00:15so now we get to the space arcs that are
00:19activating all over the Earth and on the
00:22moon that these 24 civilizations left
00:26these giant arcs with the advanced
00:28technology that would benefit
00:34Humanity that these arcs had multiple
00:37functions and I'll go through the
00:39different functions and I identify four
00:41functions later on as I get to the end
00:44of the webinar I'll go through each of
00:46the four functions but one of these
00:50to be a repository of Advanced
00:54Technologies that would benefit that
00:56would benefit future
00:58Generations so when you would have the
01:04civilization these Technologies would be
01:06there to be shared so JP has uh visited
01:10some of these ancient space ARS as I
01:13mentioned earlier beginning in 2014 uh
01:16he was taken to these hemisphere shaped
01:18uh structures in space and
01:20elsewhere huge structures holding
01:22animals plant life and ancient
01:24Technologies and asks to be used for a
01:26future time when Humanity May have to
01:31evacuate Earth and that's important may
01:33have to evacuate it's not inevitable but
01:38that was a possibility back in 2014 when
01:40he was telling me this for the first
01:41time and I was taking notes so JP told
01:45he would be one of those helping people
01:46prepare for life on the arcs and you go
01:50back to that audio clip I played earlier
01:54from Dolores Cannon where she
02:00that would play the role of the
02:03intermediary with the rest of the humans
02:05from particular areas to comfort them
02:08and to instruct them so that they could
02:10go onto these space arcs that would
02:15Earth so JP is one of those
02:19people and what that means I'll get to
02:22talk a little bit more about that soon
02:28been on a number of covert missions he's
02:32been on Covert missions to ganam where
02:33he saw some of the ancient
02:35extraterrestrial technologies that were
02:37left that he didn't see an
02:39arc or didn't specify seeing an arc on
02:43ganam so the but he did say he saw an
02:47ark buried on the moon and so there's an
02:50article on exopolitics.org where he
02:54describes a joint us China Mission sent
02:58to this alien spacecraft
03:00that was discovered by China's Rover
03:05u22 once the ark began activating and he
03:09said that he went inside of this Ark it
03:11was uh Russ sorry it was a Chinese and
03:14Americans he was providing escort duties
03:17for an archaeologist that was studying
03:20and taking photographs of the writing on
03:23walls and the writing was
03:27U hieroglyphs you got this it looked
03:30something like Egyptian looked it looked
03:33like May and he actually described
03:35different hieroglyphic writings in the
03:39ark and someone sent me something this
03:42is um a gal named Mary
03:47who says that she has been working with
03:50the Phoenicians for some time and she
03:51sent me this script and I sent it to JP
03:54and said hey do you recognize this and
03:55he said yeah that's that's what I saw on
03:58one of the arcs so then validation that
04:01this is actually a form of ancient
04:04Phoenician and so script that that was a
04:09JP JP's second official Arc visit this
04:14is part of a CT multinational mission
04:19that he was part of was
04:22to an ark at the bottom of the Atlantic
04:26Ocean in the vicinity of the Bermuda
04:30so this was found under the Atlantic
04:32Ocean and the US and China
04:36cooperated in that mission was uh
04:42out what what exactly was in this Arc
04:46because China was being encouraged to
04:51share their techn their
04:54technology that they were finding
04:58on the ark on the moon and
05:02also ancient repositories in China
05:07itself ancient pyramids in China I'll I
05:10we'll talk a little bit more about that
05:14Chinese are being encouraged by uh the
05:19covert Branch to share their
05:22Technologies and so this
05:24is why the US gave access to China to
05:28enter the Atlantic Ark so this is what
05:32JP said because of the Chinese they let
05:35us go on the moon and because they
05:37helped us investigate that ship now we
05:39have to let them investigate the one we
05:41found here in the Atlantic it is a deal
05:44that we made with the Chinese that you
05:46know all if we that you know all if we
05:50go over there now we'll let you go on
05:52this massive ship that we're going to do
05:54the mission with and it started this you
05:57know start this mission
06:00so that's JP saying that China is
06:05cooperating with the
06:06US in exploring some of these arcs that
06:11either China or the US has gained access
06:13to and one of the things about China is
06:16that there are dozens of pyramids in
06:20shangi province that contain ancient
06:23technologies that date back before the
06:28flood uh of done a webinar and in my
06:31book rise of the red dragon i' basically
06:33say that these pyramids are not morels
06:37which is the modern explanation for
06:40these pyramid shaped structures in
06:43shanki Pro uh Province there are dozens
06:45or even hundreds of these they are
06:48actually anti- deluvian structures that
06:51were built there to house ancient
06:55repositories of Technologies so the
06:57Chinese know this uh the US military
07:00knows this and so the Chinese have not
07:02shared this technology they've kind of
07:04hoarded it prevented Western scientists
07:06for going in from going in because China
07:09wanted to use that for their own secret
07:15so with this Ark Mission uh JP says that
07:21these Aztec Mexicans who were also part
07:24of of of the mission recognize the
07:27writing on the ark JP said
07:30we see the lights of the algae like all
07:32around the place and then the little
07:34Mexicans they started pointing at the
07:35wall on these kind of writings that were
07:38they were familiar with so we went over
07:40there with them and they were like
07:41touching it and they were like crying
07:43and happy they were like almost dancing
07:45because they saw this particular writing
07:47I think it was part of a missing writing
07:49on their temples the Mexicans or one of
07:51these Aztec writings that they were like
07:54really looking for in other words this
07:56is Aztec prophecy the Aztecs prophesied
08:03future the founders the those that
08:06established the azc civilization would
08:09return and they would bring with them
08:13the gods would come back and this is
08:16what the Aztecs were so excited about
08:18when they read the writings on the
08:20ancient arcs because they recognized
