00:00now I've made a lot of videos on the
00:01laziest ways to make money online but
00:04today I need to confess something I have
00:06never shared one of the truly laziest
00:08ways of making money online which is
00:10taking advantage of one of the biggest
00:12revolutions happening right now it's a
00:14strategy where you don't even have to do
00:16all the work yourself all you have to do
00:18is make the right decisions like a CEO
00:21or manager and then sit back and watch
00:23the majority of the work be done for you
00:25now the true laziest way of making money
00:28online right now is by using artificial
00:31intelligence or Ai and one of the
00:33biggest AI tools that's out there right
00:35now is chat GPT now if you're not
00:37familiar with chat GPT it's essentially
00:39an AI writing tool that has the
00:41capability to think and write similar to
00:44how a human would that essentially means
00:46you have a talented worker which in the
00:48past would have costed thousands of
00:49dollars per month to put on payroll for
00:51you at all hours of the day ready to
00:53produce for you in a matter of seconds
00:55whatever you want now what's really
00:57surprising to me is that a lot of people
00:59might have heard about chat GPT but
01:01they're not actually using it to make
01:03money online but if you're watching this
01:05video right now you're in the right
01:06place I'm going to give you nine
01:08different ways that you can use chat GPT
01:10to potentially make money online now I
01:12do have to give a little disclaimer even
01:14though these methods are what I would
01:16consider to be lazy or even fun at times
01:18they aren't going to necessarily be
01:20quick meaning that you're not going to
01:22make $500 overnight or even in a couple
01:24nights these are strategies that might
01:26take a couple months to start seeing
01:28results but trust me it's so worth it
01:30and while I can't guarantee these
01:31strategies will work for you what I can
01:33guarantee is that these are the same
01:35exact strategies that both myself and a
01:37lot of my successful students are now
01:39implementing into their businesses to
01:41make a lot of money so the first way of
01:43making money online with chat GPT is
01:46affiliate marketing affiliate marketing
01:48in my opinion is the laziest way of
01:50making money online and when you pair
01:52that with an incredibly lazy way of
01:54generating a lot of the content that's
01:56required to do successful affiliate
01:58marketing it can just be a match made in
01:59Heaven affiliate marketing is a system
02:01of marketing where you advertise another
02:03company's product and then you get paid
02:05a percentage of every single sale that
02:07you refer Now setting up your very own
02:09affiliate marketing system is pretty
02:11easy in the sense that you don't have to
02:13go out there and create a product and
02:14create the whole infrastructure behind
02:16the back end of that product instead all
02:18you simply have to do is drive the
02:21traffic now I'm going to show you
02:22exactly how to set up your own system
02:24step by step one of the best ways of
02:26driving traffic is to have your very own
02:28website now the past when it came to
02:30making a website you'd have to hire a
02:32team of writers to make the content for
02:34you or spend all day and night writing
02:36the content yourself nowadays the
02:38hardest part that goes into running a
02:40website which is writing the content can
02:42be done for you by tools like chat GPT
02:45now the first step with doing this is to
02:47choose a niche a niche is an already
02:49established industry that has a lot of
02:51potential customers in it examples of
02:53different niches include Fitness Kitchen
02:55products shoes or other similar items
02:57that are out there say for example that
02:59I picked shoes so in order to implement
03:01this strategy I would create a blog
03:04around different shoes in order to
03:06create your blog there's so many
03:07different platforms out there to choose
03:08from for example WordPress web flow and
03:11a myriad of different other ones and you
03:13can get set up with your very own blog
03:14literally within an hour or two but then
03:16once you have that Blog the way that
03:18we're going to drive traffic to it and
03:20then eventually to affiliate products is
03:22by writing articles on some of the most
03:24searched questions and queries that
03:26people have related to your niche in
03:28this example we're using shoes now most
03:30people when they're looking for a pair
03:31of shoes to buy they're going to be
03:32searching the pros and cons between
03:34different shoes and sometimes they're
03:35looking for top 10 lists for example the
