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ET Seeders, Space Arks and the Great Reveal Webinar - Part 2

Michael Salla2024-03-25
9K views|5 months ago
💫 Short Summary

Ancient space arcs with advanced technologies from 24 civilizations are activating on Earth and the moon, revealing hidden knowledge and potential Earth evacuations. Covert missions and collaborations between the US, China, and other nations explore these arcs for advanced technologies and extraterrestrial connections. The activation of space arcs triggers geopolitical tensions, with Russia, the US, and China vying for control. The interconnectedness of these arcs could prevent global catastrophes, leading to a planetary graduation into a new age of advanced technology and unity. The narrative also discusses star seeds, planetary vibrations, and the release of declassified documents on extraterrestrial threats, promoting a shift in information dissemination and a planetary awakening.

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Ancient space arcs with advanced technologies left by 24 civilizations are activating on Earth and the moon.
These arcs serve multiple functions, including being repositories of advanced technologies for future generations.
JP has visited ancient space arcs and participated in covert missions to study extraterrestrial technologies, hieroglyphics, and ancient writing.
US and China cooperated in a mission to explore an ark at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean near the Bermuda Triangle.
JP's experiences provide validation of ancient Phoenician scripts and insights into preparing for potential Earth evacuations.
Ancient Technologies Shared Between US and China.
The US covert branch persuaded China to share ancient technologies from arks and pyramids.
China was granted permission to investigate an ark in the Atlantic, believed to contain advanced pre-flood technologies.
Aztec Mexicans identified familiar inscriptions on an ark, fulfilling their prophecy of the return of gods from 24 ET civilizations.
Lights on the ark were activated by specific individuals upon arrival, suggesting interactive responses.
Activation of ARs based on genetics and portal in the Atlantic Arc.
Soldiers from the Moon Arc rescued through the portal in the Atlantic Arc.
Various ARCs around the world mentioned, including Ukraine and White Sands, New Mexico.
Impact of White Sands ARC on vegetation due to radiation.
Similar phenomena observed in Brazil's Kalas Noas State Park, suggesting buried ARCs worldwide.
Mysterious radioactive heat causing significant ice melt in East Antarctica.
Record-breaking temperatures in the region indicate a fundamental shift.
Extraterrestrial technologies, not submerged volcanoes, believed to be the cause.
Lake VTO central to the heat wave, home to a large Russian Antarctic base.
Geopolitical significance added to the situation due to the Russian Antarctic base.
Claims of extraterrestrial contact and a secret space program at Lake Vosto.
Jean Charles Moen and David Rouso provide testimony about a French secret space program collaborating with the US and extraterrestrials.
Moen describes encountering a purified structure with beings and a luminous sphere emitting heat.
JP's similar experience in Antarctica strengthens the credibility of Moen's testimony.
Encounter with Beings in Stasis at Bostok Ark
Jean Charles finds tubes with beings in stasis, triggered by his presence.
A tall being in a blue suit with a constellation symbol is described.
Alena Dan confirms visiting the Bostok Ark with Jean Charles, revealing a complex of halls, temples, and a pyramid generator.
Russia controls access to the VTO Ark, with connections to Ukraine, the Atlantic, and Bostok Ark.
Activation of space arcs in Antarctica reveals a quantum entanglement of global powers.
ARs serve as repositories of ancient knowledge, with hidden Halls of Records storing vital information.
Incarnated humans on Earth are awakening the technology within these ARs.
Revival of sleeping giants embedded within the ARs is triggered by this awakening.
This information provides a deeper understanding of geopolitical tensions and potential impact on humanity's future.
Awakening of Sleeping Giants and Activation of Ancient Technology.
Mention of removal of negative extraterrestrial factions and deep state minions, leading to revelation of hidden wisdom to humanity.
Discovery of a Hall of Records in the mountains of Romania and its connection to NATO's Eastwood expansion.
Shift towards a golden age as humanity steps into sovereignty and uncovers long-hidden knowledge.
Exploration of hidden technologies and historical records through NATO expansion.
Transylvania Sunrise book series explores ancient history, external technology, and spiritual information.
Hall of Records contains holographic records of historical events, revealing humanity's true history.
Advanced extraterrestrial civilizations from a distant galaxy built the records, separate from US agreements.
The Intergalactic Confederation and its connection to Earth's key sites.
The Ark in Antarctica, the Sphinx, and the Egyptian Hall of Records are linked in some way.
Alena Danan, a professional archaeologist, has been taken to the Hall of Records multiple times.
Ongoing research will delve into the connection between the Halls of Records and the Arks.
The process involves significant work to connect all gathered information for future updates and a webinar.
The primary functions of ARCs in planetary evacuation during global catastrophes are highlighted.
Competition for control of ARCs among nations could lead to a planetary catastrophe reminiscent of the last days of Atlantis.
The interconnectedness of ARCs is emphasized as essential to prevent conflicts that could spark a third world war.
Current events, such as the situation in Ukraine, are discussed in relation to being a precursor to a planetary collapse or a wake-up call for global powers.
Collaboration between major nations in exploring and sharing information from mysterious arcs.
The Earth Alliance works behind the scenes to ensure cooperation and access to these arcs.
Nations like Russia, China, and the United States collaborate on space arc rescue missions.
The goal of the Earth Alliance is to prevent global catastrophes and guide humanity towards advanced technology and joining the galactic community.
Global leaders collaborate to prevent global chaos and value nationalism.
The 'white hats' and Earth Alliance work together for a more loving world.
Those resisting love and empathy will remain in a 3D world.
Cabal leaders choose conflict over surrender to a new world, potentially leading to a third world war.
Talks about the idea of new homes for those not fitting into the higher vibrational Earth.
Star seeds returning home to higher vibrating densities once Earth reaches 4D 5D, indicating a planetary harvest for those at 6D, 7D, or 8D.
Emphasis on the mission of star seeds on Earth and humanity's response to this information.
Declassified documents portraying extraterrestrials as a threat released to instill fear and manipulate public perception.
Highlighted skepticism towards mainstream media sources like CNN, New York Times, and Washington Post, suggesting a shift in information reception and processing.
Speaker discusses the importance of seeking information from alternative sources and predicts a planetary awakening.
Speaker hints at welcoming extraterrestrial beings as part of a unified civilization and mentions upcoming events in 2022.
Speaker expresses gratitude towards team, wife, and audience for their support in spreading information and promoting unity.
Speaker looks forward to the future and upcoming adventures, including the release of his book series.
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