08:22that the time is now at hand that the
08:24Cedars the Extraterrestrial
08:26civilizations the 24 ET civilizations
08:29are coming back that's why they were
08:31celebrating because this is
08:35being revealed and being
08:40satisfied so he went on JP said there
08:43are some things that were activated when
08:45I got there so I asked him tell me about
08:48that well you know when you arrived
08:50there things began to activate so JP
08:53said yes things began to light up when I
08:55was like with certain people with
08:57certain people go no go lights turn on
09:00but when I go but when I went certain
09:02lights came on and they were like what
09:04the hell it was weird but it was a good
09:06feeling it was certain lights on the
09:08walls that were not on and they glowed
09:10when I arrived what JP is saying there
09:18essentially the ARs respond to the
09:21genetics of visitors if you have the
09:25right genetics the arcs begin to
09:30if you don't have the genetics then they
09:32stay dormant and you can't access the
09:34Technologies so it's all about the right
09:37genetics so JP said that he witnessed a
09:40spherical ball of light or Plasma in the
09:43Atlantic art and he said that this ball
09:46of light or ball of liquid or
09:50plasma was really a portal and it was a
09:54portal that connects all the arcs in the
09:56solar system so you had
10:01soldiers from the Moon Arc coming
10:05through this Arc and that was part of a
10:08rescue mission that JP was part of um in
10:11his second Atlantic Ark
10:14Mission and they they were being rescued
10:17so so in the F so in the Atlantic Ark in
10:21one of the chamber areas there is this
10:23huge ball of kind of liquid plasma
10:27suspended floating in the middle of the
10:29room it's quite large and it's a portal
10:33to the other arcs so this is a kind of
10:36interdimensional travel device and it
10:38connects all the arcs now JP has said
10:40that there are nine arcs space arcs on
10:43the earth and yeah he's gone through
10:46these publicly others I get to talk
10:50about for the first time today uh
10:53Antartica Lake VTO I'll shortly mention
10:56what he has to say about that and what
10:58others have said about Lake Bok uh
11:00Russia in the north Ukraine I've already
11:02spoken about uh Ukraine in my last
11:05webinar uh and in my articles that
11:08there's a Arc in this area just east of
11:14the city of um kerson in Ukraine called
11:18aleski Sands National park uh Central
11:22Europe Brazil kasas noas Mountain State
11:26Park which is not very far from when
11:31JP had his first extraterrestrial
11:35experience back in 2008 so there might
11:38be a connection there well actually I
11:40think there probably is a connection but
11:42I thought that was very interesting of
11:43course the Atlantic Arc there's also an
11:46arc in the bottom of the Pacific Ocean
11:48Due West of Vancouver Island that I'm
11:51trying to confirm um and also White
11:54Sands Missile Missile Range I've been
11:56approached by someone who says that
11:58she's has been having visions of being
12:00in an ark in in White Sands and that was
12:03very interesting cuz I hadn't put out
12:04this information from JP before and so
12:08that is more corroboration that in fact
12:11White Sands is a place where this and
12:14you can see the shape White Sands
12:17Missile Range in New Mexico those are
12:19the coordinates that JP gave me for the
12:22ark buried under White Sands so it's a
12:29because of radiation from the ark uh
12:34grow it impacts that vegetation above it
12:37so this is why uh you you don't have
12:40much growth there a similar thing in
12:44kalas noas State Park in
12:46Brazil uh this is a plateau in the
12:49municipality of Kos novas uh in the I
12:52guess that's a province goas or is that
12:55a city not sure uh and it's called the
12:58structural Dome of kalas that's very
13:00interesting in in Portuguese it
13:03translates as the structural Dome of
13:05kalas that's very interesting that
13:10it is suggestive of this Dome or a Arc
13:16buried underneath it again these are the
13:19coordinates that JP gave me and here you
13:21have alri Sands uh Mur on
13:26Ukraine and this is a des area once
13:32that no vegetation grows there because
13:34of the radiation over the years being
13:39ark and those are the coordinates he was
13:41given to me now the conventional
13:43explanation is that there's no
13:44vegetation there because of sheep
13:46overgrow I think that's nonsense JP's
13:49explanation makes more sense and I wrote
13:51an article is the discovery of the
13:55ancient Ark driving the escalating
14:01is an important geopolitical
14:07scenes so anyway so that
14:10is a little bit of a background about
14:13the space ARS that JP has been exposed
14:19to or that he's shared information
14:21about so now I want to spend a little
14:23bit of time looking at this space Arc in
14:27the Antarctic area now is an ancient
14:32space Arc at Lake bosto heating up
14:35Antarctica so I wrote an article where I
14:38released some information I got
14:42about a space Arc being located at Lake
14:47VTO and in the title of the article you
14:50see those two Graphics you you see a map
14:54of Antarctica with the
14:56lake in the blue and then on the right
15:02this thermal image of Antarctica that
15:09big heat Dome over this East Antarctica
15:14region being cented over Lake VTO so is
15:20connection uh reports of ice melting
15:24Pole first emerged in in November 2018
15:28this is an article that appeared in
15:32Universe and it talked about some
15:34scientific studies that showed that a
15:39large melt off was occurring under the
15:42ice in Antartica because there was a a
15:45mysterious radioactive heat that
15:47couldn't be traced so this is this is
15:50the recent heat map showing this massive
15:56Dome or this Heating up of Antarctica by
16:00as much as 70° I mean that's
16:03enormous that's baffled scientists that
16:06is suggesting something really
16:09fundamental is is happening right now in
16:12East Antarctica because i' I've written
16:15a book called Antarctica's hidden
16:16history and in Antarctica's hidden
16:18history I talked about West Antarctica
16:21where you have these
16:23137 submerged volcanoes that are heating
16:26up West Antarctica that's leading to
16:28into a massive melt off so I wasn't
16:32aware at that time that something
16:35similar was happening in East Antarctica
16:38but it's not because of submerged
16:39volcanoes it's because
16:42of these extraterrestrial technologies
