knew how
38:35to explain it properly but you know the
38:37value that we could provide together in
38:39terms of you helping people with the six
38:40figureure and seven figure blueprint
38:42getting their Facebook ads dialed in for
38:44new construction and me helping on the
38:46video side and personal branding side
38:48you know anybody that's not where they
38:50want to be right now or feel like they
38:51could be further ahead if they had the
38:53right training and support it's pretty
38:55hard to find a better dynamic duo than
38:57you and I right now and so hopefully
38:59people take the opportunity to book a
39:01call with you and chat about that but
39:03otherwise it's going to be important for
39:05every person to go through that 10day
39:08blueprint because this is a year again
39:11stats are showing the lowest sales year
39:13since 1995 and if you don't have a road
39:15map you're probably not going to be the
39:17best position so I think it's an
39:18absolute blessing dude that you've been
39:20able to create that and been so generous
39:22as to offer that for free right and a a
39:25side note when people go into the
39:26training you know implementation is the
39:28most important part so you can go and
39:30you can sit around and watch trainings
39:31all day and feel like you're growing
39:33your business but you have to implement
39:35the strategies in order for this to work
39:37just like when you guys jump off of this
39:38video I want you guys to make sure that
39:40you're implementing you know that
39:41Marketplace ad first generate some
39:43immediate clients for free and then go
39:45ahead work on your video and run that ad
39:48to that new construction homes website
39:50so for all the agents who didn't have a
39:51website before now you have an
39:53opportunity to create a fully branded to
39:55you new construction home website
39:57and you know how to you know Drive
39:59traffic to that website so I want people
40:02to make sure that they're implementing
40:03these strategies because implementation
40:05is key and just sitting around and
40:07watching trainings is never going to
40:08help you grow your business 100% man
40:10well Morgan thank you so much for
40:12sharing those strategies man because you
40:14know that Facebook ad is an absolute
40:16Gold Mine I've genuinely never heard
40:18anybody talk about that the marketplace
40:20strategy is super ninja and I know that
40:22it works because I have done that before
40:25and it's just amazing to see your
40:26YouTube Journey and everything else and
40:28the fact that you've created so much
40:29value for free for other people just
40:32based on having a servant's heart so
40:33guys again I'm going to link all of
40:36Morgan's incredible content below all of
40:38his profiles everything that he has to
40:40offer for free to you and the ability to
40:43book a call with him to talk about
40:45partnering so again as Morgan said take
40:48action leave here Implement immediately
40:51and sign up today not tomorrow but today
40:54for that 10-day road map so that you can
40:56get up and running in the next 10 days
40:58to build either your first or your next
41:00six figures so thanks again Morgan guys
41:03make sure to like comment subscribe
41:05we'll see you in the next video thanks