03:37top 10 best football shoes or the top 10
03:40running shoes all these people not only
03:42are looking for the right shoe to buy
03:44but more importantly they're looking for
03:45advice now here's where chat GPT comes
03:48into making this incredibly easy and
03:50lazy for you what you can do is
03:52literally ask chat GPT give me 50
03:54different ideas for articles for a shoe
03:57Blog then you'll get those ideas I would
03:58recommend searching a a couple of them
04:00to make sure that there's demand for
04:02those particular subjects now let's say
04:03it gives you an idea to write about a
04:05particular shoe like a new balance 9.92
04:08then all you have to do is plug into
04:09chat GPT write me a 2,000-word article
04:12of all the pros and cons the features
04:14and anything else that's important about
04:17the New Balance 992 and chat jpt will
04:20literally write a complete article for
04:22you that then you can post on your
04:24website now prior to posting I do
04:26recommend running your article through a
04:28website called copyscape this just
04:30ensures that it's 100% unique and you
04:32won't face any copyright problems now
04:34you can go in and edit little parts or
04:35even better yet have chat jpt edit those
04:38parts for you if you do have any matches
04:40on copyright then the way that you're
04:41going to make money doing this is
04:42throughout the article insert links to
04:45whatever shoes that you talked about for
04:46example those New Balance 992s you could
04:48sign up for the Amazon affiliate program
04:50find that particular shoe put the link
04:52throughout your website in the form of
04:54buttons and links and then when people
04:55click those links and buy the shoe boom
04:57you get a commission all you literally
04:59need to do this is maybe an hour to set
05:00up your website and less than an hour
05:02daily to write tons of content that you
05:04can just keep pushing out there now a
05:06quick bonus tip to make as much money as
05:08possible with affiliate marketing is to
05:10partner with a high payout partner
05:12product the bad thing about marketing
05:14things like shoes from places like the
05:16Amazon affiliate program is that you're
05:17only going to be making a couple dollars
05:19per sale because they have to actually
05:21fulfill that order and there's so many
05:22costs that goes into running Amazon
05:24whereas if you partner with a high
05:26payout partner product especially a
05:28digital product meaning that there's no
05:30fulfillment fees whatsoever and the
05:32customer gets their product instantly
05:34these can be things like online courses
05:36or ebooks then the potential is there of
05:38making a lot of money for example I have
05:40my course in community tube Mastery
05:42monetization on the digistore 24
05:45affiliate Network so when people sign up
05:47to that website to promote my course for
05:49$1,000 then they get $500 of each sale
05:52cuz we give them a 50% commission and to
05:55date we've paid out over $600,000 to
05:58Affiliates worldwide meth method number
05:59two for making money online with chat
06:02GPT is to run faceless YouTube channels
06:05now I have a student named Ki who
06:07actually does this and makes around
06:09$10,000 per month and his YouTube
06:11channel he never shows his face he never
06:13steps in front of a camera and he's
06:14never even recorded his voice yet he's
06:17making 10 grand a month now his channel
06:19makes a little bit of money from ad
06:21Revenue but the majority of income is
06:23from promoting affiliate products namely
06:26products like software which can be
06:27great especially if you get a monthly
06:29recurring commission off of that
06:31software as well as high ticket digital
06:33products like I mentioned earlier where
06:35you make $500 or more per sale and he's
06:38actually an affiliate for my course so
06:40we pay him every single time he gets a
06:42sale for it and all he does on his
06:43channel is talk about the best software
06:45and tools in a particular Niche and how
06:48to use them correctly in order to
06:50accomplish certain things he scripts his
06:52videos mainly using chat GPT and he even
06:54uses other AI tools like 11 labs in
06:57order to do a voiceover on his his
06:59videos that sounds very human and he
07:01uses pictory for generating a lot of his
07:03videos using AI method number three is
07:06email writing every single company in
07:08the world that has an email list needs
07:10to send emails to that list in order to
07:12do things like give their customers
07:14value and eventually sell their
07:15customers their different products it's
07:17a very timec consuming task to actually
07:19sit there and write emails yourself and