16:46up so lake vosto is the epicenter of the
16:49heat wave so this is the Washington Post
16:52story describing it the average high
16:55temperature in basto at the center of
16:57the Eastern ice sheet is around
16:59-63 - 53 C in March but on Friday the
17:03temperature leaped to 0er -7.7 celi the
17:07warmest it's been there during March
17:09since record keeping began 65 years ago
17:12it broke the previous monthly record by
17:1627° so it beat the previous High by 27°
17:23something is happening in East
17:29especially over the lake VTO region now
17:32what's interesting about VTO is that
17:35this is the location of a
17:40large Russian Antarctic
17:43base VTO station and it was first
17:501957 uh but a new base is being set up
17:54as we speak I think it's going to be
17:56deployed by 2023 but the Russians are
17:59building a new base over
18:02VTO so why are the Russians interested
18:05in VTO again why the new base obviously
18:08very very expensive why are the Russians
18:10going to this effort to do this well
18:16this mysterious object at one end of
18:20Lake VTO which is 2 miles beneath the
18:23surface of VTO the the um the plateau at
18:29where the the VTO station is beneath
18:31that under two miles of ice you have
18:34Lake VTO and at one end of that Lake VTO
18:37Lake VTO is several hundred miles um in
18:41width or length you can see it's a very
18:43large lake but at one end of Lake VTO
18:47there was a magnetic anomaly identified
18:512001 that is roughly 50 mi in width
18:56which is the size of a city
18:59and so I first began to talk about that
19:04that was first talked about that about
19:08in 2001 by Richard Hogan and Mike barer
19:12in a article that they wrote and I talk
19:17about that in this article here you can
19:20if you want to get the sources go to
19:22this article where I talk about uh
19:25hogland and Bar's information about Lake
19:29vosto and the Magnetic anomaly likely
19:32being an ancient city so that's uh Lake
19:36VTO so this is where another
19:40contacte becomes very relevant this is
19:45a someone I've known since around
19:492019 uh we've met on several occasions
19:51we first met in in Montreal in Canada at
19:54a conference I went to and then he flew
19:57out to Hawaii and we got we got to spend
19:59a lot of time and I got to see a lot of
20:01documentation he got to talk about his
20:03story you know I I veted him and what I
20:06found is that Jean Charles Moen
20:09is essentially the real deal he is
20:12someone that he's been having contact
20:15with extraterrestrials since his
20:17childhood very important witness in my
20:19opinion so I did I've done several two
20:22interviews with Jean Charles the first
20:25interview where he got to talk about his
20:29uh that was released on December 26th
20:32and a second interview where I followed
20:34up with him and David rouso
20:39another contacte who verified that he
20:42was part of a French secret space
20:44program with Jean Charles so two very
20:48important contactees that not
20:51only corroborate that there's a French
20:54secret space program that's run in
20:57conjunction with the US yes but that
21:00also extraterrestrials are working with
21:03this joint French American secret space
21:06program so this is what Jean Charles
21:08said about his visit to the uh to the
21:12bosto ark quot I found myself in the
21:15same place under Lake bosto but this
21:17time I was inside a structure it was the
21:21ark everything was purified inside no
21:24screws nor bolts nothing it looked like
21:27tungsten but trans loome I was in the
21:29center and in the middle there was a
21:31kind of sphere which turned very
21:33luminous they would have said a ball of
21:36bluish plasma which gave off a lot of
21:38heat by emitting a crystalline noise and
21:40around it was laid out on a geometrical
21:42form resembling a star tubes in which
21:45there were beings and spasis so a couple
21:47of things there first is that this
21:50matches what JP says he saw during the
21:54second visit to the antartic sorry to
21:59under the Atlantic Ocean that he saw
22:01this spherical blue ball in the middle
22:04of one of the chambers there and it was
22:06a portal to other arts and soldiers were
22:09coming through it or were trapped in it
22:11and then had had to be rescued and
22:13pulled out and he also saw kind of like
22:17tombs but he didn't know what was inside
22:19them well according to Jean Charles
22:22these tubes contain beings in
22:26stasis Giants if you like
22:29so Jean Charles continued I approached
22:32one of the tubes and when I approached
22:34it reacted by lighting up as if my
22:36presence triggered it I felt in
22:39connection with the material of the
22:41vessel the structure seemed alive I
22:43could see the appearance of the being in
22:44the tube he was tall and his skin had
22:47bluish Reflections he was wearing a kind
22:49of midnight blue suit without any seams
22:51there was a symbol on the suit
22:53representing a triangle with a
22:55constellation inside so this
23:00was very significant because here he's
23:04talking about a being in
23:09a kind of um a tube or a cryp like
23:13structure if you like and that it was
23:15activated as he approached again this
23:20that if you have the right genetics the
23:25you and he had the right genetics and
23:28responded to him it began to
23:30activate and that there was some sort of
23:32connection with this being in the blue
23:36suit so now this is where we have
23:40another dimension emerging here with
23:42this trip to Lake vosto to the ark at
23:45Lake bostok from Alena Dan because she
23:47says that she could confirm this she
23:49actually traveled with Jean Charles to
23:51the bostok ark Alena said I was really
23:55there and with him and I remember now
23:57but he was meant to to be the one to
23:59remember first because as thoran always
24:01says remembering is activating so now we
24:03can confirm about Lake VTO so there you
24:05have two people that say that they have
24:09been to the Ark in Lake
24:12vosto and foran said in a message the
24:16ark under bosto Lake is part of a much
24:19larger structure of halls and temples a
24:22powerful pyramid generator is also there
24:25none could activate it yet
24:29okay so that's the VTO Arc and that
24:34is a complex a very vast complex there
24:39in Lake bosto remember the magnetic
24:41anomaly that I mentioned was like 50 mil
24:45in diameter that hogland and bar thought
24:48was actually a city back in 2001 well
24:52here foran is telling us that in fact it
24:55is it's a vast complex of halls and
24:59temples and an ark all in that area
25:02there under Lake bosto so
25:07incredible discoveries await us
25:11and Russia is in the driving seat in
25:15terms of who controls access to the VTO
25:20important so JP now says that there's a
25:22connection between the Ukraine the
25:25Atlantic and the bosto arc so he got to
25:30do he he left me a voice message
25:34and very short and you get his take on
25:38this connection between the Ukraine the
25:41Atlantic and the BTO arcs how can I put
25:44this here we go oops let's play that how
25:52oops how can I put this um the Atlantic
25:56Ark and the UK training Arc we're
26:00activating it in the same time so the
26:03Russians are activating over there and
26:07are activating it in the Atlantic in the
26:10same time we're trying to grab
26:14information over there in Lake VTO
26:19Ark so how can I put this in
26:23example um you know when you have okay
26:29that has a positive and negative and you
26:31put a metal on top and the battery gets
26:35hot so these other arcs are activating
26:41up the Arc in Antarctica because we're
26:46activating so it's like they're
26:48connected this is so Quantum and
26:53tanglement um there's a lot of quantum
26:56physics into this and is really
26:58interesting how all these arcs are
27:06connected so there's JP telling us about
27:10the connection between the VTO Atlantic
27:14and the Ukraine ARs and and Russia is
27:16involved as is the us as is China so it
27:19gives us an another perspective on what
27:22is happening right now in Ukraine that
27:25be that you have the surface reasons
27:28that everyone is debating right now in
27:30terms of what what they're fighting over
27:33in Ukraine but if this information is
27:36accurate and of course I believe it is
27:38then there's a deeper reason for what is
27:41really going on in Ukraine right now
27:43it's all about who controls access to
27:46these arts and the Technologies within
27:49them which are incredibly important for
27:51the future and Russia wants to be sure
27:56that it has a powerful voice in in terms
28:00of how these Technologies are shared and
28:03exploited so here we
28:05have more information about the
28:08activating space ARs and this I find
28:11really fascinating and this is where you
28:15actually become part of the story
28:22you an incarnated human who is actually
28:27one of the crew members
28:30arcs fascinating possibility well this
28:33is something that's discussed in a
28:36message that Elena danan put out and
28:39that's the The Source there on YouTube
28:43channel about the activating space arcs
28:46and The Awakening star seed uh Cruise so
28:49this is what was said in that
28:52video unaa and I believe
28:56unaa is is a member of one of the 24
28:59civilizations and I think that was the
29:01Alan civilizations the the progenitors
29:03of the of the atlantian civilization if
29:06I'm wrong Elena can correct me on that
29:08in the chat so una said they buried
29:12space ARS below the ground and deep
29:14under the waters and in many other
29:16places in this star system they archived
29:19all things to create Hall of Records
29:22archiving the knowledge of their own
29:23worlds and Times Gone by on this planet
29:26when they had colonies here before the
29:28and The Exodus the sleeping ARS gently
29:31awakened as the visitors came back ready
29:33to fly when the moment comes okay so
29:37what we have here is that not only do
29:41you have space arcs that are equipped
29:44with these Advanced Technologies and the
29:45capacity to take a lot of people off
29:47planet to survive planetary catastrophes
29:50and emergencies but also you have these
29:54records that these were ways in which
29:58the repositories of ancient knowledge
30:00could be stored for a time when Humanity
30:03would be ready or when they would be
30:05rebuilding a civilization after an
30:11on the many of us who have taken body on
30:14this planet are Awakening the technology
30:16we're left there is activating for our
30:19ships are back the crews of the ancient
30:21arcs have been sleeping in Teran bodies
30:23waiting to be activated they are now
30:25waking up and they will revive the
30:28whoo just think about that that is
30:32information that in these arcs there are
30:36these sleeping Giants and those sleeping
30:41hibernating and they part of their
30:43Consciousness has been projected into
30:46into our civilization and they are part
30:49of the incarnational cycle waiting for a
30:52time when the arcs would be activated so
30:55these sleeping Giants have been in
30:58hibernation for thousands of
31:00years and they've been in part of the
31:02incarnational cycle so how many of us
31:06this audience I don't know how many that
31:08many hundreds are here how
31:11many are star seeds who
31:16actually are connected to these sleeping
31:20Giants fascinating possibility that unaa
31:22is raising him and then we have the
31:26space ARs and the halls of record Recs H
31:29The Secret hols of Records such as Giza
31:32and bush bush that's in Romania are not
31:36Arts but these places preserve the same
31:39technology they being unveiled and soon
31:41their doors will open and the wisdom so
31:43long hidden will be available to all
31:46Terran because I can now finally un I
31:50can finally I can now finally understand
31:52it because now a great extal evil has
31:55left the planet and humans of Earth are
31:58now free to step into their sovereignty
32:00overcome the human minions of the
32:02defeated enemy and unite together to
32:05build the most magnificent and
32:08future so this is telling us about the
32:14Records being these repositories of
32:20technologies that is going to be
32:22revealed to the rest of humanity because
32:25now we've reached the point in our
32:27civilizational development where
32:30negative extraterrestrial factions have
32:32been driven off planet and now we are in
32:35the final stages of removing from Power
32:42minions those that are connected with
32:45the ruling Elite that have controlled us
32:48because as this information comes out
32:54mainstream there's not going to be much
32:56Mercy or sympathy for the Deep state or
32:59their Minions that kept this from us for
33:05long and as the minions of the deep
33:08state or of the negative
33:10extraterrestrials are removed from all
33:12influence all of this information can
33:15come out and truly will be a a golden