07:21schedule them out so a lot of companies
07:22go ahead and hire Freelancers in order
07:24to write these emails for them now think
07:26about the fact that you could have 20
07:28different clients pain you $1,000 per
07:30month each to write a daily email for
07:32their brand promoting their products or
07:34anything else that they request and the
07:36brilliant thing is that you can use chat
07:38GPT to write these emails for you by
07:41just plugging in a prompt like write me
07:42a 500w email promoting my course and
07:45Community Tobe Mastery and monetization
07:47which teaches people how to make money
07:48online running faceless YouTube channels
07:51and chat GPT will literally write an
07:53entire email for you it'll even give you
07:55subject lines that you can also use for
07:57your client emails and if you have 20
07:58clients paying you a 1,000 bucks a month
08:01$20,000 per month and you literally just
08:03have to spend a couple hours per day or
08:06even better yet you could batch that
08:07time into a couple hours per week to
08:09write all of your emails for you that
08:11then you can give to your clients who
08:13pay you money you can literally create
08:15thousands of emails in the course of a
08:17couple hours by using this tool and
08:18let's say one of your clients didn't
08:20like a particular email that you gave
08:21them you can literally just go back to
08:23chat jpt and give them the same exact
08:26feedback that they gave you and you can
08:27say for example please re write this
08:29email but use more of a light and fun
08:31tone and it'll literally do that for you
08:33now in order to sell your email Services
08:35what you can do is reach out to
08:37different clients and you can use chat
08:38GPT to write your emails for you for
08:41proposing to potential clients you can
08:42reach out to them on email Instagram DMS
08:44or anywhere else that they are online
08:46and you can also advertise your services
08:48on places like Fiverr or upor method
08:50number four of making money online using
08:52chat jpt is by running a Twitter account
08:55Twitter or as it's called now X is a
08:57brand new way of making money online
08:59that not a lot of people are doing this
09:01is good news for you and me because we
09:03can then have an edge here's how you do
09:05it step number one is to create an
09:07account on Twitter this can be related
09:08to any different Niche that's out there
09:10but some of the best ones can include
09:11Fitness self-improvement history
09:14education finances or money or anything
09:16else that you're interested in and a lot
09:18of other people are as well and that can
09:20be evidenced if you find accounts with
09:22over 100,000 followers that get a lot of
09:24likes on their posts here's a few
09:25example accounts so you can get an idea
09:27of what I'm talking about these are
09:28examp examples of accounts that are
09:30faceless but they post a lot of
09:31interesting threads and content within
09:33their niches according to new policy
09:35Twitter is now paying creators anywhere
09:37from $100 to $110,000 per month and the
09:40way they're able to do this is by
09:42collecting money from advertisers and
09:44then they give you some of that ad
09:46revenue and they say this is going to
09:47continue as X continues to grow so how
09:50do you do this without endless amounts
09:52of researching and posting content
09:54yourself well the answer is simple and
09:56that is by using chat GPT let's make a
09:58Twitter account to together related to
10:00fashion for example so I can show you
10:02exactly how to potentially do this the
10:04first step is asking chat jpt to write
10:07me a thread on how to pick the right
10:09suit and boom literally within a couple
10:10seconds we have an entire thread that we
10:12can post on our Twitter account and for
10:14example I could tell chat PT to write me
10:16a tweet on bad fashion opinions or I can
10:19even tell chat BT write me a hundred
10:22different tweets about whatever subject
10:24we want related to fashion and the more
10:26you do this the more creative you'll get
10:27and the more ideas you'll get for
10:29prompts in order for chat jp2 to
10:31generate content for you and it's 100%
10:34possible to grow on Twitter right now
10:35there's all kinds of accounts that are
10:36growing from 0 to 5,000 followers
10:39literally within a month or a couple
10:40months just by posting daily content and
10:43you can literally do this within 20 to
10:4430 minutes per day say you take 15
10:46minutes to write new tweets and threads
10:48that you can post on your account and
10:50then 5 or 10 minutes of just randomly
10:52commenting on other big Pages within
10:54your Niche and people will then engage