33:18age now this is where we got another
33:20source I I got to do an interview
33:22recently with uh Peter Moon the editor
33:25of the Transylvania Sunrise series
33:28uh that was published uh the English
33:31version was was published uh by his
33:33company and it talks about this Hall of
33:36Records in in the bushed mountains in
33:40Romania and so this is how it looks uh
33:44is a graphic that Angelica created uh
33:50for for the video for the trailer and it
33:54shows this hemisphere
33:58shaped Ark so it's not an ark it's
34:03record but it has a similar technology
34:05to the ark under the bush bush Mountain
34:09where you have above it you have a
34:11something called the Sphinx and
34:13something called um I think it's called
34:15the Babel which is translated as the old
34:19ladies and this is directly over this
34:22Ark that was uh discovered um by the US
34:28military using ground penetrating radar
34:31in 2003 and that's when the Romanian
34:35intelligence service was contacted and a
34:37joint mission was sent in 2003 and when
34:39they found this uh the Americans
34:42arranged for the ukrainians to be so for
34:45the Romania for Romania to be fast
34:51you another perspective on what NATO is
34:54you know the so-called Eastwood
34:56expansion is is it is the Eastwood
34:59expansion of NATO just to threaten
35:03Russia that's what a lot of critics of
35:06NATO think and that's what I certainly
35:08was thinking but now that I've learned
35:10about this it's like wellow maybe the
35:13Eastwood expansion is so that the US
35:16could get control over these East
35:19European countries and and remember uh
35:22JP said that there's a Ark buried
35:24somewhere in Europe we don't know yet
35:27where that is but this helps explain
35:30NATO's rush to expand Eastwood they want
35:33to get control over all of these
35:37Technologies so this this is another
35:39diagram in the Transylvania Sunrise
35:42showing this hemisphere shaped Hall of
35:45record under bushed Mountain um here's
35:48the layout of this area and it has
35:52tunnels to the inner earth to Egypt to
35:55Tibet where they also Halls of of
35:58Records it has a projection Chambers or
36:01a projection technology that that shows
36:05historical ages that have gone
36:08by these are historical records uh you
36:11have around the side you have these uh
36:17holographic tables or they have these
36:20tables that create these holog
36:23holographic projections of historical
36:25events going back uh and that object in
36:28the middle sorry that was actual a
36:34device so in the Egypt in the I think
36:39this is uh book three in the sun uh
36:42Transylvania suiz series mystery of
36:45Egypt it talks about a Hall of Records
36:49Egypt buried underneath the
36:52Sphinx and so this describes the whole
36:55record I mean if you haven't read
36:58Transylvania Sunrise
37:00I highly recommend it you you need to
37:03read that series of books not only does
37:06it have a lot of information about
37:07extrenal technology and about the
37:09ancient history of humanity but it has a
37:13lot of philosoph philosophical and
37:15spiritual information that you need to
37:20activated to be ready cuz this is all
37:23about preparation everything that is
37:24happening right now all of us is all un
37:27folding in a timetable everything that
37:30is being experienced by all of us this
37:33webinar itself the information I'm
37:36putting out everything we're learning is
37:39all part of an unfolding and you're part
37:41of that so I think this Transylvania
37:44book series will help you now in this
37:46Hall of Records which is really
37:49fascinating is that you see
37:51the walls around this chamber are filled
37:57with the it this described
38:0010,000 cylinder shaped stones that that
38:04each one was a holographic record that
38:07would play for two days that would play
38:12events fascinating historical account
38:16of Humanity's true history and this is
38:20something that will come
38:22out so who built Egypt's Hall of Records
38:26so r Cinema he is the main protagonist
38:30in The or one of the main protagonists
38:33in the Transylvania book series he says
38:37I can tell you almost for sure that they
38:39are very Advanced extral civilization
38:42who wanted to help mankind very much the
38:45difference between them and the
38:46Extraterrestrial civilizations with with
38:49which the Americans have concluded a
38:50kind of agreement is about the same as
38:52the difference between Homo sapiens and
38:54Homo Erectors what's even more troubling
38:57is that they not from our galaxy but
38:59from a Galaxy which is very far away so
39:01what he's describing here is exactly
39:04what we are told about the 24
39:06extraterrestrial civilizations that
39:08Elena danan has been talking about that
39:10was mentioned in the Council of nine
39:15that was relayed by Phyllis
39:19schmer that you have 24 extraterrestrial
39:22civilizations who are at the Apex of
39:28experiments not only for
39:31Earth for our solar system and our
39:35galaxy but other galaxies as
39:38well and this matches that and that
39:43they are an order of evolution ahead of
39:47the Extraterrestrial civilizations that
39:50reached agreements with the US military
39:52so we're talking about the Draco
39:53reptilians the Orion Alliance the Grays
39:59civilizations are much more evolved than
40:04is another confirmation that these 24
40:07civilizations or The Intergalactic
40:10Confederation are very highly evolved in
40:13they're playing a key role in what's
40:15happening on Earth at the
40:20moment so this is where we
40:23get some more information about the
40:30the Egyptian Hall of record from Jean
40:34Charles and he says that there's a
40:36portal connecting the vostock ark and
40:39the Egyptian Hall of Records very
40:41interesting so let's see what he has to
40:42say so this is an email he received on I
40:46received it on on April and April 1st
40:49last night I found myself back on the
40:51Ark in Antarctica I was with Victor I
40:54approached the blue sphere of light in
40:56the middle of the Ark
40:57JP experienced the same thing uh in for
41:01the Atlantic Ark Victor said to me we
41:04have to go somewhere else it's important
41:06I instinctively raised my hand towards
41:08the sphere and I was sucked in by the
41:11light and I felt thousands of hot
41:12needles going through me with a
41:14dizziness and we found ourselves in
41:16another Ark I knew I was in Egypt and
41:20Victor said to me we are in another Ark
41:26Spinx so there's a connection
41:34in next to Lake vostok and the Egyptian
41:39records and this is where Alena danan
41:42comes in because she said she's been
41:43taken to the Egypt's Hall of record at
41:46least two times could be three times she
41:50said she was officially taken there once
41:51because she was a a a professional
41:55archaeologist for 20 years and she spent
41:58I can't remember exactly how many years
42:00it was seven years in Egypt maybe longer
42:02than that working in different
42:04archaological sites but she was she said
42:06she was once taken by Ja hav zaas into
42:12an underground chamber and at a certain
42:14point she had to leave but she was taken
42:17by him towards what she felt was the
42:20Hall of Records but that she was taken
42:22at least once I think twice as I recall
42:26by thoran as a child in another time I
42:28think it was 1991 by thoram to the Hall
42:33of Records under the Egyptian
42:40another connection there uh between what
42:43John Charles is experiencing and the
42:49Records under the uh Sphinx in
42:54Egypt so more information about that is
42:58going to be coming out shortly and I'm
43:00going to be doing a lot more research on
43:02this this is going to take another Deep
43:03dive looking at all of these Halls of
43:06Records their connection to the arcs I
43:07might have to do another webinar just to
43:09kind of go deeply into this especially
43:11as the information from Elena and Jean
43:13Charles is dynamic it's happening right
43:15now I'm getting updates all the time and
43:18and trying to put all this into a big
43:21picture is takes AIT quite a bit of work
43:24and connecting it to everything we've
43:25heard so far so this takes me now now to
43:27the big reveal so I'm probably going to
43:29take about another 15 minutes so we're
43:31going to have quite enough time
43:35um the the questions at the end end of
43:38this presentation so now the big reveal
43:41so what is the big reveal this is
43:47arcs start to publicly emerge and
43:51there's no it's no longer a question of
43:53well you know does extra stress real
43:54life exist it's like it's right there in
43:58you so what is the big reveal so this
44:02takes me to the primary function of the
44:04AR and that's a question I received
44:06before the webinar and I thought it was
44:07something I needed to really spell out
44:10because as I understand it there are
44:12four primary functions of these arcs and
44:16I've kind of explained this a little bit
44:19here and there during the presentation
44:20but I want to kind of spell it out in
44:22detail now so there's no confusion so
44:25the first function appears to be one of
44:29evacuation so you provide space Refuge
44:32during times of global catastrophe so
44:35you heard the clip from the Dolores
44:36Cannon the convoluted universe that's an
44:39explanation of how these arcs operate
44:41during a time of catastrophy so will a
44:44solar flash happen a micronova happen
44:46Ben Richardson Cory good have been like
44:49just insistent that solar flash solar
44:52flash micronova that's going to happen
44:54is it going to happen forand information
44:57is no it's not going to happen but it's
44:59like okay like anything we got to be
45:03possibilities so one of the functions of
45:05these arcs is if something like this
45:08happen it would be pretty much as
45:11theoris Canon described it in convoluted
45:13Universe you would have these arcs
45:15appearing all over the Earth it wouldn't
45:16be just one wouldn't be two or three it
45:18would be dozens if not hundreds all over
45:21the plan and people that were ready
45:23would go into these arcs and spend time
45:26in them and and then when the
45:30earth recovered from this cataclysmic
45:34event a solar flash micronova Earth
45:35changes and so forth the ARs would come
45:38back maybe decades maybe hundreds of
45:42later but the people on those arcs would
45:44have experienced only a day or
45:49amazing so planetary evacuation if
45:51nations compete and go to war over
45:53control of arcs this will precipitate a
45:56planetary catastrophe so I think this is
45:58one of the the functions of the arcs
46:04is the interconnectedness of the arcs is
46:09a fundamental part of their mission of
46:11their function because if the different
46:16states go to war for control over these
46:20arcs and that results in a third world
46:23war well clearly that's going to be very
46:27similar to the last days of Atlantis as
46:29described by Plato who said that just
46:34Atlantis was submerged by the great
46:37flood it it was embarking on these wars
46:40of conflict or on these wars of
46:42aggression all over the
46:45world what sparked these atlantian wars
46:47of aggression the Atlantis were probably
46:51similar or were probably in a similar
46:53function or in a similar position to the
46:55United States today the dominant power
46:57on planet Earth they find that there are
46:59these arcs all over the planet so they
47:01La launch these wars of aggression and
47:04that precipitated the planetary
47:07collapse so is that what's going to
47:09happen with Ukraine is that a Herald of
47:12a planetary collapse because it's going
47:14to be a third world war or is this just
47:17kind of like a a show to wake people up
47:20because behind the scenes Russia China
47:29exploration and the scientific
47:32understanding of these arcs as JP has
47:35saying so is that's the question is is
47:39World War III coming or are we going to
47:41have a Great Awakening The Cedars are
47:44part of this Great Awakening they're
47:46working with the Earth
47:48Alliance of course the negative exra
47:51stress ruls have been working with the
47:53Deep State the luciferian
47:55alliance their goal is to create chaos
47:59and create a third world war who's going
48:01to win that is being determined right
48:05now right now we are at the cusp
48:09of a Great Awakening or planetary
48:13disaster and of course we are all here
48:16and I'm sure everyone who is watching
48:18this we are all here because
48:21we incarnated because we want to go
48:24through this planetary Awakening we are
48:28bringing our genetics our higher
48:31Consciousness our styed lineage and
48:33Heritage we're bringing everything we
48:35can to help this planet
48:37evolve so I think this brings us now to
48:40the second function of the ARs because
48:44it doesn't have to be catastrophe
48:45doesn't have to be uh a war the second
48:49function of the ARs a planetary