10:55with you and you can gain followers as
10:57well once your page gets a lot of
10:58impress questions you'll be eligible for
11:00that X Revenue share that being said I
11:02believe you can make a lot more money by
11:04doing things like affiliate marketing
11:06with your Twitter account by putting an
11:07affiliate link ideally to a high payout
11:10partner product that's a digital product
11:12within the link in bio of your account
11:14method number five is translation
11:16services every single day there's
11:18thousands of people who want to get
11:20content translated whether it be YouTube
11:22scripts blog articles or anything else
11:24and they go to platforms like upwork and
11:26Fiverr in order to hire people to do
11:28this for them now I personally am one of
11:30these clients who pays people to
11:32translate my videos into a variety of
11:34different languages namely the scripts
11:35from my videos and I pay people about
11:37$40 to $50 per 10minute video that they
11:40translate if you were to translate two
11:42videos per day boom that's $100 per day
11:45by the rates that I gave you there's a
11:46lot of clients and companies that pay a
11:48lot more for this as well all you do is
11:50take the content that your client gives
11:51you put it into chat GPT and ask it to
11:54translate it to whatever the desired
11:56language is and let's say it's a video
11:58that they want translated then all you
12:00have to do is go to for example if that
12:02video is on YouTube you can open up the
12:04transcript of that YouTube video
12:06directly on the platform paste that
12:08transcript into chat GPT it'll translate
12:10it for you in literally just a minute
12:12method number six is being a resumé
12:14Creator a lot of people want to get
12:16their resumés made fast so they can get
12:18a job but not many people know how to do
12:20it how to format it correctly and
12:21everything that goes into it and I know
12:23at this point you're probably asking
12:24Matt why wouldn't these people just use
12:26chat gbt themselves to write their res
12:29am for them and the reason being is
12:30simple not many people know that chat
12:32GPT even exists or there's literally
12:35companies paying people hundreds of
12:36thousands of dollars per year to be
12:38what's called an AI prompt writer and
12:41essentially that means you just need to
12:43know the right things to ask chat GPT to
12:46do the work for you and that's
12:47essentially what you're doing when
12:48you're creating people's resumés they're
12:50basically hiring you to be one of those
12:52prompt writers now the average price for
12:54writing a resume on places like upwork
12:56is about $200 per resume boom you're
12:59making $400 per day now here's how to
13:01write a very impressive resume using
13:04just chat GPT the first tip is to give
13:06chat GPT as long and as detailed of a
13:09prompt as possible this means giving it
13:11as many specifics as possible so for
13:14example if a client comes to you and
13:15they say I have this experience working
13:17here this experience working here make
13:18sure to put all of that into the prompt
13:21that you give chat GPT and then tell
13:22chat GPT the tone of the resume that you
13:25want for example you can say make it
13:27professional make it engaging and then
13:29put in all of those specific details and
13:31then the second tip is to actually give
13:32chat GPT a specific template and then
13:35say model this res based off of this
13:38template you can literally just go to
13:39Google type in professional resumé
13:41templates find some of the best ones
13:43literally just copy paste those into
13:44chat GPT and then put in that whole long
13:47prompt along with that saying make it
13:49based off of this template put in all of
13:51these specifics and literally within
13:53seconds after doing that you'll get a
13:55super detailed resume and as you can
13:56tell you're not just limited to RS think
13:58about how many different types of
14:00templates and content and writing that
14:02you can potentially generate using tools
14:05like chat GPT and this can either be for
14:07other clients or even for yourself like
14:09for example let's say you're making an
14:10upwork account you can ask chat GPT to
14:13write your account details for you and
14:15you can write your very own resume in
14:17order to get clients yourself as well
14:19method number seven of making money
14:21online using chat GPT is to write
14:23product descriptions so there's so many
14:25different e-commerce products out there
14:27whether it be Amazon list listings
14:29Shopify listings or anything else and
14:31they need descriptions for their
14:33products that describe exactly what
14:35they're selling and all of the features