48:52Awakening a graduation so this is where
48:57humanity is gifted with advanced
49:00technology for a fourth density or fifth
49:04density Earth and joining the galactic
49:08community so this is this is the
49:10scenario that's described in the
49:12Transylvania series I think it's also
49:15part of the prophecy that you have in
49:18the uh Mayan and the Aztec Indians that
49:21the that the builders the star that the
49:23seedar would return and they would usher
49:26in in a new age so this is a time of
49:30Prophecy a time when the return of the
49:37humanity not collapsing in a a global
49:41catastrophe or in a or in a thermal
49:44nuclear war but in an Awakening where
49:48all of these ancient Technologies are
49:50revealed and the Extraterrestrial Cedars
49:54expose themselves and we move into a
49:59golden age so the evolution will be very
50:01very rapid once this happens so this is
50:04I think the second primary function of
50:07these arts and these Halls of Records is
50:10to help us move forward in this
50:13graduation a planetary
50:16graduation so this is why I think it's
50:21important that the information I'm
50:24getting from JP that Russia the United
50:29States China and other countries like
50:32France are cooperating
50:36in exploring and sharing information
50:41from these arcs even though on the
50:42surface there appears to be like you
50:44know never we we seem to be on the verge
50:46of a third world war beneath that there
50:49is this great cooperation because the
50:51Earth Alliance cuz what we're seeing on
50:53the surface is really the Deep State
50:55driven mass media trying to convince us
50:57that we are going to have a third world
50:58war but that's just the Deep State
51:00control over the mass media but in
51:02reality the Earth Alliance they are
51:06ensuring that all of the major nations
51:08are collaborating in sharing information
51:11and access to these arcs so you in the
51:14Atlantic space Arc rescue mission that
51:17is where Russia China and the United
51:21collaborated so in one of my past
51:24webinars the Earth Alliance full
51:25disclosure in the Global Revolution I
51:28talk about the Earth Alliance I talk
51:35them working with white hats within
51:39their respective countries now this
51:41doesn't mean that Trump and Putin and
51:44xiin ping and uh Ned Mii are all good
51:49guys and you know we should love them
51:51because they're working with white you
51:52know they're kind of nationalists they
51:55believe in their countries but they love
51:56their countries each one is truly
51:59dedicated to their country and they
52:04collaborate because they want their
52:06countries to thrive and they understand
52:08that the best way for each of their
52:10countries to thrive is to collaborate
52:13because they know enough that if
52:16you go into a war against one another in
52:20trying to get control of these access of
52:23these Technologies these Advanced
52:25Technologies it'll be plan planetary
52:27chaos so that's why they're
52:28collaborating so the white hats and the
52:30Earth Alliance are collaborating so in
52:32this webinar I talk a lot about that now
52:35this takes me to the third function of
52:37the ARs new homes taking those that
52:40don't vibrationally fit into a 4D 5D
52:44Earth to another 3D World for a new
52:46planetary cycle so just imagine we
52:50do graduate as a planet to the 4D world
52:53or 5D world all of the advanced
52:58shared all of the minions of the
53:01negative extraterrestrial the dark
53:02Alliance of are they lose power
53:07vibrationally the planet is going to be
53:10much more evolved much much higher we're
53:12going to have much more of a love
53:14vibration because this love vibration
53:17this empathy is is natural it's a
53:20natural thing to love people and to be
53:22empathetic and and to support people
53:24that's a natural thing the into the deep
53:27State and the mass media just focus
53:29on getting us to go to war against one
53:33another to dehumanize one another not to
53:35listen to one another to contrive these
53:42but in this High vibration that love
53:45vibration is going to be natural but
53:48those that don't fit in that that want
53:50to fight it out they you know they love
53:52fighting they love war they love
53:54conflict yeah they get a high in attack
53:56attacking people they are going to go to
53:59a 3D World another 3D World so this is
54:02the the splitting off or this this
54:04there'll be a 3D World and this is where
54:06the arcs come in they will take those
54:09that do not vibrationally fit into this
54:114D 5D world that's emerging after the
54:15planetary graduation they're going to
54:17take them off planet to this new world
54:19wherever it is so this brings in this
54:23information that um Elena danan shared
54:27back at the end of 2021 about the cabal
54:30leaders going to Antarctica to surrender
54:32well they did go we know that multiple
54:34sources have talked about the cabal or
54:36the Deep State Minions going to going to
54:38Antarctica to surrender apparently deal
54:41was deals were made they were
54:45given an option of going through the
54:48portal in Antarctica to this new world
54:51in another galaxy where they or in
54:53another solar system where they could
54:55start off again a new a new Ed to a new
54:57Edom Planet but apparently they've
55:01reneged on that so you know they they're
55:04going with their plan a which is to put
55:07everything they can into contriving a a
55:10third world war that's what we're seeing
55:14now this again is the third function new
55:18homes for the planetary Harvest so it's
55:20not necessarily just that those that
55:22don't vibrationally fit in with the uh
55:254D 5 the Earth that are going to be
55:27taken off Planet whether it's through
55:29these uh portals at the different arcs
55:32or whether it's through uh the the space
55:35arcs themselves it's also going to be
55:39the um the star seeds that the ra
55:42material and the the convoluted universe
55:45that both talk about this planetary
55:48Harvest where those that
55:53vibrate not necessarily at a 4D 5D level
55:56vibrate higher at a sixth density or
55:59seventh density or eighth density that
56:01we have beings from sixth seventh eth
56:03density who have incarnated on Earth you
56:06know they for them life in a 4D 5D is
56:10not what they came here for they came
56:12here to help us get to a 4D
56:155D Earth but once that happens they're
56:18going to return to their 6D 7 8D density
56:21homes so this is this described in the
56:23ra material the convoluted universe
56:27um so this is that this is
56:30the this takes us to the fourth function
56:33soorry so the third function was new
56:35homes for those that don't fit in to the
56:37third density new homes for those the
56:39fourth function the fourth function of
56:43the ARs is taking the star Seeds home
56:47do that belong to sixth seventh and
56:54they are going to return home
56:57so this is those that are Star seeds and
57:01they came to Earth for a
57:03mission once Earth graduates they're
57:07going to say Mission accom uh mission
57:10accomplished and they're going to want
57:12to go back so how will Humanity
57:16respond to all of this incredible
57:21is coming out now it's all coming out
57:27through webinars like this through
57:30videos and Revelations of contact uh
57:34Jean Charles Elena danan Alex Kier uh
57:38JP's information my website
57:40exopolitics.org all this information is
57:42coming out from multiple
57:44sources and the thing is how are we
57:46going to respond to all of
57:48this are we going to respond in this
57:52positive way and and have this
57:55incredible awak in I think this
58:00is where we're heading I think we've
58:05point that the Deep State the minions
58:09are doing their utmost to bring
58:12about fear and paranoia over
58:16extraterrestrials I mean just today I
58:18posted an article or posted a tweet to
58:21this article from Britain's
58:27about the extraterrestrials being a
58:30threat according to newly
58:33Declassified documents from the defense
58:35intell from the U uh from the advanced
58:39Aerospace Advanced threat identification
58:41program that were just released they're
58:43just doing a they're just releasing all
58:45this information now depicting ex
58:46treasur as a threat because they want us
58:48to fear exra Treasures they won't don't
58:51want the Cedars to show up they want us
58:53to go down this path of a of a water a
58:56false flag event but the problem is for
59:01that No One Believes their
59:04anymore no one reads the New York Times
59:07or the Washington Post and believes it
59:09no one listens to CNN and believes it
59:11anymore we listen or we watch and we
59:13think what what crap they're
59:16putting out I mean who listens to CNN I
59:18mean I I go to the washing B in the New
59:20York Times now not because I think
59:22they're going to give me the truth I
59:23want to say well how are they spinning
59:24things today and many people are doing
59:27that 20 years ago I was
59:29among I mean 20 years ago the vast
59:33majority of people would have read The
59:34Washington Post in the New York Times
59:36they would have listened to CNN and
59:37would have thought this is the gospel
59:39truth this is what's happening in the
59:40world right now now people tune in and
59:44think what what a load of garbage
59:46because they get their information from
59:47alternative sources such as this such as
59:50this webinar and I'm sure many of you
59:52have your favorite alternative sources
59:54so I think it's a done deal I think we
59:56are going down this path of a planetary
01:00:00Awakening a graduation the cedar are
01:00:03coming back they are surrounding the
01:00:08vibrationally we are rapidly
01:00:11increasing ignore the Deep State
01:00:14propaganda through the mainstream media
01:00:17because the amount of love and
01:00:18compassion that is being shared at the
01:00:20moment around the planet is phenomenal
01:00:23it it is there so I think we are going
01:00:27to go down this path we're going to be
01:00:29welcoming the Extraterrestrial Cedars
01:00:31we're not going to buy into the
01:00:32narrative to depict extraterrestrials
01:00:36as demons or as a threat they're going
01:00:41welcomed we are going to be Awakening as
01:00:45one planetary civilization as all of
01:00:47this history comes out I think the big
01:00:50takeaway is going to be as we learn
01:00:52about Atlantis the true history of
01:00:54Atlantis as we learn about the true
01:00:56of Lura the true history of hyperboria
01:00:59the true history of the inner earth
01:01:01civilizations as we learn all of that
01:01:03the one thing that I think is going to
01:01:06happen is this powerful sense of Oneness
01:01:09that we are one people one civilization
01:01:12one planetary civilization and as that
01:01:18ready to join the galactic
01:01:21community so to get more um what's
01:01:24coming in 2022 and Beyond Beyond um my
01:01:26last webinar I talk about some of the
01:01:29things that I think are are coming down
01:01:31our path so you can get more information
01:01:34about that I've got a bunch of other
01:01:36webinars uh from 20 from last year and
01:01:39and 2020 uh so you so I've got a web
01:01:42page for all of those
01:01:45videos and finally uh my book series
01:01:50book Seven is coming out
01:01:53I've hope a it will come out by early
01:01:58may I think early may we we'll have book
01:02:01Seven out it's going to be focusing on
01:02:04some of the information you've uh been
01:02:06hearing today and go into a lot of
01:02:09detail a lot of documentation about that
01:02:11to bring this to a conclusion I just
01:02:13want to acknowledge my team I want to
01:02:15acknowledge my beautiful wife Angelica I
01:02:18mean Angelica did a fantastic job with
01:02:20the trailer for this webinar she did all
01:02:22the video editing for this so I mean
01:02:24this truly couldn't happen without her
01:02:27Angelica uh Jazz Marlon he looked after
01:02:31the uh chat session and and helped also
01:02:34with the setup of this webinar So This
01:02:37truly is a team effort and and thank you
01:02:39thank you the audience I mean you uh
01:02:43really give me a lot of hope that the
01:02:44world is waking up and I think we are in
01:02:48for an incredible adventure and I really
01:02:50look forward to being part of this
01:02:52adventure with you and and thank you so
01:02:54much for your support and I acknowledge
01:02:56the work you do to promote this
01:02:59information to your communities and to
01:03:02your loved ones and to your families and
01:03:03your workplace so thank you and
01:03:54you have been listening to exopolitics
01:03:56today with Dr Michael Salah please
01:03:59remember to like share and subscribe to
01:04:02this channel join or start a
01:04:04conversation in the comments take the
01:04:07time to explore the vast library of
01:04:09best-selling books webinars and podcast
01:04:12by Dr Salah visit exopolitics today.com