14:37that go along with that chat GPT will
14:39literally do the work of five different
14:41writers in less than half the time let's
14:43say for example that I landed a client
14:45that wants me to write a product
14:46description for a particular perfume
14:49here's the exact prompt that I would
14:50write write me a product description for
14:52a male perfume in less than 300 words
14:55the perfume has a citrusy fragrance that
14:57is perfect for for summer the bottle is
14:59Orange it's very affordable make sure to
15:02keep the tone of this writing very sharp
15:03and luxurious and use unique words and
15:06evocative adjectives and as you can see
15:09chat BT will then write me an incredibly
15:11specific description based on exactly
15:14what I asked it to and the sky the limit
15:16here because based on the product you
15:17can even have it write more specific
15:19descriptions if you wanted and if you
15:21wrote 20 to 40 different product
15:23descriptions per day and remember you
15:24can sell a lot of these in bulk as well
15:26and they go from anywhere between five
15:28$15 per description boom that's $200 to
15:31$500 per day method number eight is by
15:34creating digital products using chat GPT
15:37digital products are really trendy right
15:39now and these can be things like online
15:41courses ebooks guides and you can sell
15:43these products on places like
15:44digistore24 comom ClickBank and if we go
15:47to a Marketplace of people selling these
15:49products like for example gumroad you
15:51can see that people are selling
15:52everything from notion templates to
15:54photo presets to detailed guides on any
15:57subject that you can possibly think of
15:59and you can easily make your very own
16:01guide that can sell at all hours of the
16:02day no fulfillment cost required because
16:04it's a digital product using chat GPT
16:07the best way to start your research is
16:08to go onto places like gumroad and see
16:11what people are selling and see how many
16:13reviews that a particular product has if
16:15it has over 1,000 reviews that tells you
16:17a lot of people are interested in this
16:19particular Niche and if you can find
16:21something that aligns with your own
16:22interest as well that's even better and
16:24once you've researched that then it's
16:25time to come up with a general design
16:27for your digital product you can ask
16:29yourself questions like how many
16:30sections should it be should it be on
16:32notion or notepad or should it just be a
16:34PDF file and then you can actually start
16:36writing the different sections of it an
16:38example of a digital product that sold a
16:40lot of copies is this one right here
16:42which is personalized meal plans for
16:44people and they charge $300 for this
16:47it's simply a guide to plan your diet
16:48for optimal results as you can see when
16:51we look at this product it's got 64
16:53different ratings and if each person
16:54paid the $299 price that left a rating
16:57that means it's made at least minimum
17:00$20,000 for this digital product alone
17:03and remember not everybody who buys
17:05actually ends up leaving a review and
17:07they even charge more if you want
17:08different extras added on to that so
17:10they've probably made anywhere from 20
17:12to $50,000 from this product alone and
17:16as you can see there's a whole
17:17description about the product and guess
17:18what you can use chat GPT to generate
17:20that for you and then when somebody buys
17:22this personalized meal plan you can use
17:24chat GPT to write them a personalized
17:26meal plan based on whatever they tell
17:28you about themselves and their goals for
17:30example let's say someone's a vegetarian
17:32and they want to lose weight and after
17:34they buy your digital product on gumroad
17:36you ask them a couple questions for
17:37example how old are you how tall are you
17:39how much do you weigh is there any
17:40considerations we should take into
17:42account and they'll give you all of that
17:43information along with the fact maybe
17:45they're vegetarian and then you can go
17:47in to Chach BT give it all of that
17:49information and their goals and then
17:50it'll write a complete personalized meal
17:53plan for them then you can take this
17:55text paste it into a Google Document and
17:57then export that doc doucment as a PDF
17:59and boom give it to them boom you made
18:01$300 and given them a lot of value as
18:03well now that's a personalized digital
18:05product but I would actually recommend
18:07doing one that could sell for anybody
18:09where you sell the same exact thing for
18:11example with my online course that
18:13teaches people how to grow on YouTube I
18:14sell that same exact course to multiple
18:17people and I don't have to make it
18:18personalized for each of them but we go
18:20ahead and give them even more value by
18:22offering a Facebook group that goes with
18:24the online course so that we can answer
18:26any questions they have along the way as
18:27well and something that I see a lot of
18:29people doing who sell digital products
18:31on places like gumroad is they combine
18:32running a Twitter account with their
18:34gumroad digital product and they drive
18:36that Twitter traffic over to that
18:38product I've seen multiple people making
18:40tens of thousands of dollars per month
18:41doing exactly this plus if you want to
18:43take it to even the next level you could
18:45use faceless YouTube channels like we
18:47talked about earlier to drive a ton of
18:49traffic for you at all hours of the day
18:51and you can just rinse and repeat this
18:53process finding unique problems and
18:54challenges that people are having
18:56solving those creating digital products
18:57and using using chat gbt to Aid you in
19:00creating these products and then selling
19:02them giving value to people because
19:03remember the money you make is
19:05corresponded to the amount of value that
19:07you end up giving to the marketplace
19:09method number nine of making money with
19:11chat GPT is by being what's called a
19:13prompt expert right now writing content
19:16is easy chat GPT has basically made it
19:19simple to write tons of content that
19:20being said now companies have an even
19:23bigger problem they don't know what to
19:25write about they don't know what to
19:26focus on chat GPT is absolutely
19:29incredible as we've gone over throughout
19:31this video but it does need a lot of
19:33Specific Instructions to feed it to get
19:35the right data back this has led to the
19:37birth of a brand new job which is known
19:39as a prompt expert companies need people
19:42to do research to know the exact prompts
19:44to give to tools like chat GPT so they
19:46can get the best results if you do any
19:48of these methods that we went over
19:50throughout this video you're going to
19:52eventually get better and better at
19:54giving chat GPT the right prompts and
19:56you'll get more creative with this
19:57process and if you do this for just one
19:59hour a day for a few weeks your skills
20:01will improve dramatically and you'll be
20:03what I would consider a prompt expert
20:06now how can you take this to your
20:07advantage and make money from this well
20:09for example you can actually sell what
20:11are known as chat GPT prompts on places
20:14like gumroad or other places where you
20:16can sell affiliate products and people
20:17can buy these so they know exactly what
20:19to ask chat GPT themselves and also
20:22there's literally companies hiring for
20:24this exact position of a prompt writer
20:26and I think even more companies are
20:27going to need this in the future as time
20:29goes on because as you solve one problem
20:31more problems are created and this
20:33creates whole new opportunities with the
20:35internet and chat GPT in particular and
20:38there's prompt experts also known as
20:40prompt Engineers who are making hundreds
20:42of thousands of dollars per year doing
20:44this the best way to do this is to start
20:46with any of the methods that we went
20:47over throughout this video and this will
20:49help you build your skills and it'll
20:50also be great for your own resume if you
20:52ever wanted to get a job related to this
20:55now if I had to pick a best method out
20:57of all all of these for making money
20:59online with chat GPT it would be to
21:01combine affiliate marketing with a high
21:03payout partner product with running
21:05faceless YouTube channels or even
21:07YouTube channels where you do show your
21:09face like I'm doing right here with my
21:10personal Channel I run faceless channels
21:12and my own personal Channel very
21:14successfully and if you combine these
21:16two lazy methods together it's like a
21:18match made in heaven and you can
21:19potentially make a lot of money if
21:21you're new here welcome my name is Matt
21:23and my whole channel here is dedicated
21:25to helping you make more money with less
21:27work by doing smart work that can yield
21:29huge results over time now feel free to
21:32check out this video right here which
21:33shows exactly how to make money on
21:35YouTube without making videos this video
21:37right here is essentially a completely
21:39free course that goes over exactly how
21:41to do this step by step check it out
21:43it's one of the best videos that I've
21:44ever made you'll get a ton of value from
21:46it thanks for watching my name is Matt
21:47par and I'll see you there